LEILA {ongoing}

By KarsynJLaw

77.4K 1.1K 703

Aussie girl, Leila, moves to America. Repeating her senior year brings much more drama than she bargained for... More

Character Aesthetic & Authors Note
Leila Playlist - avail on spotify
31. H O M E
32. Surprise Kisses
33. Highschool cuties
34. Temper Temper
35. Go For It
36. Finally
37. Better than dessert
38. My Choice
39. His Choice
40. His Question
41. Her Answer
Thank you for your patience


1.8K 38 22
By KarsynJLaw

Friday night football with Tara has become one of my favourite evenings of the week.

You think she's all sweet and cute and shy and then you put some face paint on her and she turns into a warrior woman.

"WHAT THE HELL REF! That's total BS!"

She's standing, fist in the air while Paul and I are snickering on either side of her.

Since Halloween, Paul and Tara have been spending a lot more 'quality' time together. It's super cute.

He's been texting me all week with idea's on dates and how to ask her out. Considering I've never been on a date or been asked to be someone's girlfriend, I've scoured Pinterest for ideas.

He was considering taking her to an NFL game, but seeing how riled up she gets he decided against it. Good call.

"So are we heading to the party after this?" Paul attempts to start a conversation with Tara, but her focus is purely on what's happening down on the field.

"Yea, we can..." Mouthing 'didn't you want to be alone' behind Tara's head. Paul just shrugs and smiles at the girl he is crushing on as she scowls, glaring daggers at the ref's.

Once we arrive at Dani's place I congratulate the players as I make my way into the Kitchen. Tonight's shin dig is much more low-key. By low-key I mean, the entire school hasn't turned up. It's mostly the team, the cheer squad and a few ring ins, like Tara, Paul and I.

"Girl, get yourself a brewski and make your way upstairs." Dani calls out to me as she grabs Christians hand.

Why those two aren't official is beyond me.

Grabbing myself a beer, Taylor and I chat as we walk upstairs as directed by Miss Dani. Over the weeks, I've gotten to know Taylor pretty well.

Like I thought, he may seem stoic and uninterested, but the big burly footy player is a softy. The other day, Brad walked past this small junior, bumping her books out of her hand. The douche didn't even stop and say sorry. Taylor though, bent down apologising for his friend and helped pick up the scattered books.

Chivalry isn't dead after all.

"Hey, I was wondering if you could help me with Lit. Elijah said you're top in their class so any chance you could help me study before exams in a few weeks?"

"Yea, that should be fine. Just text me what your schedule looks like and I'll see when I'm free."

Biting the top of his lip, he lets me know he doesn't have my number. Holding my hand out, he passes me his phone. Entering my number, I send myself a quick text so I have his.

"There," I smile. "Now, don't go abusing it, I'm a very busy woman don't you know...with my zero extra-curricular activities and binge watching Netflix, my time is precious." I wink.

"Really? I don't know any senior that has that much free time! Maybe you should come join our team. Coach Hale told us tonight that we need a new Manager." Shrugging at me. "You get along with everyone so maybe it'd be a good fit."

"Um... I'll think about... Hang on, if I have to wash your gross towels, I'm out." Pulling my head back, wrinkling my nose at the thought of stinky boys and their stinky towels and uniforms. Receiving a happy chuckle from him, we join the group upstairs.

"Ok beautiful people, and Brad. We're playing Truth and Dare. Who's in?"

I'm out. "Yea, Dani, I'm just going to go back down stairs. Ok, have f-"

Grabbing the back of my denim jacket, she forcefully pushes my to the ground and sits next to me. "No, bestie. You ain't getting out of it that easily." Smiling her evil smile.

"Let her go if she wants to Dani." Ashley tells her. "She's just chicken."

"Gosh, Ashley, did you learn your comebacks from a 4 year old!" Rolling my eyes at her. "No scratch that, Lucy has better comebacks than you, I don't want to disrespect Mica's sister like that." Smiling sweetly at Mica.

"Oh shit, yea!" Mica agrees. "The other day I asked her to help me empty the dishwasher and do you know what that little angel did?... She poked her tongue out at me and yelled to mum that I was drinking a beer!"

I'm laughing so hard I fall back on the floor. "My punishment...cleaning the kitchen! Like I wasn't already doing that all by myself anyway. Little shit."

"Awww Mica, that story makes me so happy."

"Watch it Australia, if I get to pick T or D for you, you might want to be on my good side." Mica warns with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"I'm always on your good side, Mica." I grin. He just rolls his eyes at me but than nods.

Waiting for Christian to take the last swig of his beer, Dani grabs it and places it in the middle and let's it spin.

A few rounds later, people have kissed, Tara and Paul being two of them. Awww. Others have been dared to strip off a piece of clothing, scull a drink or handed over a secret.

