Jacob Bertrand Imagines

By ElementOfARose

39K 346 66

Basically just whole bunch one shots of Jacob Bertrand and all the characters he plays on TV. No longer taki... More

Jacob - Comic Con
Hawk - Forrest
Jacob - Bathroom
Hawk - Attention
Jacob - Surprise!
Hawk - Bra
Jacob - Birthday
Hawk - Closet
Hawk - Caught
Joey - U Tech (Request)
Jacob - Family (Request)
Eli - Movie Night
Hawk - Hurt
Jacob - Texts (Request)
Hawk - Periods
Hawk - Accident (Request)
Hawk - The Real Thing (Request)
Hawk - Negative or Positive?
Hawk - Vacation Gone Wrong

Jacob - Wedding

1.9K 13 2
By ElementOfARose

Reader and Jacob are also married in this one.

Before I get into it, I just want to mention that this idea is from friends. It's the episodes of Monica and Chandlers wedding, except I'm making it my own version.

S/n - sisters name

Sf/n - sisters friends name

G/n - grooms name


You and Jacob were staying in your home town for the week for your sisters wedding ( A/N if you don't have a sister, pretend you have a sister). You were going to be one of the maid of honours for her wedding and you could not be more excited. The other maid of honour is your sisters long time best friend sf/n as she couldn't pick between the two of you. So she made you both maid of honours. Nevertheless you were happy either way.

The first 5 days of the week were filled with last minute wedding planing and family reunions. So not much drama there.

It was currently 6:31 pm. The day before the wedding, and you and sf/n were currently huddled in the bathroom in your family's house, freaking out. You had gotten a text from the best man saying he didn't know the whereabouts of the groom. You and sf/n were now trying to figure out a way to tell your sister. You had been angrily scolding at the best man on the phone for about 10 minutes about how stupid he was for losing the groom.

Sf/n was currently walking around the bathroom panicking. You both did not know what to do and the wedding was tomorrow. Then Sf/n was starting to get emotional. You didn't know what to do. She asked you for a tissue so you gave her one. Except there were no clean ones so you secretly just took one from the garbage. It would still function the same as a clean one. She asked you for more as you dove back in the trash to find another one, except all of a sudden, you found a pregnancy test.

"Oh my god..." you say pulling it out. You show it to sf/n who just looks at you stunned.

"S/n is pregnant" you state shocked.

"Oh my god" sf/n said looking shocked as well.

"I can't believe this" you said looking at the positive test.

"Oh god" sf/n kept muttering. Still emotional, you put your hands on her shoulders and shake her a bit.

"Get it together! We can't tell s/n that we know! She probably wanted it to be a surprise. And your loud crying won't help us at all. So just calm down and let's think of a plan ok?" I tell her.

She just nods and takes a few deep breaths. Boy this was going to be a long night.


The next day, the wedding day, we get a text from the best man saying they found the groom. You and Sf/n both sigh in relief that everything was ok and that the wedding could still go on. The entire bridal party was currently in one of the rooms in the venue getting ready for the wedding. You and sf/n walked back into the room to see your sister freaking out saying the minister cancelled.

You told her to calm down and that you would find a new minister for the wedding. As you were walking, you heard of another wedding taking place right before this one in the same venue.

"Ok I'm going to try to get the minister aside and try to convince him to perform this wedding as well." You say to sf/n as you were walking down the hall.

"Ok I'll stay with s/n and try to calm her down. Oh! Also don't tell the minister that she's pregnant. They frown on that" sf/n said before returning back to the brides room. You nodded and made your way down to the venue.

What you two didn't see was the groom in the other room overhearing your conversation.


Everything went according to plan. You were able to convince the minister to perform the ceremony and the groom didn't run away again so the ceremony went quite smoothly.

It wasn't until photos that your sister came up to you and sf/n.

"Did you tell my new husband I'm pregnant?" She asked us. Both of us looked at each other confused.

"No. I don't know how he found out about your pregnancy but we didn't tell him" I said to her.

"Oh ok. Well there's just one other thing, I'm not pregnant" she told us.

"Uhhh... what?" I said confused.

"I'm. Not. Pregnant" she said enunciating more.

"That's not possible, we found a pregnancy test in the trash, If it's not yours-" You cut yourself off when you glance over at sf/n who is shaking her head 'no' at you. That's when you pieced it together. Sf/n was pregnant. She obviously didn't want anyone to know so you did the first thing that came to mind.

