ㅤᏇㅤtides by the moon 🍒

By cherry_icicle

8.3K 301 789

────『•𝗠𝗘𝗥𝗠𝗔𝗜𝗗 𝗔𝗨•』──── ᨳ 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃・6/24/21 "I've missed you, Killua..." Gon confessed, grab... More

001: My Underwater Prince
002: Snowflakes in the Summer
004: Tears of the Ocean ⸝⸝ 2/2

003: Raindrops on the Window ⸝⸝ 1/2

1.1K 41 166
By cherry_icicle

(A/N) Here it is! The last installation of 'Tides by the Moon'!

After so many delays, WiFi problems, and non-existent motivation, it is done.

Also happy one year anniversary to this story! 🎀✨

This has sooo much fluff you'll basically have cavities after reading lmao

Word. Count:

I wanted to put an image to show you all the exact word count. Just wow, a milestone for me.

I also split this chapter up into parts of 2 to make it easier for you to read!

Please, enjoy! ❤


"Don't wait up for me! I'll be back for dinner, Mito!" Gon announces in a shout, lacing up his recently new boots with speed and impatience.

"Okay, just be-" Mito looks up from her sweeping, stopping in the middle of the sentence unintentionally as she sees a small shade of green out of the door and hearing it close loudly.

Mito sighed, resuming her sweeping in silence.

"Don't you think that Gon has changed quite a bit?" A weary voice stumbles.

Mito looks up at Abe, seeing her with her hands clasped in her lap and a small smile. "At the age of 16, I will not be surprised if he's already found himself a 'special someone.'" She emphasizes with a deep stroke around the two words, sighing peacefully.

"You think so?" Mito says startled, eyes wide and grip on the broom solid. Receiving a nod for affirmation, she chuckles slightly. "Hmm, I'm sure Gon would have wanted us to meet them by now..."

"Yes, well, maybe he's just keeping them a secret from us for now..."

Mito's smile faltered, and her grip on the broom loosened. A lonesome expression on her face.


"Hmm?" The sudden change in her attitude and demeanor alarmed Abe. "What is it Mito?"

"Do you think... Gon may be hiding something else from us?" Mito asks carefully, her eyes wide in worry and fear. She clenched her fists to her chest to keep them from trembling.

A hum. "As a growing teenage boy, I won't be surprised if he is." Abe shrugs her shoulders softly, "But, if he indeed is, we'll give him his privacy..."

"Mmm..." Mito nods in agreement, all the while silently thinking to herself: 'I won't pry him for an answer...', she looks out towards the front door. '... But I can't help but feel worried...

Gon, just what are you hiding...?


His lungs are huffing out small pants as he reaches the beach shore, hearing the familiar crashes of tides that pummeled the dense earth.

A small smile crept onto Gon's face as he saw him, tracing small circles into the sand with his elbow up to lean his face into his palm. "Hehe, must be my lucky day," Gon muttered to himself before taking steps closer.

Killua's fin-ears twitched at the sound of footsteps, causing his eyes avert from his lazy sketches to spot his one and only desired human approaching him. His pupils dilated as a coo trilled in his throat. Gon...
Leaning up on both arms, Killua decided to let his eagerness prevail.

He stopped in front of him, staring down at those sapphire jewels of irises that were staring back up at him.

He smiled lovingly. "Hi Killua..." Kneeling down in front of him, he trails his fingers through the damp snow-white hair, his ears picking up the starting sound of a purr. "It's been awhile..."

Killua leans into the hand caressing his scalp, his purr becoming louder with the happiness and warmth he's feeling. He leans closer to Gon, touching his cheek to his own and nuzzling his face. Forget embarrassment. I wanna touch you...

"Hahaha Killua, that tickles!" Gon laughs, his hand stills in his hair, while the other wraps around the narrow waist. "Hah! Stop!"

Killua leans back for a second before rubbing his nose with Gon's in an eskimo kiss with his eyes closed and small blush on his face. "Awh, Killua..." He chuckles, feeling his hybrid love pull back again before opening his eyes again, taking in the sight of his flushed face. "I missed you too." Pressing a kiss on a flushed cheek.