Mica takes a turn spinning. He had just been made to scull half a cup of tequila. Have to hand it to the boy though, he took it like a champ. Didn't even wince, the psycho.

Watching the bottle slow down and land facing me, I internally scream, while maintaining my nonchalant demeanor on the outside. No way am I letting Ashley see me squirm.

Head lowered, Mica looks over at me through his lashes with a smile that tells me I should be somewhat worried.

"Truth or Dare little lady."

Mulling it over for a moment I eventually pick Dare. "Oh, oh, ohhh. I'm so happy you said that."

"Mica." I use his name as a warning still not able to remove this stupid smirk from my face.

"Don't worry gorgeous, I won't make you strip." 'He better fucking NOT!' "I dare you to do the 'Don't Kiss challenge with Elijah." He flashes me his best cheshire cat impression.

Pinching my brows I quickly glance over to Elijah who is glaring at his best friend. He's leaning against the wall, Christian and Dani separating us.

Quirking my brow, I watch Mica looking between us both with a shit eating grin on his mug. "That's it. I DON'T have to kiss him." I chuckle, peeking at Elijah who is scanning my face, worrying his lip.

"Yep, no kissing...while you straddle for 60 seconds."

My head snaps back to Mica. "What now?"

With a glint in his eye he prods, "You heard me."

This motherf- "Fine." I huff and stand up.

"Get comfy and I'll grab the lights." Mica rushes over to the switch.

"The lights? Wh-" and then the room darkens with a purple hue.

Sighing, I look back at down at Elijah and his naked chest. He was one of those to be dared to strip. It was amusing when he got dared, now I wish he had been wearing multiple layers. "May I." I gesture to his outstretched legs, that still are clothed. Thankfully.

Swallowing heavily, he nods.

"Righteo, then."

Lowering myself over Elijah, I gently rest myself on his lap, keeping most of my weight on my knees and a safe distance between us. He places his hands on my thighs, his heat seeping through my pants.

Looking over my shoulder, I wait for Mica to start the clock. 1 minute sitting close to Eli. Easy.

Facing Elijah again I hear the music start. 'Sweater Weather x I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend' remix starts playing. From the corner of my eye I can see Dani holding her phone up.

'She better not be recording this!'

Elijah's just staring at me, a smirk playing on his lips. "Well this is fucking awkward." I whisper.

Biting my lip, his eyes focus on the action as he chuckles at me. I try and contain my laughter that is rippling around my stomach.

Moving his hands away from my thighs he wraps them around each wrist bringing them behind his neck, naturally causing me to bridge some of the distance.

Gripping behind my knees he tugs me so my hips are pressed up against his. My eyes going wide, I flinch at the action and proximity. I'm shocked that he would do that.

Watching me intently, our gazes locked, he places one hand on my hip and starts drawing little circles with his thumb. His other hand gently tucking my dark hair behind my ear, tickling my jaw with his fingers.

A wave of electricity flows from my jaw, down through my neck and chest.

'Well, shit. Big boy has moves.'

My breathing slows as I watch his eyes dance between my eyes and lips.

When I start playing with his hair between my fingers I feel him shiver slightly. My entire body feels on fire. Feeling my cheeks heat up-

"...Oh fuck. TIME!" Mica's booming voice echoes around the room. Pulling me out of the oddly enticing trance Elijah had put me in.

Blinking a few times to allow my eyes to adjust with the blaring light. Pushing away from Elijah, who has his hands back on my thighs, I realise just how close I was leaning into him.

Standing quickly I point accusingly at my friend. "That's all you got Mica!" Waging war on him. "You better hope the bottle I spin doesn't land on you my friend." Laughing at him.

But he's not laughing back. He's just standing there, blinking. "Mica?"

"Don't worry girl, you two just tranced everyone." Dani informs me. Her eyes dazed.

"What are you talking about?" Looking around the group, Dani has her eyes glued to her screen while a few of them have their noses in their own phones.

"I swear! If any of you recorded that you better delete it RIGHT NOW!" Pointing my finger, telling them off.

"Yea. That's not happening." Brad mumbles.

"Fuck you Brad. I didn't consent to being filmed so you either delete it or I'm getting a fucking lawyer.... that goes for all of you, sorry Dani... anywho, I'm getting a drink, anyone want?"

Taking a couple of orders, I skip downstairs towards the fridge. A conversation a couple of girls are having catch my attention however.

"I totally saw them kissing! Like, full on. I thought they were both married though, SCANDAL!"

"I just don't see Coach Stevenson cheating on her husband though, she's really nice."

Well that's got my attention.

"Hey girls, can I grab either of you a drink?" I throw over my shoulder while I have my head in the fridge. Both Melody and Paris are on the squad but I'm pretty sure my mum has them both for a class or two.

