The Blue Moon Love

By _lakshanaaa_

33K 2.6K 3K

Jay, a successful game developer can see the future as a glimpse during blue moon days. He considers it as a... More

Receiving the marriage news
Dora the explorer
Barging into the bathroom
Husband duties
Movie date
Be my wife just for a day
Jay's back turned into a trampoline?
Favourite position?
The team dinner
Revealing the truth
The shocking news
Sweet comfort
The disastrous dish
Seeking advice from Love guru
Watching dirty things?
Meeting with Ex?
Amaira a robber?
Wooing a brick
Crackhead spotted at the crossroad?
Give me the damn divorce!
Kiss me everywhere
A night to remember
The oversized obstruction
The Climax

The Interview

1.2K 89 216
By _lakshanaaa_

Amaira's POV:

I peeped my head out of my room for the nth time in a row. I started losing patience waiting for his arrival. I'm standing at the doorstep for two minutes which feels like two years. The fear of losing the right moment made me sweat profusely.

"Psht!" I sighed. How many hours once will this guy pee? The last time he went was five hours ago. Why won't it come again? I saw him drink two glasses of orange juice. Where in the hell did it all go?

Please, God! Reduce the size of his tank, fill it fast and send him soon. I have a deed to do.

He comes to my room only for using the bathroom. If he doesn't use it frequently then how will I get the chance to accomplish what I want? I can't delay this any longer.

I heard footsteps nearing and peeped out of the door. Jay was walking towards the room and I ran inside. I got super nervous and stumbled on my way to the bed. Not wanting to lose the correct time, I hurriedly took out my phone and placed it on my ear.

I inhaled a deep breath and began with my deed.

"Aww!! I swear I'll miss you too." I said as loud as I could.

I noticed that the sound of the footsteps stopped. I could see Jay's shadow on the floor before the door. A smirk formed on my face acknowledging my success. Got you, man!

"Yeah, it ends in a week. I was hell-bent on resigning, but now when it happens, it saddens me a bit. After all, this place is where I worked for a long time." I said and paused. I waited for a few seconds pretending to hear the other person speaking.

"No Madhavi. I tried in a few companies but it was either I didn't like their terms and conditions or they didn't select me for the job. Probably I'll become jobless soon." I said in a sad tone.

"Yeah! Jay told me that he will hire me in his office but I don't know if he still remembers it. I don't want to pester him by asking it. I'll think about it if he asks again or I'm not going to consider the offer. I don't want to leech off him." I said in a clear loud voice so that he could hear properly.

I waited so long for him to ask about my notice period getting over soon. I gave him a hint on it but he didn't mention about his offer again. That made me doubt if he truly meant that or he told it to just console me. If he thinks I'm not qualified to work in his office, I can't beg him to take me in. My potential is much higher than that.

I told a lie inside the lie. I didn't attend any interviews like I told earlier. Working in a gaming company sounded fun, so I didn't bother to apply for a job anywhere else. Only if Jay gives no hope of hiring me, I'll apply to other companies. And that's why I did this drama. I wanted to check if he forgot the offer or was hesitant to hire me for any reason.

I glanced at the door again to see the shadow gone. Disappointment arose inside me knowing that my plan failed. I don't know when he went or how much he heard. If we had gone on the very beginning of my conversation, then everything would turn waste.

I let out a deep breath, frustrated. I have to prepare a new resume tomorrow. Then I've to go around seeking jobs from the day after tomorrow. Moreover, I don't remember the things I learnt in my soft skill classes. I hope I wouldn't fail miserably.

The next day I got up early to create a resume before going to work. I took out a paper and jotted down what all I had planned to include in it. I gathered details and completed my curriculum vitae after two hours. Jay was up and roaming around the house. I went to the kitchen to make breakfast for us.

Jay came out after taking a bath in casual wear and I wondered why. His eyes roamed around the house until it fixed on me. He walked towards me, into the kitchen.

"Take leave today." He declared.

"What?" I asked.

"You have an appointment with Jay gaming's CEO today. So call your TL and inform that you won't be coming."

Appointment? With a CEO? Who's that?

It took me a second to realise that he meant himself as Jay gaming's CEO. When did he give me an appointment though?

"Mr. CEO, do employees in your office take leave like that? Informing an absence like sending a flower pictured good morning message?"

"No, but you're no more an employee of that office. You resigned, so who cares?" He said coolly.

"My bank balance cares. I don't want to reduce my leave allowance amount for no reason." I said.

"No reason? You think a CEO gave you an appointment to meet with you for no reason? " He asked.

Duh! Look at the way he boasts!

"Oh! For what was I given the boon of meeting with the great personality?" I asked.