Killua couldn't stop the small mew that built up in his throat, and so the overwhelming feeling of embarrassment washed over him, and he brought up a hand to slap over his mouth. BAKA! Why did you do that?! Embarrassing! His head down with his bangs covering his eyes, Killua subtly tries to move away from Gon.

"Huh?" Gon blinked in confusion at noticing him beginning to shy away from his touch, instinctively gripping him tighter. "Eh, Killua? Are you becoming shy now...?" He teased with a smile, causing Killua to lift his head up so fast he was afraid he would get whiplashed; eyes wide and pupils constricted.

"You can be shy around me~" He cups a hand on his cheek. "It's honestly a cute look on you..."


Mmn... Killua's pupils dilated, reaching his own hand up to touch the one holding his cheek, looking away shyly.

Gon pulls away, but not before taking Killua's pale hand in his own, bringing it up to his mouth for a small kiss on the knuckles.


A high-pitched yelp echoed, and the hand was snatched out of his grasp. Gon looks up at his love with a wink; Killua pouts in slight anger from the tease. His gaze trails off into the currents hitting the shore harshly, some of the water splashing onto his shorts and into Killua's hair and scales.

Even though they have been official boyfriends for almost 2 weeks now since Killua came back from hibernation, and long before then, being best friends, he has never swam beside him.

It wasn't like he didn't want to, hell, he is dying for the experience; in fact, he wasn't the one to make this be a barrier between them.

Killua is so adamant on him not coming into the water, even when he is leaving and Gon tries to follow him, he always stops him before his foot even makes it off of the beach.

Gon has asked him about it, but the answer is always a gesture of 'no' with his head or he just doesn't acknowledge it at all.

What is there to be afraid of?

Standing up and dusting off his clothes of sand (though he didn't need to), Gon walks around Killua, smiling down at him as he sees him tilt his head and furrow his eyebrows. What are you doing?

Gon takes a few steps back, getting into a running position before taking off and jumping deep into the water. "Haha! Yes!" He shouted in victory once he broke the waters' surface.

Meanwhile, Killua was an internal panic attack.

Gon, what are you doing?! Killua shrieked, pupils constricted as he rushed over to him, trying to get him out of the water and back onto land where it's safe. Baka! Do you have a death wish?!

"Hey! I'm not drowning, Killua!" Gon reassured with a laugh as frantic hands trying to push him back to shore in a panic. He gently grabs holds of the cold, wet hands around their wrists, seeing that this made Killua look up at him with a nervous expression; those wide-eyed, baby-blue irises. "I can swim! It's okay...!"

Gon leans in and kisses Killua on the forehead, comforting him as he also rubs his hands up and down his arms, lingering on the spotting scales that were there. A blush blossoms across the bridge of Killua's nose to connect both red cheeks, and a small purr trills in his throat unconsciously; he really enjoyed that kiss.

Smiling, Gon pulls away from Killua, seeing that cute head tilt that he does when he's confused or curious. Taking in a deep breath, he dips his head underwater, which made the mer-boy jump from the sudden splash of water and panic once again from the non-existent sight of him.

Gon?! His purr broke up.

Just as Killua was about dive under as well, he was caught in a trap of two strongly-built arms from behind, and the sound of laughter brushing against his sensitive fin-like ears.

"GOTCHA!" Gon announces, still laughing joyously. In the meantime, he puts his face in the place where Killua's shoulder and neck meets, cuddling closer to his exotic lover. He plants a small kiss on his neck, and Killua's breath hitches in response.

"I didn't scare you too much, did I?" Gon asks cheekily, eyes closed as he relaxes close to Killua in the cold ocean, his hair fallen from their usual spiky state and dripping water from the tips.

Killua pouts, his eyebrows pinched closely in slight irritation, before turning around in Gon's arms and hit him across the head to brush off the rest of the irritation before it developed into anger. Baka! Don't do that!

