Luna II(A BTS Soulmate AU)

By JiminBeJammin

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Vacation is over and the largest group of soulmates in the world is back in Seoul and back to work-this time... More

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By JiminBeJammin

"Seriously though, if you guys like accidentally kill me one day during sex, you can tell my family I died a happy death. They'd eventually understand," Luna says, making Tae giggle.

After ruining her sheets the night before, he'd taken her to his room to shower again and sleep. She'd woken up early and had to use the bathroom so he'd gladly helped, his babying embarrassing her immensely. Currently, she was seated on the counter in his bathroom and they were doing their morning routines together—joking about how wild the night had been.

"How are you feeling now? Any pain?" he asks, putting little dots of moisturizer all over her face.

They'd all switched over to Jooeun's skincare line, something that made her simp when she found out.

"Oh my whole lower body is sore, but at least I can feel my legs right?" she asks, gently rubbing some lip scrub into his lips.

"That's a start. We should get in the hot tub. I'll massage them for you," he offers and she nods.

"It's about time we put it to use again. We've only used it once," she replies.

The two finish their routine and he picks her up gently, letting her wrap her arms and legs around him as he walks back into his room. Luna giggles as their noses brush and he starts to give her Eskimo kisses—the cute gesture making her heart soar.

"Sit right here. I'll go get you a swimsuit," he says, setting her down on the bed.

'As if I have a choice,' she though, hissing lowly as she flexes her feet, pulling at the taut muscles in her calves.

It wasn't long before he returned, a yellow bikini in his clutches. Gently, he removes the shirt he'd given her to sleep in and helps her put on the bikini. Luna couldn't help but giggle to herself as he started digging for some swim trunks for himself.

"What's got you so tickled?" he asks, pulling off his shirt and letting his baggy sweatpants fall to the floor.

"It's're very gentle. You're treating me like I'm fragile, but you were the total opposite last night. It's just amusing to me," she says, admiring his physique.

Everything about Taehyung is beautiful. His jet black curls, his tan skin, his face, his chiseled yet soft torso, his long legs, and the cock that lay heavy and flaccid between them.

"Would you like me to be rough?" he asks, quirking a brow, his face suddenly serious.

Had he been talking to anyone outside their soulmate group, he might've come off as intimidating but she knew him too well to believe his act.

"I don't think I could take anymore rough right now. Besides, I love you just as much when you're soft," she says, making his cute, boxy smile spread across his face.

"Good because you always end up making me feel soft anyways," he giggles, picking her up from the bed bridal style.

He carries her to the second floor balcony where the hot tub lowers her into the lukewarm water before turning the heat and jets on.

"I'll be right back," he grins, running back in the house.

Luna shakes her head, gazing after him fondly. Tae got excited whenever he did something for someone so she knew he'd probably planned all this out. Her suspicions were confirmed when he came back holding a tray filled with fruits, cheeses, crackers, and drinks.

"Ta da," he says, setting it down next to the hot tub and getting in himself.

"Wow Tae, this looks delicious," she says gratefully, her stomach starting to growl as she watches him pour the colorful drinks in the champagne flutes on the tray.

"I'm glad you think so. What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I didn't feed you after a night like that?" he jokes, passing her a flute.

She takes a drink her eyes widen in surprise. At first glance, it looked like orange juice but it was definitely mango.

"Good, right?" he asks excitedly, his cuteness too much to handle.

"Really good. I love mangoes," she replies, making him smile big again.

Much to Luna's dismay, he cutely insisted on carefully feeding her with skewers in between him massaging her legs and feet. She supposed she should get used to the doting, but it was hard.

"I know," he replies, giving her a cheeky grin.

They were just about to get out of the hot tub when Hobi and Jimin come bounding outside.

"Princess, you did it again! Dior mag sold 6.3 million copies already and it was only released 3 hours ago! Also, Maxim released the sales records and as of yesterday, the sales were at 7.1 million copies and counting," Jimin says, jumping up and down excitedly as he read the info from his phone.

"Woah! Look at our little centerfold creating history," Hobi praises, making her giggle.

"She the 1 of 1! I don't see no competition ," Joon yells the lyrics to one of her old songs as he steps outside.

Luna laughs hard, hiding her face in her hands as the others come out and join in. In her moments of weakness, she could look back on memories like this and remind herself that hate and evil never prevail. Just like her soulmates, she was destined for greatness and she wasn't going to stop until she reached every goal she set her mind to. With them by her side, she could do anything.

Once again, the boys' found their spirits being lifted higher. Despite what people tried to do to bring her down, Luna always won in the end. I was like she was a magnet for good things, most likely due to her kind disposition and positive energy. Looking back at everything she overcame was an inspiration in itself and she deserves to be celebrated. They knew they were about to step on some toes, but it was about time they stopped walking on eggshells in their own lives. They wouldn't be able to make everyone happy anyways.

bts.Bighitofficial Congrats to our breathtaking, record-shattering soulmate @LunaOfficial for breaking the highest selling magazine record in the WORLD! It is truly inspirational to watch you overcome everything life throws at you with grace and poise. Those numbers not only prove that you don't need to meet beauty standards(You made your own!), but also how well loved and appreciated you are as a person whose inner beauty shines just as bright as her outer. You make us prouder than we could ever express Princess—With love, Your Soulmates 🖤💜


"You know what? My hair is being real disrespectful right now," Luna huffs, trying to get the left side of her hair to slick down.

She was currently getting ready for her outing with Bang-PD and her hair wouldn't cooperate for shit. She couldn't style it any other way because she'd put so much product on it.

"Let me try," Jin says, holding his hand out for the brush.

