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By rainylana

137K 3.5K 3.9K

a lonely girl, a curious boy. you can figure out the rest. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
The Final Chapter
The Piano
End Notes

Chapter Four

880 31 60
By rainylana

mature scenes ahead.

During the hours of nightfall, while she rested in his arms and he brushed his fingers through her hair, he gently filled in the blank lines to his story. She couldn't sleep and neither could he, so he answered more of her questions to calm her mind. He told her about how the process of building the sanctuary went and the other outposts, he talked about some of the cruel—horrible things he did that even he felt somewhat guilty over. It wasn't his soul that was bothered by it, but he worried what Ana would think. He told her how helpful Miriam and Jack were. Even Venable had been, but he didn't speak the woman's name. He was going to kill her in a matter of days anyway.

Ana kept quiet mostly, occasionally asking her own question with a hoarse and tired voice. He filled in the gaps of her mind, and she could slowly feel the disorganized library in her head become cleaner. She felt somewhat guilty though, because she knew her words the previous night had hurt him. But it wasn't as if she could help those thoughts, the circumstances had been extreme.

There had been a big hole in her heart before, and even though it was still cracked in half by the loneliness of abandonment and anxiety, she could feel it healing itself together. He was staying, and he loved her. That was all she needed. And it was the same for him. When he heard her talk about him leaving, saying that it was okay and that she'd understand, he could feel just how much she loved him. It was overwhelming, like a powerful freight train running at full speed. It was almost calming, though, knowing that it matched his own love for her. 

There were no clocks, but Michael knew that it was in the early hours of the morning. Ana was finally asleep, but he knew she wouldn't stay like that for long. She was in between his legs, his back pressed up against the headboard while his arms held her waist. She had forgiven him, but in no way had be forgiven himself. Her thoughts were extremely dark, especially the ones she felt towards him. He wondered how she could ever doubt herself or his love, but it really wasn't all that difficult.

Whether he had wanted to or not, he had left her. And this was the product of that. However, they had the world together now, and he was going to do whatever he needed to fix it.

He was right about her not sleeping for long, and he looked down to her on his chest as she mumbled softly in her sleep. He smiled, brushing his fingers against her jaw as she turned to bury her face in his shirt. She had always been an active sleeper, and he found it comforting that the trait hadn't changed. "Michael." She muttered, her lips parting as her brows furrowed.

He chuckled lightly to himself, nodding as he squeezed her tighter. "Yeah, darling, I'm here."

Her body fell slack as she ventured back into deep sleep, and he sighed as he leaned his head back against the headboard. Despite having been at the outpost for almost five days, he had yet to really have an interaction with Miriam. He missed her dearly, and his time had been occupied with taking care of Ana. He had interviewed a few people here and there, though he viewed them with no value. He understood why she disliked Coco so much, and he held no care for the woman himself.

He'd kill Venable, but he couldn't yet. He needed her to keep everyone else...out of the way while he repaired his relationship with Ana. Everything else would have to be paused, because she always came first. He was deep in thought, but the random—mumbled words that left her sleeping mouth kept breaking him out of that.

"Sheldon." She scrunched her nose up, licking her lips.

He narrowed his eyes, smirking as he shook his head in amusement. "Sheldon isn't here, sweetheart."

She sighed, her voice coming out strained and tired. "Where- where is he?"

He smiled. Even if he was the antichrist and had destroyed the world, the very root of evil and sin, it was comical how he had saved his lover's pet. "At the sanctuary." He spoke softly, kissing her head. "Along with all your other things." He pictured the room he had created in his head, a room full of all the things she held dear and memorable.

And really, the sanctuary was supposed to be a place for the people who Michael deemed fit to stay there, though he hadn't created it for that reason. It was for Ana, and every brick or swipe of paint created was for her. "He's lonely." She scratched her nose, causing him to laugh quietly.

"Jack is with him." He patted her curls. "I'm sure he's doing just fine."

She groaned in her sleep. "I don't-" Her voice trailed off, her mouth stalling as her mind grew tired again. "I don't like Jack." She stated again, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Well, that's not very nice." He playfully scolded her. "Jack was good to you."

Michael held a lot of respect towards Jack, even though they hadn't had a real conversation in several months. He was at the sanctuary now, watching over her pet and keeping things organized. Michael had even offered to save his family in return for the protection he had given Anastasia, but Jack had immediately declined his offer.

"I was always sad when he was there." She mumbled into his black dress shirt, the corner of her mouth shining in slobber.

He frowned, his eyes glancing down at her as he pondered over her words. The familiar wave of guilt washed over him, causing his heart to throb painfully as he rested his chin atop of her head. It wasn't right how quick she had forgiven him, she hadn't even gotten mad at him. Just a simple okay. Nothing about any of it had been okay. It wasn't as if he wanted her to hate him, but he knew he deserved it. She should be sulking across the room and giving him the finger, not curled up on his chest like a teddy bear. "I know." He whispered, squeezing her waist. "I'm sorry."