"OWW! Killua! I'm sorry!" Gon unwraps his arms from around Killua before reaching up with his left hand to run the sore spot that he was hit in. "Okay, so I take it that you don't like surprises..."

There's a small chuckle, and Gon makes eye contact with the mer-boy.

Killua crosses his arms with one eyebrow raised, smirking at the amusing view. Leaning forward, he kisses him on the cheek, the purrs that are building in his throat vibrates his lips as he did so. Meh, I can't stay mad at you...

Nuzzling Gon's face with his own. Just don't do it again.

Blinking in shock, Gon recovers once he feels Killua cooing and rubbing against his face, quickly reciprocating the touch. "Heh, you forgive so easily," Smiling, Gon embraces him in a hug again. "Or are you just being this affectionate only with me?"

You'll never know. Killua hugs him back, his tail swishing back and forth, easily keeping them both afloat. His purrs and trills are now vibrating their entire being.

And I don't plan on you knowing either.

Pulling upwards on his arms, Killua lands a kiss on the mouth this time, cooing as he feels Gon kiss back immediately. Everytime they kissed like this, it always sent shivers from his upper half all the way down to the last end of his tail. So much so, that his tail gets spasms, and sometimes thrusts him further into the water, which usually breaks up their kiss as Gon is left on land.

But, since Gon is in the water with him this time, when his tail thrusts forward, they both move without the kiss breaking apart. Both too focused to realize that Killua's tail keeps moving them farther and farther away from the shore before they're almost in the middle of the ocean.

The need for oxygen overwhelms Gon, even though he desperately doesn't want the kiss to end but he needs to breathe in order to live so he can continue to kiss Killua. With one last deep kiss, he pulls away, engulfing breaths with small pants while Killua pouts from the sheer lost of warmth.

Gon sees this, and raises an eyebrow with a smile, "What? I have to breathe, Killua. I don't have lungs like you do." He kisses the pout away, hearing purrs happily tremble in volume once more, before looking up and out to the ocean.

Gon's smile falls off his face as where he expected to see the shore of the beach, is now nowhere to be seen; not to mention, he was starting to become excessively cold from staying in the freezing waters for so long.

"U-Uhm... K-Killu-a-ah?" Gon stutters out from his trembles, tightening his embrace on his lover in hopes that body heat will compensate for the lost warmth, but no luck.

"Hmm?" Killua hums in question, feeling Gon starting to shiver uncontrollably and panic began to rise. Gon? Are you okay?

He rubs his right hand up and down Gon's side, trying to comfort him but it backfired, as Gon flinched and moved away from the touch.

"A-Ah... K-Kill-uah! C-Could you s-swimmm... u-us back t-to the shhh-sh-shore?!" The sentence was brokenly filled with stutters and breaks; to Gon, the sensation of numbness pulsing in his fingertips and toes up through his arms and legs alerted him that he's risking hypothermia in these conditions!

He desperately needed to get out of this ocean!

"Ugh... Killu..." Gon's voice trails off into a whisper, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as consciousness began to slip away from him, becoming dead weight on Killua's lean form.

No! Gon! Killua's pupils became constricted and slit, his fin-like ears twitching as he sensed pain coming off in hot waves from his human boyfriend. Without hesitation, Killua wraps an arm tightly around Gon's waist, making sure he was secure and above the water before propelling them towards the faraway island in inhumane speeds (well yes because he's a mermaid).

Hang in there, Gon!

Loud splashes travelled through the quiet atmosphere as it was a race for survival.

They've reached land within 3 minutes thanks to Killua's incredible speed, and as he reached the edge of the shore, he situates Gon on it before jumping out the water himself.

Killua took in deep breaths.


"GOHRN!" Killua screeched his name in a panic, the slurred and ragged pronunciation as it had been some time since he actually spoke a word. Heavily breathing, pupils constricted into tight slits and his arms trembling as he held himself over Gon's unresponsive body.

