Kingdom Hearts 2: 2nd sequel...

By Alexaslowell

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In Twilight Town, two sisters, Harmonyx and Xamira, continue to live their peaceful lives with their best fri... More

Chapter 1: Odd Jobs for the Beach
Chapter 2: Mysterious Meeting
Chapter 3: Struggle Tournament
Chapter 4: The Seven Wonders
Chapter 5: Return
Chapter 6: Awakening in Twilight Town
Chapter 7: Mysterious Tower
Chapter 8: New Friends, New Clothes, New Journey
Chapter 9: Dealing with Problems
Chapter 10: The Land of Dragons
Chapter 11: Proving One's Self
Chapter 12: Beast's Castle
Chapter 13: To Beast or Not to Beast
Chapter 14: Revisiting/Meeting Meg
Chapter 15: Dealing with Hades
Chapter 16: Saving Meg Part 1
Chapter 17: Saving Meg Part 2/Hydra Attack/Disney Castle
Chapter 18: To the Cornerstone
Chapter 19: Timeless River
Chapter 20: Auldrant
Chapter 21: Confrontations Part 1
Chapter 22: Confrontations Part 2
Chapter 23: An Old Friend Helps Keep the Peace
Chapter 24: Port Royal
Chapter 25: Settling Old Scores
Chapter 26: Visiting Agrabah
Chapter 27: Securing the Lamp
Chapter 28: Waiting Isn't Good Enough/Halloween Town
Chapter 29: Christmas Town Visit
Chapter 30: Saving Christmas
Chapter 31: The Pride Lands
Chapter 32: Retaking the Throne
Chapter 33: Returning to Twilight Town
Chapter 34: Kairi and Chuzuru Captured
Chapter 35: Finally
Chapter 36: Space Paranoids
Chapter 37: Password Uncovered
Chapter 38: The Real Ansem?
Chapter 39: New and Unlikely Friends
Chapter 40: Friends Help Each Other
Chapter 41: One Thing After the Other Part 1
Chapter 42: One Thing After the Other Part 2
Chapter 43: Inspiring Story/Swim This Way
Chapter 44: Part of That World/Under the Sea
Chapter 45: Poor Unfortunate Souls
Chapter 46: Kiss the Girl/Ursula's Revenge
Chapter 47: A New Day is Beginning/Spy in Black
Chapter 48: A Palace of Troubles
Chapter 49: Party Gone Ruined
Chapter 50: Heroes Don't Quit
Chapter 51: True Heroes At Last/Upcoming Ball
Chapter 53: Saving the Kingdom
Chapter 54: The Curse Resurfaces
Chapter 55: Jafar's Return
Chapter 56: Recovering Pooh's Memories
Chapter 57: Always Here/Missing Gifts
Chapter 58: Scar's Ghost
Chapter 59: A Father's Son/Digital Discord
Chapter 60: Radiant Garden Renewed/Sephiroth
Chapter 61: Two Twilight Towns
Chapter 62: Flames of Friendship
Chapter 63: The World That Never Was
Chapter 64: Riku and Ansem the Wise
Chapter 65: Reunited At Last
Chapter 66: Nobodies Revealed
Chapter 67: Essence of the Heart
Chapter 68: Facing Xemnas Part 1
Chapter 69: Facing Xemnas Part 2/A Way Back Home

Chapter 52: Getting Ready for the Ball

130 6 7
By Alexaslowell

(Hi, everyone! I hope you will all enjoy reading this chapter. Also, to those who probably didn't see the message I posted in the conversations, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, and with Christmas on its way, I'm planning on doing a special Christmas story for the holidays, which will involve Kingdom Hearts. I'm not sure when I'll have it done, but it will definitely be ready before Christmas. I'll be sure to let you all know when it's ready when I post another chapter in December, or post a message about it in the conversations. Look forward to it, and may you all enjoy the chapter!)

(Harmony's) POV:

After discussing it a little more and some careful thought, my friends and I agreed to go to the ball. The problem is that I don't know how to dance, not formally, at least. I do know a few dances that I've learned on the islands, but none of that involves being at an important party like the ball. Thankfully, Madison has some knowledge of formal dancing. According to her, Maleficent used to live in the same world as Aurora, which makes her mother quite knowledgeable of formal dancing, despite being evil.

