𝙸 πš†πšŠπš—πš—πšŠ π™±πšŽ π”½π•’π•žπ• π•¦...

By unochan12

12.9K 232 17

Cleo fox, More

First Challenge!
The Big Sleep
Not Quite Famous
The Sucky Outdoors
Phobia Factor
Sticking Awaken
Paintball Deer Hunter
If You Can't Take The Heat...

Camp Arrival,

3.1K 30 2
By unochan12

At the moment I sat on a boat heading towards the stupid camp, I mean I guess it shouldn't be so bad,

All I have to do is stick it out until the end, make afew allys so I don't get voted out and have a little fun.. What's so difficult?

"and next! the new camp badass with beauty and intelligence, cleo!" I heard Chris introduce me, I fist bump chef and jump from the boat railing to the Dock,

"sup," smiling I fist bump Chris, "whats up!" he smiled and I pulled my luggage towards the other contestant smirking,

"hey, I'm bridgette, " a girl says holding out get hand, I take it and shake "cleo," I took aloot at our skin tones and she was slightly more tan then me,

"maybe this won't be so bad," I heard one of the guys say smirking, "hey Chris, I thought this was gonna be a five star resort?" asking u turn to him folding my arms,

"yeah what the hell?" a girl with black hair exclaims pissed off, "what kitten said," a guy with a green mohawk also known as Duncan says, I hope he's talking about the heather chick,

"back to the task!" Chris exclaims, "great," scoffing I glance to the side, "whoohoo!" a voice exclaims I look up seeing a big guy with blonde hair exclaiming, "Chris what's happening?! Whoohoo!" he shouts,

"Owen! Welcome!" Chris shouts pointing at him, owen pulled Chris into a bone crushing hug "awesome to be here, man," owen shouts, "yeah! Man, this is just so.." he trails to think,

"awesome?" gwen asks smirking, "yes awesome!" he shouts beaming again, I giggle shaking my head "woooo, are you gunna be on my team?" he asks her,

"oh, I sure hope so," she sarcastically states, "wooo!" he exclaims again, "hey Owen, let's put Chris down before he blacks out and I can't kick his ass later," I say sitting down on my suit case, "look forward to it," Chris says through pain,

Owen let's him down still excited, "sorry dude, I'm just so psyched," he grins, "cool, and here comes Courtney," Chris says as the boat comes back,

She waved to us smiling, she seems nice I guess, Chris helped get down smiling "thank you," she grins,

I don't think she would be cut out for this place though, looking over the island I catch Duncans eyes he smirks and I stick my tongue out at him,

"hi, you must be the other contestants," she walked over smiling, "its really nice to meet you all," she states and I grin, "nice to meet you too princess," I playfully wink, she blushed and looked away,

"hows it going! I'm owen!" owen exclaims shaking her hand, "nice to meet you, o.... Wow," she gets distracted by the boat coming back,

A dude was there... I guess he was attractive, the girls practically drooled smiling,

I fold my arms tilting my head, "this is Justin," Chris says as the dude walked towards him smiling, "welcome to total drama island," Chris fist bumped him, "thanks, Chris this is great," Justin chuckles,

"just so you know, we picked you based entirely on your looks," he admits to the boy, "I can deal with that," justin says shrugging then walked towards us,

"I like your pants," owen says smiling "thanks man," Justin says, there haaas to be a flaw on this guy, but what is it?

Humming I rub my chin, "cause they look like they're all worn out," Owen adds, "did you buy them like that?" he asks him as he continues to walk,

"uh, no, just had them for a while," Justin exclaim looking back at him, he stopped beside me and I looked back to Chris, "hey there," he says and I look up raising a brow,

"whats up?" I reply back, "I didn't catch your name," he say leaning on the pillor behind me, I lean back "I didn't throw it," pushing him back I look back to Chris folding my leg,

The boat came back and a ginger wearing a green top and skirt stood on top smiling,

"hey everyone, izzy!" Chris shouts getting everyone's attention, "hi, Chris, hi!" she shouts waving,

She kept waving and saying 'hi' untl she tripped on the boat railing and banged her chin off the edge of the Dock, "ow!" she exclaims falling into the water,

"ohh, that was bad," Tyler says chuckling, Courtney ran over to help her, "that's gotta hurt," wincing I bite my lip,

"guys she could be seriously hurt!" Courtney exclaims back at us, i smirk as she pulled out a smiling izzy, that girl..