He felt like a total moron saying it, because sorry did nothing. It didn't take any of her pain away or the abandonment she had endured. It didn't do anything. "It's okay." She slurred. "I still love you."

She didn't say anything after that, her mind going quiet into sleep. There it was again, okay. His eyes teared up, and he leaned his head back as tears quietly fell down his face. She was absolutely everything to him, the very thing that kept him breathing, just like he had told her. But it seemed like she had become a punching bag, taking hit after hit that life through her way. Well, no more. He had cleared the world of sin for her, and he was going to worship her like she was born for.

As the time grew on, his tearful eyes narrowed at the familiar sound of a cane. Venable. He grew angry at the mere thought of the woman, especially at the sound of her walking outside of his room. He glanced down to Ana, biting his cheek as he held an internal dilemma. He shouldn't leave her, and he knew she'd panic if she woke up and he wasn't there. But as he stared at her face, he could see how exhausted she was. Giving her a kiss on the cheek, he carefully scooted her off of his chest to lay against the mattress. "Don't wake up." He whispered into her ear.

He adjusted his black jacket, crossing the room in long strides. Perhaps giving Wilhemina another traumatic scare was cruel, but he didn't care. The red mark on his girl's face could not be tolerated, and the woman needed to know that. She would soon be dead, and he wanted to instill that in her brain like a flesh eating virus. Giving Ana another glance, he quietly closed the sliding doors to his suite, his head tilting to the side as he listened to the woman's steps.

And Venable felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand as she rounded the corner, her body stalling as he locked eyes with her. He folded his arms behind his back, his eyes narrowing as he took small steps toward her. "I didn't take you for an early bird, Ms. Venable." He said cooly, his anger evaporating into a sininster, yet nonchalant tone.

She smirked under his stare, adjusting the hold on her cane. "I like to be punctual, Mr. Langdon. How else will anything get done in my outpost?"

He gave a laugh, causing her smirk to falter slightly. "You're funny." He nodded, stepping closer as his hand ghosted over the the polished railing from where they stood. "There you go spouting off that word again."

She tilted her head, ignoring the shiver down her spine from the proximity of him. "And what word is that, may I ask?"

"My." He clicked his tongue, taking another step forward. "It's clear our conversation from the night before didn't make as much of an impact as I hoped it would have." His eyes traveled down the length of her cane, making her tighten her hold on it. He smirked, glancing back up at her.

She was utterly terrified, Venable was, but she was able to conceal it quite well. Though, Michael could sense it in her racing heart, and that only egged him on further. She channeled her fear into anger, and she raised her chin as she tapped her cane. "Well, don't blame yourself. You've been so busy fucking that whore, Anastasia, that it's only understandable to be occupied in...other things."

The way his eyes darkened made her recoil, but she didn't stop there. "We've all seen how you look at her. She's been hiding out in your room, hasn't she? You're going to break her little heart, you know? I told her so myself. Whether she's sleeping with you to get to the sanctuary or not, she thinks you love her." She gave a laugh, ignoring the darkening stare that his face held.

"It would almost be sweet," She continued, taking her own step towards him. "if she wasn't riding such a high horse. I don't know what is that you've...instilled in her, Mr. Langdon, but I won't have her running around my outpost like she owns the place. Control that dirty slut of yours before I throw her out into the radiation." She spat, holding her head high as Michael looked down on her emotionlessly.

Venable knew who Michael was, but her memory had been blocked. So in that moment, if she had realized who he was, she would have known that her words had gotten her in deep shit. She hadn't cared much for him at the cooperative, but she knew not to question him. He had been utterly terrifying when Anastasia was under the sleeping spell, and there had even been a night where she had shed a few tears from his harsh words.

And perhaps it wasn't fair to hold the woman accountable for her actions, given she didn't know who he was in that moment. But that didn't matter to him. Even before now, it had always been clear Venable didn't like Ana, and the feeling had been mutual. The ginger sent her glares, offering snippy comments and tight lipped smiles. She hadn't liked her from day one, and the feeling had not changed.

Michael was quiet for several agonizing seconds, and the woman swallowed nervously under her stare. She had no idea about his magical ability or what he was capable of. He was just a man in her eyes, which was worse than any other supernatural being.

He took a step, his face narrowing in on hers. "I suggest you start...savoring these little morning walks of yours." He began, continuing to back her up. "I suggest that you relish in the power that you feel like you have. Take pride in the fear that you put into these pour soul's minds while you have the ability to do so."

She gasped when her back hit the wall, and he looked down on her as she grew small. He gave a tiny smirk, placing his jeweled hand beside her head. "Because the only heart that's going to be broken is yours, poor girl." He gave a fake, sarcastic pout his lips, bringing his other hand beside her head my "And I'm going to make sure that everyone you have enslaved watches as I rip it from your chest and stomp on it." His face was dangerously close to hers, his voice laced in venom as her eyes filled with tears.

"But not yet." He smiled, pulling away from her. "I'm not finished with you and I have...things that I need to accomplish first." He nodded, stepping away. "So I suggest you do as I say and savor the time you have left, Ms. Venable." He smirked. "Because you certainly don't have much left."

