Reality is not a Hallmark mov...

By JLM_Dream

88 6 4

Maya Hart is spending Christmas Eve with her boyfriend and his family. A cute little Christmas oneshot to hop... More

Reality is not a Hallmark movie!

88 6 4
By JLM_Dream

Reality is not a Hallmark movie!

20-year-old Maya Hart was currently walking home from her last class of the day. And no, it wasn't just the last class of the day, it was her last class before the long-awaited Winter Break. As much as Maya loved college – the girl was studying to become an art teacher – she had been looking forward to the holidays for a long time now. She really missed her parents and would finally have a chance to see them again. The blonde's phone started ringing and she quickly pulled it out of her bag.

"Hey Mom," Maya answered the call, a huge smile spreading across her face.

"Hi baby girl!" The girl could hear the grin in her mother's voice. "How are you doing, sweety?"

"Oh, you know, lots of work, a lot to learn. The usual. I'm so ready for some time off," Maya only half-joked. This semester had been more stressful and exhausting than usual. "How about you?"

"I'm fine, baby girl," Katy immediately assured. "I'm actually excited to be going back to work in a few weeks."

"I'm really glad to hear that," Maya said. She knew how much her mother loved being an actress. It had been her childhood-dream after all. "And what about Nate? How's my favorite little munchkin doing?"

"Nate's fine, too. Although I do think he misses his big sister."

"Aw! I miss him too, it's been way too long. I feel like I'm missing everything!" Maya laughed. She loved her new baby brother to pieces and hated being away from him for so long. To her it felt like ages since she had last seen him and her mother – even longer since she had last seen her father.

"It really has, but I assure you, you're not missing anything. Every time something cute happens, my camera is out like a light," Katy insisted and the older blonde really wasn't exaggerating. Keeping both her husband and daughter up to date on how little Nate was doing was proving to be a full-time job. "Anyway honey, you won't believe what happened!"

"What happened, Mom?" Maya asked curiously.

"You know how your dad's been away on an assignment for the last couple of weeks?" Katy asked.

"Of course, I do," Maya said. Her dad worked as a travel photographer and writer for a big online magazine. That was also the reason why Maya hadn't seen him in so long. Katy and Nate had come to see her a few times already this semester, but her father sadly hadn't been able to join them.

"Well, as it turns out, he ran into his old best friend there," Katy explained.

"Oh, how did that go?" Maya knew all about her father's special friend. The blonde wasn't sure if she really believed all the stories, he had told her – they were a bit wild – but it always seemed like the two of them had been inseparable which was why Maya had never quite understood why they barely talked anymore. It was probably just life taking those two in different directions where the other one could not follow.

"Really good, apparently," Katy said to her daughter's surprise. "Whatever it was that had been standing between them, they seem to have worked it out."

"No way, that's great, Mom!" Maya exclaimed. "Dad must be really happy."

"Deliriously so." Maya could once again hear the big smile in her mother's voice. "The two of them have been talking on the phone ever since he got back, I'm not kidding."

Maya burst out laughing. "Well, seems to me like you've been replaced, Mom. Better make sure, Dad doesn't take back your ring!"

"Yeah, that's not happening," her father's voice suddenly appeared on the line. "I finally got your mother to say Yes, I'm not letting her go again!"

Maya's heart welled up upon hearing those words. Contrary to what most people believed when they saw the four Hunters together, they weren't the picture-perfect family they appeared to be. They were more of a little patchwork-family. Maya was Katy's daughter from her first marriage. Maya's biological father had taken off when the girl was only five years old, so she had never really had a dad in her life. That is, until one Shawn Patrick Hunter had run into the mother-daughter-duo during one of his assignments in their hometown – Possum Trot, Arkansas. He had been looking for someone to show him around and the two Hart girls had happily helped out the handsome stranger who had wormed his way into their lives and hearts more quickly than anyone could ever have imagined. Even back then, the three of them had seemed like a little family – they just hadn't known it yet.

To Maya's delight, Shawn and Katy had eventually started dating. He had still continued to travel for work, but it hadn't fulfilled him as much as it used to. Something had always been missing and Shawn had quickly realized that it was his two favorite blondes. So eventually, he had decided to put down roots and, not long after, he had moved in with them.

