Sᴏʀᴀxx Oɴᴇ-Sʜᴏᴛs

By -els3where

44.1K 878 1.9K

Two rivals, multiple one-shots. There are many types of one-shots that I hope you find interesting and unique... More

Sʜᴜᴛ Uᴘ ᴀɴᴅ Kɪss Mᴇ
Mɪʟʟɪᴏɴ Wᴏʀᴅs - Pᴛ. 1
Aɴxɪᴇᴛʏ - Pᴛ. 2 ᴛᴏ Mɪʟʟɪᴏɴ Wᴏʀᴅs
Tʜᴇ Bᴇʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇ
Rɪᴠᴀʟᴇᴅ Kɪɴɢᴅᴏᴍs
Tʜᴇ Sᴇᴛ-Uᴘ
Nᴏᴛ Yᴏᴜʀ Iᴅᴇᴀʟ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇ - Pᴛ. 1
Nᴏᴛ Yᴏᴜʀ Iᴅᴇᴀʟ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇ - Pᴛ. 2
Nᴏᴛ Yᴏᴜʀ Iᴅᴇᴀʟ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇ - Pᴛ. 3
Oᴘᴇʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: Cʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs
Mᴇᴛ Yᴏᴜ Uɴᴅᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ Mɪsᴛʟᴇᴛᴏᴇ
Cʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs Mɪʀᴀᴄʟᴇs
Tʜʀᴇᴇ, Tᴡᴏ, Oɴᴇ...
Mʏ Wɪsʜ
Dɪғғᴇʀᴇɴᴛ Wᴏʀʟᴅs


2.7K 58 28
By -els3where


Everything was just as normal as ever in the squad. Everyone argued, everyone flirted, we all had a blast. See, normal, at least for us. I was always the most flirtatious one since I joined, and everyone knew it. But they were all slightly surprised when I had taken an interest in flirting with Jaxx. Sure, we had been rivals in the past, and we still were.

When I started showing an interest in him, the squad took it as an invitation to run away with us flirting. Or, more specifically, me flirting and him getting embarrassed. "Oooh, here comes the new couple in the house!" they teased, and when we all went to bed and Jaxx and I headed up to our shared room, they would say in sing-song voices, "Don't be too loud tonight you two~"

I didn't regret flirting with him though - it was so much better to make him blush than make us both argue and yell at each other until our throats hurt. And I'm sure the squad appreciated not hearing us both scream curses and insults at each other until three in the morning. I honestly had feelings for him, and after I started breaking down into tears after our fights (not that I would ever admit that to anyone in The Squad), I decided to try a new approach with him. Flirting just happened to be something I did with everyone else, so it was easy.

Anyways, it was so fun seeing Jaxx blush and hear his reactions after every flirtatious remark I made. I oftentimes couldn't keep in a laugh, and that went for many other squad members as well. He was starting to get used to it too, and even flirted back at times. It was those times I felt heat rise to my cheeks and felt like falling back in embarrassment like he does a lot, but I knew I couldn't show the other squad members that I actually got flustered from him when I started the flirting in the first place.

Unfortunately, their teasing got to the point of plainly targeting me and my feelings, even when I didn't want to show them. Causing me to slip up and blush, many times.

For example, we were just finishing up a movie one night when Jaxx fell asleep on the couch next to me. No, his head didn't fall on my shoulder or lap or anything like that, I was just looking at him. He looked so peaceful, he was honestly so adorable when he was sleeping, as always...

"Looks like we have two simps in the Squad House," Zach remarked, causing everyone else to chuckle. Well, except for Charli. I could tell she was about to yell her trademark line, "I'm not a simp!" but I think she left that to me.

"Wh-what?! I'm not a simp!" I shouted at them, which got them all to laugh again. I then reminded myself that I should watch my volume for the sleeping red-headed boy next to me.

Jade laughed the loudest, per usual. "Sure you aren't," she said sarcastically.