The room went quiet as he leaned away, removing his hands as he watched her tearful face solemnly. He took a step, turning briefly before he stalled. He looked back to her, lightly furrowing his brow. "And you want to know a funny thing?" He continued, not being able to stop his verbal abuse towards her. "I always used to wonder why you held such hatred for my Anastasia, but now I know why." He turned back to her, watching as she narrowed her eyes in confusion.

His hand went below hers to wrap around her cane, and he could hear the way her heart pounded as he threatened to rip it away. "In some odd, sadistic and cruel way, you actually care for her." He gave an amused smirk, laughing softly like the sentence was a casual joke. "You're lustful thoughts towards her are quite loud, my dear, Wilhemina." He tsked, shaking his head. "Shameful, even."

She looked away from him, tears falling down her face as he leaned into her again. "I suppose my words hold no meaning to you. I would be the person to blame for that." He nodded nonchalantly. "But that beautiful, beautiful girl you call a slut, that girl you call a prostitute and beat on," He gritted his teeth. "Well, the entire planet was destroyed for that girl. The entirety of humanity was ripped away for her. Now, tell me, when was the last time someone loved you so much that they did something so grand?" He tilted his chin, gripping her cane. He stared at her for a few moments, giving a smirk as he pulled away.

"I thought so." He fake sympathized, watching as her face shined with tears and her chest heaved for air. "Enjoy your walk, Ms. Venable. We'll be in touch."

And with that, he turned on his heal and left the woman to herself. He had a smile on his face as he walked down the hallway, and he cleared his throat as he composed himself. Suppose he had said too much, but he couldn't deny how good it felt to belittle her spirit.

He gave a sigh of relief when Ana remained sleeping, and he slowly guided himself back beside her as she unconsciously curled back up against him.

He was exhausted—well, he was always exhausted. But he didn't sleep, because the only thing he needed was Anastasia, and he finally had her back. So he held her while she slept, kissing her temple and listening to her talk in her sleep.


She could feel his body against her when she woke up, and her head no longer pounded like it had before. She had dreamed of only good things, which had been from his doing. It was surprising how she didn't feel overwhelmed about their conversation or his words, if anything, she felt cleansed. Her disorganized library of a brain was fixing itself back together, and only relief and acceptance were trying to absorb themselves into her system.

And when she opened her eyes, she saw him there, his own eyes focused on a crackling fire that made his hair glow. It was fascinating how much it had grown, and the tint of red that marked his lids brought only more memories to the surface.

Her eyes studied his as she remembered when she had attempted at putting red eyeshadow on him, but it had been extremely difficult with his fingers lodged inside of her. She blushed at the memory, and she cleared her throat to gain his attention.

His face moved down to hers on his chest, and he smiled softly as he brushed her hair away from her face. "Good morning." He whispered, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "You know, I could barely get a moments rest with that chattering mouth of yours." He smirked, though his smile was cut off when she leaned up and kissed him.

He stalled for a moment, not having expected her reaction, but relaxed as he slowly kissed her back. She hadn't expected it from herself, either, but her lust for him was drastically increasing by the second. She had him back, and more importantly, she believed it now. She believed he loved her, and now, she wanted to feel him. It reminded her of when they had first gotten together, and when kissing had quickly grew to be not enough to cure their hunger for one another.

She raised up as he repeated the action, their hands making their way into one another's hair. His other pulled at her waist, and he gently lowered her onto her back as she arched into him. It felt automatic, like riding a bicycle without training wheels. Like nothing had changed.

But at the thought, she stalled slightly. Things had changed, and it had suddenly sunken into her that they hadn't slept with one another for over two years. It should have drove her more wild, but it only made her grow shy. She was more aware of her appearance now, preferably the fact that she hadn't changed out that boring, purple dress in almost six days. Her hair was a rat's nest, and she needed to shower desperately. Truthfully, what she needed was Gallant. He was an icon when it came to fashion, even Anastasia could recognize that. Despite the warmth that pooled between her legs as their tongues moved together, she felt gross. And she most definitely did not want a physical reunion between them when she felt like that.

And Michael could feel the moment her body stalled, and he parted his lips as he looked down on her. "Are you alright?" He softly panted.

She nodded, swallowing. "Y-yes. I just-" She didn't want him to be angry with her, because if he really wanted to sleep with her right then and there, she'd do it. But she wasn't ready for it yet. Despite the amount of times they had made love, and the many ways they had done so, it didn't diminish her nerves in that moment.

"You can tell me." He caressed her cheek, slightly narrowing his eyes. "Is it..me?" He looked down on her, finally becoming aware of their position. "Fuck, I- fuck, Ana, I'm sorry." He backed away, shaking his head in yet another case of guilt. Of course, she wouldn't want to sleep with him. Why would she?

"No, no, it's not you." She sat up, grabbing his shirt. "No, it's not, I promise. I want to, I just-" She blushed, pushing away her hair as she brought her nail up to bite. "I feel gross."