A little ways down the road, Katy had found out that she was pregnant. That particular moment had been a trying time in Shawn and Maya's relationship because Maya – although being deliriously happy at the idea of becoming a big sister – was afraid that Shawn having a child that was really his would change their relationship. After a lot of emotionally draining but necessary talks between the two of them, those doubts had finally risen to the surface. Shawn, understanding where those feelings came from, had assured her that things were not going to change and, after a little while, Maya had believed him. Shawn may not be her father officially – at least not yet – but that didn't matter to the two of them. As far as they were concerned, they were father and daughter as much as Shawn and Nate were father and son. Maya had eventually asked the man if she could call him "Dad" and – with tears in his eyes – Shawn had happily agreed to that.

"Took you long enough to convince her," Maya teased. And it had. Shawn had proposed the first time around a little while after Katy had told them about her pregnancy. Katy had turned him down, saying that she didn't want to get married just because they were having a baby. He had proposed the second time around on the same day that little Jonathan Hunter had come into the world. Katy had once again turned him down, saying that he was emotional because she had just given birth to his son. The third time around Shawn had proposed on the anniversary of the day the two of them had first met and Katy had finally agreed. In their case, three times really had been the charm.

"Oh, I know," Shawn groaned and Katy giggled. "Your mother was a hard nut to crack."

"I just wanted you to be sure," Katy reminded her fiancé.

"Oh yeah, six years, a house and two kids," Shawn listed, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "I can totally see how that might look like I wouldn't be sure, can't you Maya?"

"Totally," Maya agreed, a bright smile appeared on her face. It always warmed her heart when Shawn referred to her and Nate as his two kids.

"Anyway, enough with that," Katy called them to reason. "I said yes, that's what's important, isn't it?"

"You bet," Shawn said warmly.

Maya didn't have to be in the room with them to know that they were staring at each other all gooey-eyed and romantic, just about to kiss. "Seriously guys, get a room!"

"Sorry," her parents chorused, causing Maya to chuckle. Even after six years, a house and two kids those two were still acting like love-struck teenagers.

"It's fine, just save it for when I'm not on the other line," Maya teased. "Mom, was there something else you wanted to tell me? By the way, congratulations on reconciling with Cory, Dad!"

"Thanks, kiddo." Maya could hear her father's grin.

"Actually, there was," Katy said. "I wanted to confirm our plans for Christmas. Are you still planning on spending Christmas Eve with your boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend," Shawn grumbled.

"Yeah, that's the plan," Maya confirmed, completely ignoring her father's comment. "We're having dinner with his family. And you're still coming on Christmas Day? Don't tell me I'm not gonna see my little munchkin after all!"

"No, that's still standing," Katy assured. "It's just that, after the big reconciliation, we're now spending Christmas Eve with Cory and his family ..."

"Yay!" Shawn exclaimed and Maya laughed.

"... so we just wanted to confirm that you were all taken care of," Katy finished. "Apparently, they live in New York as well and Cory made sure to extend the invitation to you as well."

"That's very nice of him," Maya said. "Tell him Thanks from me and that I look forward to meeting him as soon as possible. Shouldn't be that big of a problem if he lives here as well. But I really can't back out of my plans."

"I already told him that and he understood," Shawn assured. "We just wanted to check that things are really working out with you and ... him."

"Dad!" Maya laughed. "I promise, he's a really good guy. And you'll get to go all overprotective Daddy on him on Christmas Day. He's been forewarned and said to bring it on."

"I like this boy more and more," Katy said. Her mother and Nate had already met her boyfriend of the last six months the last time they had stopped by for a visit while Shawn was away on assignment.

"Not fair, how come I haven't met him," Shawn pouted.

"Because I didn't want to jinx things by introducing you guys too soon," Maya explained for the umpteenth time. "And when things were getting serious enough to do the whole meeting-the-parents-thing, you were already gone on your assignment."

"Still not fair," Shawn said.

"He really is a good guy, Shawn. I like him and so does Nate," Katy backed up her daughter. "You'll see soon enough."

"Fine," Shawn relented grumpily before his voice softened. "I can't wait to see you again, kiddo. It's been too long."

"Same here, Daddy," Maya agreed, tears forming in her eyes. "I'll see you guys in a few days, alright? Give Nate a kiss for me."

