The Millionaires Sugar Baby M...

Door NotReadyToPlayNice

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For louis life was hard as when at 17 he came out to his parents they kicked him out of the house as they wer... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 4

1.9K 54 13
Door NotReadyToPlayNice

The following weeks were busy for harry as he was getting ready for his trip he and louis have had dinner more often and harry was intrigued a lot more by louis just something about louis that harry just couldn't figure out

"hey hey" Oscar says as he snaps his fingers "always thinking about work

"sure" harry says as he shakes his head thoughts of louis going thru them

"so the trip is next week are you taking me shopping for new clothes" Oscar says as he bats his eyes and harry just ignores him

"yeah sure I will send you the money tonight" harry says

"ohh yay so what time are you picking me up" Oscar asks

"you are meeting me in new York we are not flying together" harry says annoyed

"but why" Oscar whines

"because this is business not pleasure" harry says

"umm ok are you picking me up from the airport" Oscar asks

"no a driver will I have meetings all day and wont have time" harry says

"can you at least spend the night with me tonight" Oscar says

"I cant I have an early meeting" harry says getting more annoyed

"umm ok I thought I would ask" Oscar says defeated as the waitress takes the bill and leaves it on the table and harry takes out his credit card and the waitress walks away "umm my lease is going to be up on the end of the month and I wanted to get a bigger apartment"

"ask your other boyfriends to pay for it" harry says almost laughing

"why are you so difficult" Oscar asks

"I am not I was honest with you since the beginning so don't act like you didn't know how I am" harry says

"I know but its hard I want to spend time with you but you make that so hard" Oscar says

"why me" harry says as he puts his head back in annoyance "what do you want from me"

"I want your attention I want you to come over more" Oscar says

"you want a boyfriend and I am not the one I am not a boyfriend I thought we had a deal no strings attached just having fun and I pay you isn't that what we agreed on" harry says

"yeah but I really like you" Oscar says nervously

"sure you do look I am not going to be with anyone I am so set in my ways I am not going to change" harry says sternly

"but" Oscar says

"look I am not going to change you constantly call me and want attention you cant even make a single decision on your own without calling me first even something as getting gum you have to call for my approval if  I wanted a kid I would have had one I am not the marrying type with a wife and kid and you know this" harry says annoyed

"i jus thought that you will see I was different and things might be different with us" Oscar says

"look maybe we just end things right now before things getting complicated its obvious you want something I am not ready to give you" harry says

"im sorry I shouldn't of said anything" Oscar says as a tear falls

"lets go" harry says as he stands up and Oscar gets up as they walk out the restaurant

"im sorry" Oscar says nervously

"don't be look I am not into relationships things get to complicated I am basically married to my job my business its all I have time for" harry says

"I see that" Oscar says as they get to Oscars car and he gets in as harry walks to his car and gets his other phone and sees a message from louis and harry cant help but to smile and harry takes a chance and calls him

"you don't have to call" louis says

"yes I do how do I know I am not getting messages from a killer clown or something" harry says as louis starts to laugh

"your so stupid I swear" louis says laughing

"what are you doing" harry says

"not much just watching television getting my things ready for work tomorrow" louis says "and you"

"umm nothing just finished working out" harry says nervously

"don't lie stupid I already told you you are bad at it" louis says laughing

"shut it what makes you think you can talk to me that way" harry says in a stern voice

"sorry daddy" louis says in a sad tone

"what have I told you about that" harry says in a stern voice as he gets a message and opens it and it's a video of louis pouting as be bats his eyes "what have I told you about that"

"not to cuz you hate it" louis says in a sad tone "sorry daddy I will do it again"

"I cant with you" harry says laughing

"now tell the truth where were you" louis asks

"I was with another sugar baby" harry says

"see that wasn't to hard was it" louis asks

"I just don't want to get you all jealous or angry at me" harry says

"look I know what I got myself into and I know most daddies have other babies and I don't care as long as you tell me the truth" louis says "so how many more do you have"