He paused, watching her with an odd stare. "Gross?" He repeated.

She felt embarrassed, but she gave a nod. "Yeah, I- I want to clean myself up first." She whispered, dropping her hand as she shrugged her shoulders in defeat. "I just- it's a..it's a big deal to me, and I want it to be perfect." She said in a shaky voice, giving a tiny—embarrassed smile.

He felt surprised at her response, having thought his movements had made her uncomfortable. She felt gross. It was stupid, because she looked completely beautiful, even if it had been a few days since she had bathed. Though, he understood her, and it was a big deal. In fact, the more he thought about it, his brain slowly caught up with hers. It had been over two years since they had touched each other, and he swallowed as he gave an understanding nod. "Of course." He realized, moving to hold her hand. "Of course, it's a big deal."

However, he didn't want her to feel pressured. Just because she accepted the fact that he loved her and wouldn't leave didn't rid her off her troubled feelings and stress, no, they were still there; haunting her mind like a cursed home as his did the same. "Ana, we- sweetheart, we don't have to do anything." He spoke softly, his eyes flickering to hers. "You can take as much time-"

"But I want too." She interrupted him, grabbing his hands. "I do, Michael, I do. I just..I need until tonight." She bargained. "Please."

He grabbed her face, bringing her toward him. "Take all the time you need, Anastasia. You don't need to rush. I'm not in this for sex, you know that."

She did, but she still felt bad. "I'm sorry. I know you want to and-"

"Hey, no, no, no," He shook his head. "I'm ready when you are, Ana. We won't do anything until you're ready. Don't you worry about me." He kissed the bridge of her nose, a sigh leaving her lips.

Even after the time they had been separated, his passion for her was baffling. Because to everyone else, he was a monster with a cold heart. But he wasn't that to her and never had been. He was like a big, overgrown teddy bear that coddled her lovingly. Her hand went to the back of his neck, and she smiled as she pressed her forehead to his. "I love you." She said, the words warming her throat.

He nodded. "And I love you."

She sniffled dryly as she looked up to him, chewing on her lip as she thought. "Can I ask you a question?"

He squeezed her hand, humming in response.

"Well," She began, glancing down for a moment. "What do we...now that you've finished everything, what do we do? I mean, where do we go?"

She had been so used to having enemies, having to lurk around corners and to hold his hand in protection. It was difficult to believe they didn't have that now, given that the world had been destroyed and wiped of the majority of humanity. But it seemed like Ana had forgotten Cordelia, and Michael had been surprised she hadn't brought the woman up. He had mentioned her before, the night he had told her what had happened during their separation, but it didn't seem like she had registered it. But nevertheless, he wasn't about to ruin the peace she was trying to build for herself. And truth be told, he didn't believe the old supreme would be a problem anymore. As far as he knew it, Cordelia was dead.

"I need to finish my interviews," He began, licking his lips. "And I..I assumed maybe you'd want to stay here for awhile. You know, for us to..." He didn't exactly know how to say it, and he fumbled with his words. He didn't want to insult her, but he figured she wouldn't want to leave until she got her bearings straightened.

She nodded, understanding his words. "You don't have to worry about me Michael."

He gave her a pointed look. "And you know that isn't something I can do." He lifted her chin, giving her a peck on the lips. "Once I'm finished here, we can do whatever it is you want to do, Ana. Everything is safe now. It's yours. Just like I promised it would be, angel." He kissed her again, a sigh leaving his lips.

Ana gave a smile of disbelief, shaking her head. "I can't- God, it seems so unreal. I mean, you finally did it." She looked up to him.

He nodded, holding her face. "We did it. None of this could have been done if it wasn't for you."

Their lips moved together in a love struck kiss, their hands tangling together also. It was so unbelievable, yet it was real. It was so real. And as far as they knew it, there were no dangers left ahead of them. Ana was finally safe, his mission finally accomplished. It had been what he was born to do, protect her. Not to idolize and worship his father. He hadn't spared the man a thought in many months. And he had come to the conclusion that neither Satan or God truly existed, much less a heaven or hell. There was no proof of it, and was convinced he was fed nothing but unjust lies as a confused little boy.

And as she kissed him, she could feel the heat between her legs corrupt her again, and she pulled away with a smirk. "Tonight." She nodded, gaining an amused look from him. He nodded back, rubbing her arm. "Tonight."

She smiled widely, jumping off the bed and scurrying across the room. She leaned against the door, sending him a wave. "I'll see you later!" She blew him a kiss, laughing quietly to herself as she disappeared out of the room.

He gave a laugh, his mind completely baffled. He hadn't expected her to willingly leave his side, but he was happy she felt like she could. As long as she was content, he was too. He smiled, cracking his neck as he prepared for the first interview of the day.


"Make it quick, Anastasia. I was getting ready to jerk-off." Gallant rolled his eyes, closing the door as the curly haired brunette marched inside.

"I need your help with something." She cleared her throat, turning around and giving an awkward smile. "I need you..I need you to make me pretty."

