Ben, Gwen, and Kevin in Scoob...

By SDFan12435

4.3K 76 61

Scooby and the gang get trapped in cyberspace when a friend's virtual computer game is hit by a phantom virus... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 9

304 4 13
By SDFan12435

They soon arrived to an amusement park, Fred pulling the Cyber-Mystery Machine into a parking spot.

"Welp, here we are." Cyber Fred comments

Everyone got out of the Cyber-Mystery Machine and began walking into the park.

"So, where are the Scooby Snacks?" Shaggy asks

"On the Scooby-game of course." Cyber Shaggy answers. "Right inside the video arcade."

While walking, the distinct sound of something metal hitting a ball echoed throughout the park.

"What's that sound?" Kevin questions

The sound echoed again.

"There it is again." Daphne states

Cyber Scooby's ear stuck up.

"RBaseball." Cyber Scooby comments

"Cyber Scooby is right." Cyber Fred confirms, pointing over to a batting cage. "There's a batting cage right over there."

When they walked over, they saw a guy in a  full on baseball outfit, hitting every single ball that was shot out of the baseball machine.

"Wow, that guy is r3eally clobbering the ball." Ben comments

"Hey man, great swing." Shaggy comments

The man turned around and was actually the Phantom Virus!

"Thanks." The Phantom Virus comments. "Want my autograph?"

Everyone jumped back as the Phantom Virus created an entire ball of electrical energy.

"Let's play ball!!" The Phantom Virus comments, hitting the ball causing the cage to burst and everyone ducked


Everyone took off running, heading for the video arcade. However, they came to a stop when the Creeper of all things stepped out from behind a corner.

"Creeper!!!" The Creeper roared

"Jeepers! It's the Creeper!!" Daphne exclaims

"The what???" Cyber Velma asks

"He's one of the villains from our past!" Ben answered

Shaggy went wide eyed as something else stepped out shortly after.

"And, like, he's got a pet!" Shaggy comments

The Jaguaro had stepped out, roaring.

"Jinkies! It's Jaguaro!!" Velma yelped. "He's supposed to be in Brazil!"

Fred and Cyber Fred started backing up slowly. However, Fred had stopped when he felt something gooey on his back an when he saw what it was, he yelled a bit before running back over to the others.

"Vilgax and the Tar Monster?????" Fred questions

Vilgax drew a weapon as the Tar Monster roared.

"HEAD FOR THE BEACH!!!" Cyber Fred shouts

When they got there however, everyone came to a stop.

"RNUh-uh!" Scooby yelped

"RNo way!" Scooby adds. "RLook!"

Everyone looked over and saw Old Iron Face arriving on his sharks.

"It's Old Iron Face!!!!!" Shaggy yelped

Iron Face slowly climbed up onto the boardwalk as everyone backed up.

"Man, you guys know some strange people." Cyber Shaggy comments

"It's like every villain we ever faced is here." Velma stated

"Maybe we shouldn't have told Eric so much about all our mysteries." Ben comments

"How right you are, my boy." The Phantom Virus comments, causing them to all turn around

Everyone looked around as the monsters and Vilgax started slowly circling them.

"Wait a minute! Except for Vilgax, all these creatures in the real world turned out to just be people in costumes!" Velma comments

"Velma's right!" Fred comments. "They were ALL fakes!"

"Nice try Phantom Virus, but you can't fool us!" Shaggy comments

Scooby and Cyber Scooby walked over to the Creeper and began tugging on his head as if it was a mask but to no avail.

"Tough time with the mask guys?" Shaggy comments

"R-R-RHe's real!" Scooby comments

The Creeper roared in their face and the two ran over to the others.

"That means that they're all real!" Daphne yelped

All the monsters roared loudly, causing the Scoobys to go running past the Phantom Virus, everyone else following shortly after.

"GET THEM!" The Phantom Virus ordered the monsters and Vilgax

The gang, Ben, Kevin, and the Cyber Gang all split in different directions.

In the park, Shaggy and his Cyber Double had to deal with the Tar Monster.

"Step right up and test your strength!" Shaggy comments, stepping over in a disguise and confusing the Tar Monster

"How about you, handsome?" Cyber Shaggy adds, stepping over

"Wha-me?" The Tar Monster questions, pointing to himself

"Yes, you, sir." Cyber Shaggy comments as Shaggy grabbed a large mallet. "Let us show you how easy it is."

Shaggy slammed the mallet on the monster's foot, and the Shaggys took off, the Tar Monster taking off.

At the Haunted House attraction, the two Daphnes were looking around.

"Creepy." Cyber Daphne comments. "Why'd you pick this place to hide?"

"Me?? I was following you!" Daphne states

"Well, if you thought this wasn't a good place, you should have said something." Cyber Daphne responds

They narrowly avoided a trapdoor.

"Where did THAT come from??!??" Cyber Daphne questions

"These funhouses are filled with all sorts of trapdoors." Daphne comments, closing the trapdoor with the push of a button. "We need to keep an eye out for more."

They walked around some more, Daphne hearing Cyber Daphne scream a little.