"...*clears throat* it's because I actually am." You say with hesitation in your voice.

"What?" Your sister said awestruck

"Yes... I'm with child" you say placing your hands on your flat stomach.

"So then why would you say I'm pregnant?" Your sister asks.

"Uhhh... b-because it's your special day.... And... and I didn't want to steal your thunder." You say coming up with an excuse.

"Ok I'm gonna pretend I understood that logic. But oh my god!!" She says pulling me into a big hug.

"Do you know how great this is!! I get a husband and a niece or newphew on the same day!" She says happily.

"Yup... totally" you fake smile as you look over at sf/n who's avoiding eye contact with you.

Suddenly the photographer calls your sister over to take pictures with her new husband. She excuses herself from us and joins him to take pictures.

You then turn to sf/n. "Oh my god" you whisper to her. She sighs in relief.

"Thank you so much for doing that, I just can't handle the stress quite yet" she whispers back.

"So then why did you tell me s/n was pregnant!" You whisper asked her.

"You said she was pregnant, I just didn't disagree with you" she responded.

You gasped. "Sneaky."

She let out a little laugh.

"Just one problem. How am I supposed to cover for you if your the one who's going to grow a kid in nine months and I don't?" I ask.

"Just say for today that you are, and when I'm ready, I'll tell s/n the truth" she responds.

"Ok. Ugh god, now I have to explain this situation to Jacob." You groan.

"It'll be fine. Just tell him at the reception. Besides it's not like nobody else knows." Sf/n replies.

Suddenly you were called over to the photographer for pictures. You guys made your way over, trying to forget the conversation and to take some nice photos.


It was another 15 minutes before you actually got to the reception. Once you got in there you ran into Jacob.

"Hey you" he said embracing you immediately.

You gladly accepted the hug and hugged him back for a couple moments. He let go of the hug to kiss you.

"I missed you. That wedding could not have taken any longer" he said giving you a couple butterfly kisses around your face. You giggled at him.

"I know. But I'm here now. Oh! there's also something I need to talk to you about" you say causing him to give you his full attention.

"Yea what's up?" He asked.

"Well-" you were cut off when they announced the newly wed couple into the reception. Everyone started clapping and cheering that you weren't able to get the words through. Once the clapping died down, you attempted to speak again.

"Alright so I'm-" you were cut off once again with the announcer saying it was time for speeches. You just groaned and put your finger tips on the bridge of your nose.

Jacob laughed and took your fingers off of your nose and kissed them lightly. "It's ok. Just tell me after alright?" He said kissing your cheek. You nodded as he went to his table. Since you were at the head table, you guys unfortunately couldn't sit together.

As the maid of honours, you and sf/n went first with speeches. You think it went pretty well. People laughed at your jokes, there were a couple heartfelt moments as well. You thought you and sf/n did a job well done considering it was co made.

After your speech was the best man speech. Which was also well done as well, but in your opinion, no where near as good as yours.

Finally it was the father of the brides turn. Who was also your dad. For some reason though, your mom joined him on stage. You thought that was a bit odd but didn't put too much thought into it and just listened to there speech.

Obviously it was quite emotional. As they're youngest/oldest/middle (a/n whichever idk) child was getting married. It wasn't until the end of the speech that your mom finally spoke.

"We'd also like to announce that we just heard our other daughter, y/n is also having a baby!" My mom announces and my stomach completely flipped upside down.

Turns out, when your sister was mentioning to her new husband that you were the one pregnant, your parents had overheard.

Everyone gasped and awed as they all turned to look at you, except you just looked as if you were a deer caught in headlights. You didn't know what to say. It wasn't true, and now everyone knew.

That moment you had forgotten that Jacob was there until he stood with a shocked look and yelled "YOU'RE PREGNANT!?".

Once again, the entire room gasped as they looked between you and Jacob. You were utterly speechless. You didn't know what to say. Jacob got out of his chair and made his way over to the head table where you sat.

"Jacob- I can explain" you tried to reason quietly trying not to create even more attention even though everyone's eyes were on you. Oh how you just wanted shoot yourself right then and there. Just to save yourself from the embarrassment.

"Explain what? That my wife didn't tell me she was bearing my child!? Is this what you were gonna tell me earlier!?" He said raising his voice.

"Well... not really" you replied avoiding eye contact with him.