The blonde narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms. "Pretty? For what?" He asked, his eyes going wide. "Oh! You mean for Repunzal?"

She blushed, fiddling her fingers awkwardly. "No, I just-"

"Save it, doll-face." He silenced her, moving to sit on the bed. "You and Langdon having a date tonight or something? Come on, you can tell me. I know I'm not getting into the sanctuary. Frankly, I don't think I deserve it, but you do. Hell, anyone besides Coco or my Nana. You're the only one here who's half way decent." He gave a roll of his eyes, standing as he grabbed her shoulders. "Right, then. Let's play dress up."

She stood with wide eyes, her mouth gaped open as he threw open his drawer of hairstyling supplies. She gave an awkward smile, moving to sit on his leather sofa. "Thank you." She nodded. "I don't know much about..." She glanced down at herself and then up to him, swallowing. "Well, you're quite beautiful, Gallant." She gave a chuckle, causing him to do the same.

"I'm aware, thank you." He smirked, grabbing her hand and setting her in a chair in front of his mirror. "You're beautiful too, you know? You have the perfect head of hair for me to play with."

Even though Ana's feelings towards anyone besides Michael or Miriam were not as grand, she couldn't help but like Gallant. He had always been nice to her, despite his close ties with Coco. Though, she knew the woman had him chained into her grasp.

"So, you gonna tell me just what exactly is going on between you and Langdon?" He tugged at her hair.

She glanced up to him through the mirror. What was the harm? Gallant wasn't an enemy, and besides, did it matter anymore? Keeping their relationship a secret, that is. It was clear everyone in the building knew they had something going on. Of course, she couldn't tell him all the details, but she could ease his curious mind. "Yeah, I suppose you could say we're....something." She blushed, gaining a laugh from him.

"Something?" He scoffed. "Fuck, do you remember his first day here? The way he stared at you? Ana, he practically undressed you with his eyes." He shook his head, styling her hair.

It was funny, everyone believed that they were becoming new lovers to one another, that they were finding an inner sanctuary in each other during the crisis that was the apocalypse. Oh, but how wrong they were. The history they had was anything but new.

"So you fucking him?" He asked, causing her to choke on a breath.

"What?" She grew red. "No-"

"Well, then why are you just now showing up on my doorstep, Anastasia?" He cocked his brow. "You guys finally sealing the deal?"

She closed her eyes as she groaned. "Just shut up and work."

He chuckled, obeying her command as she pondered over the night's events. She wanted it, she wanted him, but she was still scared. She hadn't been touched in so long, and neither had he. It was a big deal, maybe not to anyone else, but it was to her.

An hour an half went by, and Gallant gave himself a pat on the back from the creation he had made. She didn't care much for purple anymore, so he tightened her corset and gave her a sleek, silk, red dress. The exposure of her chest was a little grand, but she figured it was silly to be embarrassed by it, given he had seen her many times. Her hair still remained in curls, but he pinned it at the side with a shiny clip, giving her a Christine Daaé look.

She thanked him gratefully, chewing on her nails as she awaited anxiously for the clock to tick by. Not many were out of their rooms, besides Dinah and Emily, but they both hardly spared the girl a glance. Michael was busy, she knew that, so she spent her time in the room where she had found her piano. It looked almost the same, minus the little warlock boys and her piano, of course.

Their Hawthorne days had been rather...fun, if that was the way to put it. She looked around the room and smiled, thinking of the moments they shared together at the school. Wether it was sweet and sentimental, or cruel—animalistic fucking. She blushed at the thought, settling herself in a seat.

Sex, to some people, was nothing more than a hookup or a way to relieve stress. Others, a way to consummate a marriage or express a deep love. For Ana, in that moment, it was what was going to truly reunite them. They had each other back mentally and emotionally, now she wanted him back physically.

"You look pretty."

She jumped in her seat, turning toward the opening door as it breathed out loudly. She swallowed as her eyes narrowed in on the grey girl, Mallory, standing their awkwardly as she fiddled with her fingers. Ana hadn't thought much of the girl after their past interaction, and she felt no feelings towards her now. She didn't necessarily wish her harm, but she couldn't bring herself to care about her like she had before. "Thanks." She mumbled, turning back to the fire.

She heard the girl move forward, sitting beside her as Ana side eyed her. "What happened with Venable yesterday?"

"None of your business." Ana replied shortly. She knew she was being rude, she had been rude. But she wanted Mallory off her back, and she no longer held interest in the sappy shit that was their friendship.

"I don't understand what I did, Ana." Mallory responded, turning in her seat. "Ever since Langdon got here you've changed, and not for the better."

She rolled her eyes in secret. God, that's all it ever was with her. Langdon, Langdon, Langdon. Though, she considered that was rather hypocritical of her, given she, herself was also— Langdon, Langdon, Langdon. "I just wish you'd talk to me."

Ana sighed as she straightened, turning to glance at her. "Why do you care so much about me being around him? He's not hurting me, Mallory."