As a last resort, Killua leans down to press a kiss on cold lips, humming a soulful tune while doing so to help calm himself. After the kiss, he decided to peck others on the tan face. The vibrations so powerful in the song that it crawled its way up his throat enough to vibrate his lips in the kiss.

"Ngh... Erg"

!!!! The alarms in his head went off in a tantrum.

Killua's fin-ears twitched from the gurgle, pulling away to stare down at his love with wide eyes, a purr now starting to rally.

Coughing, Gon weakly open his eyes, before closing them completely from being blinded by the bright sunlight. "Urgh, what... happened?" He asks , a little discombobulated. Making another attempt to open his eyes, he does cautiously before the sight of his mer-boyfriend blows that out into the water. "Killua?! I-OOF!"

A pressure on his chest as Killua plops down on him in a hug, the purr now strong enough to vibrate both of their bodies. His mind raced with questions, and there were small fragments coming together in a small, conscious memory. Gon gasps as Killua lifts himself off of him, and he opens his mouth again: "Killu-"




"AGG!! KILLUA STOP HITTING ME!" Gon said, bringing his hands up to cover his face from the onslaught of attacks.

Some time passed, and the hits slowed down enough for Gon picks up the sound of a sniffle and a whimper.

Is he... crying?

Removing his hands, his thought of question was confirmed. Gon could only stare at the upsetting sight of Killua above him, tears running down his face and dripping off his chin to hit his wet shirt.

He had his eyes closed, and his head was tilted down towards his chest. The whimpers were becoming stronger and louder; Gon decides to take action, he never wanted to see his love cry...

"Killua..." He mumbled, bringing his arms up to cuddle him into a cold, wet hug, sand sticking to the both of them. He feels hand clench into his ruined shirt, the sobbing now muffled in it.

Gon caresses Killua's back in a massage.

"Hehe... Now I see why you don't want me in the water with you..." Gon chuckles lamely, trying to make light of the situation. "I'm sorry... That I scared you... That wasn't my intention." He explains. "I just wanted to experience the feeling of swimming alongside you..." A deep sigh. "I'm such an idiot..."

A few moments passed in silence, nothing but the sound of the nonstop ocean currents crashing into the shore and even the squawking of birds were heard in the distance. Gon only continues to rub the merboy's back, until the sudden movement of him lifting his head up shocked him into stopping the caress.

Gon saw those bloodshot eyes and cringed. "I'm sorry..." He apologized once again, lifting his hand up to cup a round cheek and wipe away the dried tears with his thumb.

You showed me that you care.

Killua dipped his head down, mouth colliding in a warm, lively kiss. Gon kissed back immediately with a sigh, closing his eyes.

You need me.

They spent the rest of the morning cuddling together until Killua was calm enough to pull away from it, hitting Gon again but this time playfully.

Gon smiled with a laugh, hitting Killua back on the shoulder softly.

And I need you.


"You're leaving?" Gon asked shocked, seeing his aunt pack some things in a small tote bag.

Mito looked up at him with a smile. "Yes. Our monthly shipment hasn't come in, and I have to leave to contact the head office, though, that requires me having to leave the island for a few days."

"Is Grandma staying here with me?" Gon asked as calmly as he can, trying his hardest to contain the upcoming excitement tingling in his nerves.

"I invited her to tag along. It's been so long since she's been off the island, this is an opportunity for her to see just how far the world has come as a working progress." Once finished, Mito walked over to Gon and ruffled his spiky hair. "We'll be back soon, probably in 4 days, okay?"

Gon chuckled at the tingling sensation on his scalp. "Yes! Got it, Mito-san! And could you bring me back a souvenir?"

Mito smiled. "I'll sneak it onto the boat." She joked with a small laugh.

"So, I want you to wait here for me, okay?" Gon says to Killua, holding up a finger with a smile. "I'll be back when the moon reaches its highest peak in the sky."

Killua blinks all the while staring at the finger, before nodding his consent.

