Princess of Asgard

By belleblossom123

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'They may have always been my enemy, but I became their worst nightmare' We all know Asgards famous prince's... More

Princess of Asgard
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note

Chapter 7

826 11 1
By belleblossom123




I was creeping around the tree behind where Loki was sat, Thor was behind another one nearby, I went to go and scare him.

"Really, you two need to try a lot harder than that to sneak up on some one, I have been listening to you for nearly 10 minutes now."

"Uhh," I groaned as I skipped round the tree and sat crossed legs to Loki's left as he still lay resting his back against the tree legs stretched out and he was around half way through his book which he had not taken his eyes off.

"Come and play with us," I pleaded as Thor was picking leaves off the branches above him and was throwing them at Loki none of them going close.

"Why must I play your childish games," Loki asked as he licked his finger and turned a page he still has not looked away from yet.

"Because it is fun and we are bored," I pleaded.

"Just entertain yourselves or are you two incapable of doing anything with out me," he replied monotonal voice.

I was getting slightly annoyed at him and Thor who was still trying to throw a leaf him so I flicked my wrist which sent the leaf flying towards Loki and fell in his book.

Simple air manipulation I thought to myself.

Loki finally looked up at me and slammed his book shut leaving the leaf inside.

"Well, now you have just left that in your book," Thor said smirking.

"Or have I," Loki grinned in his mischievous way.

I felt something touch my head just as the leaf had magically found its way on it. I grabbed it and looked up at Loki amazed he just smirked as he let his book disappear and stood up to hold a hand out for me.

"Well, where are we going," he said expectantly.

"Lets go to the field by my swing," I grabbed Loki's hand to stand up as he suddenly let go making me fall back down.

"Really brother," Thor moaned.

"Ha, ha," I said sarcastically as Loki picked me up and chucked me on Thor's back making him roll his eyes as now he was giving me a piggy back ride.

"Your right this is fun," Loki said in a comedic voice walking off to our destination.


"Looks like your losing brother," Loki yelled as he swung the bat towards the ball hitting it straight through his posts.

"Ha, I win you suck brother."

Clap, clap, clap

My brothers turned round to see their little sister giving Loki the most sarcastic round of applause, he had a big smile plastered on his face at the fact that he destroyed his brother whereas Thor looked as if he was about to murder someone, most likely Loki.

The field is the most bonnie of green blankets graced with clover. Upon a hill lay our father's oldest tree, its leaves are as the most ancient of green eyes, open to the sunny rays each so bold and shy, glossy and humble, as only nature can be. The branches reach their limbs towards the sky as one held on tightly to the aging ropes of a young princesses swing.

"So ..... When can I play," I asked as I jumped of the swing and ran down the hill.

"We will play one more round then you can join," Thor replied out of breath.

"Awww scared our little sister will beat you," Loki responded with a smirk tugging on his lips.

"But you have been playing for ages and I am bored," I whined.

"Fine, we will do one more short round, then you can join. If your really that bored you can collect the ball if to goes to far," Thor said as he walked back getting ready to destroy his brother.

Loki noticed this and decided to annoy both of his siblings at once, he picked up the ball throwing it up in the air and swinging his bat at it sending it flying towards the woods at the other side of the tree.

"LOKI!" we both shouted.

"Oops," he replied satisfied with our reaction "Well Kie ... I thought it was your job to get the ball."

"WHAT ... You just threw it like miles away I am not getting that," I yelled frowning and crossing my arms, I was not going to let him win this one.

"Fine, guess we are done for tonight," Loki responded staring down at me.

"Ok I will go, but you two have to play with me after," I spun around on my heel marching towards the forest that we weren't allowed in.

"Really brother did you have to do that," Thor shifted his weight onto his other leg and also crossed his arms the same way I just did.

"Just a bit of fun," Loki responded as he turned to face the way I was walking.

"Well, when she gets eaten by a bilge snipe I will blame it on you," Thor said simply and Loki rolled his eyes.