"You have an interview today. The CEO himself will be interviewing you to see if you are eligible to work in his office." He said.

Interview? Oh, so he remembered? Or he heard me yesterday?

"At what time?" I asked seriously.

"In an hour." He said.

"I'll call my TL immediately. I have an exigency leave left for this month. I'll take that." I informed.

"Good." He said.

"Aren't we going to your office?" I asked looking at his dress.

"No. The meeting will be conducted in the CEO's office room in his house." He told.

What a show-off he is? But I'm not complaining. If I get to become a CEO, I'll make everyone forget my name and call me CEO. How cool will that be to hear?

I completed everything soon and got ready for the interview. Even if the interview was at home and the interviewer was my husband, I can't attend it wearing a pajama, right?

I went to his room exactly an hour later to find him playing games on his PC. He was still wearing his tracks, meaning he is planning for an informal interview. I guess!

'Okay! Now forget that he is your husband. He is your boss-to-be. Act like that!' I told myself.

"Excuse me, sir." I said aloud, standing near the door.

He took out his headphones and turned around.

"Sir? Good! Come in." He said.

I went in, pulled out a chair and sat behind him. He rolled around in his chair to face me.

"Good morning sir." I began.

"Good morning Mrs.Jay. Shall we start with the interview?"

Hearing him say Mrs.Jay in a rough voice, gave me goosebumps. He continued asking routine questions they ask in an interview and I answered it as best as I could.

"So Mrs.Jay what do you think about your husband?" He asked in the middle.

"My husband? Is it anyway relevant to the job?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Very much. We hire our employees on the basis of how much they have understood about their partner. People who fail to do that are not fit to work in my office." He said.

"Oh! Seems like the CEO position will be vacant soon. Can I apply for that perhaps?" I asked smirking cockily at him.

"Okay, now the next question. What is your ideal type?"

He is not going to stop, is he? Then it is better to play along.

"The one who confesses their love first. The one who is bold and outspoken rather than assuming themselves. "

His face shrunk and I hope I didn't hurt him. Even if he was, it's okay I'll compensate later. It was him who asked the question.

"Do you even love him?" He asked, looking at me.

"I loved him."

"So not anymore?"

" I don't know. No comments."

I didn't want to lie. I didn't want to accept. Why don't he confess and ask me? I'll tell yes at once. I don't want a one-way love. I want him to love me back. I gave him the courage to confess, by telling him my feelings. But his tight lips are kept sealed instead of telling those words.

"Fine." He murmured.

"What if your husband has kept a secret from you? How would you react?" He asked curiously.

Secret? That was way too out of the box. Does he have any secret that I don't know about?

"Depends on the depth of the secret and the reason behind keeping it hidden for so long." I said honestly.

"The interview is over." He announced and I nodded in reflex.

"I have something to tell you." Jay's words scared me. Is he really having any secret?

"What?" I asked anxiously.

"I'm not normal Amaira." He notified with a glum face.

"Why?" I asked at once, shocked by his revelation. What did he mean by not normal?

"I have the power of seeing the future on Blue Moon days. I get a small glimpse of what would happen in my life later. I saw us getting married on a Blue Moon day. But later I saw you having dinner with Arav in a Chinese restaurant and came to know that you were already in love. That's why I couldn't accept your request to cancel the marriage. I knew it would happen for sure. And on the last Blue Moon day, I saw you hugging Arav and asking me for a divorce. That's why I thought you would be going back to Arav. I don't assume things myself like you think, Amaira. I see them on Blue Moon days. Sometimes due to the editing, I get mislead on the happenings. Most of my Blue Moon glimpses are on some tragedies of my life. That's why I couldn't believe you would become mine. I didn't tell you this until now cause I didn't know if you would stay with me forever. I didn't want everyone to know about my curse." He said.

He spoke slowly, trying to make me understand his words but his attempt was a failure. I couldn't get the head or tail out of the long passage. Is there supernatural powers existing on this earth? Will there be superman and spiderman too on the other end of the world then?

"I get it is difficult to understand Amaira. Everyone reacted the same way like you do now. Later when I prove them on the next Blue Moon day, they will believe it. Ask mom, dad, or Vihaan if you want. I'm not lying." He said.

Jay continued to tell me about his Blue Moon stories from his first one to the most recent one. It was too unnatural for me to believe. When he told me that he saw someone dying, his face made me proved that he wasn't joking. His face was dark and the emotions were still fresh. His hands were trembling when he went on about the struggles he went through because of it. I could understand his emotions but never would I be able to pass through all it peacefully and be mentally stable until now.

I got up from my seat and walked towards him. I hugged his head, pulling it closer to my stomach. He got up after a second and hugged me properly. I gently patted his back. He snuggled his head into my shoulders and gripped me even more tight.