"Will do, kiddo," Shawn said.

"See you then, baby girl," Katy told her.


"You sure they're gonna like me?" Maya asked her boyfriend as they made their way to his brother's apartment hand in hand.

"Positive," he agreed. "Maya, they are going to love you."

"I'm not good with big families," the blonde admitted. "You know it's usually only my parents, Nate and me. Well, and Uncle Jon occasionally."

"I do," the young man said. "And I love you for agreeing to spend tonight with me and my crazy family. I really appreciate it."

Maya stopped dead in her tracks. "What was that?"

"I really appreciate it," he repeated.

"Before that," Maya said.

"I do." A big grin spread across the young man's handsome face.

"After that," Maya said softly.

"Oh that." He smiled softly at his girlfriend. "I love you."

Maya was speechless – and that didn't happen very often. The girl used to not believe in love – being left by your father, the only man that is supposed to love you unconditionally and forever, does that to you. But seeing her mom and Shawn together – both having been badly burnt by previous relationships – Maya had started to hope again. And seeing her boyfriend standing there right in front of her with a nervous smile on his face, she knew. "I love you, too." A brilliant smile spread across his face as he leaned down to kiss his girlfriend firmly on the lips.

When they separated, Maya realized that they were standing in front of an apartment building. "This is it?"

The young man nodded. "This is it." He took Maya's hand and squeezed it tightly. "You ready, Gorgeous?"

Maya took a deep breath and squeezed his hand back. "Let's do this, Handsome."


"Hey family!" Joshua Matthews exclaimed as he opened the apartment door with a big grin. Maya was stunned by the amount of people standing in the living room and stopped dead in her tracks. Josh looked down at his girlfriend, a concerned look appearing on his face. Maya looked up at him and managed to give him a small, brave smile. Josh smiled back at her reassuringly. He was keeping a firm hold on Maya's hand, letting her know that she was not alone. Okay, Maya thought while taking a deep breath. She could do this.

And not a moment too soon because next thing she knew, someone came barreling towards them, all the while exclaiming "My brother!".

"My brother!" Josh called back and was quickly enveloped in a big hug.

A woman shaking her head in amusement approached their little group as well. She gave Maya a friendly smile and Maya reciprocated gratefully. "They're always like this," the woman explained. "You get used to it, I promise."

Maya chuckled. "Good to know."

"You must be Maya," the woman said and Maya nodded. The blonde was about to extend her hand, but instead she found herself enveloped in a hug by the older woman. "I'm Topanga. Joshie's sister-in-law."

"It's really nice to meet you, Topanga." Maya couldn't stop herself from chuckling upon hearing the brunette's nickname for her boyfriend.

"Likewise, Maya," Topanga said. "It's so nice to finally meet the girl my dear brother-in-law hasn't been able to shut up about."

"Topanga!" Josh suddenly exclaimed while Maya furiously tried to stop herself from blushing.

"Oh, you know she's right, my brother," Josh's brother interjected as he too turned to finally meet the girl in question. "Hey Maya. I'm Cory. It's really good to finally meet you."

And that's how Maya found herself enveloped in the next hug. "You too, Cory."

"Come on in, you two. Almost everyone is already here," Topanga said while excitedly clapping her hands together.

"Not everyone!" Cory corrected excitedly, looking as if he was about to bounce off the walls.

But Maya didn't get to find out who was still missing just yet. Instead, she got introduced to the rest of the Matthews clan in record time. Josh stayed true to his word and didn't leave her for a single moment. Something Maya was really grateful for.

First, Maya met Josh's parents, Alan and Amy. The two of them were warm and caring people who took to Maya immediately. They had seen a change in their youngest son over the last couple of months. Where in the past Josh had always been very serious, a bit shy and more of the observer, he had recently become a lot happier and more carefree. He had come out of his shell and Amy and Alan realized that Maya was a big part of that.

Then there was Josh's niece Riley and her boyfriend Farkle. Now those two, Maya had already met a few times. While she and Josh were attending NYU, Riley and Farkle were going to Columbia, so their paths didn't cross too often. However, especially over the last few weeks, Maya had often accompanied Josh when he was meeting up with his favorite niece and good friend and the blonde had started to become friends with both of them as well. After making sure that Maya was well taken care of, Josh took the time to properly greet another family member. And Maya had to admit that seeing Josh interact with his eleven-year-old nephew Auggie was probably one of the cutest things she had ever seen.