Handing Paris a water I insert myself into their gossip. "So what's this I hear about Coach Stevenson?"

"Melody saw Coach Stevenson kissing Coach Hale! Can you believe it. They're both married yea?"

"Um, yea they are." 'To each other', I don't add.

"Regardless if they're married or not," Melody interjects. "Coach Hale is reaching big time. Coach Stevenson a hottie! She looks amazing for her age."

"She does run a lot." I shrug.

"How do you know?"

"I've seen her running around the neighbourhood." It's so nice when your white lie's are actually truthful. I have seen mum run. I'm right next to her sometimes. "Anyway, it's there business. Maybe don't go around spreading anything yea. They're good teachers."

"Totally." They both reply.

I think I'll be having a word with my parents when I see them tomorrow.

Heading back upstairs, I hand everyone their drinks, taking my seat next to Dani again. Feeling someone's gaze I look up to see Elijah studying me. Giving him a small smile which he returns, I watch as Ashley spins the botte... landing on me.

"C'mon, I just sat back down!" I groan. "Truth." I relent before she even says anything.

Tapping her manicured finger against her lip, she roves her eyes over me and smirks. "When and where did you have your first time."

Without missing a beat I begin. "Well, I was 7," I hear a 'what the hell' and a couple of gasps. "and I was finally tall enough to go on the Tower of Terror at Dreamworld so that was the first time I went on an adult rollercoaster. Screamed my fucking lungs out, actually dad had to lightly slap my cheek to get me to start breathing again." I chuckle at the memory.

Hearing a few chuckles, I see Dani with her face pressing against Christian's arm, shoulders bouncing. My smile growing wider watching her.

"What the fuck?" Ashley's nose is all scrunched looking at me like I'm an idiot.

"When and were did I have my first time... on a rollercoaster. You weren't very specific about what first you were referring to." My face full of innocence. "What, exactly where you referring to?" I tease.

"I meant sex. When and where did you first have sex." Ashley gets out through clenched teeth.

"Ohhhhh, sex. Right. Well, I don't need to divulge that information now, no? I mean I've already given you an answer to your question."

"UGH! You're so annoying! Just answer the stupid question!"

"Thank you!" I gesture towards her. "I too think it's a stupid question." Smiling, I take a swig of my beer.

I swear that girls going to have an aneurism one of these day with how pent up with rage she seems to get. I wonder if it's just me who brings out this side of her?

"Fine, just answer when and scull your drink."

"For fucks sake, Ashley." I scull my full bottle of beer, grab Taylors that I had just handed him, and down his too. "Two beers for two unanswered questions." Standing, I leave them all sitting there.

Not even 10 minutes later, Tara and Paul wander down the stairs. Once Tara spots me she nods her head towards the door.

"Ok, guys. Have a good night. Catch ya's at school." I get a few head nods in reply.

I had plopped myself in between some of the guys, while I watched two of them race around a track, yelling profanities at each other. It was highly amusing.

I'm just about to step out of the house when I feel hands gently land on either side of my waist. Whipping myself around, I take a quick step back coming face to face with Elijah, who is unfortunately wearing a shirt.

'Did I just say unfortunately?'

"Leaving without saying Goodbye, Pretty

"Uh, yes?"

"Well, what time am I picking you up tomorrow?" His beautiful lips holding that playful smile that supposed to make me swoon.

'Crap, I'm swooning, I'm swooning. You better not fucking blush!'

Tilting my head, my jaw goes slack, confusion probably written all over my face. "Pardon?"

"For our date. What time should I pick you up."

Chuckling, our conversation from earlier in the week comes flooding back to me. "If my memory serves me correctly, I said no."

"Nooo. You said you had plans. Fake ones at that. So, what time, Leila?"

Pressing my lips together I consider him. "Plutonic or romantic?" I question, an eyebrow raised.

He ruffles his hair. "Whatever will get you to come out with me tomorrow." Grinning boyishly at me.

"And what are we going to be doing on this totally plutonic hangout?"

"Nope, you'll find out if you come with me."

Closing my eyes, I drop my head back and sigh dramatically. Opening one eye, I notice he's stepped closer and is holding in a laugh.

"...Ok, E. I'll bite. I guess pick me up after lunch. As long as it's not before 1pm I'll be ready."

Grinning broadly, he tucks his hands into his black jeans and nods. "It's a date!"


Vote if you enjoyed this chapter.

Your votes and comments push me to work on chapters in advance so you guys aren't waiting too long.

This chapter is one of my IMAGINE posts on Tiktok. Part 6, I think.

I'm interested = who's here from finding me on Tiktok Vs. Wattpad??


Edited: 18/8/21

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