"Again. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3," Madison says, helping me through the movements. She notices a mistake I'm making and corrects me. "Chin up! You're supposed to be looking at your partner at all times, not at your feet."

"Sorry," I apologize.

At the start of the lesson, Madison had actually used her own magic to create an illusion of Asch. Although it's not really him, she was able to make the illusion feel real, so that I'd have no trouble learning how to dance.

"1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. Always let your dance partner do the leading when dancing with him and try to match your speed and movement with his," Madison instructs.

"That's easy for you to say," I say.

"Hey, you're the one who felt too embarrassed to practice dancing with the real Asch," she points out.

"Well, excuse me for not wanting to accidentally step on his feet," I say.

"For you, I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

"Well, I DO mind."

Madison sighs. "Suddenly, I'm feeling relieved to not have a boyfriend that I can try to look perfect in front of."

I couldn't help but laugh a little at her words as I try my best to keep up with the dance steps. "Trust me. When dating someone, you always want to look perfect in front of that special someone, instead of making a big fool of yourself. Speaking of which, is there someone you might have your eyes set on?"

My question catches Madison by surprise. Her eyes were wide open as her cheeks were beet red. I must've caused her concentration to break, because I notice the illusion had faded away.

"Wh-wh-what're you talking about!?" Madison questions.

I smile. "Ahah! So you DO have a crush on someone! Who is it? Is it someone I know?" I ask.

"Yes! I mean--No! I mean--It's none of your business!" Madison exclaims, her face becoming even redder.

Suddenly, we hear a knock at the door. The door opens, revealing Asch.

"What's with the yelling?" he asks.

"Nothing! Just some girl talk, which is officially over, so...See you both later!" Madison exclaims, quickly escaping the room.

Asch becomes confused. "What's gotten into her?"

I giggle a little. "Well, she wasn't lying about us having some girl talk. I only asked Madison if she had a crush on anyone and she became totally flustered."

"Was I interrupting your dance lessons?" Asch asks.

I feel myself blushing. "How did you--?"

"Before Van kidnapped me, I was taught at an early age on how to dance in this room," he answers.

I feel my blush worsening. "Sorry for not saying anything. I just didn't want to embarrass you tonight."

"Embarrass me? Don't be stupid. The day that happens will be the day I decide to cut my hair and look like Luke," things then start to become awkward between us, neither of us saying anything. The silence would've become unbearable if Asch hadn't spoken up. "...Do you want to continue?"

I start to become confused. "Huh?"

"Your dance lessons. Do you want to continue learning?"

"Are you sure?"

"It's not like we've got anything better to do until tonight."

"But...what if I accidentally step on your feet or cause both of us to fall?" I ask, suddenly feeling nervous.

Getting a little impatient, Asch begins to look irritated. "Argh! Just shut up and give me your hand!"

Asch quickly, but gently, takes my hand and pulls me close to him. I nearly fell over, but quickly regain my balance. Asch placed his free hand on my waist and started to guide me into dancing with him. I was nervous, but tried my best into remembering the basics Madison taught me to do.

Asch wasn't kidding when he said that he learned how to dance. With how he was leading me, I could tell that he was a pro at this. Not only that, but I was somehow able to not make any mistakes while dancing with him.

"How can you say you'll embarrass me when you're dancing just fine?" Asch asks.

"I do know how to dance, but I'm only familiar with the ones I've learned on the island. And none of them are suitable for a ball," I answer as I continue dancing with my boyfriend. "When I think about going to the ball, I feel like a wildflower out of place. My life seemed so much simpler on the islands, when I was free and unafraid to be myself. But now, I'm actually scared of what everyone will think of me."

"So? Let them think whatever they want to think. You know who you are. Remember how you stood up against my uncle, to prove Malkuth's innocence and about Natalia's lies? You didn't seem to care what everyone thought of you then, because deep down, you knew whatever accusations they made were wrong. None of us are perfect. Or did you forget that I used to take orders from Van before realizing what his real intentions were? Remember how I used to act when we first met?"

I laugh a little at the memory as we stop dancing. "Yeah. You had quite the temper back then and wouldn't stop getting angry at Luke. No offense, but you definitely needed an attitude adjustment back then."

"And I thought you were a naive girl who knew nothing. But, turns out, I was wrong. Point is, as long as you know who you are, nobody else's opinion matters, got it?"

I smile up at my boyfriend. "Got it."