"just 3 you and 2 more" harry says "but one is getting to attached so might let him go"

"just like that you cut people out of your life" louis questions

"I am not into relationships my business is all I care about" harry says

"ok nice to know so no strings attached" louis says


"ok cool I can agree to that want me to sign a contract you know make it a business transaction" louis says as he starts laughing

"stop it" harry says as he laughs as he gets to his house and walks in

"where are you at" louis asks

"just got home was going to my room change and get some work done" harry says

"ok well I will let you go then" louis says

"umm I want to ask you something" harry says

"ok shoot" louis says

"next week I am going to New York for business I want you to join me" harry says

"what dates" louis says

"I leave the 9th and come back the 17th" harry says

"why not take one of your other babies" louis says

"I want a professional" harry says

"umm let me see if I can take the time off" louis says

"just message me and let me know so I can make plans" harry says

"I will I have to get going" louis says as he hangs up the phone and continues to clean his room and the rest of the apartment as he finishes his laundry and puts it away and louis soon takes a shower and gets into bed the following morning louis gets up and starts to get ready for work and soon leaves his apartment and gets to the mall and goes to clock in "grace I am here where do you want me"

"register" grace says as louis goes to the register and starts to count it "everything ok"

"yeah hey I was asked if I wanted to go to new York for 2 weeks I would leave the 9th and be back the 18th to work" louis says nervously

"yeah that can be done just turn in your request I am doing the schedule tomorrow" grace says

"ok thank you" louis says "ok I am done and balanced"

"let me open" grace says as she walks to the front and opens the gate and people start to walk in as louis starts to help customers and starts to ring them up

"im sorry these were in the clearance" a lady says as she picks up a pair of underwear

"ma'am I am sorry these just came in yesterday they are not on clearance someone must of left them there by mistake" louis says

"well that is not my problem" the lady says

"ma'am things like this happen they are ringing up at regular price if they were clearance then they would have a clearance sticker on top" louis says trying not to raise his voice

"im sorry louis I saw her get them from the right rack them walk to the clearance section so she is trying to get a discount" a customer behind the lady says

"stay out of it" the lady says

"ma'am since you want to be dishonest I would like for you to leave we are refusing service to you" louis says as grace walks to louis

"you ok lou" grace says as louis tells her what was going on

"ma"am I saw you also get them from the right rack so please leave or I will call security to escort you out" grace says as the lady leaves the store

"thank you so much" louis says

"no problem come on the line is getting bigger" grace says as they continue to help customers and soon louis takes his break and fills out the vacation request and leaves it where he is suppose to and goes back to work  and louis was thankful that it was busy all day and as he walks out of the store louis sees zayn

"what are  you doing here" louis says

"came to pick you up I was close by" zayn says as louis gets in the car and tells him about harry "do you have a passport"

"yeah I have one" louis says

"well we need to get you some fuck me panties" zayn says laughing

"I got them but I want to look for some new ones" louisi says

"well then how many daddys are you talking to" zayn says

"just 1 other but in reality he is getting boring all he talks about is his wife and kids but for ten thousand a week I just mute the phone and put him on speaker" louis says laughing

"have you had sex with him" zayn questions

"no we tried but he started crying so now he just talks and he send me money" louis say

"well that is not bad" zayns ays

"harry invited me to go to new York with him we been talking for a few weeks and I don't know what to do" louis says

"what do you mean" zayn questions

"I mean like we are going to sleep together and let me tell you his hands ugghgh I just imagine what them fingers can do" louis says laughing "just with one from Finger he can probably realign my chakras"

"louis" zyan says laughing

'what" louis says

"so are you going to sleep with him" zayn asks

"I don't know I think I am just going to see where things go" louis says "maybe he just wants to talk to"

"seriously" zayn says "just remember don't fall in love and no kissing"

