Hitch'd (a TVD fanfic)

By divinitydark

73.6K 3.1K 711

NEW COVER - SAME STORY Meet Kira Fitzgerald, just your (ab)normal 17-year-old with the ultimate case of "new... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
32 *End*

Chapter 25

1.2K 58 14
By divinitydark

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"Kira, are you sure it's a good idea for you to be drinking in your...current state?" Matt whispered the last part, looking around the bar with shifty eyes.

"She's fine, mate," Kol brushed off Matt's commentary, his eyes on me the entire time he spoke. "We've got her."

"I wasn't asking you," Matt hissed.

I opened my mouth to answer when yet another annoying admirer chimed in. "Relax, Matt. I'm sitting right here, do you really think I'd let something happen to her?" Stefan budded in.

I narrowed my gaze at the shot Matt had reluctantly poured but hesitated to hand over. I wanted a normal night, a fun night. Not three baby-sitters. Four, if I included Matt. Jack hadn't said anything, but I could feel his eyes on me. This attention didn't feel the same. They were all watching me like a pressure bomb waiting to go off.

I muttered a curse under my breath and snatched the shot from in front of Matt quickly tossing it back and slamming the glass back on the table before I stood from the bar. "I'm going to the bathroom," I hissed. I wasn't even buzzed, which only annoyed me further.

I mumbled my frustrations to myself as I stepped into the bathroom, washing my hands and pressing the cold moisture against my neck with a deep sigh.

"So you're the new Lockwood wolf?" a husky feminine voice cooed from behind me. I furrowed my eyebrows, looking into the mirror for the owner of the voice, but couldn't find her until she stepped forward from the shadows of a stall. "I thought you'd be hotter," she snorted, lifting her head up revealing a face that looked exactly like...

"Elena?" I gasped, turning around.

She rolled her eyes and tilted her head. "You seriously can't tell the difference?"

My annoyance swirled over me, making my skin tight and itchy. From her scent, she was a vampire and I'd had about enough of arrogant vampires for one night. Instead of responding, I turned back around, rinsing my hands off once more before wiping them dry and heading for the door.

"Hey! I'm talking to you," she shouted, vamping in front of me before I could pushed the door open.

"Look, I don't really care who you are. I came here to relax after an extremely confusing day, and you're in my way," I said coldly.

She scoffed just before her face vamped out and she rushed me, pushing me hard against the far wall of the bathroom with her hand at my throat. She was strong, but nothing compared to Elijah or Klaus.

"No one walks away from me," she hissed, her nails digging into the skin of my neck. I felt no pain, just my magic rising to the surface of my flesh.

"Maybe I should wear a sign or something," I muttered, more to myself than to her. She lifted a confused eyebrow. "You vampires seem to think," I started, gripping the hand that held my throat, "that everyone and everything is under your complete control," I tightened my grip, yanking her hand off of me and quickly flipping our positions with her hand firmly against the wall beside her head.

"You all act so cocky," I said, my voice low and sultry. "But I think you really just want someone to snatch that control away from you." Her eyes widened and she gulped as I kept her immobile with my magic. "The name's Kira Fitzgerald. And in case you haven't realized it yet, I'm so much more than a mere wolf. Who are you?" I asked hypnotically. Her irises disappeared behind her dilated pupils.

"Katerina Petrova. I go by Katherine Pierce now," she responded, breathlessly as her eyes drifted down to my lips. I lifted her chin and her gaze darted back to mine.

"Why are you here?" I demanded, keeping her eyes locked to mine.

"I'm here for Stefan," she replied, distracted.

"Stefan? As in Stefan Salvatore?" I asked, my eyes growing wide in surprise, accidentally breaking my compulsion.

She rushed me again, vamping me against the sink, my back pressing firmly against the cold mirror. Before I could contemplate what happened, she captured my lips in hers, her hand finding its way beneath the fabric of my shirt as her tongue forced its way into my mouth. I kissed her back, draining magic from her vampiric blood as her lust both infuriated and empowered me. She moaned into my mouth, losing strength and tried to pull away. I gripped the hair at the back of her head, keeping her mouth fused to mine as she dropped to her knees with a grunt.

I pulled away from her, leaving her panting on the floor as I stepped past her towards the door. "What the hell are you? What kind of power was that?" she asked, breathless and shaky.

"I'm the kind of witch you don't wanna cross. Next time, I won't stop until you're completely desiccated," I said coldly, stepping out of the bathroom and making my way back to the bar.

"I'm ready to go," I announced, annoyed that my night hadn't gone the way I wanted it to. I shrugged into my jacket and headed for the door without another word to the three immortals I'd come here with.

Kol quickly sped past me to open the passenger door to my jeep as I approached it. I rolled my eyes and slid in with a heavy sigh. Stefan and Jack seemed to be having a standoff at the driver's side about who would be taking the wheel, annoying me even further. Tension surged between my shoulders and my magic grew restless at my fingertips. I contemplated silencing them with a spell, teleporting myself to home, or maybe the old prison world was a better option...no, no, no, I went out to blow off steam, not listen to forever teenagers argue with alpha wolves.

I wanted music thumping beneath my feet, echoing in my chest. I wanted dancing and freedom. I wanted that same lustful attention my power seemed to crave. And I knew exactly where to get it: Vortex.

I ignored the warning thoughts bubbling up in my mind and reclined back in my seat, closing my eyes and focusing on the dimly lit club until I could hear the music floating in my head. I muttered a cloaking spell along with my teleporting spell under my breath and vanished before the three idiots could stop me. When I blinked my eyes open, I was back at the alleyway beside the Vortex building, crouching against the wall. I glanced down at my outfit, quickly conjuring up a more appropriate - read: sexier - outfit. As I stepped through the alley, my senses were filled with an aroma I was familiar with but couldn't identify.

Shaking away my suspicions, I quickly made my way to the entrance of Vortex. A new bouncer stood by the seemingly innocuous warehouse building, just as buff and stoic as the first one. He briefly took in my appearance and nodded, stepping to the side for me to enter. I stepped in, following along to opening in the middle of the floor where the same hidden stairwell awaited. As I trotted down to the main floor, my magic welled up, flooding my chest with warmth. A sensation I'd come to know all too well rushed over me - lustful attention.

I took in the feeling, the only thing that seemed to tear away the tension in my shoulders, and waded into the dancing crowd. I swayed along mindlessly with the music until a heady force rushed through me. I'd attracted the attention of yet another powerful immortal. I planned to ignore their presence altogether, but something in me was tempted to seek them out. Odds were they didn't know me since I wasn't immediately swarmed by my annoying sitters. Maybe I could have a little fun after all.


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