Izzy shook her self off as soon as she got out, "that felt so.... Good! Except for hitting my chin, this is summer camp?" izzy exclaims excitedly,

"that is so cool, do you have papier mache here?" she asks as I got up and walked towards Courtney, "yeah, she practically in agony," I sarcastically comment snorting, she huffs but takes my help,

The other campers chuckle and I fold my arms looking at this izzy chick, "are we having lunch soon?" she asks smiling, "that is a good call!" owen shouts,

"first things first," Chris says raising a finger, "we need a group photo for the promos, everyone on the end off the Dock," Chris announced,

"is that a good idea?" I ask seeing the condition of the very old Dock, "why scared kitten?" Duncan asks teasingly, "ugh, get bent," walking away from him I roll my eyes,

I was kinda short compared to them, I felt someone place me on their shoulders looking down I saw DJ,

"better?" he asks and I nod smiling, looking back to Chris I hold up a peace sign,

"three... Two.... One.... Three," he says holding the camera to his face, there was a click"opps"he says causing us to frown and drop our pose,

"okay, forgot the lense cap, okay hold that pose," he says after taking the lense cap off, "one, two... Oh no, wait cards full, hang on" He says as he begin to delete stuff,

"this reminded me way I fucking hate group photos," folding my arms I growl, "come on its not that bad," Owen says and I roll my eyes,

"I see where the additude comes from," Duncan says smirking, "I am able to push you into that water... Don't get so cocky," narrowing my eyes at him I look away,

"come on, man,my face is starting to freeze," lashauna says complaining, "got it, okay," he says to us, "finally," Groaning I get back into the pose,

"everyone say, 'wawanakwa'!" he shouts and everyone did but me, the Dock began to crumble causing us to fall in,

"ah!" I squeal feeling the cold water, "okay guys, dry off and meet at the campfire pit in ten," Chris announced from the boat,

"never wanted to strangle some one more," wringing my hair I shiver slightly, "I feel you kitten," Duncan says smirking, "okay but can you not?" asking I look to him,

"wheres the fun in that?" he asks smirking, "not dying seems 'fun'," folding my arms I sarcastically smile,

"not capable of such things," he test stepping closer, "try me," growling I narrow my eyes, I felt some one pull me back "now now, we don't need a murder on the first day," Tyler says chuckling nervously,


After everyone dried off we met at the fire pit, I sat on the floor between gwen and Tyler's legs,

"this is camp wawanakwa, your home for the next eight week's, the campers sitting around you will be your cabin mates, your competition, and maybe even your friends, ya dig?" he asks and I leaned on gwens log tiredly,

"the camper who manages to stay on total drama island the longest without getting voted off will win $100,000!"he exclaims and I grin leaning up,

" excuse me, "Duncan says walking up to the front," what would the sleeping arrangements be? Because I'd like to request a bunk under her, "he points to me,

" are you joking, "scoffing I glance at him, he smirked wider," they're not Co Ed, are they? "Heather asks slightly worried,

" no, girls Get one side of each cabin and dudes get the other, "Chris exclaims and we both sigh in relief,

" excuse me, Kyle? "lindsy says raising a hand," can I have a cabin with a lake veiw, since I'm the pettiest? "she asks smiling,

" I feel like you and cleo tie for that tittle but that's not how that really works here and its Chris, "he says shaking his head, I scrunch my face at his little comment before leaning on my fist,

" I have to live with Sadie, or I'll die, "katie said brining her hand to her face," and I'll break out in hives, "Sadie says as the two catch hands," its true, "she nods,

" this can not be happening, "gwen mumbles deadly, I chuckle looking to her" aw, come on, guys, it'll be fun, "owen says pulling me, her and Tyler into head locks," it's like a big sleepover, "he exclaims smiling,

I pull out of his grip and rub my neck,"at least you don't have to sleep next to him," Tyler says whispering to us, gwen and I agree quietly,

We glance over seeing duncan giving a deer a nuggie, "thank god," I mumbled leaning back on my knees,

"here's the deal," Chris says "we're  gonna split you into two teams," he says pulling out a sheet, "if I call your name out go stand over there," he point to a side,

"gwen, trent, Heather, Cody, lindsay, Beth, Katie, Owen, leshawna, Justin and noah," he calls out and everyone smiled,

"aww, sorry cleo," gwen frowns as I pout, we grew a little bond over the two minutes of talking,

"from this moment on you are officially known as.... The screaming gophers!" he exclaims throwing a flag at them,

I tilt my head at the creepy picture, "yeah! I'm a gopher!" Owen yells excited, honestly I love his enthusiasm, its definitely a change,

"wait, what about sadie?" Katie asks worried, "the rest of you over there," he points to the opposite side of the other team,

"Geoff, bridgette, DJ, Tyler, sadie, izzy, Courtney, ezekiel, Duncan, Eva, Harold and cleo," he exclaims,

Getting up I whistle while walking over, "looks like we're on a team together, kitten," Duncan smirks, "Chris.... I'd like to switch sides!" I say turning to him, "no can do dude," he says shrugging, sighing I fold my arms,

He tossed a flag at Harold, "you guys will officially be know as... The killer bass!" he exclaims....