Gon boops his nose with the finger, chuckling at the crosseyed expression he was making. "Killua, you might wanna stop making that face, or it'll be stuck that way forever." He informed jokingly.

In fact, instead of stopping, all Killua did was stick his tongue out.

The soft pitter-patter of his footsteps on the rocks announced his arrival to the shore, jumping down on the small ledge of ground before his boots hits soft sand.

Gon didn't want to waste time. He was ready to get his hands on his mer-boyfriend and the thought of them being alone together in the comfort of his home had his heart beating hard against his chest.

One room apart instead of miles.

Walking over to the shoreline, his smile drops immediately as he doesn't spot Killua laying in his usual spot.

He's usually here before he arrives...

Gon kneels on the sand.

"Psst... Killua..." Gon strained a whisper, a hand cupping around his mouth. "Are you there...?"

Water splashed on Gon, causing him to shriek in shock, looking down at his now wet shirt. He tugs at it abrasively. "Ugh..." He groaned in dismay.

Killua shook his head. Baka. Of course I'm here. You're the one that told me to wait... He rolled his eyes playfully.

Gon frowned. "Well that certainly was a way of telling me." Then the frown is replace with something more familiar. "Hi."

A purr rumbles out from deep in Killua's throat. Hi.

He leans up on his arms, tilting his head up, perching his lip together to insinuate that he wants a kiss. And a kiss is what he gets, the purr building in volume as a pair of warm, soft lips press against his own.

Gon pulls away with a loving smile, licking his lips. He swears he'll tire from getting these kisses.

Killua opens his mouth in a yawn, stretching his muscles. He had been waiting around the shore for some hours since earlier, and he had been pretty bored and that boredom developed into sleepiness. He flaps his tail up and out of the water, smacking his lips and rubbing his eyes.

"It is pretty late, so we should head back as soon as possible." Gon informs, ready to take his love home with him.

And nothing's going to stop him; this is his chance.

"Okay... I hope you're ready." Gon smiles brightly as that he sees Killua do that cute head tilt that he does. Walking over to him, Gon kneels down to wrap his arms around Killua's waist to pull him out of the ocean waves.

Killua tenses in the abrupt pull from the cold currents, but slowly relaxes as he is held close by his beloved boyfriend. Gon maneuvers him onto his back on the sandy shoreline, admiring the view in front of him that is his mysterious best friend and love; the moonlight illuminating the glistening scales and casting soft shades on his high cheek bones. It was also reflecting from his soft baby-blue irises, a sea of sparkles within those depths.

Breathtaking... As it literally takes all of the oxygen out of Gon's lungs as he exhales deeply and unconsciously, his eyes wide and his mouth agape.

Gon says breathlessly, "You're so gorgeous, Killua..."

Of course, the compliment initiated a small blush to light up Killua's cheeks, his eyes looking away from him shyly. Yeah, he's gorgeous and adorably precious...

"Ngh..." Baka... Stop being embarrassing... Killua clenches his hand into a fist, placing it on his mouth in nervousness. It's not like he wasn't used to this kind of attention, but it always from strangers or family members, not from someone who loves him in a entirely non-friendly way and who he loves in the same way back...

Meanwhile, Gon moves a hand underneath Killua's tail and an arm around his back, bringing him closer to his chest slowly and carefully. Killua made a small squeak, bringing his hand up to hold onto a broad shoulders, before looking up at Gon with wide eyes.

Gon smiles down at him, reassuringly saying: "There's nothing to worry about, baby. Nothing's going to hurt you, and I will not let anything hurt you..." He leans down to press a kiss on his forehead. "You're safe with me, okay?"

Purrs rumbled in Killua's chest and throat, his fin ears flapping a little as he also leans up to plant a kiss on Gon's cheek. I trust you with all of me, Gon... He captures the sight of a soft pink blush on Gon's face, and the feeling of satisfaction at seeing him embarrassed once again; a coo leaving his mouth.

Gon raised an eyebrow with a small smirk, gaining his composure back while winking at his lover. "Brace yourself!" He warns Killua, leaving him no room to react as he then stands up with him still in his arms, settling him in bridal style. "AND UP WE GO!"