"God why do I have the most irritating brothers seriously, AND I am stuck with being the youngest SO NOT FAIR", I muttered to myself as I found my way quite quickly to the forests edge.

It went from a couple of trees to a dense dark forest within a few steps. The dark woods, that community of heaven-spun trees, sleep and dream of the night.

It seemed silent ... eerily silent.

I knew I wasn't supposed to be here alone and it seems as if the ominous trees did too, they stood staring me down like a predator scouting out its best meal. The bushes remained too still for my liking. I glanced back to look at my brothers for reassurance, but they were merely a red and green dot in the distance.

I looked around for a few minutes not finding the ball, honestly why did I even bother. I sighed about to give up when the once silent forest whispered to me.

'I have gone mad,' I muttered to myself.

As I turned back around ready to give up my head whipped back around at the sound of a snapping twig behind me, a small wooden ball rolled towards me and hit the end of my foot.

I slowly raised my head up to see a large dark bush that covered the base of a looming tree.

"H-hello," I spoke quietly to the deathly silent forest.

"Hello again Princess," a voice spat as it walked out slowly from behind the tree.

"I think you dropped that," the figure had a deep voice, clear sense of alcohol lingered around him.

I froze to the spot I was going to turn to run or shout or do something to get my brothers attention, but I was cut off.

"I would not do that little Odindottir," he spoke coldly his words harsh against a cool breeze that whipped past my face.

"We do not want them getting in the way now do we," he took a step forward sensing my fear.

"What do you want," I managed to squeak out slowly backing up.

I could hear my heart pounding in my chest.

"I came to finish my job little one," he slowly stepped towards me, still in the darkness of the woods.

"You see you ruined my life," he said his voice coarse and cold.

"I had everything a life, a family, purpose."

"What," I spoke quietly now confused.

"Oh my princess you are truly innocent to the darkness and treachery of this world, there is more to Asgard than its golden city and royalty, there are dark places and other groups that live among you hidden in the shadows," he now stepped forward allowing a beam of light to shine on his face showing an unmissable detail.

"Ferguson," I stammered.

I was now trying to send Loki a message telepathically, but my adrenaline was through the roof I couldn't concentrate.

"Well done princess," he was slowly pulling a sword out from a belt round his waist which was holding up a scruffy black tunic with matching trousers and thin chain mail armour hung over is shoulders. Clearly he had been living rough for a while.

"You see little one now as I failed my mission in capturing you and leaving Calder to be killed I was banished, I lost my home, family, status it is not even like I could come back to my fake role of being on the council thanks to you and your brothers," his voice raised slightly.

But I saw pain and sadness in his eyes even though I was nearly kidnapped by him I still felt pity for him. I quickly snapped out of it as Ferguson charged at me, his sword raised in the air ready to swing and kill me.

"Stop please," I begged like that would do anything I said in my head.

Almost instinctively I held my two hands up shielding my face as a huge gust of wind sent Ferguson flying into a tree.

"Looks like you have grown stronger in the past few months even more reason why we want you," he yelled now acting on rage.

"What do you mean we and banished from where," I asked trying to sound confident.

"So many questions, but you will be to dead to tell the answers too," he had now recovered from his fall and was charging at me again until something stopped his sword from piercing my skin.

A bat.

"KIARA GO NOW!" I heard Thor yell as I felt a familiar pair of arms grab me and patted me down for injuries.

"Are you alright, did he hurt you," Loki was frantically looking me up and down for a sign of blood whilst he kept glancing to Thor who surprisingly was fairing quite well against the drunken ex lord.

I couldn't get the words out but nodded and Loki seemed to get the message that I was unhurt as we turned to see Thor now knocked on the floor his bat was out of reach and a sword held against his neck.

"Guess I will have you end all of you tonight," he pulled his sword back about to step Thor in his heart.

"NOOOOO!" Loki and I screamed as fire formed in my hands and shot out at Ferguson sending him flying back towards the direction of the tree he had previously come out off.

No one said a word it was silent except for the heaving breathing from all three of us.

Had I killed him ... No I can't of ... I don't want to be a murder ... Since when could I create fire...

