The Hunt For The Truth, Witho...

By dezy9318

59.6K 1.6K 189

When you look at me, you think I am a strong reliable Alpha. That I have always been this way; with beauty, s... More

The Hunt For The Truth, Without Really Knowing...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

2.2K 120 8
By dezy9318

I am so sorry. I was going to publish this earlier, but I was going through some finacial difficulties, making me not have Internet nor my Computer. Also I was going to upload it about two weeks ago after I got my computer back, but it was messing up whenever I get on the internet. So thank my uncle for letting me use his computer! Now back to what you are waiting for.

Chapter 7

Hunter’s POV

The meeting with the Elders was frustrating. They did not like the fact that Nalis made them wait until the morning. Especially since there is only one person training the pack members, and they did not trust the trainer. I rolled my eyes at their stupidity and complaints.

I stayed silent as they continued to talk. As they were complaining about how Nalis ran things, and how it was not the right way. I could feel her anger growing, but the Elders were too absorbed in their measly complaints, that they did not sense it.

I grabbed her hand, hoping to calm her down, before she did something she regretted. It helped for a few seconds, but as they continued to talk, it was quickly replaced by more anger. Her anger was slowly making the room shake, but yet it did nothing to stir the Elders.

"Enough!" Nalis commanded in her full Alpha voice. The Elders looked at her as if she had slapped them in their face. Silence was the sound as the air in the room stilled to a suffocating Alpha aura. "I will not hear more of this non-sense. I am the Alpha, and the way I choose to do things will only be my choice. From now on I will only see you as Elders that will help me with my job, but not as someone who takes charge. I am in charge, and I will not be told how to do my job. I will have no one overstep my authority. Do you understand me?!"

I was stunned as I looked at Nalis like a new person. She hated using her voice to make people do as she wanted, especially when she was angered and towards a pack member. I looked at her closely to see her eyes were slightly a silver color, indicating that her wolf had taken over, though not fully. Her wolf felt threatened and challenged, just as Nalis had felt.

"If you do not agree with this, then you have the right to challenge me to a duel." Nalis said in a calm voice. "I will give you three days to decide if you really want to challenge me, but do remember this, if you win, I will leave this pack. I have another pack that I can still take under my command again. I will help you no further, as well as any of my pack members.

You will have no Alpha to command, no beta to help defend, and no control over the pack members who get out of control. My pack will always accept those who turn away from you, because in the end, all wolves will be attracted to an Alpha. This will make you open to any enemy wishing to take over this land.

When the time comes, that you are defeated by the enemy, you yourselves will be the last ones alive to come crawling back to me and beg for my forgiveness. Or the other alternative, you will be the ones dead. The choice is yours, but for now this meeting is adjourned."

Nalis gave them one last glace, before turning around and walking towards the exit. The Elders were still in shocked at what their Alpha just said and commanded. Once Nalis was gone, the air in the room suddenly was breathable again. Even though I was her mate, I was not able to have the strength to move when she released her full Alpha aura, especially when her wolf teams up with her.

"Sh…She can’t do this!" Charles exclaimed, though I could see him shaking in fear and weakness.

"She can, and she just did." Was my last response, before I too disappeared through the exit, leaving the two Elders stunned.

Elder John’s POV

Elder Charles and I continued to sit at the table; minutes after the Alphas had left. Our anger was slowly growing again, after the shock of what had happened. Never in our years as councilors have we had such disrespect, especially from an Alpha.

"That child was disrespectful and that attitude was uncalled for." Charles stated as he growled at the exit door. "We need to have a word with her father, for I will not tolerate this disrespect."

"I agree with you brother." I said as a scowl formed on my face. "I will send a mind link to him immediately."

"You do that!" Charles said as he gathered some of his paperwork to organize. His way to try and calm down

"Mr. Silverman. Your presence is requested in the meeting room immediately." I mind linked Mr. Silverman in an authoritative voice.

"I will be there right away." Mr. Silverman said as he closed the mind link.

Within a few minutes he arrived. I could tell he knew that this situation was serious, seeing has our faces held scowls. His nonchalance face became serious in an instant. Once he sat down, Charles began to speak.

"I know you may no longer be the Alpha of our pack, but we will not stand for your daughter to disrespect us!" He said giving him a stern look and voice.

"May I ask why and how she has given you both such disrespect?" Mr. Silverman said with confusion upon his face.