"yeah I know my 2 favorite rules" louis says as they get to zayns apartment "hey I decided I am going to start school next school year and when I come back from new York I am going to buy me a car I have enough to buy it cash"

"ok I thought you were going to move out" zayn says

"no not yet" louis says as they walk into the apartment "do you have a suit case I can borrow"

"yeah I will take it out next week" zayn says

"thanks you are seriously the best" louis says with a smile as they order dinner and watch television and soon the food gets there and they eat and watch television and soon go to sleep


Its been a week since louis was asked to go to new York with harry and harry had sent louis all the information he needed and louis was packing

"hurry louis your going to be late" zayn says

"uuughgh why did I agree to go" louis groans out as its 4 in the morning "and I know this fucker did this cuz he knew I hated waking up at the ass crack of dawn"

"I like him already" zayn says laughing

"shut it ok lets go" louis says as he yawns and takes out his phone "let me message him that I am on my way"

"ok" zayn says as they leave the house and put the luggage in the trunk of the car "you have your drivers license and passport"

"yes and yes" louis says "and my flight information printed"

"ok you got everything you have extra cash incase things go bad you have a way home" zayn says

"yes and yes I deposited some money in my account the other day so I am covered" louis says as they drive to the airport and zayn and louis talk and laugh and zayn making a few suggestions on what to see when he goes to new York and soon they get to the airport and zayn helps louis with his luggage an

"take care of yourself call me if you need me" zayn says as they hug

"I will I promise" louis says as they hug one last time and louis gets his luggage and goes into the airport and finds some one and asks where he was going and soon is escorted to a private room and sits down and waits as he goes on his phone

"waiting for someone" a deep voice says as louis looks up and sees harry

"no no one important just some arrogant son of a bitch that thinks he is gods gift to the world" louis says as he starts to laugh as harry glares at hime "I can do this all day"

"I know you can" harry says "how long have you been here"

"just got here about 15 minutes ago" louis says as someone walks into the room

"mr styles your plane is ready" the lady says as harry stands up and louis follors

"want me to help you" harry asks

"if you don't mind thank you" louis says as he follows harry and the lady as they walk out to building to the private plane and go inside "wow private plane nice why not fly commercial"

"its faster and easier and I don't have to sit next to strangers" harry says

"ok" louis says as they sit down and soon the plane takes off and louis soon falls asleep and harry deicides to take louis to the private bedroom and lays louis down as harry lays down next to louis and harry feels at peace as he falls asleep louis in his arms and a few hours later harry wakes up when he hears a knock on the door and answers it

"im sorry mr styles we about to land in 15 minutes and need you and mr Tomlinson in your seats" the lady says

"we will be right there" harry says as he closes the door and goes back to the bed "louis louis" harry says as he shakes the bed "louis"

"nope" louis whines

"we have to take our seats the plane is about to land" harry says

"fine but next time you ask me to travel and its as the ass crack of dawn I will not come" louis says as he stretches and harry sees the panties

"you wear panties" harry says in shock

"yeah they are comfortable" louis says  "these are bubblegum pink"

"ohh really I like these" harry says

"wait till you see the green ones I got they match your eyes" louis says with a devilish smile

"so are you going to model for me" harry questions

"only if you behave I don't reward bad behavior" louis says in a seductive matter as they hear a knock

"we are coming" harry says

"not yet" louis says laughing as he walks out of the room and takes his seat "so are we sharing a room"

"no I wasn't sure how comfortable you would be so I got the pent house there is 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms" harry says

"ok thanks" louis says as the plane lands and are greeted by a driver and louis and harry get in the car  as they put the luggage in the trunk and soon are taken to  the hotel and walk in as harry the bell boy leaves their things and walks out and harry locks the door and picks up louis over his shoulder and takes him to the bedroom and drops him on the bed "I thought I was going to get my own room"

"I lied thought you were able to tell" harry says laughing

"huh I missed that one" louis says

"what are you comfortable with" harry asks

"no kissing its to personal" louis says as he flips them around as harry takes off his shirt