"Because he..." The grey thought, pursing his lips. "I don't know, he just scares me. You should be scared of him, Ana."

Ana stared at her for a moment, observing the sincerity of her face as she sighed. "Yeah, well," She stood up. "I've always been a fan of horror movies." She quickly left the room with that, leaving the sad grey to herself.


Her heart raced like a wild stallion as she trailed down the hall, holding her dress above her ankles. It was sometime in the evening, at least, that's what she assumed. Michael was surely done with whatever interviews he had, and she shook her hands that were shaky with nerves when she saw his door. She gave it a knock, quietly entering and locking the door behind her. "Michael?" She called out, observing the empty room.

She stepped forward, fiddling with her hands as she eyed his laptop. She remembered seeing it when he had called her in for her interview, and she still wondered how it was powered, or what it was that he was doing on it. Maybe he was watching porn. She chuckled to herself at the thought.

"Something funny?" His voice whispered in her ear, causing her to jump.

"Jesus Christ!" She gasped, coming face to face with his cocky smirk.

"Not quite." He corrected, arms folded behind his back. She swallowed as she composed herself, taking in his appearance as he did the same. He was wearing his usually black, but he traded in his jacket for a turtle neck that fit him snuggly, his golden hair falling over his shoulders in silky waves.

His eyes took in her dress, the way it fit her tightly. He shamelessly eyed her exposed breasts, making her grow red under his stare. "You look-" He shook his head slightly, his eyes going up to hers. "Incredible." He observed the way her hair was pinned at the side, the little diamond clip in the center that shined like a star.

She practically melted at his words, a shaky smile forming at her lips as she nodded. "So do you." She glanced over him again. Incredible didn't even cover it.

She didn't know what to do, and she stood their awkwardly as she bit the inside of her cheek. Should she kiss him? That was typically how those things went. She cleared her throat, raising her chin. "So...should we get started then?"

Her words made him laugh, and she blushed as he chuckled at her amusedly. "You make it sound so...formal, Anastasia." He took a step toward her, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Relax." He pulled her to him, making her smile lightly.

"I'm sorry." She relaxed into him, placing her hand on his chest. "It's just...I don't know. It's been so long, ya know?" She spoke softly, peering up into his eyes.

He gave a nod, swallowing as he sighed sadly. "Yeah, I know." He kissed her forehead, grabbing her hand as he pulled them to the couch.

He collapsed in a laying down position, pulling her on top of him as she gasped. He smirked, holding her waist as he made himself comfortable. "Tell me about your day."

She gave an airy breath as she chuckled, adjusting herself on top of him as she blushed. "Well I...I played dress up with Gallant."

He tilted his brow. "Dress up, huh? Sounds riveting."

She hummed, laying her head on his chest as he held her back. "It was. Don't I look sexy?"

He laughed at her words, staring up at the ceiling as he held her. "I suppose sexy would about cover it. Though, words have never held a candle to your beauty."

She smiled, staring at a crackling fire. "You're such a poet, Langdon."

He kissed her shoulder, squeezing her hip. "Only for you, Grey."

It was his goal to make her less nervous, because he could hear just how fast her heart was pounding. He understood her reasoning, but he didn't want her to be so anxious. It had been a long time since they had been physical with one another, and maybe he was also somewhat self-conscious about it. He played with her hair as they talked about the past, revisiting memories and laughing about how awkward they had been when they had first met.

"What was it that made you follow me back to the diner?" Ana asked, her hands folded under her chin as she laid on Michael's chest. About an hour had passed, however their lively conversations had not dwindled down.

He looked down on her, his fingers playing with the wild curls that framed her face. He thought for a moment, smirking as he brushed his thumb against her jaw. "I think I was mostly...curious. You were in such a hurry, and your face was all red from running. I was interested to know where you were headed." He recalled, his other hand stroking her spine.

"And were you..." She began, leaning up slightly. "Were you interested in what you found?"

His eyes caught hers, and he gave a light smirk as he tugged on her hair. "I think you know the answer to that question."

She laughed quietly with him, nuzzling her face into his chest as she recalled the day. "You were such a baby back then."

"Hey, now." He playfully scolded her. "It's not my fault I had such a traumatic upbringing."

"Yeah, whatever, little orphan Annie." She rolled her eyes against him, causing him to narrow his own.

"Who's Annie?"

She scoffed at his words, raising up as she giggled. "How do you not know anything, Michael?"

He pursed his lips in un-amusement. "Like I said, dear," He raised up, pecking her lips. "Traumatic upbringing."

He gripped her chin and brought her to him, and he held her face as their lips moved together. She breathed into him as he did the same, and he pulled at her thighs to wrap them around his torso. She gasped against his lips, and he could feel her heart start to race again. He could understand her anxiousness, but if she was really that nervous about it, maybe it wasn't such a good idea. "Hey." He pulled away, holding the base of her neck. "We don't have to do anything, you know that right?" He looked up to her.

She swallowed, giving a shaky nod. "I know. I want too." She gave a smile, her anxiety seeping right through.