Everyone started to get up, still laughing as they left me trying to figure out what to do with Jaxx. I should probably try to get him upstairs, but I knew I couldn't pick him up and carry him on my own without waking him up...

So I decided on scooting closer and poking him lightly in the arm. "Jaxx," I said, not too loudly to not startle him. But he kept sleeping. "Jaxx!" I shouted, and he woke up.

"Hm?" he hummed tiredly, rubbing his eyes and yawned a little.

He usually didn't act this adorable, and I giggled. "Wow, you're acting soft."

"Mhm... Just let me sleep, idiot," he muttered, starting to get up, but stumbling back a little from tiredness.

I chucked, and he shot me a scowl. "I'm sorry, you're just so cute sometimes," I told him, and his eyes went wide.

He seemed to be more awake by now. "No one's around, you can drop the act," he reminded me. "I know it's all the flirting is."

He was about to get up again when I yanked the arm that was supporting his body out from under him with a smirk, making him fall back down. I took the opportunity to lean over him slightly. "Really? Then why did I just flirt with you when everyone else was gone?"

I could see blush form on his cheeks as he avoided eye contact. "Because it's late."

"Mhm, and do you really think that? Because I don't," I told him with a wink, not letting the smirk leave my face.

I saw his blush grow darker. "Wha...what?"

I grinned, getting away from him. I got up and walked towards the stairs. "I'll be in our room. Remember to get the lights."

I heard him let out a disbelieving scoff, and I was imagining, despite the situation, the grin that was surely forming on his face as he rolled his eyes. I sniggered, walking into our room and flopping down on my bed. I intended to tease Jaxx more when he got upstairs, but practically as soon as my head hit my bed, I fell asleep.

I woke up to someone poking me quite hard in the arm. "Sora, wake up!" I heard Jaxx yell, and saw him standing over me with his arms crossed.

I blinked the sleep out of my eyes. "Eh? What gives? I was asleep."

"Yeah, in my bed."

As I looked around, I noticed that this was indeed his bed. I felt like face-palming at my own stupidity, but instead found it in me to put back on my mischievous smirk. "Don't pretend you don't want me sleeping in your bed," I teased.

The lights were on, allowing me to see the pink rush to his cheeks. "Wha...? S-Sora! You should just go to your own bed," he muttered, avoiding eye contact.

I nuzzled myself in his sheets more. "Nah, I'll stay here. It's rather comfy, and I really don't feel like going over there," I told him.

He scoffed. "It's about ten steps from my bed to yours. Just get up!" he shouted, causing me to grin and shut my eyes.

"Goodnight, Jaxx."

I could imagine his eye-roll as he stood there for a few more minutes, before I heard footsteps. I thought that he would climb in bed with me, but instead I heard rustling from the other side of the room.

"What're you doing?" I asked, sitting up enough to see.

"You took my bed, so I take yours," he said simply, climbing into mine.

I huffed a laugh. "Not what I expected," I admitted.

"Did you really expect me to get in bed with you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I felt myself blush, but quickly covered it up. "I wouldn't be opposed to it."

He rolled his eyes again, blushing as I winked. "Just go to sleep, idiot," he told me, flipping the switch on the lamp by my bedside table. I did the same, and soon we were left in darkness.


"I'm telling you, your bed is way comfier than mine," I argued as Jaxx and I walked down the stairs to eat breakfast.

I didn't think anyone would hear us arguing, but unfortunately, Jade was walking behind us, and I didn't notice. "Wait, you slept in Jaxx's bed?!"

I felt my stomach tie in a knot, but I knew I had to play it off like I wasn't nervous. "Yeah, and he slept in mine," I told her.

"This idiot crashed in my bed last night, so I slept in his," he explained to her.

She nodded in understanding as we kept walking, though I could see a mischievous glint in her eyes as we sat down at the breakfast table with the rest of the squad. I was thanking God she hadn't said anything more, but my relief soon died as she yelled, "Sora's such a simp that he slept in Jaxx's bed!" right in the middle of everyone's conversations.