They'd been chilling in the home studio all day and had managed to get some lyrics written until they noticed it was about time for her to get ready. She'd already done light makeup, just some brow gel, eye liner, mascara, and lipstick.

Defeated, she puts the brush in his hand and let's him attempt to tame her hair, the soft brushing he was doing definitely not working in her favor.

"It's so curly," he sighs, also defeated.

"Fuck it. I'm throwing on a wig," she says in exasperation, going in her closet to pick one out.

She looks down at her extremely casual outfit, picked by the boys, and decides to go for a colorful one to spice things up. Her eyes light up when they land on a green, custom unit she'd never worn and slips it off the wig head.

Jin watches curiously as she pulls her hair back into a ponytail and braids it, wrapping the braid around itself and pinning it before slipping on the skin toned stocking cap. She makes sure her edges are tucked away sprays some Got2B freeze spray around the perimeter of the cap, letting it dry a little before slipping the wig into position. She secures it with some pins around the perimeter since she would probably take it off when she got home anyways. She does her signature side part with baby hairs and it lays perfectly, making her do a little dance in the mirror.

"Bravo," Jin claps, an impressed look on his face.

"Now I just have to spice this up a little with some glasses and some jewelry and I'm set," she grins, slipping on some Cuban link bracelets along with a matching necklace and big, black framed glasses.

"You look great," Jin compliments, kissing her on the temple.

"Thanks, now I'm nervous," she says as she clips a little, black pouch with her phone, ID, a credit card, and some cash in it to her belt loop.

"Don't be, out of all the higher ups, he values family the most. He just wants to check in with you and get to know you better, maybe even discuss some business. He's not fond of how structured things have become but it's necessary when our business has grown so tremendously. Anyways, he knows we love you and that you're a good person so he'd never do anything to offend you in any way. He's a good time so don't be afraid to loosen up. Just have fun and be yourself," he says, holding on to her shoulders, his face playfully stern.

"Yes sir," she giggles, making him break character.

"Get out," he chides, shooing her out of her own closet.

The others tell her similar things and words of encouragement, making her feel better about it overall. Before she knew it, it was 5pm on the dot and the doorbell was ringing.

You got this Luna.

Luna laughed at Bang-PD's attempt to make her miss her shot. They were playing pool and she only had two balls left as opposed to his four. This was their fourth game and he had yet to get a win, so he'd started trying to distract her out of desperation—his horrible attempts cracking her up. At this point, she felt silly for even being nervous.

They were at a private pub, one you had to have a shiny, gold membership card to get in, and neither of them were hungry so they decided to give pool and darts a go first. Like everyone had told her, he expressed that he wanted to check in and make sure she was okay above all else—the sentiment warming her heart. She'd answered honestly, letting him know that she was down some days but was overall very happy with the boys and with Bighit as a company, despite those grumpy PR employees. Like a concerned father, he'd listened to every word and vowed to personally have a talk with his PR team concerning the work.

"If they're unhappy with what they're doing, then they need to find another job," he'd said.

He only wanted people that genuinely wanted to be there and were willing to work as a team for the greater good of the company and each other—like a community, he'd stated.

After hearing his philosophy on how companies should be run, Luna gained a lot of respect for him, not that she didn't have any already. Now, one on one, she could see that he was speaking honestly and genuinely—something sadly rare amongst CEOs of big companies.

He was also easy to talk to and before she knew it, he'd eased her into sharing what her childhood was like and how it shaped her into the person she is. She was intrigued by his childhood as well—baffled by the fact that he grew up in a music heavy household but was encouraged not to pursue it. She was sure his parents ate those words ten fold considering he's one of the richest men in Korea and has been for a while now.

"Oh brother," he says, placing his hand on his forehead when she pocketed both her ball with one shot.

"You told me not to take it easy on you. I warned you," she sings, sinking the 8ball and winning the game.

"I give up! All this losing made me work up an appetite. Where'd you learn to play like that?" he exclaims, leading them to a high top table.

"My grandad taught me. Pool was his favorite game. I remember when I got my first big break as a model. It was a Fubu ad as a matter of fact and I was 14 at the time. The first thing I did with that money was buy him a brand new Billiards table. Even after it got old and worn, he never threw it out. I bought him another one when I had his and my grandma's house built but he still put the old pool table in his den as well," she says, smiling fondly at the memory.

"That was sweet of you. It speaks volumes that you were that selfless at that age," he replies, calling over a waiter.

They ordered their food and an array of craft beers for her to try since they specialized in it. He just ordered his favorite since he'd already tried them all.

"Here you go, Mr. Bang," the waiters bows politely, putting their order in front of them.

"Well that was fast," Luna says, in shock.

It had been less than five minutes she was sure.

"Ive been coming here for years so they probably just get started on my usual order when I come in," he chuckles.

Luna sat back and patted her tummy full of the best Korean fried chicken and beer she'd ever had. She was slightly tipsy from trying all the beers but was overall functional, the greasy food probably soaking up the alcohol fast.

"I must say I'm impressed. Hobi and V drank half as much as you did and were just about ready to tip over by now," Bang-PD says, making her laugh.

"I have a pretty good tolerance for alcohol, up there with Suga they say," she grins, taking another sip out of her favorite beer of the night.

She perked up when a familiar song started to play through the speaker she didn't even realize were playing until now.

"I'd that Luther Vandross? They play American music here?" She asks and Bang PD nods, laughing at her shocked tone.

"They do. That's why it became one of my favorite places," he informs her, swaying to the music.

Luna's mouth almost drops when he starts to sing the lyrics to "If This World Were Mine." Getting into it herself, she starts to sing along, whipping out her phone so she could take a video for the boys. This was definitely not what she expected, but she was enjoying herself for sure.

A/N: The outing with Bang PD continues in the next chapter!

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