"But you're scared." He noted, looking into her eyes with his own narrowed ones. "Tell me why."

She looked down at his chest, her stomach already bubbling in anticipation as she breathed. "You'll just say that it's stupid." She said meekly, knowing damn well it was true. It wasn't just that she was nervous about having sex with him, she was worried about him seeing her naked. It had just been so long, and truth be told, it almost felt like their first time. Like her first time. And before, when she hadn't had her memory, she wasn't even sure if she had been a virgin or not. Just because he engraved it in her mind that she was beautiful didn't necessarily mean that she thought she was beautiful.

He moved his head up slightly at her words, his hair falling over his shoulder. "I won't." He promised, his thumb trialing over her lip.

She doubted it, given he always followed her words of self doubt with telling her how stupid it was. "I don't-" She blushed, her arm moving across her chest. "I don't really," He narrowed his eyes at her stuttering, and his hand paused the movements on her back.

She gulped, closing her eyes as she sighed. "I'm afraid of you seeing me."

She didn't want him saying she was stupid, he kept that clear in his head. He kept his face void of emotion, though he was utterly confused at her words. Seeing her? What exactly did that mean? "Okay." He nodded slowly, leaning against his elbow. "Can you...explain to me what exactly that means?"

She opened her eyes, surprised he had not yet insulted her words. She raised up until she was off of his chest, her hands remaining on his black shirt as she sighed. "I just...I know you think I'm beautiful," She began quietly, his eyes watching her intently. "And I want to do this, I do, I just..I'm not ready for you to see me yet." She swallowed, fiddling with her nails. "And I know that's stupid, given you have so many times before, but I can't- I don't know, I'm just not ready yet." She rambled, looking away to the fire.

It wasn't stupid, he genuinely believed her words did not sound idiotic in any way. Her words were valid, and he could understand them. She didn't want him to see her naked yet, plain and simple. It wasn't an insult, there had just been so much time between them. And with her memory now back in play, it made it feel like so much longer. "Alright." He nodded, gaining her attention.

She furrowed her brow at his causal tone. He sighed, leaning back against the arm of the couch. "I told you, Ana, we do what you want to do. I don't have to see you if you're not ready. That's not stupid, darling." He kissed her knuckles, making her heart swell. He pulled her down against him, her lips brushing over his. "You do whatever you want to do." He breathed.

Her forehead pressed against his, her eyes closing. "I love you." She said quietly against him, overwhelmed by his words.

"And I love you." He connected his mouth to hers, his hand going behind her neck as they moved in a steady pace. He worked at her lips for several seconds, making her pant as he moved to her neck. Her hand dug into the couch, her mouth falling open. His hand trailed at the ends of her dress, ghosting at the skin of her thigh. He could tell she didn't know what to do, and even though he was giving her control, she needed a little nudge. "Can I help you?" He nibbled at her neck, squeezing her leg lightly.

Her eyes sparkled in the light, and she gave a gentle nod as she focused on his lips that attacked her skin. "Y-yes."

He moved up to her waist, pulling away from her neck. "Take off your panties." He brushed his nose against hers.

Nerves and excitement bubbled in her stomach, and she gave a weak nod as her hand slowly traveled underneath her dress. She gently tugged them down her thighs, awkwardly maneuvering them down her legs and onto the floor. "What now?"

He kissed the base of her neck, looking up to her. "It's your move." He gave a small smirk, leaning back against the couch.

The cool air made the space between her legs tingle, and she swallowed dryly as she looked down on him. "Well," She held his hand. "I guess you could take off your belt now." She lightly shrugged her shoulders.

He removed his hands from hers, traveling down to his belt buckle. "Yes, ma'am." He nodded with a smile.

He undid it with ease, and the room filled with the familiar clank as he slid it through the loops of his dark pants. He tossed it to the floor beside her panties, and his pants hung loosely at his hips. "What now?" He asked.

She was growing less nervous as her arousal increased, and she leaned down closer to him as heat traveled between her legs. "Kiss me."

He obeyed, and his hand wound tightly around her thick hair as the other held the back of thigh. His tongue moved with hers, their shared saliva making their lips shine as she whimpered into his mouth. "Touch me." She gave in.

She was throbbing almost painfully now, no longer paying any mind to the nerves. She was ready now, in most ways, anyhow. She needed to feel him, physically. She needed him back that way. "Please, touch me." She begged, rolling her hips against his.

He groaned against her mouth, and his hand traveled under her dress and up her thigh, creating goosebumps against her skin. She kissed him harder, and the way she grinded against him drove him absolutely wild. Her mind got lost in his lips, the way his tongue licked her teeth, and she let out a loud—surprising moan when she felt his fingers slip inside her. "Oh-" She broke apart their kiss, her gasp filling the room as she squeezed the arm of the couch.

He looked up to her, raising his chin as his long fingers remained still inside her. "Tell me what to do." He commanded her softly, keeping in a groan from his raging hard on against her knee.

