The Tables Have Turned (A Nar...

By He4venly

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After refusing to take over her family's company business-side, Hinata Hyuga decides to relocate to the origi... More

Author's Note


715 37 155
By He4venly

I remember loving the clubbing life so much in college. 


Kami, I still enjoy it.

I've never drank with any of my childhood buddies so it's so weird seeing them beaten and battered by the amazing effects of alcohol. 

For me, I've learned to hold my liquor. Some of my frat friends educated me enough and how to drink longer. It's a whole science, really. I'm just a professional at this point.

Of course, the only ones that could really keep up with me right now are Kiba and Shikamaru. Though, the latter prefers to sip on his beer and watch the shenanigan's of Kiba and me. The Japanese nightlife is absolutely amazing. The club is so much cleaner, smelled so much better, and the lights along with the music is enough to make even the most introverted person want to get up and swing their lips. The dancefloor was illuminated with dark red colors while the VIP booth we somehow managed to get into was a very nice dimmed white. I could see the blushes of my friends' cheeks as they converse amongst each other.

The guys at the club all seem respectful and the ladies...

Oh the ladies are all absolutely sexy. It makes me glad I ended that toxic relationship with my now ex-girlfriend this morning. She would've never let me go out like this without her being here to cling all over me. Something about PDA was a turn on for her while I would much rather keep all the groping private. 

Sasuke proposed the idea that I might go home with someone else today to get over her but frankly...I don't think I'm in need of a rebound. Deep down, I knew things weren't going to work out between us anyway. 

As the saying goes:

It is what it is.

And tonight, I'd much rather enjoy the bro-party-life with my childhood friends who know me better than myself. In all honesty when Sasuke drove us to this club, I half expected to be glared at, berated by them but I should've known better.

Instead, Choji thought it'd be cute to challenge me to a drinking competition. Shino was trying to calm his best friend down but his actions would only be in vain. Sai, a friend they made in college, was just sitting and beaming at our antics. He's nice, at least that's what I got from talking with him on the car ride here. 

He is a bit weird though.

Poor fool passed out after the 5th shot. Now, his head is dangling off the back of the booth as he chuckled manically and chomping down on the bag of chips he managed to sneak passed the bouncer.

I caught sight of Sasuke pulling his phone out, tapping at it a couple times. This wasn't the first time since we got here. He's been doing it quite frequently instead of conversing and drinking with the rest of us.

I decided to jest with him a bit. "Yo. Sakura making you check in every 15 minutes or something?"

My old best friend glared at me. "This entire city knows better than to flirt with me. They would much rather not face her wrath."

"Then what's more important than downing that shot of vodka, hm?" I sat down, crossing my arms on the glass table. 

"I'm not telling you anything!" 

"Well, at least tell me how we got this VIP section? In the States, you gotta be a special somebody to score the highest section in a club, y'know." The rest of our friends stopped their conversations and looked at us. Even Kiba stopped dancing and met eyes with his own best friend right beside him. 

"Who do y'all know that's so important to get this? Nobody's telling me anyt-"

Sasuke suddenly held up his finger in my face, quite rudely might I add. "Hold your tongue for a quick second, asshole."

"What -"

He looked at Sai and inclined his head. Both raven-haired men climbed to their feet in a hurry.

"Wait! Sasuke, Sai!" I called after them. "Where you guys going?"

It was the police officer that answered, "You wanted to know who's name we dropped for this VIP section, yeah? We're going to get her now." 

"Huh?" Her?

But he said no more. Instead, he closed the curtains and left me in more curiosity than before.

I turned to Kiba, the need to know gnawing at my burning body. "Who is it? Do I know her? Is she hot?"

This caused him to burst out laughing. "I ain't saying jack shit!"

"Come on, bro!" I slapped his shoulder. "It's killing me, y'know!"

He took a piece of the dried squid on the table and stuck it in his mouth, a part of it still sticking out of his mouth. "I will answer one of those questions: she is the hottest girl you'll ever lay eyes on."

"Doubtful." This fool has never been to the States.

"I'm not kidding, asshole. Why else do you think the two officers had to go down there to pick 'er up?"

I blinked.

"Just wait and see." Shikamaru set his phone down with a heavy sigh. "What a drag. They're always causing a scene..."

Now there's multiple of them? Girls? 

"Y'all didn't get strippers or something, did you?" I gaped. 