"I will show you what she has done." I said as I opened the mind link to only him and Charles.

He was viewing the memory for a few minutes, before it came to an ending. His face held many emotions, from which I recognized as anger, annoyance, and still a small amount of confusion. Though the reason why he has confusion was beyond me, for I showed him what happened.

"As you can see from the memory, she was completely disrespectful. She cannot tell us to stay out of how she runs things. This is how it has been for many years." Charles explained.

"We will not tolerate this, we want you to speak with her and force her to come apologize for her disrespect." I added.

Mr. Silverman’s confusion began to disappear, and his annoyance became more prominent. His anger was still there, on his face as he thought over what we just informed him. We can tell he was he was thinking over what we said, but we were angered that he was even taking the time to think it over. We gave him a command, and he has to do it!

Walter Silverman’s POV

"Well! What are you waiting for, get to it!" Charles commanded, while Elder John nodded in agreement with him.

"I will talk with my daughter, but let me tell you a few things first." I said in a calm angered voice. "The only reason I will talk with her, is because you are the councilors. I respect you, therefore that is why I am doing that, but that is all.

My daughter’s behavior was… Acceptable. Like she had informed you, she is the Alpha. I know through the years, the councilors, were given the privilege of being in charge in the background, but that was through our decisions.

My father allowed you to help, because he respected you as good friends. I continued to allow you, due to being new to being an Alpha. Through the years, I grew comfortable and respectful towards you in charge of my decisions. Even though these were our decisions, my daughter can choose otherwise.

For two years, she has been an Alpha of her pack. She did not have someone else controlling the decisions of the pack, nor her for that matter. She herself had become a true leader, by going with her instincts, or with the help of her mate. Even though she did not have councilors, she did well for herself, seeing as her pack had become the most powerful in just two years.

Two years! Ours took seven years when my father became Alpha. I was lucky enough to continue keeping the title, until my own daughter took it, though without knowing. She is smart, strong, and very well respected among her pack members, something an Alpha needs.

Now you are lucky she did not just fire you both or discontinue the council, but seeing as she has some respect for you, she is allowing you three days to come to your senses. I would not challenge her, for you will not win. It is true what she said; in the end, we will need her."

With that said I rose from my chair, gave them a slight bow, and exited the meeting room. I closed the door, leaving Elder Charles and Elder John left in the empty room to their thoughts.

I continued to walk down the hall towards the exit. Once I exited the library entrance, I walked towards the Alpha office on the first floor. Outside the door of the Office, I raised my hand. I pressed the dark gray button on the right hand side of the door.

A buzzing sound could be heard my side, indicating it was working. This device was a new instillation my daughter installed, for more privacy within the office. After she installed the device, she made the door into a soundproof door.

Within a few seconds, a voice was sounded through a small speaker next to the gray button. This allowed me entrance, once I was buzzed in through an automatic lock mechanism that was controlled through the inside.

Inside I saw Hunter sitting on the Alpha chair, with my daughter sitting on his lap. They were looking towards my direction as I entered the office. I gently closed the door and stood in front of the desk.

I could see Hunter’s hand on the side of Annalisa’s hips in a firm grip, preventing her from attacking anyone. In the process of holding her tightly, he was able to bring comfort towards her, and try to calm her down. This brought to my attention that she must still be fuming about the recent interaction between her and the Elders.

Once in front of the desk at full attention, I gave a slight bow of respect, before sitting myself down on one of the two chairs in front of the desk. I allowed her to gather her thoughts, by remaining silent. It was a few minutes of silence, before she was the first to speak.

"I assume that you have spoken to the Elders." She stated in a cold calm voice.

"I have." I stated in a non-threatening tone of voice, as to not agitate her wolf, whom seems to want to join the conversation.

"And what have they said about me, and my actions?"

"Well they showed me the memory, in which shows what happened within the meeting room. They even stated that you were disrespectful, and I need to, in their own words ‘Force you to go and apologize for your disrespect’"

When I finished I looked to her face, to see anger growing on the surface of her face, but before she, or her wolf, could explode, I continued to speak. "But I did not agree with them. You are the Alpha and what you say is the law. As I informed them, my father and I chose to allow them to help lead. That was our choice, you can choose otherwise.