After some thought, I begin to realize that Asch is right. I don't need to impress anyone. If anything, I actually feel ridiculous for ever thinking that I needed to. I just need to make sure nobody gets hurt and keep them all safe. As long as my friends and I can do that, everything should be just fine.

Harmony: How are we so different

and still so much the same?

While singing, I continue to practice my dance lessons with Asch.

Asch: Why do I start smiling

when I hear your name?

Harmony: At times I think you could be

A reflection of me

Asch: Still there's something deeper

Asch and Harmony: More than what we see

There's a feeling of belonging that's deep down inside

A feeling that's been growing now we just can't hide

It's a feeling somehow knowing there's nothing to decide

'Cause when I'm with you it's clear we're of the same pride

Asch: Seems like I have grown up

So much since I met you

Harmony: Like it's been forever

But everyday is new

Asch: We had some great adventures

Harmony: We also had some fun

Asch: Shame to think it's ending

Harmony: Or has it just begun?

While dancing with my boyfriend, I notice that I keep getting better and better. Feeling more confident in myself, I notice that I'm having less difficulty keeping up with Asch's lead.

Asch and Harmony: There's a feeling of belonging that's deep down inside

A feeling that's been growing now we just can't hide

It's a feeling somehow knowing there's nothing to decide

'Cause when I'm with you it's clear we're of the same pride

Harmony: You have the energy and drive to take command

Asch: You have the patience I always wish I had

Harmony: Working together I finally understand

Having you here by my side will help me protect this land

Asch and Harmony: There's a feeling of belonging that's deep down inside

A feeling that's been growing now we just can't hide

It's a feeling somehow knowing there's nothing to decide

Asch: 'Cause when I'm with you it's clear

Harmony: 'Cause when I'm with you it's clear

Asch and Harmony: We're of the same pride

Our dancing slowly comes to a stop as Asch and I smile at each other. After sharing a quick, but loving kiss, we embrace one another in each other's arms.

(3rd) POV:

Little did Harmony and Asch know was that they had an audience. All of their friends were passing by when they heard the song and got curious. Seeing how happy Harmony and Asch look together, the others can't help but smile, hoping that things will work out for them. Unfortunately, things would not turn out that easy, not as long as Natalia had anything to say about it.

"So, all I have to do is lure Harmony and her friends away from the castle and into the city, right?" Natalia asks.

"Correct," Saix answers. "Harmony and her friends will be convinced that they will have to look for you, while the guards will have to stay and protect the castle."

"...No one is going to get hurt, right?" Natalia asks, a little unsure about her actions.

"You needn't worry about them, as long as you stick to the plan," says Saix.

Natalia looks down at her feet. Although she is still mad at Harmony, Natalia can't help but question if what she is doing is right or not. Before anyone knew it, night drew near and it was time for the ball. While Susanne was helping Harmony and Madison into their gowns, the guys went on ahead to the castle, after getting ready.

The ballroom was decorated beautifully. There were tables, decorated with table clothes and flower vases on top, placed everywhere, leaving a large space in the center of the room for everyone to dance on. Many guests, dressed in elegant clothes, entered the ballroom after giving out there names and would start to mingle with one another. The servants would walk around, offering any food to the guests.

To Hijikata and his friends, this was completely new to them. They had never been to such an event like this before. Even the ballroom was something new, reminding them that they really had stepped into a completely different world.

"So, is this what a 'ball' normally looks like?" Heisuke asks, carefully examining his surroundings.

"Yep! So be on your best behavior, gentlemen!" Donald exclaims.

"Gwarsh, I wonder what the food tastes like?" Goofy asks.

"You do realize we're not here to party, right? We're only here to make sure that the Organization doesn't try anything," Asch points out.

"That's a little surprising, coming from you," says Saito.

"Yeah, Asch. I thought you'd be thrilled at the idea to spend some time with Harmony," says Sora, with a teasing grin.

Asch's cheeks turn a little pink as he glares at Sora. "Not until we take care of the Organization."

"Yeah, but it doesn't hurt to try and enjoy ourselves once in a while," says Luke.

"Easy for you to say! I don't know how some people are able to deal with this. I feel like this 'bow tie' is choking me!" Nagakura complains.

"Same here," Harada says, using a finger to try and loosen his collar.

Stitch, who is riding on Nagakura's shoulder, is also dissatisfied. Chibi, Kuro, Mieu and Stitch are all wearing bow ties around their necks, nearly making them resemble collars. While Mieu and the wolf pups don't mind, Stitch is the only one who is growling with irritation at wearing it.

