The Story's (One direction +...

By kelindaziallandlilo

59 2 6


The Story #1
The Story #2 Ziall (?)

The Warning Chapter

31 0 1
By kelindaziallandlilo

Hello my name is Emily Kelly.  I have been very interested in fan fiction for quite some time now, so I decied to make my own. Now I'm warning you now that what you will read will make your IQ go down. It is very odd and i might offend some of you. If i do im very sorry but you really dont have to read this. Some people might not understand my twisted kind of humor but to be honest I dont really give two flying flips.

 This story will contain Ziall, Lilo, Haylor, Hathanl(it'll make sense later), and Kelinda(friend fiction).

 Right now you are probably wondering what the hell is she talking about? Kelinda ? Hathan? Friend fiction? Well i make friend fiction about my friend and her ex boyfriend. Dont worry she reads them and finds them hilarious. It will have some rape and I know i should'nt joke around about it and i will have little things at the top when there is rape,or anything else bad, it looks like this (?). There will also be suicide( but dont worry they always come back to life out of nowhere so we won't get into that).

Its is fine if you use constructive criticism but dont be harsh be nice because if you are mean i will probably cry and delete the account.

One last thing. If your my friend make fake accounts and give me some good comments! It really boosts my ego! The one shot story things are also quite short

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