Dog On A Leash |Nanno X Fem R...

بواسطة Lonelywithu

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As apart of the LGBTQ+ community I had to make this. Who isn't in love with nanno..Oh you aren't well you're... المزيد

The ugly truth
Social Love
Wonderwall pt1
Wonderwall pt2
Lost & Found
Thank you, Teacher
The rank
Bff pt1
Bff pt2
Season 2
Season 2 again
True love
Minnie and the Four bodies.
sad times

The Judgement.

1.1K 33 7
بواسطة Lonelywithu

(Welcome to the last chapter in the story. Since it's the last one I'm going to be taking all of my horrible writing and grammar skills and try and make this chapter one of the best in the book. Since this is the end of this book, Thank you guys for helping me through my hard time and I hope you have a great summer and life. - From Hopefully one of your favorite writers.)

[Y/n] The right to punish wrongdoers...

[Nanno] is given to those in charge.

[Y/n] But, what is going to happen

[Nanno] if the ones in charge get persecuted themselves.


(Y/n) and Nanno walked into the new school like they always do. (Y/n) couldn't wait until she was able to go to sleep. She wondered if any victims would die at her hands or it would be the acts of Nanno.

She actually really hoped it was hers. She has been trying her hardest to become a better person not that she has separated herself from Yuri sadly it's kinda hard once that side of her had been unlocked and she got this power from the blood of Nanno.

Actually, that's what she was confused about she got this new power type of thing but Yuri did not get anything or maybe she did. Once Nanno looked away from the posters on the wall (Y/n) decided to ask, walking away with Nanno.

"Okay so hear me out. Why do you get to clone yourself and I only get to control people with my voice? It's also not fair since you said I'm not allowed to use it on regular people and only wrongdoers." (Y/n) frowned trying to get Nanno's attention. However, she did not hear a word that came out of (Y/n)'s mouth. She was too busy looking at a girl.

(Y/n) finally caught on. "You okay, Nanno?" (Y/n) asked. Nanno seemed as if she saw a ghost. Actually, why would Nanno be afraid of a ghost...She punishes people for a living.

"Oh, Is that Junko. I heard she is really smart I want to meet her." (Y/n) grinned running over to the girl sitting beside her. "Hi, I'm Nanno that's (Y/n). We are the new students here." The girl slowly looked up probably shy or confused.

"Are you Junko?" (Y/n) happily asked always wanting to meet a genius and a person and a wheelchair so she can roll them down the steps. (I'm sorry to anyone that's in a wheelchair please don't take offense to this I was in a wheelchair once for my broken leg.)

"Weren't you the one who won the Biology award?" Nanno said.

"Mh-Mm" Junko hummed nodding her head a bit. (Y/n) thought she was really cute when she did that.

Maybe she could become her friend now that all of her friends are dead and she does not want to be stuck with Yuri even though Yuri and she have the same interest she really doesn't want to be by someone who disrespects Nanno.

Nanno clapped telling her good job even though she didn't mean it. Junko shook her head this time obviously thinking she didn't do a good job.

"It's Nothing." (Y/n) completely melted at how cute she was. How could a human be this cute and talk so adorable? "I can't go play outside with the other kids. So, I read instead. It's not fun." (Y/n) didn't feel bad for Junko.

Everyone does something that makes them go into a hard time. For (Y/n) she killed her siblings not look at her she is stuck with Yuri and Nanno. Junko had to do something horrible for her to end up like this or maybe she was good her whole life then this had to happen.

"Why are you in that chair? Is something wrong with your legs?" (Y/n) kicked Nanno under the table wondering why she would ask that question out of all of the thoughts in her giant head.

"I've always had this condition" Junko uncomfortably replied back. "You've always had this condition. What's wrong with you?" (Y/n) was going to kick Nanno and apologize to Junko on Nanno's behalf since the girl was shaking and uncomfortable when a yelp came from her.

(Y/n) looked over to see Junko bleeding she was going to take her finger and wrap it around her shirt when two girls came running over helping Junko to the nurse.

"Why would you ask that she looked some scared and uncomfortable. You want to be in a wheelchair? Ask her those types of questions again I'm going to put you in one." (Y/n) threatened Nanno Kicking her leg multiple times.