"great," I sarcastically call smiling, "could be worse," bridgette says and I shrug nodding, "not wrong," mumbling I rub my eyes tiredly,

"all right campers, you and your team will be on camera in all public areas during this competition," he says raising a finger,

"you'll also be able to share your innermost thoughts on tape with video diaries any time you want," he says, "let the audience at home know what your really thinking or just get something off your chest,"

Oh god, I just know shit is going to stir in there, pun not intended,

(cut away)

I walked in sitting down, "so far this whole thing blows dicks, I mean I guess some people here don't suck," shrugging i sigh,

(cut away)

"any questions? None? Cool, let's find your cabins," he says, he took us on the mini tour of the camp,

Folding my arms I dully looked around, "gophers, you're in the east cabin," he exclaims gesturing to the two cabins,

"bass, you're in the west," he turns back to us smiling, "at least there separate," Courtney says smiling, "mmhm," bridgette nods in agreement,

We walked to our cabin, I opened the girls cabin door tossing my bags in, "calling top bunk!" I call jumping on top of one of the top bunks,

"okay," the girls chuckle, resting back I yawn closing my eyes, "you shouldn't sleep yet," Courtney says from the bottom bunk, "testing my eyes princess... Not sleeping," murmuring I yawned louder,

"well we should change, Chris said something about a challenge, I got up before she flipped her shit, bridgette walked out to grab another bag,

Walking out me self I saw Geoff," excuse me, Chris, is there a chaperone of any kind in this facility? "he asks the man,

" your all 16 years old, as old as a counsellor in training at a regular summer camp, so, other then myself, you'll be unsupervised, "he shugged and I smirk" sweet, "I mumble leaning on the railings,

" you've got a half an hour to unpack and meet me back at the main lodge starting now, "he says gesturing behind him," nice, "I head Geoff says and then there was a high pitch scream startling all of us,

" oh man, that white girl can scream, "leshawna says shocked," whats the problem? Forgot your mascara? "asking I was the only one to walk in,

" no, and don't joke about that, I would literally tear my hair out, "she whined," okay okay, so what's up? "chuckling I ask looking around,

" bug! Kill it kill it! "she cried as I looked to the middle of the floor," oh really? "I ask and walked towards it picking it up gently,

" what are you doing! "Heather cried and I smirked," planting it in your bed, "I chuckle and whistled walking out," your not afraid off bug? "dj asks clearing his throat,

" nope, we all don't scream like little girls, "I tease him and walked towards the woods placing the bug on a branch and it ran off,

I walked back to them dusting my hands off, I saw Duncan with a ace, he hit it onto the now empty wood," a little late, "gwen smirks to him,

" aww man, "he whined before pulling the axe up," if you ever see one of those again just let me know, cause, you know, "Tyler begins as he sniffs the air," I could do that too, "he says in a tough voice, lindsay looked at him smiling,

I pretend to throw up," they always go for the jocks, "Duncan says resting the ace on his shoulder rolling his eyes, I chuckle looking to him, he smirked and I walked out back to my cabin,

After unpacking the girl and I headed to where Chris asked us to, we all lined up in the lunch hall,

" listen up, I serve it three times a day, and you'll eat it three times a day," chef shouts, I leaned over gwen shoulder sighing, "grab your tray, get your food!" he demands,

"it's definitely going to be slop," I say moving back folding my arms, "is that even a question, kitten?" Duncan asks and I look to him, "I guess not," shrugging I looked forward, "and sits your butt's down now!" he shouts,

"excuse me, but will we be getting all the major food groups?" Beth asks him worried, "yeah, cause I get hypoglycemic real bad," harold says as I see a murderous tint in the chefs eyes,

"if I don't get enough sugar," harold explains as Beth walks away, "you'll get a lot of shut the heck up!" the man says shaking with anger,

"have a cow," Owen says smiling, "what was that?" chef yells at him furious, "come closer, big guy, I didn't hear you!" chef growls, "oh I didn't say anything important," Owen says nervously,

"I'm sure you didn't, you, scrawny kid," chef says refuring to noah, who looked at chef confused "give me your plate," he says and noah hands it to him, chef gives him extra sludge,

"he's real mean," Duncan muttered from behind me, I tilt my head nodding "yeah but every tough guy has a weakness," I mumble narrowing my eyes at chef slightly,

Everyone eventually sat down at their tables and tried to eat their 'food',

"this is undigestable, and that's not even a fucking word," I say to the guys, they nod agreeing,

"I think I saw mine move," bridgette says poking it with her fork, "yeah? Well mines eating the bun," Courtney says,

"n.. No, I think it just let out a tiny explosion," I mumble pointing at the little bubbles that popped every now and then,

"think that's bad, my potato's are just plastic," Duncan says and I chuckle "I think that's the least of your problem," I mumble as the burger 'meat' was on the side of his face,

He quickly whipped it off Groaning in disgust, "welcome to the main lodge," Chris says walking in,

"yo, my man," Geoff says turning to Chris, "can we order a pizza?" he asks him and a butcher knife was throw into the door frame,

"whoa, it's cool, g, brown slop it cool!" Geoff says shocked, "right guys?" ask chuckling nervously as chef held up a sharp knife, we all nodded smiling,

"your first challenge begins in one hour," he says smiling widly, "bipshit," I comment rolling my eyes at his retreating form,

"what do you think is the first challenge is?" Courtney asks and I look to her, "I don't think they'll make our get our hands dirty just yet," shrugging I fold my legs,

"don't know, kitten, you might have to break a nail," Duncan smirks and I look to him matching smirk,

"and I might have to break your face," I felt someone hold me back again,

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