Although I believe you were right in this matter, I feel that challenging them was a wrong choice action. In a way, it shows weakness, because you are allowing them a choice of disobeying you, and you are approving of the disobedience to happen. Now of course I have no say in the matter, but I think it wise to think about the situation, and what the outcome could become."

I allowed her to think over, what I just explained to her. Within her eyes, I could still detect anger, but at the same time, knowledge and understanding of my words. I knew she understood what I explained to her, but as I informed her, it was her decision to choose to heed my words.

As time grew longer, I began to feel as though she need more time. With that in mind, I stood up, getting ready to take my leave. As I reached the door, I was stopped by the sound of my daughter’s voice.

"Thank you father, I understand. I will try to speak with them in a calm manner the next time. Though calling off the challenge now, would show weakness, for they will believe me to be fearful of the council. And of course an Alpha does not go back on their word, especially me!" She said, making me turn around to see a smirk drawn upon her face.

I let out a sigh, before I too gave her a smirk of my own. "Of course, we never go back on our word. Most of all, we never show weakness in the eyes of our enemies." With that, I left the office, allowing a chuckle to escape my lips before the door closed between myself and the Alphas of our pack.

Aaron’s POV

Training was going smoothly… Not! Michael and Jared were trying to take over, but each time I reminded them of the Alpha’s orders, in which they would grumble and stop for a few minutes. I felt as though I was taking care of my younger siblings, and I have to warn them of our parent’s rules. Well something along those lines, seeing as I am an only child, I do not know much about those situations.

Throughout training they were like that. They would listen one minute, then the next; they would choose to do it their own way, due to not liking how it was done. When we first started training, they did not want to listen at all. They tried to get their groups to follow them only, as though it was a regular training day, until I finally reminded them of the Alpha’s orders. Of course that didn’t help long, for soon they were back to trying their own ways.

I felt as though training was going like a game of wizard’s chess. I would make a move, and then they would make a move. We were trying to figure out the best outcome of trying to take over a certain piece on the board and destroy it. Take granted that I do not know much of regular chess to begin with. Though I have taken this little knowledge from a movie, just to explain my situation to others.

"Alright, Training is over. We will meet at the same time tomorrow." I concluded, after looking at my watch to see that it was time to finish.

I began to gather the equipment we used during training. My group began to help me clean up the area, while Michael and Jared’s groups, went towards the direction of their homes. After we completed in cleaning, I excused my group, allowing them to go home.

Not wanting to head home myself, I stayed an extra hour to train some more. As I was in the middle of training, my name was heard from behind me. I turned towards the direction of the voice, to see Alpha Nalis walking towards my direction.

I stood at attention, out of respect for the Alpha. "Alpha." I stated in a respectful tone of voice, before slightly bowing.

"Aaron. How was training today?" She asks kindly, as she directs me towards a bench next to a tree. I could tell she was on edge about something, but she continued to hold a smile at me.

"It went as well as it could." I said, as to not bother her with my problems, seeing as though she had some of her own.

She gave me a stern look, hinting that she could tell there was another meaning behind my words. I looked away slightly, as to not look her directly in the eyes. I suddenly felt as though I was in an interrogation room.

"Aaron." She said in a stern voice, forcing me to turn towards her again. "Might I get the meaning behind that?"

I allowed a small sigh to escape my lips, when I knew she would not let it go. "Well, I don’t want to get anyone in trouble, and I am not ratting anyone out, but I have been having problems all day with the other two trainers. They aren’t really cooperating.

They won’t listen to my commands, and when I say something, they try and twist it around. Not to mention they try to do things their own way. Also, their groups won’t listen to me, because they respect their trainers, making training them difficult."

"I understand. Though there is not much I can do. I could show up during training, but that won’t do much, since they will only listen, while I am there. Besides, if I were always there, then you will never gain there respect, that just might make you lose it even more. Don’t let them bully you." Alpha Nalis said as we both sat down on a long bench. "Do you know the story of Mah’coh?"

"Yeah, everyone in the pack knows the story." I said when I got into a comfortable position, knowing a long story was going to follow.

"Well I am going to tell you a story my late grandmother once told me. It was a story that I had long forgotten, until I was in my own pack, and by remembering it, it made me a stronger woman, and a better Alpha. I hope that it will do the same for you as well.

This is a story about Mah‘coh’s and Yanaha’s grand-daughter Yazhi and how she became a brave warrior."

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