"I don't either" harry says as he throws his shirt on the floor and takes louis off as louis starts to kiss down harry chest as ge gets to harrys vline and louis traces harry dick over his pants with his tongue

"how big are you" louis questions

"i dont know" harry says

"remind me to measure it when we back home" louis says as he unzips harrys pants and takes out harrys dick as he starts to lick the tip as he places a kiss on the tip as he stares into harrys eyes as he goes down on the shaft louis tongue tracing every last piece of the shaft and louis goes back up as he shoves harrys dick in his mouth as he goes all the way down and harry cant help but put his hand on louis head as he pushes him lower and soon lets go as louis pops off takes a deep breath as he goes back and continues to bob up and down sucking on harrys dick louis hearing harry moan in pleasure

"im goonn" is all harry says as he comes into louis mouth as louis opens his mouth as he swallows and cleans his mouth with his finger

"you taste good" louis says

"fuck" harry yells out

"what" louis says with a smile as harry gets louis as he flips louis over as harry pulls louis pants down

"been wanting  this sweet ass since i saw you the first night we met" harry says as he moves louis panties to the side as he shoves his tongue in louis hole as he inserts 2 fingers into louis hole

"ahh" louis moans out in pleasure "please"

"please what" harry growls out in lust

"daddy please fuck me" louis moans out as harry hits louis prostate

"as baby wants dont move if you move i will spank you" harry says as he gets up and goes to his bag and gets the box of condoms and the bottle of lube as he goes back to the room and sees louis had move "who was a bad boy" harry says as he spanks louis

"uugh" louis moans out

"answer me" harry growls out as he starts to lick louis hole

"me daddy i been bad teach me a lesson" louis moans out as harry puts the condom on as he pours lube as spanks louis again as he starts to push himself into louis and soon starts to thrust into louis hitting his prostate each time louis a moaning mess under harry as harry grabs onto louis waist and as harry thrust deep into louis harry pushes louis deeper as harry continues to thrust into louis as harry goes up louis back as he attaches his lips onto louis neck as he bites louis and starts to suck on the back of his neck harry not caring about anything else but having his way with louis as he continues to thrust into louis "daddy" louis moans out as harry hits his prostate and louis starts to come onto the bed and a few more thrust

"open and suck" harry says as he takes off the condom as louis starts to suck on harrys dick and soon harry starts to come into louis mouth as louis swallows everything and louis continues to suck onto harry dick as harry falls on the bed and louis gets on the bed and lays down next to harry

"so what is the plan for the week I know you are going to be working but I mean as in dinners and lunches and what do you want me to do" louis asks

"I need you to join me for dinner  this week these are important clients and everything needs to run smoothly" harry says

"ok let me know what days is there anything else" louis says "I mean I want to explore the city so I know what time to be back and what time I need to meet you"

"for now just dinner if anything changes I will let you know" harry says

"ok" louis says as he starts to sit up and look for this clothes

"where are you going" harry questions

"my room your royal highness needs your alone time" louis says

"just stay im comfortable might wake you up and go at it again" harry says laughing

"your stupid I swear" louis says laughing

"calm down princess" harry says as he looks at louis in his arms and soon they both fall asleep the following morning harry gets up and starts to get ready for work as louis is still in bed asleep and soon harry walks out of the hotel room and  a few hours later louis wakes up and takes a shower and changes his clothes  as he walks out of the hotel room and leaves the hotel as he starts to walk down the street and soon gets to 5th avenue and walks by the luxury stores as he gets hungry louis finds a place to eat as he sits down and plays with his phone and soon goes back to the hotel room as he walks in he gets a message from harry telling him to meet him in the hotel bar for dinner and dress nice its an expensive restaurant and louis response ok as he goes to his luggage and takes out his suit as he looks for a steamer

"shit i knew i should of packed it" louis says to himself as he calls the front desk and request on as they tell him they will take him one and louis takes another shower and starts to get ready and when its close louis goes to the hotel lobby and waits for harry