"AH!" Killua screamed in shock, clenching Gon's shirt in a fist at the shoulder he was holding onto, his pupils slit and constricted.

Small chuckles come from above him, and he stares up at Gon with annoyance from the act that he pulled and as payback, he hits him hard on the shoulder.

Killua purred delightfully at the hiss and flinch it caused.

Gon pouted, not being able to rub his shoulder to ease the pain. "I know you don't like surprises, but your reactions are so cute!" He explains. "You're like a little kitten!"

Another hit, but this time to his chest, already knowing it's from his embarrassing compliments.

Such a kitten indeed.

"Home sweet home!" Gon breathes out with a grin as he opens the door, welcoming himself (and Killua) into the home. Walking in and closing the door with a nudge of his elbow, he turns on the lights, illuminating the room in the bright colors instead of darkness.

Killua observes this new industrial environment, seeing the paved walls and wooden floors and he has to the urge to want to touch and rub against every piece of furniture.

Gon begins to walk again. "I've already set the tub for you."

Tub? Killua hikes his eyebrows up in astonishment.

Going upstairs, he makes a turn around a corner before stopping in front of a door, closing his hand around the knob and turning it to welcome the room before them: the bathroom.

The porcelain tub had a small fog of steam coming up from it, the water not moving at all.

Gon looks down at Killua. "This is where you'll be for most of your stay Killua." Walking over to the tub, he leans down to safely and gently drop Killua into the water, seeing some of it come up to the edge from the added weight.

Killua sighed softly, treading his hand through the water and even flicking a little at Gon from his fingers playfully. His fin-ears wiggled excitedly and he sings a coo.

It felt so exhilarating! Being away from salty ocean he calls his home but still being with his boyfriend; something like that, you don't see in books (excluding this one) or hear about in the gossips of merfolk.

For all he knew, he's considerably one of the first in his species to have done this, and dammit if he wasn't so prideful!

Killua's body wiggles around in excitement, his hands clench right and arms pressed together on his chest with a bright grin and flush on his face.

That's so cute. Why does Killua have to be so adorable in everything he does? Gon believes that it's a curse to be that cute, but he's not complaining.

Killua wraps his arms around Gon's neck, bringing him down to kiss his forehead and cheek before planting a big one on his lips, purring all the while.

He's in a really good mood. Gon concludes.

A loud growl breaks the quietness of the atmosphere, and a blush blooms on Killua's pale face. He whimpers with a pout, rubbing his stomach.

Gon smiles. "Oh you're hungry?"

A coo responds as an affirmative.

"Okay, I'll see what I can make for you."

He turns to walk out of the bathroom, opening the door but at the same time that he done so, a long whine comes out from the merboy behind him.

Turning to look over his shoulder, Gon says happily. "I'll be back Killua!"

With that, he steps out the room and closes the door.


Gon opens the fridge, grabbing the freshly-wrapped pack of fish that he caught earlier that evening, and places it on the cutting board. He didn't know how Killua liked to eat his fish, but he was 100% positive that it wasn't anything fancy or pretentious.

Taking a fish out of the packet, and putting the rest back into the fridge, he then reaches to grab the knife he placed beside the board, and begins to scale it by the back it. The blade easily glides from the tail to the head, scales flaking off everywhere. Once he was finished, he flipped the fish to the other side to do the same.

Gon points the knife to the stomach, slicing through the tender flesh to get to the inedible organs. After all the years of doing this, and helping Mito with cooking, he was still disgusted by cleaning out the insides of a fish; the whole ordeal even sounds repulsive, so imagine actually doing it.

Removing all of the guts and gagging at the squelching wet sounds, Gon is quick to throw them away and wash the fish in cold running water until it was clear again, ensuring that the fish was thoroughly cleaned.

He makes work of removing the head and fins, putting that to the side before pursuing to slicing and dicing the fish into small, lengthy pieces. By the end of it all, he's obtained at least 10 slices (it was a big fish).