That earned a smacked across the back of his head from Kiba.

"You really it'd be smart to have strippers in here with the girlfriends we have?" Shikamaru shook his head. "Always and forever the idiot."

He's got a point. I know personally how scary Sakura is since I've been at the end of her hard hitting fists more than humanly possible growing up. Ino, I've seen blow up at her high school exes and Temari just has this look...of utter terror if anybody were to cross her. 

To think these guys were able to tame them in our early adulthood years is crazy to me.

I chuckled to myself. "Yeah, you're right."

We waited a bit longer. I started munching on some of the club food, surprised it wasn't as greasy as I anticipated. Honestly though, should've asked Sasuke to wait a bit longer so I could at least make us some dinner or something. The alcohol is started to pass my through my system and in a few minutes, I'd release it all in the toilet.

I need to get more in me but even Kiba seemed like he's calmed down a bit after our little karaoke session.

"How long is it taking them to get their asses back up here?" I leaned back, spreading my arms across the back of the booth.

"Sorry, we lost one of them on the dancefloor." Sasuke's voice suddenly intruded our space, jolting me to look up at them.

"Lost?" Shikamaru raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah but then -"

He never got to finish.

Instead, a pale blonde girl burst through the curtains, intoxicating all of us with the scent of her perfume. "You boys need to come down to the dancefloor! Stop sitting up here and being old farts!"

"Ino?!" I sprang up.

So this is who they went down to grab.

Their girlfriends.

"Oh my Naruto!" She squealed and threw her arms around my neck. "My fellow blonde!"

I laughed and returned her hug as respectfully as I could. "You look good!"

Ino grabbed my exposed arm. "And I can say the same for you! Look at you, wearing a button down. Kiddo Naruto would've ripped that shit right off!"

"Yeah, believe it!" It's nice seeing another friendly face so welcoming of my return. Honestly, I half-expected cold greetings from the girls but if Ino can forgive me.

Then the others should be okay as well.

Or so I hope.

I've already ran into one of them today.



Don't think about her. She's never forgive me. It's just false hope at this point and it'll only hold me down

After everything I've done to her, I don't expect her to ever look at me the same way she used to. 

It would be nice though.

I'd also be lying if I didn't miss hearing her voice. It was like a supplement I could take after a long day and relax my tense muscles. 

Her smile.

The way she tried to hide her mouth behind her tiny hands when her shoulders shook as she giggled. She put everything that existed around her to shame. 


I really messed everything up with her. 

I'd trade all the memories with my exes or hookups, all those short moments of bliss...

I'd trade them all for a friendly sit down just to hear her giggle again.

"America did you good, Naruto. Welcome home, buddy." Then she looked away. "Ooo! Alcohol."

"We should head down there..." Shikamaru stood up. "Temari is never gonna let me hear the end of it if some random guy tries hitting on her and I'm not there to do anything."

Ino finished sipping whatever the drink was in front of her excitedly and started running away from us again with Shikamaru right behind them. Sasuke held the curtain open for the rest of our friends to file out. Kiba immediately howled as he threw his arm around Shino and started skipping down the stairs.

I downed my last shot and decided now wasn't the time to be wishing for the impossible. I lost her when she poured her heart out at me and I just gave her a cold stare with one word.

I lost all of that.

Maybe I should take home some random girl and enjoy that small euphoria along with escape it can come with it.

The heavy bass of the music deafened me, making me feel a bit numb.

This is what I need.

Just a night to release all the stress that came with that competition.

The need to feel perfect.

To get everything tasting perfectly.

And seeing her...again.

I shook my head as we reached the bottom of the stairs, still keeping close to Kiba as he openly checked out a group of girls at the bar close by squealing and laughing. One even caught my eye and gave me a wink. I only smirked and kept her in mind in case I was truly down for this one night stand.

"Found them!" Ino shouted above all loud music and voices. Forgot how loud she could be.

I lingered along the outskirts a bit, watching my friends slowly mingle inwards, talking, laughing. 

It's nice being here with them. 


I can't help it and it has nothing to do with them. 

I just feel a bit.

Left out.

They spent the end of their teenage years into their young adult lives together, creating memories.

Meanwhile, I was somewhere else making my own memories without them in it. They've been doing a good job of keeping me involved in conversations but I still feel like I'm somewhat at an arms length.

Kami, I need a drink, believe it. 

