Free Falling

By hanlovestowrite26

1.4K 114 23

He despised the girl, but unknowingly, deep within his knitted hatred for her, there was a string loose. And... More



420 23 11
By hanlovestowrite26

hey guys. So here's a new story of mine. I hope you love it. I KNO I KNOW, i haven't updated the other stories BUTT hear me out, these two have been living rent free in my head. Plz comment and leave a like.

WARNING: characters are toxic. Have a toxic relationship etc etc. Obviously it's fiction so plz remember that. I am not setting standards. Have fun reading!


"You look so pretty!" My mom smiled as she looked me over. "Oh my god I need to take a picture for your dad!" She grabbed her phone and snapped a quick picture. "Perfect!"

I weakly smiled back at her as I tugged at my skirt. I was wearing the uniform for the new school I would be attending this year. I never thought I would win the scholarship, move to a new town, and get praised for my grades,  but my life has been full of surprises recently.

"Grab a juice bottle and let's go!" My mom said as she walked out the door.

I looked at myself one last time feeling uncertain on this new journey. However I had to admit that I liked how I looked in this uniform. It was a fitted navy blue jacket with the Wilmer Academy school badge stitched on to my upper right side. There was three gold clasp buttons on each side of my sleeves where the sleeves ended. Under I wore a crisp white shirt dress with a small navy bow that was hanging at my collar.  My skirt matched the jacket but it was checkered with white and blue. I added long socks and some white sneakers. I looked very clean and the clothes were very crisp. I mean it must be since the uniform was sent to me. After all it was a very prestigious high school i was attending and I had to fit the mold.

I didn't bother to grab the juice bottle my mom had prepared for me because I was too nervous to eat or drink anyways. My stomach was a bit queasy and I couldn't fathom the thought of eating anything.

As soon as I walked out the warm summer breeze brushed over my long dark brown hair that I struggled to style. I felt my bangs move a little so I reached and put them back into place.

"Layla! Hurry!" My mom called from the car, waving her arms frantically.

I bent down, grabbed my backpack off the floor and ran over.


As soon as reached the school parking lot, I begin to feel the nerves kick in. This school looked much older than what the brochure had shown. It resembled a castle, very victorian but still very beautiful and spacious. It had large doors and barely anything looked modern or tech.

I spot various teens hopping out of ridiculously expensive cars. I begin to chew the inside of my mouth. Is this how it is here?

My stomach did flips as I zeroed in on the way the students wore their outfits. Everyone looks so crisp and like they walked out of a fashion magazine. The girls added dainty jewelry to their outfits and their hair looked unbelievable. Some girls wore heels and some girls were like me and rocked sneakers. However, their sneakers had very expensive labels attached. The guys looked also so euphoric and not a single thing messy or wrinkled in their fit. They sported luxury watches and some wore shiny cuban chains around their necks. They looked like a million bucks even though we had the same outfits.

I grabbed the hem of my skirt to calm my nerves. Maybe this was not a good idea. Maybe it would be hard to find a place.

"What's wrong?" My mom turned to me. Her brows creased together.

I let out a deep breath. "Nothing." I quickly opened the door and stepped out.

"Call me if anything happens." My mom called from the car but I was already trying to rush through the students and find my classes, head down.

"Layla?" A girl with blond hair and brown eyes called and I abruptly stopped.

"Yes?" I gave a weak smile.

"Hey!" She waved. "I was looking for you! My name is Katie, I am assigned through the main office and I will going to be your first friend." She smiled. "I will be making you more comfortable here." She looked at me waiting for my response.

My nerves eased. A sense of comfort washed over me. "Thank you."

"Oh it's nothing!" She waved her hand. "Lets go look for your first class of the day."


The first class was math. To my luck, this was actually my favorite subject.

As soon as I stepped into the classroom, everyone turned their eyes to my direction.

Great. Should have known this was going to happen.

I quickly zoomed through and sat in the first seat that was vacant which was near the back of the classroom where were still a few empty seats. Everyone was whispering and deep in my soul I knew it was about me. Well and for the fact I heard my name being passed around in low whispers.

The blondie in front of me whipped her head around, her hair grazing my face. She had a full face of makeup and a large cuban chain hanging around her collar where the tie was supposed to be. "You're the new meat huh." She laughed lowly but everyone had heard. They were all watching us.

