Dick Grayson x Reader Oneshot...

By Hermionegalathynius2

17.7K 286 141

Just a few oneshots about your favourite boy wonder. I don't do smuts and I don't do angst, just fluff pieces... More

Don't Ever Let it End
Soulmate AU
I Never Hated You
Mrs G
Prompt List and Request Rules
Jason Todd x Reader

Better than Talking About it

2.2K 37 4
By Hermionegalathynius2

Hey! Oneshot no. 2! Lets go!

I can't really remember what my inspiration for this one was, tbh. I wrote this a few months ago during Lockdown (wasn't that fun?) and kinda forgot about it until now. If anyone has a better idea for the title, pls tell me. I'm not a big fan of the one I came up with...

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters. You own Y/n and DC owns the rest.

"Hey, Bruce said he's hosting a bunch of guests this weekend, so I was wondering if I could stay at your place while I'm in town?" Dick asked, voice hopeful.
You grinned at the coffee in your hand and swapped the phone to your other ear, "Of course it's okay, Dickie."
He groaned playfully, "Don't call me that!"
You laughed, tapping your nails on the counter, "Alright, sorry. But yeah, you can definitely stay here. When are you arriving?"
"Er..." he trailed off and you pictured him looking at the watch you got him for his birthday, "In an hour? Maybe less? I'm leaving the apartment now."
Your smile widened, "Great. See you in a bit then."
"See you in a bit, Little Bird."
Then he hung up.
A moment later your phone was ringing again, but this time it was an out-ward call.
"Hey Birdie, what's up?"
"He's staying in my apartment!"
"Who?" Barbra asked, a frown in her tone.
She laughed, "Oh god, Y/n. I thought someone was in your apartment."
You huffed with impatience, "Bee!"
"Sorry. Did he call just now? Why isn't he staying with Bruce?" She replied.
"Apparently Bruce is hosting lots of guests this weekend. There's no space for Dick so he asked if he could stay here."
"And what did you say?"
You scowled at the wall, "What do you think?! I said yes!"
She snorted, "Birdie, you're just gonna have to push through. You've had feelings for him for who knows how long, but you've dealt with it before. You can deal with it now."
You sighed, picking at the nail polish on your thumb, "But he's been in Bludhaven for a long time and I haven't seen him since he left. I've gotten used to him not being here. When I see him again it will be like I'm developing the feelings all over again!"
"I don't know what to tell you, Y/n. You're a superhero for god's sake. Pull yourself together!"
You sighed again, "Yeah, I know. Sorry Bee. I'm just so stressed with work at the moment and Bats has got me on patrol four times a week. Along with night shifts at the precinct, I only get one night off and that's tonight. Now that Dick's gonna be here my stress levels are up again."
"Hey, don't worry about it. How about I come over later. I'll bring pizza then you, me and Richard can watch a movie. That way you don't have to be alone with him and I get to spend time with both of you. I miss you guys, you know. Does that sound good?"
You relaxed, "Oh god, Bee, that sounds great. You sure you don't have to be somewhere tonight?"
"Nah. Timmy, Jase and Dami are on patrol tonight. I'm all yours."
You smiled, "Alright, I'll see you soon."
"See you soon."
The call ended.