Hijikata glares at the Harada and Nagakura for complaining. "We only need to dress like this for tonight. Deal with it."

"Yeah, we know. But do we really have to wear this getup?" Okita asks in complaint, trying to adjust to his new clothes.

"Suck it up! At least you guys weren't forced to wear a corset!" a familiar voice exclaims.

(Harmony's) POV:

After getting ready in our ball gowns, Madison and I quickly meet up with the others. We arrived just in time to hear some of the guys complain about their outfits.

"Suck it up! At least you guys weren't forced to wear a corset!" Madison exclaims, catching the guys' attention. They all look at me and Madison, noticing how we look in our gowns. While they continue to stare, Madison sighs. "Honestly. And they say girls complain too much."

"Wow, Harmony, Madison! You both look so pretty, mieu!" Mieu exclaims, earning barks of agreements from Chibi and Kuro.

Stitch, who was riding on Nagakura's shoulder, also looks at us in awe. "Oooh! Yeah, yeah!"

"You don't look so bad yourselves," I say, noticing how nicely dressed the guys are, while bending down to stroke Chibi on the head.

I guess what they say is true when they say 'it's the clothes that make the man'. The guys all look quite different, dressed so formal. My attention is especially focused on Asch. Seeing him dressed in his own suit, I can't help but notice how handsome he is.

I'm soon drawn out of my thoughts when I feel someone place an arm around my shoulders. "Well, hello there. Don't you look quite lovely."

Me and my friends turn our attention to see a man. Judging by how he's dressed, he seems to be a noble. It might be because he's getting too close for my liking, but I do not like the look he's giving me, especially with how he keeps rubbing his hand on my shoulder.

"Uh, thank you?" I say, my words sounding more as a question.

"Fair lady, would you care to do me the honor of joining me in a dance?" he asks.

"Sorry, but no. I'm with someone else," I quickly say, really not liking how this guy is touching me.

"Oh, come now. There's no need to play hard to get," the man says, being persistent.

Even my friends don't look comfortable with this guy. Just as the man was about to touch my waist, Asch quickly grabs him by the wrist, and gives the man a harsh glare.

"She said that she's not interested, so buzz off!" Asch exclaims, gently guiding me to get behind him.

"And just who do you think you are?" the man questions, annoyed and looking at my boyfriend with disdain.

"Her boyfriend," Asch answers.

"Well, then, my apologies," says the man.

Asch lets go of the man's arm, allowing him to leave. Although the man was leaving, I swear I can him swearing and cursing under his breath, obviously not pleased that Asch stepped in.

Harada speaks up. "Some people just don't know when to take a hint."

"Guess you'll find guys like him anywhere," says Heisuke.

Hijikata nods his head in agreement. "Seems like it. You okay, Harmony?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Asch," I say.

Asch remains silent, obviously still angry with how that man tried to make a pass on me. Thankfully, Madison speaks up and decides to speed things along.

"Anyway, we should probably split up and have a look around, just to be sure nothing bad happens," she says. "I'll go explore the gardens a little with Kuro and my chimera."

"We should probably also have someone keep an eye on Natalia," Okita suggests.

I tilt my head in confusion. "Why's that?"

"Apparently, Uncle forbid her from coming to the ball as punishment for what she did and now she's stuck in her room," Luke explains.

"And knowing the Organization, they might try to manipulate her and use her to their advantage, kind of like how they tried to get Beast's Nobody," Hijikata points out.

As I put some careful thought into it, Hijikata is right. The Organization would definitely try to do something like that. I know Natalia still possibly hates me, but she doesn't strike me as evil. She wouldn't do anything that would hurt her own people, would she?

After some careful thought, we split up into our own teams. Madison went outside with Kuro and her chimera, just like she said she would, along with Donald and Goofy. Harada, Nagakura, Heisuke, Sora and Stitch left the ballroom to go keep an eye on Natalia, just in case the Organization would try something. As for me and the others, we decided to stay in the ballroom and mingle a little with the guests, just so it'd look like we were being casual.

(Madison's) POV:

"Kuro and I will take this side. You guys go that way," I say to Donald and Goofy.

"Gwarsh, are ya sure you want to do that Madison?" Goofy asks, worried.

"What if the Organization decides to try something?" Donald asks.