Thor slowly stood up as me and Loki cautiously headed over to him looking in the direction of the man collapsed on the ground. We then walked over to Ferguson carefully, Thor and Loki side by side as they held their hands back signalling for me to say behind them which I had no problem with.

He seemed quiet and still.

Until he slowly raised his head up grabbing his sword and stumbling as he got up.

"Stay back," I heard Thor yell but everything happened so fast I barely registered what anyone was saying.

The man smirked as he threw his sword directly at Thor only to have Loki throw a dagger at it making it change its course to stab the grass instead of Thor's skin.

Ferguson then rolled his eyes and began to head towards us as I instinctively moved my hand flicking my wrist in the direction of him forming a large sharp icicle which shot at him with incredible speed stabbing him right through his heart and piercing the tree behind him.


Blood trickled down him.

I felt something I had never felt before, my hands quickly covered my mouth in shock as I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me in the other came around my front holding my face into his chest.

"It is alright," I heard Thor whisper into my ear.

"I-I I killed him," I stammered barely getting my words out as I felt Thor's tunic slowly dampening due to the mass amount of tears coming out from my eyes.

"It is not your fault," he tried to reassure me.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Loki walk to the man to see if he was dead.

"Braved Berserkers," we all heard him whisper until his face turned lifeless, Loki turned back to us and nodded to Thor as if to confirm ...

He was dead.


"Come on father let's go play," a young boy said.

"Coming son," he responds, happiness filled his voice.

"Here catch," the little boy says with a huge smile pulling on his face.

"Oh look little one your brother and father are playing lets join," A mother spoke softly.

The little girl nodded and ran to join them her pink dress flowing behind her in the wind.

"Son look your sister and mother have come to join."

They ran and all 4 of them hugged the perfect family you could feel happiness radiating off them.


Their father had dropped dead to the floor a sharp shard of ice pieced precisely through his heart, a deep red trickled down contrasting with the blue of the ice. He lay their lifeless as his two children and wife were left crying, sobbing over his dead body.


"This was your doing," a cold voice said.

"What," I replied.

"You killed him, you destroyed that family, he was a father, a husband, a brother," the voice became more coarse.

"Your a murder."

I shot up covered in sweat and tears blurring my vision as I was frantically looking around to find that I was in my bed where I had fallen asleep just a few hours ago. I sat for what felt like an eternity trying to regulate my breathing, but nothing worked I didn't know what to do.

I crept to my door wearing my long teal nightgown that reached my ankles, I tip toed across the hall to slowly turn the knob on a door. Quietly crept into the room without making a sound and walked to the person sleeping peacefully in their bed.

"Loki," I whispered poking his arm he stirred slightly as I saw his shamrock green eyes flutter open.

"I do not know what to do I," I could not get the words out from the events of today I was still quite shaken.

"Shhh, it's alright come here," Loki moved back as he pulled the covers open and lay on his back which I did too as he lifted his arm and wrapped it around me slowly stroking my arm allowing me to calm down.

"Nightmare," he asked I simply nodded in response.

After a few minutes of a relaxing silence I asked "Am I a murderer."

"Of course your not," he responded quickly.

"But I killed him, he had a family, a life, I not only killed him but I left someone a widow and children without a father," my breathing started to increase as did my speed whilst talking.

"Kiara, murderers kill and feel no guilt," Loki started to say "so do you feel guilty."

"Yes," I muttered.

"Then Kie you are not a murderer and for the nightmares just breath and know whatever it was, its not real."

"Hey Kiara, you make that ice and fire out of thin air, you have never been able to do that before how did you do it," Loki asked quietly.

"I do not know I felt this surge of energy almost and it just happened I had no real control over it, actually it was quite scary," I replied my eyes growing heavier with every moment.

"Well, I will help you control and so will mother, it's nothing to be scared of but actually proud of."

"Thank you Loki," I whispered slowly drifting off "I love you."

"Love you too," Loki whispered to tired to send me back to bed as we both shut our tired eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


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