You had spent the past forty minutes cleaning the house and getting the spare room ready for Dick. Then, with twenty minutes left to spare, you sat on the couch and read your book.
  Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door. Closing your book, you got up and opened for Dick. He smiled down at you.
  "Hey Little Bird!"
  You grinned and hugged him, "Hey Dick. Long time no see. I missed my partner in crime."
  He winked, "I missed you too, Y/nn. It's been lonely patrolling Blüdhaven without you by my side."
  You laughed and led him in, gesturing to the hallway, "Your bedroom's the first door to the right, bathroom's at the end."
  He thanked you and plodded down the hallway.
  "Barbra's coming over later for pizza and a movie. You can join us if you want to," you called after him.
  "Okay," he replied.
  You went back to the couch and continued reading. At some point you heard Dick turn off the water and get out of the shower. 
  "Hey Dick?" you called.
  "You want some coffee?"
  "That'd be great, thanks."
  Getting up, you entered the kitchen and put the kettle on the stove. Then you reached up to get some mugs out of the cupboard.
  There was a soft gasp behind you and you paused mid-stretch to turn. Dick was standing there in only a towel, muscular torso on display. His hair stuck up at awkward angles.
  You couldn't help but stare.
  "Um, could you... could you get dressed please?" you asked in a small voice.
  He swallowed, "Am I distracting you?"
  There was silence. Then he groaned, "Oh god, Y/n. I'm so sorry. That was inappropriate. I'll go get dre-"
  "You are distracting me, yes," you replied before you could stop yourself.
  He froze, blue eyes boring into yours, "Well, if that's the case, then you should go put some longer pants on because those shorts are really short and your legs are driving me nuts."
  You gaped at him. You hadn't known he'd felt that way.
  Slowly, the gap between the two of you shrunk. Your head tilted up and you could feel his breath on your mouth. His eyes flicked down to your mouth, pupils dilating. Your heart skipped a beat and-
  The doorbell rang.
  The two of you jumped apart.
  "T-that must be Barbra," you stuttered, looking anywhere but his face.
  Dick swallowed, "Yeah, I'll um... I'll wait in the living room."
  You hurried out of the kitchen and opened the door.
  Barbra took one look at your face and demanded, "What happened?"
  Your eyes darted to the kitchen where Dick wouldn't be able to hear and she followed you. She put the pizza down on the table and said, "What. Happened."
  You sighed, "Dick and I... had a moment... sort of."
  She frowned, "Sort of? Like a look or a brushing of the hand..."
  You glared at her, "No. We almost kissed."
  She gaped at you, "What do you mean by 'almost'?"
  "Like we were a split second from kissing when you knocked on the door!" you whispered furiously, frustrated with all her questions.
  She was silent for a moment, thinking, then she said, "I'm going to leave."
  Your eyes widened, "What?!"
  She smiled slyly, "Clearly something would be happening now if I weren't here, so if I go..."
  You paled, "No, Bee, please! It's going to be so awkward-"
  She shook her head and hurried out of the kitchen yelling goodbye to Dick and disappearing through the door.
  You sighed and pulled yourself together to go into the living room.
  "Why did Barb leave?" Dick asked when you sat down next to him with the pizza and started getting the movie ready.
  You swallowed, "She, er... she had to help Bats with something."
  He frowned in concern, "Is the team okay?"
  You nodded, still not looking at him, "Yeah. Don't worry. Just... need a woman's point of view."
  He cocked his head to the side but said nothing.
  Throughout the movie you started relaxing. You found yourself leaning into his side, resting your head on his shoulder. He tensed at first, but then relaxed too, putting his arm across the back of the couch.
  But then, about halfway through the movie, he whispered in your ear, "Are we going to talk about what almost happened in the kitchen earlier or are we going to pretend it never happened."
  You froze slightly at his words, but managed to pause the movie and turn to face him, "We can talk."
  He nodded, but his eyes were locked on your lips again. You realised just how close your faces were.
  "Or we could just," you whispered, "continue what we started."
  He swallowed, "I like the sound of that."
  Then he was kissing you. It was slow and gentle, yet you felt yourself wanting more. He seemed to feel the same way because when you gripped his shirt and pulled him closer, his hands moved down to your waist and pulled you onto his lap.
  His lips moved from your mouth to your jaw and then down your neck, reaching your exposed shoulder before moving back up again and sucking on your sweet spot. You gave a breathless whimper, nails digging into his back.
  "That was way better than talking about it," Dick breathed once you'd pulled away, blue eyes blinking up at you.
  You huffed a breathy laugh and bit your lip, "Yeah... but we still need to establish what this makes us."
  He smiled softly at you, kissing you gently, "I was hoping it meant I could be your boyfriend."
  You smiled widely at that, "I was hoping the same thing."

I hope you guys liked that. It got slightly heated towards the end, but I think that's as heated as my writing will ever get. If you're uncomfortable with it, you are welcome to skip those parts or the whole chapter. We all have different tastes.

Thanks for reading :)

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