Next were Josh's brother Eric and his sister Morgan. Eric was hilarious and unique while Morgan had a sarcastic and witty humor as well as a sharp tongue that made Maya's jaw drop on various occasions during the evening. Together, those two made a remarkable – if slightly scary – duo.

After a little while, Maya realized that she no longer felt tense or scared. Josh's family, as much as he liked to joke and call them crazy, were amazing and all of them managed to make Maya feel welcome and comfortable in their midst. She was suddenly really glad that she had jumped over her shadow and had agreed to spend Christmas with them.


"So Maya," Amy eventually addressed the blonde. The two of them were sitting on the couch with Topanga, Cory and Riley. Josh had left her in good hands and was now catching up a bit with his father. However, he kept glancing over at his girlfriend to make sure she was alright. He needn't have worried though since Maya always reciprocated with a reassuring smile. She was doing just fine. "Josh told me your parents are coming into the city for the holidays as well?"

"They are." Maya smiled at the older woman. "They are spending tonight with some of my father's old friends and Josh and I are going to see them tomorrow."

Amy nodded. "Josh mentioned they didn't live here in New York."

"No, they don't. I'm actually from Arkansas and moved here for college," Maya explained.

"That's really not just around the corner," Cory chimed in.

Maya shook her head sadly. "No, it really isn't."

"Has it been long since you last saw them?" Topanga inquired.

Maya nodded. "My mom and little brother were in the city only a little while ago, but my father has been away on assignment for a few weeks and hasn't been able to join them. That's why I'm so glad they could come for Christmas." Maya paused for a moment. "I really miss him."

"Of course." Amy gave young woman an understanding smile.

"I couldn't imagine living so far away from my family," Riley said slowly. "Moving here, all on your own ... that's really brave."

Maya chuckled nervously. "I sometimes feel like it was a bit much," she admitted. "But then I remember that if I hadn't taken that risk, I would never have met Josh." Topanga, Riley and Amy "Awed" and even Cory appeared to be moved, causing Maya to blush once more. "But still, sometimes it would be nice to have my family closer."

"Well," Amy started. "I can't really help with bringing your family any closer, but how would you feel about being part of another family?"

"I don't quite understand," Maya said slowly, not daring to believe what she was thinking that meant.

"I think what my mother is saying ...," Cory took over. "... is that we would love to welcome you into this big and crazy family of ours. If you want, that is."

A soft smile started playing on Maya's lips as she took a look around the room. "I would really like that," she admitted shyly and immediately found herself sandwiched in between Amy and Topanga with Riley and Cory clapping their hands together and exclaiming "Yay!" from where they were sitting.

Right then, the doorbell rung. Maya and Riley had to duck while Cory literally jumped over the couch with an excited shriek. "He's here!" Everyone just chuckled while Maya watched the scene in confusion.

Upon seeing her friend's expression, Riley quickly started explaining. "Dad was out of town for a training weekend a little while ago. There he ran into an old friend of his and they reconnected. After hearing that he and his family were planning on spending Christmas in New York, he invited them tonight."

"Huh," Maya said. Well, that was a real coincidence. Unless ... nah ... that couldn't be possible, could it? Something like that only happened on TV. This was reality, not one of those cheesy Hallmark movies that were actually a guilty pleasure of Maya and her mother around the holidays.

Not only Cory took off in a mad dash towards the front door, he was also closely followed by his wife and parents. That way Maya's view of the door – and therefore the newcomers – was completely blocked. Their voices, however, carried through the whole room.

"Shawnie!" she could her Cory's exhilarated voice.

"Cory!" another male voice answered the call, sounding equally as enthused.

Everybody else in the room immediately started chuckling upon seeing, or rather hearing, two grown men sounding like little boys at Christmas. Well, everyone except Maya. Hearing the newcomer's voice combined with Cory calling his name caused the blonde to shoot out of her seat and dash towards the door as well – No, it couldn't be! Remember, reality! Not a Hallmark movie!