(Y/n) and Nanno walked to the Nurse together So Nanno could apologize. Nanno was Ahead of (Y/n) by a few feet but she could still hear the conversation. After a few minutes, her and Nanno went to the roof to look at Junko's Donation page.

"This is bullshit. I'm blind in one eye and need a glass eyeball but no one donates for me. I'm going to start one of those and get millions every day. Then we will get a puppy and a Nice house and live together while punishing wrongdoers together because we are unstoppable and We won't allow each other to die." Nanno scoffed at (Y/n)'s words before laughing a bit.

"Wait...Where is Yuri? She should be interfering by now." (Y/n) looked around not seeing her anywhere. "She'll be here soon," Nanno told her continuing to look at the donation page.

(Y/n) came back over to Nanno seeing a 5,000 dollar transfer. "We can barely even live how are you going to give 5,000 dollars?" Nanno soon walked away (Y/n) running after her.

"Oh, For once a school we go to looks nice." (Y/n) dramatically sighed breathing in the definitely not fresh air. The duo walked for a few minutes when they both heard a lady talking. Nanno seemed more interested in this whole Junko situation more than (Y/n) was.

"Nanno, I'm going to go. I don't feel too good. I'll meet up with you later." (Y/n) lied running away. She was not sick she just had to meet up with Yuri. "What is it that you want this time?" (Y/n) stretched sitting next to Yuri on the cold bench.

"Nothing. Who's Nanno's victim now?" (Y/n) grinned a slight chuckle coming from her lips once they parted. "Our victim is not a victim. Nanno is not feeling good. So you should stay away from her so you don't catch something then affect Junko...Which could kill her easily." Yuri nodded not planning on doing what (Y/n) says.

"You remember what you told me at the warehouse?" (Y/n) hummed the memory coming back as clear as day. "Yes of course our deal how could I forget that I told you I would ______. But you have to help me switch Junko's medication so this plan of ours can work." Yuri smiled happy knowing (Y/n) didn't break a promise.

"You know when you both came and sat at the lunch table and you got up to talk to me that day. I was thrilled to see you again then I actually got to know that you are just a promise-breaking, backstabbing bitch. Then you got the power of controlling people with your voice and you don't use it. Most importantly our relationship as friends has never been this good." (Y/n) laughed grabbing Yuri's red ribbon that dangled in her hair.

"You're...My...Best...Freind...Forever...and I shall help you with Junko while also helping Nanno get rid of you while we punish the wrongdoers together." (Y/n) let go fixing it for Yuri before she stood up dusting her skirt off.

"Let's learn some info about Junko. I'll stay in contact with you through text just send anything you find." Yuri patted her back walking away. "Don't go without saying I love you to your mother." (Y/n) yelled hearing Yuri scoff. "I love you, Mom. Please do well on finding info on Junko." Yuri Yelled back.

The next day (Y/n) walked to the nurse's office with Nanno. After Nanno had found and sent (Y/n) photos of Dead bodies (Y/n) forwarding them to Yuri.

"Hi" Ms. Waan smiled. "Hi." (Y/n) cutely said grinning even if she was not really happy and was hungry also wanted to sleep. (Y/n) pushed past the teacher laying on the bed that was behind her. Her glare told the teacher not to say anything.

"By better do you mean somewhere stuffy and salty." (Y/n) tiredly yelled turning over to find a better position after just waking up from her first nap about to go into her second. (Y/n) woke stumbling while running so she could catch up with Nanno before she left her behind.

They both stayed in the school away for a bit (Y/n) throwing rocks over the edge into the grass hopefully someone will trip on them. "Yuri is coming. Make sure you switch with the one with pigtails once you walk away." (Y/n) whispers it hearing Yuri getting closer. "Are you happy with your choices?" Yuri's oh-so-familiar voice asks. Nanno's mood went down immediately.

"You're so disappointing. If I were you I would just kill her." Yuri leaned over the edge her eyes connecting with (Y/n)'s. "Isn't Waan the person you saw in your dream?" (Y/n) looked towards Nanno not knowing of this dream Yuri was talking about. Is this why she seemed so weird around her or Junko.

"We are like two peas in a pot, Nanno. You know that your blood is in my veins." Yuri smirked once again. "In a way, we are kinda like mother and daughter, Yeah?" Yuri leaned over to look at Nanno who had not said a thing the whole time.

