The Guitarists Savior (Bandai...

By randomisbraindead

4.3K 83 166

A non-despair AU mainly cause idk how to write stuff like that -sob- Life has been a living hell for Mikan Ts... More

A long day
When will things get better?
My savior
The concert pt. 1
The concert pt. 2
I promise.
A date or just a hangout?
Definitely a date pt. 1
Definitely a date pt. 2
Definitely a date pt.3
Hell in heels
New client?
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 17

121 3 11
By randomisbraindead

Y'all I'm sorry I forgot Wattpad existed for a while 😰😰

Mikan POV (first person)

I set my purse on the counter exhaustedly, I looked around the kitchen and walked towards the sink. I had a little bit of time before Nagito made his way here so I decided to tidy my place up a bit.

I washed the dishes in the sink and put them on the drying rack, walking over to the living room. I picked up the blanket Ibuki and I used last night, looking around as if anyone might be watching.

I put the blanket up to my face and smiled softly as Ibuki's soft, cotton candy like scent lingered slightly on the blanket. I folded the blanket and set it down on the arm of the couch.

I grabbed the fake apple Ibuki had bitten earlier and went over to throw it in the kitchen trash, picking up the bowl with leftover popcorn still in it. I grabbed the two glasses that were empty and washed them in the sink.

While I was doing this, Nagito had sent me a text saying he was heading over. I dried my hands with a rag and texted him back with a "see you soon!"

I headed over to my bedroom to get into some comfortable clothes, heading over to my restroom first, to re-bandage myself. After finishing that, I walked into my closet and started to unclothe myself.

I put on a simple t-shirt and some sweat pants, tying my hair up into a messy bun. I went out back into the living room and laid down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling.

It'd take Nagito a while to arrive since he just left his own house, so I figured I could use this time to relax myself. I sighed and moved onto my side, grabbing a pillow and putting it under my head.

I closed my eyes and drifted into cozy slumber, letting my body relax itself and my mind wander as I fell asleep.

- - -

"Sweetie! Pssst, Miki!" I felt something shook me awake, groggily opening my eyes to see Ibuki smiling down at me. I smiled back up at her tiredly, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"H-hey Ibuki." I yawned, which made her giggle and kiss my forehead. "C'mon Miki! I made you breakfast!"

I watched her walk out of the room we were in, noticing a white cat with an starry, silk like tail swaying back and forth as it followed Ibuki. I stared at it for a while before getting up out of bed.

Looking out of the window, noticing the pink sky. I tilted my head before following Ibuki to the kitchen. We had a beautiful home, and lots of decorations and pictures hanged up.

Music was playing from a radio in the kitchen to which Ibuki was dancing to as she was making pancakes. Our cat sitting on the counter with its tail wrapped around its paws.

I breathed in the sweet aroma, smiling softly as I looked at Ibuki. Ibuki gave me a toothy smile, "The pancakes are almost done, my love!"

I sat down at the counter, admiring the scene around me. It was everything I had hoped for, dreamed for. A beautiful place, with the love of my life and our cat. It made her heart want to jump out of her chest with unimaginable joy.

'Nothing can take this away from me now'

I thought to myself, Ibuki looked up at me and began blushing, "Hehe! You're staring at me with lovestruck eyes Mikan!" She giggled as the plate of pancakes floated towards me.

I giggled back, "O-of course! I lo-love you after all!" I said it. I actually said it. A wave of happiness swept over me, and I found myself hoping it would never end.

However, as they say, all good things must come to an end.

The area began shaking and a loud voice boomed out, "Mikan! Mikan are you home!"

- - -

I woke up with a freight, sitting up almost immediately. The memories of the dream began slowly fading away, much to my frustration. However, I remembered the most important thing.

Ibuki, and what I had said to her. I began blushing intensely, before turning my head to look at my apartment door. Someone was knocking on it, that must've been what woke me up

"Mikan! I'm here, are ya home?" I stood up when I recognized the voice, "Co-coming Nagito!" I called out, making my way over to the door.

I opened the door and gave Nagito a smile, which he returned. "May I come in?" I nodded and stepped aside to let him through, I rubbed my eyes as I closed the door after him.

"I'm guessing I woke you up from a nap, huh?" He asked looking at me, noticing that I was still a little sleepy. I nodded in response, "Y-yea, you wo-woke me fr-from my dream."

He gave me an apologetic look, "Ah, I'm sorry for that. Mind telling me what the dream was about?" I looked away as I began blushing, he probably got an idea what it was about since he started chuckling.

"Never mind." Was all he said, with a smug smile. I offered to make him a sandwich which he agreed to, however apologized for being such a burden.

I shook my head, "I-It's alright, r-really. I know so-sometimes you forgot t-to eat, so I'm just m-making sure you do."

Nagito smiled, "I'm pretty sure I would have starved to death if it weren't for you Mikan." I gave him a nervous look, "Th-Thats why I'm making y-you a sandwich."

We chatted for a while as Nagito ate, switching from topics to what I did at work, to gossip about our friends, to shows we've watched, etc etc.

Nagito threw away his plate and looked over at me, "So, are you ready to finally think of some date ideas?" I sighed and nodded, it was finally time.

I had no idea why I was so nervous, this wouldn't be the first time Ibuki and I would be going on a date. Was it cause this time I had finally accepted the fact I liked Ibuki more than just a friend?

Was it cause I hoped for the two of us to be more than just that? More than just friends? I sighed and cleared my head of all thoughts.

Panicking won't help, I was determined to make this the best date possible. Because...Ibuki, Ibuki was the best person she had ever met.

"Th-this needs to b-be perfect, fo-for the most perfect g-girl I know." 

- - - - -

There may or may not be some symbolism in this chapter 😏😏


Word Count: 1157

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