"They need me, Harmony and Sora alive to use our Keyblades. I'm sure they wouldn't try something. I'll be fine," I say, trying to reassure them. "Besides, I've got a great guard dog."

I then split up from Donald and Goofy, trying to keep a lookout for any strange movement. While doing so, I notice something shift past a corner. Curious on what it could be, I quickly give chase, with Kuro right next to me. It turns out to be a person, but they seem to be wearing the Organization's black coat.

I can already tell who it is, and I bet they can already tell that it's me who's following them. After passing a corner, they stop, as if waiting for me. Kuro barks happily, while I smile at the person.

"So, it looks like you got my message, Riku," I say.

"It's Ansem," Riku says.

I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "Whatever. You know, the others are really worried about you, especially Sora and Harmony. It's not easy trying to reassure them that you're alright without giving too much away."

"...Sorry for the trouble," he apologizes.

"It's okay. Just thought of letting you know what's going on. Anyway, any leads about what the Organization is up to this time?"

Riku nods his head. "It's just as you thought. Because Natalia still harbors anger against Harmony, they're going to use her to their advantage. They promised her that they wouldn't attack the citizens, but..."

"But they have no intention of keeping their word. They don't care what happens to the people who are attending the ball, or the citizens of the city, as long as Harmony, Sora and I use our Keyblades on the Heartless to free the hearts. I kinda figured it'd be like that," I say, guessing what Riku was going to say.

Riku nods his head. "And Natalia is playing right into their hands."

I let out a tired sigh. "Of course she is."

"How do you want to go about this?" Riku asks.

I put some careful thought into it. "Can I count on you to keep an eye on things? The others and I are going to go take care of Natalia."

"What do you plan to do?"

"Natalia's actions remind me of how I used to be, overcome with hatred and pointless jealousy. If Harmony was able to get through to me, I'm sure she can get through to Natalia. I'll just be there for backup. Anyway, I better get back before it's too late."

"Good luck."

"You, too."

Just as I'm about to head back to the others, Riku calls out to me. "......And Madison?" I stop in my tracks to hear what he has to say. "...That dress, it suits you..."

I feel myself blushing a little at his words, but try to hide it. "Thanks."

I then leave to go rejoin the others. Ever since the Land of the Dragons world, Riku and I have been sending messages to each other, back and forth, to let the other know of any new information regarding the Organization. Harmony and the others don't know yet, but Riku's been helping us in the background ever since Hollow Bastion, just like today.

(Harmony's) POV:

After some time, Madison comes back with Kuro, Donald and Goofy.

"Anything out of the ordinary?" Saito asks.

"No," Donald answers.

"Nothing so far," Goofy says.

"I wish I could say that's good to hear, but..." I say, trailing off.

"We can't hope for the Organization to leave everyone alone, which is why we need to be on guard," Asch points out.

"Asch, Luke," a familiar voice says. We turn our attention to see Duke Fabre. "His majesty would like to have a word with all of you."

"Did something happen?" Hijikata asks.

"No, but it's urgent," Duke Fabre says.

We go to meet King Ingobert as requested. It involved reuniting with Sora, Harada, Heisuke, Nagakura and Stitch. What they all told us is not what we were expecting.

"Natalia's gone?" I ask, in shock.

"How? When?" Luke asks.

"We don't know," Harada answers.

"When we went to go keep an eye on her, we noticed that it was very quiet in her room. We did try knocking, at first. But when we didn't get an answer, we let ourselves in to find out that she wasn't there," Sora explains.

"She must've left before we even arrived," says Heisuke.

"We even tried searching the whole castle, but couldn't find her anywhere," says Nagakura.

"So what do we do, mieu?" Mieu asks.

"I'll send the guards to search for her immediately," King Ingobert declares.

"No offense your Majesty, but that seems like a bad idea," I say. "If the Organization makes a move, you're going to need all the guards at their posts, just in case. If Natalia isn't anywhere in the castle, then it's possible she might be somewhere in the city. My friends and I will go search ourselves to find her."

"Are you sure?" King Ingobert asks.

"If the Organization does attack, and we end up heading too far from the castle, we're going to need all of the guards here to buy us enough time to get back," Madison explains.

"Very well. Do as you will," King Ingobert says. "And please, bring my daughter back."

"We will. Promise," I say.

I just hope nothing bad happens tonight while we're gone.

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