Riley called after her, but her voice didn't even register to Maya. Josh, having noticed his girlfriend's distress immediately, made his way towards her to see what was going on. Before Josh could reach her though, Maya had already been able to catch a glimpse of one of the newest arrivals and her heart skipped a beat. "Dad?" she called out, her voice hoarse and unbelieving.

Shawn, confused by hearing this familiar voice that didn't fit into his best friend's living room at all, spun around and immediately caught sight of his daughter. "Maya?" his voice sounded just as surprised as his daughter's. Amy and Alan, who were standing in between father and daughter stepped aside and Maya could see her mother standing next to her father with her little brother in her arms. Shaking her head in complete and utter disbelief, Maya rushed over towards them. Shawn met her halfway and father and daughter – who hadn't seen each other in what felt like forever – hugged each other tightly. "God, I missed you so much, kiddo!"

"I missed you too, Daddy," Maya murmured into her father's shoulder.

The two of them stood there for another while before someone else cleared their throat behind them. "Katy?" Maya could hear her boyfriend ask.

"Josh?" Katy asked, equally as surprised as the rest of them.

Maya slowly let go of her father and turned towards the other two people still standing in the doorway. "Mom!" and with that she took off towards them next.

"Baby girl," Katy said equally as surprised as her husband and daughter as she enveloped her daughter in a tight embrace, careful not to crush her fidgeting son between them.

"Hi there, little brother," Maya cooed, and Nate immediately stilled his actions and looked up at his big sister with wide eyes. "Long time no see. God, you shot up like a weed, didn't you, munchkin?"

After the two Hart girls separated, Maya could see her father looking at her with a quizzical expression on his face. "Maya, not that I'm not happy to see you because, I really am ... But what are you doing here?"

Maya chuckled nervously as she looked around the room to find the entire Matthews clan looking at them with wide eyes, anxious to see what would happen next. The only one who did not look from her to her parents and back again as if they were a tennis match was Josh.

Josh's gaze was focused solely on his blonde girlfriend. Upon seeing that she was looking at him with a slightly overwhelmed expression on her face, he immediately came up to stand beside her, letting her know that he would be here if she needed anything. Maya gave him a grateful smile and quickly grabbed his hand for support before turning back to her father. "Well Dad, remember how I told you that I was spending Christmas Eve with my boyfriend and his family." Maya nodded to Josh standing beside her.

"Yeah." Shawn's gaze fell on Josh and for a moment, just as Maya had expected, he started glaring. But then suddenly the expression on his faze shifted. Shawn suddenly looked like he was trying to solve a puzzle. He looked from Josh to Cory to Amy and Alan and back to Josh again. "No way," he murmured as he slowly made the connection. "Little Matthews?"

Josh chuckled nervously as he looked at the man he had looked up to so much as a little boy. Who now also seemed to be his girlfriend's overprotective father? Oh boy. "Hey there, Shawn." He tried a timid smile. "It's been a while."

"Sure has," Shawn muttered, still trying to fully get a grip on what was happening. That the young man standing in front of him, holding the hand of his beloved daughter was the little boy – his best friend's younger brother – he had watched grow up years ago.

"Wait a minute," Cory suddenly joined the conversation.

"Thanks, Cory." Shawn shot his best friend a grateful smile.

"So, let me see if I get this straight," Cory said slowly. "A few weeks ago, my little brother asks me if he could bring his girlfriend over for Christmas Eve." Josh nodded. "Not so long ago, I reconnected with my best buddy Shawnie here and invited him and his family for Christmas Eve." Shawn nodded. "Then Shawn tells me that his daughter can't make it because she already made plans to spend Christmas Eve with her boyfriend and his family." Shawn nodded once more. "And now everybody's here and it seems like my little brother's girlfriend is also my best buddy's daughter. Did I get that right?"

"It would seem just like it, Cor." Shawn nodded, looking over to his wife and daughter who nodded their confirmation.

"Holy crap, do you know what this means, Shawnie!?" Cory exclaimed, suddenly sounding like the little boy on Christmas once more.

"What, Cor?" Shawn – and everybody else in the room to be honest – looked at the man expectantly.