I clenched my hands together in my lap. I felt so out of place and wanted to just get up and leave.  "Yes." I forced an uncomfortable smile. I was really trying to be nice because she was really the only one who cared to speak to me.

"Cool." The girl said, nodding her head. "What's your name?"

I licked my lips . Why can't I talk today? Oh yeah probably because everyone's  eyes were on me and I felt like I didn't belong in this sea of sharks. "My name is -"

"You're in my seat." A deep voiced professed flatly from above me.

I snapped my head up. The most brilliant green eyes met my own brown ones. "I-" I felt my throat close up. I started looking for my bag with panic as he glared at me from above.

He sighed, I felt his intimidating green eyes watch me squirm in my seat. "Whatever, I will just sit here." He hauled his bag and sat to my right on the other aisle. He didn't say anything else but everyone would not keep to themselves. I felt the heat from everyones eyes.

I positioned my hair to hide my face by sweeping it over my ears. My face felt hot and I was dying from the embarrassment. I can't believe that on the first say of class I had already messed up.

"Okay class!" I heard the teacher's voice boom and I felt relief as everyone's attention shifted off of me. "My name is Mr. Spence and I know today is the first day of classes but I want to refresh your little brains." The teacher was a tall middle aged white man. "So pop quiz!" He clapped his hands together.

Everyone groaned.

Mr. Spence raised both of his hands. "I know, I know." He then grabbed a stack of papers of his desk and began to pass them out. "As soon as you receive it you can work on it and if you are confidant enough, please go write out the answers on the board."

I looked at my paper. It was last year math. I felt a smile creep on my face. Finally something I knew how to do.

After seven minutes or so I, I didn't see anyone get up so I finally stood up and when I did, I heard the person next to me also stand up. I turned my head slightly and found the same green eyes now watching me.

"Oh wow we have two participants!" The teacher smiled. When he saw our hesitation he spoke again. "Come on over. Don't be shy." He looked at the boy. "Kier when have you ever been shy, come on down!"

The class was silent as me and  the boy named Kier walked over and grabbed markers. I quickly wrote the answers and sat back down. I didn't want to be up there another minute I didn't need to.

When I looked up, Kier's eyes were cold and watching me as he stalked back to his seat from the front of the class. I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"Wow..This is rather incredible." Mr. Spence sighed, interrupting my thoughts. "We have a tie! Alder and Westwood." Mr. Spence turned his attention to me . "Very good work for new student Alder!"


"If looks could kill." Katie plopped down next to me on the small green couch during lunch break. I was peeling my orange alone in the great hall. It was like a cafe and a library at once. The whole place smelled of a mixture of coffee and old books, my favorite. Probably the only thing that what was making me really like this school.

I stopped peeling and looked at her, confused. "What?"

"Westwood," She nodded to the side. "Across the coffee bar."

I followed her gaze and immediately the same cold vivid green eyes from earlier caught my attention. His thick dark brows furrowed as he saw me.

Kier was sitting, book in his slender hands. He had a girl with wild ginger hair and pale white skin sitting next to him. She was sitting cross legged, very close to Kier. Their knees were touching and she was talking to him as her lipgloss glistened. There was also a blond boy who sat on his other side, writing. I couldn't see much of him.

Kier had unruly wavy dark hair that slightly fell on over his bright eyes. His sunken cheeks gave way to  very structured high cheekbones. His full pink lips only complimented  him and his pale skin. His sharp jaw was tightly set as his very unforgiving eyes bore into mine. His eyes grew darker as he noticed that I was meeting his challenging gaze.

I quickly adverted my eyes, feeling a little perplexed. Why was he glaring at me like that? "What's his problem?" I scoffed and kept fiddling with my orange, no longer interested in eating it.

Katie laughed. "I think you need a little history lesson on the Prince of Wilmer Academy."

I felt my brows raise. "What's it entail?"

"Kier himself." She answered. She scooted closer. "So anyways," she whispered. "Kier's daddy is mega rich and helps quality control of this school. His mom is actually part of the PTA and keeps a constant eye on her little prince charming. He made it to captain of the soccer team two years ago which a big accomplishment for his age." She clapped. "Oh! And his grades are impeccable. Straight A's even on the big exams every year. No one has come close."

