Expect the unexpected ;) A ka...

By tobioswhoreee

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Some say secret relationships are a hard thing to keep hidden. Even in the cases of said relationship being a... More

Quick A/N (read it don't skip😡👊🏽)
Chapter 1: "Ah, Mr. Moans and Groans?"
Chapter 2: "Shoyo kun's Secret Smoocher???"
Chapter 3: "You're into some shit, but I'm into 𝙙𝙞𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙩."
Chapter 5: "international, super spyyyy"
Chapter 6: "Age is everything, including the damn number"
Chapter 7: Ducking and Dodging
Chapter 8: "...We do not care"
Chapter 9: "something is NOT right"
Chapter 10: "Are they nuts??"
Chapter 11: "Expect THE expected"

Chapter 4: "Bokuto-san?!?!"

1.2K 41 9
By tobioswhoreee


Meanwhile, at 8:48 pm, the official team meetup has commenced.

"Alright! Bo, you got the laptop?" Atsumu asked impatiently, leg bouncing in it's respectable place.

"Y'know Tsum, this is all completely crazy. I mean, a week ago we were thinking that crazy bastard would die alone. It was sad as hell man! It seemed like he was in desertion! Then a few days ago we decided to secretly pull some kinda shit that would get him a damn date-

"Wait, Bo?"


"....wasn't that called off because that jackass bolted from practice and left us for dinner night?"

"I mean yeah, but- oh. WAIT-"


"Yeah, you are." An extra voice from behind the wall called out. The black haired man pulled down his mask and set it on the table, moving slowly towards the two sitting on the couch.

"How long are you idiots going to keep this up? You can't just leave him with his business? Who cares if he got someone, good for him-he'll let us know or let us meet if he wants. Why do you want to know so bad?"

Atsumu and Bokuto looked up, almost in awe of Sakusa's presence.


"Shut up, Tsumu. I'm just saying. Do what you want I guess."

  And with that, Sakusa walked straight to his room without another word, leaving the others present to sit in silence. Bokuto was the first to speak, although he wanted to leave his comrade's personal life alone, he really did, yet the curiosity is killing him. Hinata wouldn't be fond of the idea, but he wouldn't necessarily be angry that they want to find out who he's with right? Things could turn dangerous if no one knows the relationship he's in or who he's with. What if the person's a creep or something? You never know, a lot of shit happens these days. They wouldn't know a thing, and that could put the spiker in trouble-god forbid of course.

  Atsumu was of course the one to break the silence, first by a meek and eerie cough, which slowly turned into words.

"So... you really think we shouldn't do this?". Bokuto looked up at the blonde, and just stared. He really wasn't sure, but it wasn't like it would be the end of the world if they happened to find out.

Hinata would take it kinda harsh at first, but surely he would grow out of his angry mood for them just being curious and involved with him.

"I.. really don't know. I want to give him space and privacy because he deserves it, he does, and this is kinda prying, but what if something happens that requires us to know, and we don't even have a single clue who's being this involved with our friend? That's on us for not being more into his life and knowing these things, but is it really our business? That's where I'm at." He finished, giving Atsumu a look that signaled "your turn".

  "...Maybe we should just put this whole..thing-operation on hold." Bokuto shook his head in agreement to that, and after they both just went back to lounging around not really doing anything.
     *2 HOURS LATER*

"HEY BO CHECK THIS OUT!!" Atsumu suddenly yelled from the sofa, where his calloused feet were placed eloquently against the coffee table. Bokuto came from the kitchen, ramen in hand to sit next to Atsumu, worried and anxious for whatever this sudden outburst was about. 

   "Look what I found here, man." Atsumu proclaimed, sliding the laptop in Bokuto's direction, carefully placing a few napkins down so the silver haired man could wipe his hands and mouth before touching the device.

  "@thehitoky, 24, lives in Sendai, designe-wait, she looks kinda famili- IS THIS THE BLONDE, ANXIOUS GIRL FROM HIGHSCHOOL?!?!" Bokuto shouted as he stared at his friend with wide, excited eyes.

"YEAH ITS HER! SHE WAS KARASUNO'S MANAGER AND SHE WAS REALLY GOOD FRIENDS WITH SHOYO-HELL, I EVEN THOUGHT SHE HAD A THING FOR HIM THEN TOO!!" Atsumu said, face beaming with joy and smugness, as if he had just solved the world's greatest mystery.

"Okay, but what if she has absolutely nothing to do with Hinata now?" Bokuto asked, filled with a new sense of doubt. Atsumu looked at him, cocked an eyebrow, and picked up the laptop. After scrolling a bit (and making certain sly grins, Bokuto didn't miss those), he handed back over the computer. As his eyes scanned the screen, reading everything on it, Bokuto's face drastically changed back to his brimming hope.

"I know. They follow each other, whatever, but he's in a lot of her comments, calling her beautiful, involved with her day, asking about things, AND asking to message privately??? This seems like we've hit a crucial landmark in our mission, Bo." Atsumu was met by a certified smug grin, and a point to a stack. "Wait, you have..holy SHIT WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR GET YER DAMN JACKET!"




  Finally home, I kicked off my shoes and placed them at the front of the door. I was greeted by my cat, Ruka, crawling up to my feet and purring lightly. She must've had a day, I know I have. Dinner and tv can wait, a nice shower is the only thing that is calling my name now. Work was especially draining today, with me having to work with a rude, snobby customer, yet I always pull through!

After my shower, I find Ruka asleep on the couch, figures. I walk to the dishes and began to clean up whatever left over mess that was left in there since last night. Shouldn't be much, seeming as I wash my dishes very frequently. As I pick up the next dish, I hear a knock at the door. I haven't had any company over for the past month and a half, so I was definitely NOT expecting someone, especially at almost 7 in the evening. Nevertheless, I have to answer, but before I do, I look through the peephole to be met with this golden hair that looks oddly familiar, but I just can't place my finger on where I've seen it.

    There's a lot of customers in my line of work, so my memory of any of them is like a coin toss, if they weren't exceptionally remarkable. As I look to the left side of the peephole, I see- wait. I unlock the door to be met with two tall men staring down at me with the biggest smiles I've seen in almost a week.

"B-BOKUTO SAN??!?!" I shouted as I stood there in shock.


   •••••••••••••••End Chapter•••••••••••••••

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