"I don't think so. You want to kill people. Is that all you think about? And that dream is never going to come true." Yuri snickers at how stupid Nanno could be.

"You might regret believing that it won't." Yuri sits there smiling when Nanno's phone chimes a cocky smirk coming across her face. She grabs (Y/n)'s hand putting a small note in her hand before she walked away. Leaving both Yuri and (Y/n) alone.

"Grab Junko. Nanno is probably only a few seconds ahead of us. Waan is going to do something horrible to Nanno if Junko doesn't hear what her mom is doing." Yuri nods walking downstairs with (Y/n).

"Did you change the medication as I told you to do? You know how long it took me to plan this and how many times I almost got caught sneaking around in their house just to find stuff." Yuri nods grabbing Junko who was just cutting paper. "Hey, Junko I'm (Y/n) you should already know me. I'm the girl who was in your room that day and I'm the new girl don't even try to remember I just need you to come with us." Junko puts down the stuff allowing Yuri to push her where Nanno was. Them all hiding while her mom talked to Yuri only pushing her out once the truth was revealed.

"Did you hear that Junko? I told you your mother can not be trusted." (Y/n) chuckled from behind Yuri patting Junko's head. "And who are you?"

"I'm (Y/n) and that's Yuri." (Y/n) smiles walking over to "Nanno" to see if she was hurt. "I'm sorry you had to be the one today." (Y/n) whispered in "Nanno's" ear touching the scar on her neck.

(Y/n) listened to them go back and forth when she gave Yuri a thumbs up. A knife being pulled out from behind the wheelchair. Junko also lifting from the wheelchair. (Y/n) laughed while Waan cried and ran from her once so helpless daughter.

She ran over to yuri moving her away from Nanno a bit. "Now our deal. You helped me with Junko's medication and I would help you kill Nanno. Well, Nanno will die as long as she interferes which she will. Since she feels bad about what happened to Rosie. Now, all we do is watch." Yuri their plan coming together perfectly.

"What do you think we should do? Should we let the daughter kill her own mother? " Yuri asked Nanno while a mother and daughter fought. "Or let her live?" (Y/n) chimed in smiling.

"If you knew Junko was a killer, Why would you help her then? Don't you want to punish people like I taught you to? We just use different methods." Nanno wasn't confused on why she just wanted to know what went through these two's minds the last part being targeted more towards (Y/n) than yuri.

"Junko is a victim just like we are. All we wanted was to get revenge." Nanno scoffs sighing. "People like you, (Y/n) and Junko...can hardly call yourselves victims.. " (Y/n) deeply sighs at those words. She can hardly call herself the victim...When she has suffered her whole life.

"It's probably hard to judge who's at fault here. Is it Waan who crippled her own daughter to help her? or" Yuri tried explaining but gets cut off by (Y/n) who was on Team Junko.

"Or is it Junko who got her revenge for being bullied? Can you really judge who's the worst?" (Y/n) yawned tired of all this screaming. "Is she really fake crying right now just take the knife already." (Y/n) sighed sitting on the ground closing her eyes when she feels a kick her eyes opening Nanno standing there blood running down her stomach as the knife had pierced her Waan responsible for it. Yuri's laughing echoing.

She stood up stretching a light snicker coming from her mouth once Nanno was being stabbed multiple times. "My work here is done." (Y/n) wiped her hands patting Yuri's back before she left walking towards a railing where a person sat. "Jump up like you used to do." A person yells to her smiling.

"I can't anymore but I can use the wall." (Y/n) replied smirking. She put her shoes on the flat wall grabbing onto the railing pulling herself up. "I was seventeen when I did this last time. Now I'm almost an adult." (Y/n) smiles grabbing the person's hand holding it while Yuri and Junko walked out together parting ways. "Now Junko and Yuri are loose while "Nanno is dead"

"Nanno never dies."

"Want to go eat?" The person nods them both jumping down.

[Nanno] In a world...where everyone thinks they are free and does whatever the hell they want

[Y/n] Are we really necessary anymore?

(Welcome to the end of my book. If there ever is a season 3 just know I'll be back...This isn't one of the longest chapters I've written but thank you guys for reading and Goodbye."

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