"You did a great job, my boy! I'm proud of you." I said in his ears and ruffled his hair.

"Your hug is so comforting." He replied and lifted me off the floor. His arms at my waist held me up in the air and I held on to his head for support. He twirled around and put me down against the wall.

His eyes pierced into mine going to and fro from one eye to the other. It went down for a second to look at my lips. I licked my lips immediately, afraid if it was dry. His lips widened and his look turned mischievous.

He dipped lower and placed his lips on the spot below my ears. He didn't press it firmly on my skin instead it was more of a feathery touch with his lips. He traced his lips lower and stopped on my neck. He gently blew some air which tickled me in the process. His lips teased me, pretending to kiss. He lifted his head and slowly kissed my cheek, very close to my lips. He moved upwards and placed a feathery kiss on my eyes.

A tingle ran down my spine and the hair on my skin stood stiff. My breath was ragged and my palms wanted to grip something tightly. I closed my eyes and waited for his lips to do more magic inside me.

He kissed my forehead and said, "Open your eyes, sweetheart."

I obeyed his order and opened them eagerly. His eyes locked with mine before his head cascaded downwards. His thumb caressed my cheek and my lips fell apart. His hot breath was released just an inch away from my lips. I forgot his command and closed my eyes involuntarily.

"Mmm. Open!" He commanded again.

I opened it to see him smirking at me.

"You still have the confidence to tell that you don't love me anymore?" He asked, rubbing his nose on my cheeks.

Damn! I lost the mood. This idiot is forever a killjoy. Wrong question at the wrong time. No, that question is wrong irrespective of the time it is asked. How dare he test me like this? I was annoyed as hell and had a great urge to knee him on his balls. It was an easy target as it was just a few inches away from my knee. But I controlled myself for the sake of our future child.

I kicked him on his shin and pushed him away with my hands.

"I even have the confidence to kill you. Wanna show?" I asked, aiming my knee close to his balls. His hands automatically covered them and he moved a few steps backward.

"Get out if you want to save your life." I warned. He turned around and rushed out of the room. I followed him to see where he was going as we were in his room. I noticed him open the front door and run out of the house.

Is he that scared of my threats? Woah! I feel like a lady boss now.

I carried on with a few household chores after his disappearance. I supposed that he would be at his office as he had nowhere else to go. His employees would have got the chance to see their boss in a track today.

After a few hours, when I was folding clothes, Jay came back with hands full of bags. I looked at him puzzled and wondered why he went shopping all of a sudden.

"What? Did you forget that tomorrow is New year?" He asked.

Oh yeah! I totally forgot it. Hell! I don't even remember what day is today.

"Come here. I got us clothes and cake. Let's celebrate tonight." He said and shook his head in a signal to call me.

I went to him and got the bags from him. Celebrating the New year night with him seemed to be a fun idea. My excitement level reached its peak and I impatiently waited for the night to arrive.

Jay had bought me a red dress which was extremely cute. It had short sleeves and a fitting curve, flowing till my knees. I took a shower and wore the dress. I fixed my hair in a messy bun and applied matching makeup and accessories. I looked at myself in the mirror and threw a flying kiss, satisfied with the way I looked.

"Amairaaa!" I heard Jay cry aloud all of a sudden. I rushed out of my room towards the source of his voice. I entered his room to see him sitting crouched in a corner, clutching his head in between his hands.

"Jayyy!! What happened?" I asked shaking him slightly.

" is bursting head...I'm...not able to bear the pain." He spoke with a great difficulty.

"Jay! Jay!! Look at me. Do you know why it is happening?" I asked him as I wasn't aware of his medical history.

" it a Blue Moon day today?" He asked. His eyes welled up and a tear slipped out.

"Uhm? No Jay. It is not a Sunday to come weekly once. It was just a few days back it came last, right?" I blabbered in anxiety.

"Is it your Blue Moon symptom?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah! But this is more painful than that." He said. His veins were popping out of his skin.

I panicked without knowing what to do. I've to take him to a hospital. But how? I can't wait until an ambulance arrive. I can't drive either. I ran to the balcony to see if anyone was passing through the street. I spotted a taxi and ran back to him.

"Jay, get up. Let's go to a hospital. There is a cab down." I told and lifted him off the ground. I supported him to the cab and made him sit inside.

"Take us to any hospital nearby, sir." I instructed the driver.

He started the cab and drove towards the hospital. After half an hour, I noticed the driver turn the car into the road which would take us out of the city.

"Sir, what are you doing? Where are you going? Hospital is inside the city, where are you taking us?" I asked anxiously but he didn't reply.


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