All this doom and gloom when we're supposed to be partying just ain't gonna work out. I came out tonight to get rid of the stress from the competition.

Not to get all depressed.

I need to get out of this state and get in there before Kiba starts gathering all the girls himself.

"Dude, dude, dude!" Some brunette guy in a plaid shirt ran past me suddenly, straight to a table where 3 other guys stood, drinking. "Tell me you see her."

"See who?" one of them asked.

"Are you fucking blind?" Plaid Shirt grumbled than he pointed directly into the crowd. "There!"

His friends instantly started whistling and their eyes went wild.

Now I'm hella curious.

I followed Plaid Shirt's finger, scanning the crowd of sweaty bodies trying to pinpoint which girl he was pointing out.

Then I saw her.

Her back was to us but I knew who it was in a heartbeat. Her navy hair glittering under the lights, those lights are not doing her dress any justice. Her curvy waist, that, shit. 

She's here.

And her hips are swaying, following each beat of the song like a seductive siren, hypothesizing people left and right. I didn't miss the people passing, each giving her a look of desire. She turned a bit and I caught a glimpse of her face. 

Her eyes are closed. 

But that smile that's plastered on her face is enough to make a man drop to his knees and grovel for her hand. The way her snow white skin sparkled with life as she continued moving with each tone that came from the speakers. She wore makeup.

Why the hell would she do that?

Doesn't she know that would only attracted more attention? 

Does she enjoy that attention others give her? Is she even aware what she can do to an entire room with just her presence? 

Does she...know her effect on everybody around her?


They need to fucking stop if they want to keep their eyeballs where they belong.

"$50 I get her number." Plaid Shirt suddenly said.

"I'll do you one better." His friend, some sleezeball with the voice of a 14 year old who hasn't hit puberty yet. "$100 if you can get her to come home with ya."

"You're shitting me, right?" 

I guess I was wrong about people being genuinely polite here.

Guys like these are everywhere. 

They gotta be shitting me if they think she's worth a mere $100. No price tag would be enough.

"Do it, you won't."

No, he won't. 

My body moved before anything else on me comprehended what was going on. One moment I shot a deadly glare at the table of guys; especially at Plaid Shirt who stopped in his tracks the moment he saw me. I turned away from him, shoved my hands in my jeans and started shoulder pushing bodies out of the way. 

My vision narrowed in on one person.

One woman.

I heard my name floating around the atmosphere but I don't fucking care.

Those bastards really think $100 is what she's worth.

They're fucking delusional.

The sight of her already cost more than their daddy's trust fund.

I didn't care that she probably doesn't want me around her.

I didn't care that she hated me.

I need to be there.

I needed to show those guys and everybody on dancefloor, this entire fucking club that this woman is worth more than anything. They need to know that they're lucky she's even here, gracing all of them with her beauty. 

And I need to be the one to protect her from all of that, even if she despises my very being.

Nothing else mattered.

Nothing at all.

"N-Naruto?!" she squeaked when I grabbed her wrist, gently of course.

Those eyes, the ones I should've drowned in when I first met them in preschool widened with surprise.

Huh, that's strange.

No lingering hatred in there when she recognized who I am.

"What are you -"

With my other hand, I put it on the small of her back and pushed her towards my body. 

Oh my Kami.

My entire body heated up from the warmth her more smaller one emitted. I had to close my eyes to concentrate on this, drown this sensation to memory because I'm pretty sure she would be looking at me in disgust after all of this is over. 

She feels so perfect against me.

And she didn't fight it.

Well, immediately.

"Let me go, Naruto." She stopped fidgeting after she knew there was no way she could break free from my grasp.

"Just." I breathed into her ear. "Just stay like this for a bit, Hinata. Please."

"I." I felt her shoulders tense up a bit. "No. You need to let me go, Naruto."

I only tightened my grip out of a panic reaction, causing her to flinch.


I scared her.

"There's some assholes trying to harass you." I spoke quickly. "So, please. Just for a bit, let me protect you."

"I don't nee protection." She mumbled back, her words laced with venom. "Especially not from you."

"I know." I sighed. 

Kami, I missed her.

"But please, just let me help you." I missed her so much.

"Just this once, believe it."

Silence from her.

Reality was starting to bloom again around me. I became conscious of the people watching us while others were too drunk or high to care singing and dancing. The music grew louder and louder with each pounding heartbeat.

It felt like a lifetime before she finally answered.


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