"would you like something to drink sir" the hostess asks

"just water please" louis says as the hostess goes to get louis awater bottle and soon comes back "thank you umm can you let the receptionist know if mr harry styles comes in to let him know i am waiting for him here"

"yes sir" the hostess says as she goes to the receptionist and a few minutes later harry walks in not seeing louis he goes to the front desk and picks up the phone

"can i help you mr styles" the receptionist says

"i need to make a phone call" harry says as he picks up the lobby phone

"mr styles your guest said he is waiting for you at the lounge area" the receptionist says as harry looks up and sees louis in his suite as louis smiles and harry hangs up the phone and walks to louis

"your late" louis says with a wide smile

"your stunning" harry says

"your forgiven" louis says with a wide smile as louis hooks his arm around harrys arm as they walk out of the hotel and get into the car as the driver takes them to the restaurant and soon walk in

"can i help you sir" the hostess says

"yes i have a meeting with mr beets" harry says

"ohh yes right this way" the hostess says as she takes them to their table

"david mark" harry says as he shakes their hand "this is a friend of mine louis"

"nice to meet you both" louis says as he shakes their hand and soon sit down as louis just listens to the conversation and just listens to harry talking and louis stands up

"where are you going" harry says

"restroom" louis says

"up the stairs 3rd door to your left" harry says "do you want me to order for you"

"yeah i mean yes please do so" louis says with a smile" excuse me" louis says as he walks away and a few minutes later louis goes back to sit down as they start to eat

"im sorry to hear about your father" mark says

"thank you" harry say

"i cant imagine loosing my father" david says

"im sorry about your dad" louis says

"It's ok thank you" harry says

"harry I know you want to buy our business but why" David questions

"I will make you a rich man with what I am offering for your business" harry says in a monotone voice

"I am rich enough" David says as he starts to get angry "my business is not a puzzle for you to take apart and build what ever you want"

"My grandfather has worked really hard to make this business successful and you think we are going to just sell it because you ask nicely" mark says "your father was not this cruel and as big of an asshole"

"no I inherited that on my own" harry says as they are done eating and the waiter starts to take plates off the table

"granpa please calm down don't get yourself worked up" David says

"I know you are in financial trouble and I am trying to help you" harry says

"no your not your just want to help yourself" David says "im sorry I need to get some fresh air Louis it was a pleasure meeting you grandfather I will be outside"

"good night mr styles" mark says as he gets up and walks away from the table

"I guess that didn't go like you wanted" louis questions

"no but I knew it was going to happen they will come to their senses" harry says "it always happens"

"ohh is that why you were so calm" louis questions

"yeah" harry says as the waiter takes them the check and harry pays for it as they walk out of the restaurant

"so what do you do I mean after you buy the property" louis asks

"I build business buildings sometimes depending on the demand I sell the property piece by piece its worth more that way" harry says

"interesting" louis says as they get back to the hotel and harrys phone starts to ring

"Stuckey" harry says

"hey how did it go" Stuckey says

"same as always so I will give him a few days to calm down" harry says

"hey I heard they are going to be at the polo match when you come back" Stuckey says

"ok get me 2 tickets" harry says

"who is going with you I know you are not dating" Stuckey says

"no one you know" harry says

"I have to go I will see you when you get back" Stuckey says as he hangs up the phone and harry sits at the desk and starts to do his work as louis goes to his room and takes a shower and as he changes louis soon gets into his bed and turns on the television and soon falls asleep and a few hours later louis wakes up when he feels someone in the bed with him

"what are you doing" louis questions

"I couldn't sleep so I came to keep you company" harry says

"but" is all louis can says as harry puts his finger on louis lips

"shhh go to sleep or I will wake you up at 5 in the morning" harry says as he starts to laugh and louis just cuddles into Harry as he and Louis fall asleep


love peace and chicken grease

all the love


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