My eyes widened a little.

"Yeah," she nodded at my reaction. "The girl he's with is the infamous Chanel. They have known each other since diapers." She continued, voice hushed. "There are rumors that they are going to marry each other because the parents are so fond of them together."

My eyes took a quick glance at Kier and his friends again. He was now distracted, not sending me death stares.

So that was her name. The ginger that was now touching his arm as she spoke and he listened carefully, eyes on whatever the blond boy was still writing and his dark prominent brows furrowed.

"Who's the blond guy?" I turned to Katie.

"That's William Brookhurst. He's Kier's close friend as well and he is not so reserved."

"He's not reserved?" I cocked my head slightly.

Katie nodded. "Like he is always partying and failing his exams." She giggled. "But isn't he so cute though?" Katie turned to look at him.

I did the same. William's face was finally visible and he was different than Kier. Structured but full face and his eyes were a striking blue.

"I guess." I laughed. "Everyone here is way more attractive than my old high school."

Katie giggled. "Well they have to be good looking or it's a fat trip to the surgeon."

"No way." My mouth gaped open.

"Yes way. The competition here is ruthless. Looks included."


The rest of my day went by pretty smoothly and I was finally home.

The only thing that stuck out was that Kier and I unfortunately shared the same classes. It was like any corner I turned, those cold green eyes were already piercing mine.

I shuddered as I thought about them.

I closed my history book after I finished my homework. I had spent all day working ahead on my schoolwork and it was now ten p.m. I did this because my fear was falling behind at this school. The last thing I wanted was to lose my scholarship and become a joke.

I wrapped up my hair into a messy bun and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


"Wow Okay Alder I see you!" Mr. Spence said, chuckling. He was too excited for math on this warm morning. "Completing your week's homework early." He gave me a thumbs up and I felt my cheeks flush as students began to notice me.

Did he have to embarrass me in front of the whole classroom?

Most of the class watched me as I sat down as quietly as I possibly could. I was grateful that no one yet  has taken up the seat next to me. Only Kier sat to my left but there was - thankfully- a big aisle gap between us. I noticed that no one was sitting next to him either which was surprising since he was "famous" as Katie put it.

Maybe everyone else was scared or intimidated of him as much as I was? Maybe he was a weirdo? Or maybe he snarled at anyone who tried to talk to him?

I held back a chuckle as I thought of that. That would be funny.

"Something funny Alder?" A low hushed voice taunted.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and my smile quickly dissipated. I slowly turned my body to the left.

There sat Kier Westwood, he looked at me with unconcealed disgust. His hands held each other on the desk and his posture was very rigid.

My mouth felt dry. I chose to just ignore him and turn to face the front of this ridiculously large classroom.

"I'm talking to you." He spoke again with the same foul tone.

My body stiffened. Why was he being so difficult? I felt my pulse quicken. I didn't know what to say?

"Is there a problem Mr. Westwood?" I heard Mr. Spence call out and relief washed over me.

"No Sir." I heard Kier say.

Now he's being polite?

"Good." Mr. Spence replied. "Now does anyone want to go up and write out the equation used to solve this limit?"

I felt my heart flutter. I loved limits and I was so very good at them.

I might have been jumping in my seat because Mr. Spence laughed. "Okay Alder come up and write it out."

I heard Kier scoff loudly next to me but I ignored him. "Okay."

I quickly walked up and wrote out the equation which obviously impressed Mr. Spence.

"Very well!" He exclaimed. "Anyone have any questions?"

A long hand rose up slowly and I felt my palms sweat. This asshole Kier was looking at me smugly as he spoke. "What about the next problem? How would someone start that? Like won't we start with taking the root?"

He was pure evil. He knew that we hadn't even spoken about problems like that. It was not limits anymore.

Mr. Spence looked at me. "Do you want to try to solve it?" His eyes sparkled as he said that.

I glared at Kier. "I think Kier has an idea." I fought back. "He seems to know what he's talking about." I needed to put him in his place if he thought I was going to just back out easily. "Maybe he can come and try?"

Mr. Spence clapped his hands. "Perfect! Westwood get up here and join us!"

I watched Kier's stupid smug smile fall off his face and I enjoyed every millisecond of it.

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