All eyes turned to me as I put my hands up in defense, blush coming to me as embarrassment crashed into me like a tidal wave, filling me to the brim. "I thought it was mine, I was tired!"

The squad was too busy laughing to hear me though. "Hah, what a simp!" they all exclaimed.

For some reason, being called a simp really triggered me. It wasn't like Charli and her playful anger, no. This was frustration. Maybe because I knew that Jaxx didn't like me how I liked him. Charli at least knew, deep down, Light liked her back. But Jaxx? We were rivals before this, and we were mean to each other, arguing every day. How could he like me after that? It hurt so bad, and they would constantly remind me of my pain by calling me a simp.

For that reason, I stood up and left, hearing the laughter die behind me. I was surprised that it didn't multiply, considering that it would be like them to think that I was leaving from embarrassment. But then again, my face probably gave away my anger.

I rushed up to my room, slamming the door and making sure to flop down on the correct bed this time. As my face hit the sheets, I smelled Jaxx's cologne on them. I both loved and hated it. Loved because, well... I loved him. I know that sounds terribly cheesy, but it's true. And hated it because I knew that if I didn't wash them soon, I would cry, because every time I smelled it I would be reminded that I would never actually get to smell it on my bed sheets again.

Tears started flooding my eyes, and I tried wiping them away. I couldn't cry. I didn't like to be vulnerable. But how could I not? I was so upset constantly, all over one damn guy who would never feel the same way...

The door to the bedroom creaked open, and I hid my face, making my tears disappear as I felt someone sit down on the bed beside me. "Hey," Jaxx said, sympathy bleeding through in his tone. "Are you alright?"

I looked at him, smiling like usual. "Yeah, of course," I told him.

He looked anything but reassured. "Sora, I know that's a lie. Your usual spark is gone, and plus, you look like you've been crying."

I sighed. No point in trying to hide my frustration now, right? "You're right," I admitted. "I don't know, I hate being called a simp. It bothers me to no end."

"But why? Charli is called one all the time."

Frustration and panic at the notion of telling him the truth were burning inside me, twisting and tying my stomach into knots. "It's... it's different," I mumbled.

"I don't understand why though. It's just like with her, it's all a joke. But unlike with her, everyone knows you're just playing and joking around. You don't actually simp for me," he argued.

I couldn't really handle it anymore, and before I knew it, words were just tumbling out of my mouth. "I don't? How can you be so goddamn oblivious? I obviously simp for you, not just in a joking way! They all see it! I actually like you Jaxx, a lot. And I hate it because I know that you'll never feel the same about me. Being called a simp reminds me of how much I like you, and how you see everything as an act!" I blabbered, quickly clamping a hand over my mouth. I felt tears drip onto it. Great. I guess I really lost control of my emotions and, generally, my sense. Good going Sora.

His mouth was open, gaping at me as I tried to catch up with what I had said. Once the first few sentences actually got into my brain, the first thing I did was try to stand up and leave. What else was there to do? I just ruined our friendship!

I was trying to leave until a hand grabbed firmly onto my wrist, turning me around and landing me back onto my bed, me falling directly on top of Jaxx. "Wha...?" I muttered, surprised.

He looked confidently in my eyes.  "You didn't let me answer. I was going to say that..." he took a pause to take a deep breath before continuing.  "That I like you too Sora. Like, a lot. But I thought that you were just flirting as a joke, so I didn't say anything because I thought I had no chance," he admitted.

We looked into each other's eyes before I brought us a bit closer, kissing him lightly. Even though I knew he liked me, my heart still skipped beats when I felt him kiss back.

"You're so stupid sometimes," he chuckled after we pulled away. "How could you think I didn't like you back? Do you see me get that flustered over any other squad member besides you?"

I blushed a little, a genuine smile forming on my lips. "Just shut up and kiss me, you idiot."


Word Count: 2,154 (not counting A/N's.)

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