Gon grabs a plate, wetting it with water before placing it on the counter to then put the slices on it, decorating them into a circle. He proceeds to clean up the mess, spraying air freshener to get rid of the fish smell, albeit without gagging just a little, and picks up the plate full of fish before making his way back to the bathroom.

Killua was leaning over the edge, picking at the scales on his arm in the meantime in boredom, before his ears pick up at the sound of footsteps growing closer to the door. He purrs when he sees Gon come around the corner to stand in the doorway. Finally! I was getting bored...

Gon smiles, walking over to his hybrid love, placing the plate on the floor carefully when wet, cold arms were wrapped around his neck in a hug. "Missed me? I was only gone for some minutes, Killua." He chuckles, returning the hug.

Killua nuzzles closer to him, trills and coos continuing to build in his throat while a blush bloomed on his face. Hmph! I always miss you, baka!

Pulling away from the hug, he kisses Gon, sighing pleasurably. He doesn't think he'll ever get tired of kissing him, it always makes him feel happy and peaceful with each lingering one.

Suddenly, a scent catches his nose, causing him to release from the kiss, sniffing the air meticulously. Hmm... It smells of fish... Licking his lips, Killua squinches his eyes in suspicion at Gon.

"What?" Gon blinks innocently, a smile still on his face with a hiked eyebrow. Killua leans in closer to him, sniffing at the collar of his shirt.

"Hmmm..." Killua directs his gaze back to Gon. You smell of fish...

And he basically hears what he is thinking.

"Do I now? I wonder..." Gon smirks, taking hold of the plate of fish to bring it up to his face. "It can't be because of this, could it?"

At the alluring sight of fish that shined so elegantly in the light, Killua's mouth unknowingly opened slightly with a little drool leaking out of the corner. His pupils dilated, and he clawed at the side of the tub, wanting a taste.


"Okay okay, here." Gon offers him the plate; Killua taking it with slippery, wet hands and immediately picking up a slice of fish and feasting, purring excitedly with his eyes closed as he savors each bite.

Gon rubs a hand in his hair, before leaving Killua to eat so he could fix himself something to snack on.

He decides on cooking the rest of the fish in a stew, doing the same process of gutting and slicing them; cooking them partially in a separate pan before putting them in a pot of broth and adding in the desired spices. He lets the stew marinate and simmer for up to half an hour before tasting it and deeming it was ready.

He helps himself to 3 full bowls, sighing in delight and patting his full belly in satisfaction. Looking over the pot, Gon sees that he still has half a pot of stew left.

Grabbing his bowl, he fills it up again but this is not for himself to eat.

This is for Killua.

Walking out the kitchen with both hands holding the bowl steadily and walking up the stairs, he opens the door to the bathroom.

Gon sees Killua licking his plate, presumably to get all the taste of fish from it. He looked so focused.

Killua looks up, blushing as he was caught doing something embarrassing as licking the plate clean. Oh...

He slowly puts the plate down on the floor, tapping his nails against the tub as he looked anywhere except at Gon.

The shock wore off, and Gon just sighed with a small smile. "Killua, I have more fish for you." He says, seeing Killua perk up and turn his head to him with wide, glistening eyes.

"...Mnngh?" Killua did his cute head tilt. Gon walked up to him, holding the bowl in his face. "This is fish stew. Careful though it's-"

Before he could finish, the bowl was snatched out of his hands. Gon blinked, looking up to see Killua staring down at the stew, before gobbling it up intensely.

Gon gasped.

"Wait Killua! The stew is hot!"

Gon soothed Killua and his burned tongue shortly after.

(A/N) →→→

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𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧- 𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐒𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥 Some people don't know what they have until it's gone. But what about the ones who do know? The ones who nev...
8.8K 239 25
˙ · .○≷───────────── ~ ∇∆∇ ~─────────────≶○. · ˙ Just basically, inspired oneshots, or like my own idea. More Purpled and Ranboo centric! I'll still...