"We're gonna be in-laws!" Cory exclaimed. "We're officially gonna be one big family!" Shawn's eyes went wide as he and Cory tackled each other in a big hug, causing everyone else to burst out laughing at their odd behavior. Somehow though, this seemed to be what broke the spell on them and the laughter, chatter and teasing started as everyone tried to process the news.

Still not quite believing that this was actually happening, Maya turned to her boyfriend and looked at him with an amused expression on her face. "Should we remind them that we're only dating and not engaged or anything?"

Josh chuckled as he looked at Cory and Shawn. "How about we hold off on that for now. They look so happy. Plus, it might just put off Shawn from going all overprotective Dad on me for a little while longer."

Maya shook her head laughing. "Whatever you say. But I guess you're right. Let's let them have it for a bit."

"Besides ..." A mischievous grin appeared on Josh's face. "You never know what might happen in the future."

Maya's jaw dropped as she eyed her boyfriend. "You planning anything there, Handsome?" The blonde chuckled nervously, not quite knowing how she would feel about something like that. After all, the had only been dating for a couple of months.

"Well no." Josh at least had the decency to blush a little bit, suddenly realizing just what he had implied there. "But you know ... maybe eventually ... someday ... should we both want that. Who knows ...?"

"You're right about one thing. Who knows? After all, look at everything that's happened today. Nobody could have planned that." Now it was Maya's turn to grin up at her boyfriend sheepishly. "So, someday? Maybe?"

Josh, still blushing a bit, nodded slowly. "Yeah, someday." He leaned down and gave his girlfriend a tender kiss. "You alright with that, Gorgeous?"

Maya surprised even herself when she slung her arms around her boyfriend's neck, pulled him down towards her once more and kissed him passionately. After pulling back, they both were a bit flustered and Josh had a dazed look in his face which made Maya giggle as she answered. "Yeah, Handsome. I am very alright with that."


A little while later, everyone was once again seated, spread out through the Matthews' living room. Maya, sitting on the floor in front of her parents, had her little brother on her lap and was constantly fussing over the little guy who seemed to enjoy all the attention very much. Josh sat right next to his girlfriend and was busy making funny faces at Nate, causing the youngest of the bunch to giggle in delight. Katy and Shawn were busy recounting the tale of how they met to everyone in the room – it was after all quite the love story – and everybody else was completely enthralled by it.

Eventually, after the biggest part of catching up was done, Amy clapped her hands together. "I'd like to say something." She stood up and smiled warmly at her whole family gathered around her. "I guess I am speaking for everyone when I say that this is not the Christmas I expected to have when Alan and I made our way up here to Cory and Topanga's place." Everybody chuckled at that. "But I would also like to say that I think that this is one of the best Christmas' we've had here in years." The other's immediately nodded their agreement at that. "We had the chance to reconnect with old family members." Amy smiled warmly at Shawn. "And we had the pleasure to add new members to our big and crazy family." She gave Katy, Maya and Nate a loving smile as she raised her mug filled with delicious hot chocolate. "Now, here's to this lovely Christmas and to hopefully many more to come!"

"Here here!" Everybody echoed, raising their mugs filled with eggnog, hot chocolate or warm milk high up in the air.

"Well said, Mom," Cory praised as he went over to hug his mother, quickly followed by his father.

"Very well said," Topanga agreed. "And I think now it's about time to sing some Christmas Carols!" While Cory, Riley and Morgan cheered, Eric, Shawn and Maya – albeit very quietly, so only a smirking Josh could hear – groaned.

"Spoilsports!" Amy teased her son and almost-son while rolling her eyes.

Topanga, completely ignoring all protests, started singing the first lines. "Deck the halls with boughs of holly. Fa la la la la, la la la la."

"'Tis the season to be jolly. Fa la la la la, la la la la," everybody else immediately joined her.

And Maya? Maya let her gaze wander through the room. Everyone looked so happy sitting here together and celebrating Christmas together. She had been so hesitant to accept Josh's invitation to spend the holiday with his family, but now, sitting here, singing along and bouncing her baby brother on her lap, she couldn't really remember what she had been so scared of. This had been an exciting, crazy and very surprising day to say the least, but it had also been the best day Maya had had in a long time. It was the first Christmas the blonde celebrated surrounded by so many people and, in this moment, she decided that she really could get used to this. Apparently sometimes life really was like a Hallmark movie.

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