"Move." She replied, her voice mixed in heavy emotion as she finally filled that missing void inside of her. "Please, just- oh, jesus!" She cried, her body bucking and tensing against his chest as he began pumping in and out of her.

"Not quite." He repeated from before, a smirk on his face.

She gripped the fabric that covered his chest, a string of loud—whiny moans leaving her lips as she practically cried tears. She leaned down until her forehead was pressed against his, her hands pressed against the leather couch. His thumb found her clit, and she whimpered loudly and desperately, clawing at his shirt as she rocked herself against his fingers. It was filthy, really, how she was acting on his fingers, but it deeply aroused him.

"Did you miss this?" His voice husked, staring up into her lovestruck face.

She nodded, a tear falling down her face as her walls tightened. "Yes! Yes, I-" She opened her eyes, her face dripping in sweat as she paused her movements. "I want to feel you." She breathed, pushing back her orgasm that was almost upon her. "Please, please, please, let me-"

He quickly pulled his hand out of her, her begging words making it impossible to decline her request. He pulled himself free from his boxers, stroking himself as he made eye contact with. "You're sure?" He panted.

She nodded desperately, spreading her legs as she lifted her dress over her thighs. "Please, Michael, just fuck me. Fuck me, fuck me, oh-" Her body jolted up when he pushed himself inside of her, and he pulled her back down by the neck as their lips reunited.

He thrusted his hips up into her, and she moaned loudly into his mouth that made the walls of his throat vibrate. "Oh, God-" She cried, hiding her face in his neck as she met his thrusts. "God, I can't- oh, fuck!" Her eyes were screwed shut, leaking tears of ecstasy while his burned in a fiery passion.

He bit her shoulder, thrusting into her sharply and deeply, filling the corners inside her that hadn't been touched in what felt like centuries. They moved in a rhythm as she rode him, and her stomach clenched together as her orgasm tried taking over. He could fell her tighten around him, and he briefly stopped as he looked up to her. "Not yet." He pulled her down to him. "Let's savor it." He panted, kissing her nose as he groaned in pleasure.

She was crying from the intensity of it, though it was rather vanilla compared to what they had done in the past. "Slow." He breathed against her, their lips ghosting over each other's as he peered up into her eyes. He held her hips, slowly rolling them against his as she whimpered. "Slow, my darling."

She nodded as they stared at each other, their slowly movements and pants filling the room as her tear hit his face. "Fuck, I missed you." He groaned, the feeling of her fluttering around him making his stomach tighten. "You don't know how bad I've missed you."

She shook her head, her face contorted in pleasure that she could barely handle. "I do. God, I do." She rode him faster, despite his words. "Michael-" She choked out. "Make me- oh, God, make me cum. Please, please, make me cum." She begged him, hearing his strangled groan underneath him.

She gasped when he pushed her backward, her back hitting the couch as he towered over her. He wrapped her legs around his waist, capturing her lips as he gave a rough thrust inside of her. She gave a dry sob into his mouth, crying weakly and pleasurably as he thrusted inside her. He kissed the exposure of her chest, biting her skin as he moaned along with her. "Oh, God!" She fisted his hair, looking up to the ceiling as they moved quickly against the leather. His thumb went to her clit, and he stroked her fast along with his pace inside of her.

He could feel her tightening around him, and he pushed into her sharply as he lifted her legs higher. Her mouth gaped open as her vision practically blurred, a strangled—choppy moan leaving her as she came violently against him. Her body shook and jolted underneath him, and he gripped her throat as his release shot inside her. "Fuck." He groaned, panting loudly above her.

She gasped out a breath, her chest heaving as the overwhelming feeling of her orgasm rode through her. Her leg fell off of him in dead weight, her eyes closing as she felt herself go numb into exhaustion. He would have been worried, if he hadn't felt the same way. He laid his head against her chest, kissing her skin as he pulled out of her. "I love you." He whispered, though he gained no response.

He looked up to her, finding her asleep to the world. He narrowed his eyes, wondering how she had fallen asleep so quickly, but her exhausted—overwhelming tears that fell down her face were a good enough explanation. He sighed, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek as he removed himself off of her.

He cleaned her up, keeping his eyes away from her to protect her modesty like she had wanted. He carried her to their bed, laying her body against the cool sheets as he stood there and watched her. He hoped he hadn't broken her, but he understood that this time was much different than compared to before. She hadn't been used to anyone being inside of her for quite some time, and maybe toward the end, he had been somewhat rough with her. He laid on his side against her, his arm on here stomach as he rested against her shoulder.

"I love you." He repeated, thinking back to the first time he had said it. His mind flashed him images of the playground, their fight and her tears over Helena's passing. He remembered the words he had told her, and he closed his eyes as he kissed her shoulder. "And yes, I'd spend forever with you."

i apologize if this chapter is complete garbage i'm terribly sorry. i had to rewrite the sex scene so many times because i couldn't figure out how i wanted it lol. so i hope it was somewhat bearable🤠

ahh, and thank you for 12k!! y'all are too much<3

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