"What do you mean 'not really'!?" He said raising his voice even more.

You couldn't talk. You tried getting words out but you couldn't speak. It just came out as stammers.

"I-I-I um" you tried.

Thankfully sf/n came to your rescue. "Jacob" she started. He took his attention off of you and onto her.

"That's not what she was going to tell you earlier" she said.

"Well then what was she going to say" Jacob said crossing his arms waiting for an answer.

She took a deep breath before she spoke. "She was going to tell you that she was only going to pretend to be pregnant just because... I'm the one who's actually pregnant" she responds. For the third time, everyone in the room gasped.

Finally s/n spoke up. "Wait so y/n you're not pregnant? Sf/n is?" She said joining the conversation.

"Yea" is all you replied.

"Well why didn't you guys tell me that before!" She asked.

"I didn't know either until you had confronted us back with photographer. You had said that you weren't and I realized there was only one other female using that bathroom, and sf/n was shaking her head at me indicating for me not to tell you, so I said it was me" I explained.

"We had a plan that we were going to say that y/n was pregnant just for today, since nobody else knew and I would just tell you the truth later. But I guess that all went to shit. Are you mad?" Sf/n asked your sister.

S/n smiled and brought her into a hug. "Oh honey of course not. I still get to be an aunt!" She squealed while Hugging her as sf/n laughed.

Suddenly your attention was brought back to Jacob who was still standing in front of you with a dumbstruck look on his face.

He turns back to you. "Soooo... you're not pregnant?" He asked.

You laughed. "No, I'm not. And I promise you when I am, you'll be the first one I tell" you say smiling at him.

He smiles back before awkwardly walking back to his table.

"One question though. How did you guys find out?" Sf/n asked pointing the question towards your dumbstruck parents.

"Yea and why would you announce that at my wedding without my consent?" S/n also asked. Suddenly everyone's head was turned to your parents.

Hah. A taste of their own medicine. You thought even though you know they meant well.

"Well we overheard you talking to g/n about it and we got so excited about our first grandchild. I guess we might have overstepped?" Your mom replied, a little embarrassed.

"Just a bit. But it's ok. I forgive you. Now let's forget this ever happened and have some cake" your sister announced as she and g/n got up for the cake cutting. You had to admit, s/n took this better than you thought she would.

Instantly, all eyes were now on the happy couple as they cut their cake. Laughs were heard all around as your sister started shoving cake in her new husbands face. The events that just occurred were all forgotten.


It had been an hour into the reception and everyone was now dancing on the dance floor. You and s/n were busy dancing to "He Could Be The One" by Hannah Montana (a/n am I the only one who wants this to play at my wedding?? No?? Just me??). After dancing around like idiots, the song changed into a slower one. "Wonderful Tonight" by Eric Clapton. (A/n ok but like THIS SONG THO!! I'm so playing this at my wedding).

Suddenly, all of the couples came together to slow dance to this song. You saw your sister find her new husband in the crowd. It wasn't until someone tapped your shoulder that you turned around to find your husband there with an outstretched hand.

"May I have this dance M'lady" Jacob mocked in a British accent.

"Yes you may" you laughed as you embraced each other.

You had one hand around his neck, his hand was firmly around your waist, while your other two hands met at the centre.

You both softly gazed into each others eyes as the lyrics 🎶 oh my darling, you look wonderful tonight🎶 boomed through the speakers.

"So..." Jacob started.

So..." You copied.

"What happened earlier was pretty hectic eh?" He said. You laughed at him.

"Yea. It was pretty hectic" you replied giggling.

He then got serious. "I'm sorry for causing a scene like that. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" he apologized.

You grinned at him. "Don't worry. Your reaction was totally normal. It just happened to be a big misunderstanding. I'd react the same way if I was you" I said making him feel better.

He smiled softly at you. "Yea I guess you're right. Although I must say, finding out that you weren't the one pregnant was actually disappointing" he said giving you a small smile.

You looked at him awestruck. But it quickly turned into a big smile. "Jacob Scott Thomas Bertrand. Are you saying what I think your saying" you ask excitedly.

"Y/f/n I want to start a family with you" he says kissing you softly.

You kiss for a couple moments before breaking apart and resting your foreheads against each other.

"Then let's do it. Let's get pregnant" you reply.


Third one done! I realize Jacob wasn't in it much in the beginning but I still hoped you enjoyed it!!

Word count: 2745

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