"What's wrong???!?" Daphne asked as she ran over

"Look how fat I am!" Cyber Daphne comments

Daphne looked at her cyber double's reflection and chuckled.

"It's just a trick mirror." Daphne comments. "You look perfect."

"Thanks." Cyber Daphne replied. "You too."

Suddenly, the Creeper showed up and they had to run, backing up slowly.

"Get away from us!!!" Cyber Daphne shouts

When the Creeper stepped onto a trapdoor, Daphne getting an idea and causing Daphne to open the trapdoor and the Creeper struggled to balance himself.

"Sorry, but you're not our type." Daphne comments

The two Daphne's shoved the Creeper, making him slide down the trapdoor and crash onto the mattress at the bottom.

"Way to go, girl!" Daphne cheered

The Creeper began climbing back up slowly.

"He's climbing back up!" Cyber Daphne yelped

Daphne shut the trapdoor again and the Creeper began banging on it.

"That door won't hold him long!" Daphne comments. "Let's go!"

Meanwhile, on a roller coaster, Fred, Cyber Fred, Ben, and Kevin were attempting to get away from Vilgax.

"Is he still behind us???" Cyber Fred asks

Fred looks back and said, "Yep!"

Vilgax began slowly climbing the roller coaster carts slowly.

"That tentacle brain will reach us any minute now!" Fred comments

The roller coaster carts slowly went down and up the tracks, everyone leaning out of Vilgax's reach. That's when Cyber Fred saw they were heading right for some busted tracks.

"Look!!" Cyber Fred calls out

They all looked over and went wide eyed. Vilgax was getting closer by the second.

"What do we do now??!??!?" Cyber Fred comments

"We jump!" Fred responds

"WHAT??!?!?!?" Kevin questions. "We're nearly five stories high!"

"DOWN THERE!!!" Fred shouts, pointing at a bouncy house

Not seeing other options, they got ready to jump.

"One...two...three...jump!!" Fred signalled

They all jumped, bouncing off of the bouncy house and jumping to the ground.

:That was close." Ben comments

"Yeah, but it sure beats getting diced up by a squid man." Fred stated

"Tch, just barely." Cyber Fred replied

They all look up and see the roller coaster carts launching through the air, Vilgax with them.

"See ya later, tentacle face!!!" Cyber Fred calls out

Meanwhile, Velma and Cyber Velma were exploring the Wax Museum.

"These wax figures are pretty creepy." Cyber Velma comments. "But at least they're not real."

Soon, they found themselves in the back room.

"Hey, what's that?" Cyber Velma asks as they walked over to a cauldron of hot wax

"A cauldron of hot wax." Velma comments. "This mist be where they make the wax figurines."

Cyber Velma looked up and saw one standing there behind the cauldron with it's head down.

"Hey...that one looks like...." Cyber Velma starts

Then, the figure lifted it's head up and it was really Old Iron Face!

"Old Iron Face!!" Both Velmas yelped "Jinkies!!"

"Let's get out of here!!" Cyber Velma yelped

The two went to run but bumped into each other, knocking themselves to the ground and losing their glasses.

"Oh no! My glasses!!" Cyber Velma yelped

"Mine too!!" Velma added

They soon enough found their glasses, not noticing Iron Face had tripped over real Velma and into the wax cauldron.

They got up and gave themselves their respective pair of glasses.

"Thanks." Velma comments

Then, Iron Face slowly climbed out of the cauldron, covered in wax and the Velma's backed up. However, the wax hardened, stopping Iron Face's movement.

"The wax is hardening." Velma comments. "He can't move."

Then. the entire top half of the wax burst open, Iron Face roaring.

"Oh yes he can!!" Cyber Velma comments. "Let's get out of here!"

The two Velmas took off running.

Meanwhile, the two Scoobys were trying to hide from the Jaguaro in a merry-go-round. Scooby had to hold a sneeze but wasn't doing that good. Then, Cyber Scooby blocked his nose which stopped the sneeze.

However, Cyber Scooby sneezed, alerting the Jaguaro, causing a around in a circle chase to begin on the merry-go-round, the Jaguaro soon losing the two dogs. However, the Scoobys were at the control switch and flicked it into high speed, chuckling. Eventually, they stopped the merry-go-round entirely which sent Jaguaro flying into some bottles, groaning.

That's when the Freds, Kevin, and Ben walked over.

"Great work, Scoobs." Ben comments

Then, the two Scoobys cowering.

"Don't be scared, you two." Kevin said

"Yeah, it's just us." Cyber Fred adds

Scooby pointed and behind Fred, Cyber Fred, Kevin, and Ben was a lightly bruised Vilgax.

"I thought we lost him." Cyber Fred comments

The four then ran over to the Scoobys as Vilgax slowly approached, only looking over when they heard Shaggy and Cyber Shaggy's screams, the two promptly tackling Vilgax afterwards.

"Go, Shaggys!!" Ben cheered

The two Shaggys looked over.

"Like, the Tar Monster's right behind us!!" Shaggy comments

"And boy, is he mad!" Cyber Shaggy adds

Everyone looked over and saw the Tar Monster was in fact after the two Shaggys.

"Let's get out of here!!!" Fred shouts

Everyone took off running.

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