By beedough

39 0 0

The Bright Spawn City. Seeming to burn a hole through the skies and into space, it takes up everyone's mind... More

1- Not A Normal Trio
2- Threats
3- Trap
4- Old Faces
4.5- Panic
5- Company

5.5- Grouped

4 0 0
By beedough

"You both remember not to follow us, alright?"

The rain storm took two days to clear up.

"But-" The tall enderman, human, and something else tribrid's name was Ranboo, and, true to what he had said before, was pretty fierce most of the time, but when it came to Corvo and Scarf, he was shut down easily, despite being taller than the both of them.

"No buts, Ranboo." Scarf had taken a liking to the two, but he knew that a friendship with them would cause worse things to happen, so he simply just kept to himself around the two, often speaking to Corvo about whatever plan they'd make when they got to Whim. "We don't have anymore time for this."

"We had days to speak about this!" Tubbo pleaded "We have to help out our friends!"

Corvo shook his head "Sorry Tubbo." He said, having become better friends with the two in the few days "Your group'll come back, trust me."

The two grumbled, Scarf gathering his things before running off, already a mile away after a minute. Corvo had to make sure before he gave a slip of paper to the two, who both looked confused.

"That is the coordinates for the last known spot of the compound." He said, spreading his wings in preparation to take off "We'll be around the forest line if you want to find us, though I doubt Scarf would want you there." He looked at the two, who both had grateful smiles on their faces "I don't want your group to go though." He admitted "You'll all get caught. The Spawned always do." And with that, he ran off, spreading his wings before taking off into the air, veering up quickly over the trees before he straightened out and flew away quickly, the two teen Spawns watching.

In this world, there are two groups of people. The Born, and The Spawn. The Born, as it sounds, were born to this world either from others who were born, or they are born from those who spawn. The born age normally, however there is a percentage that go missing, never to be seen again. They are thought to have spawned in elsewhere, leading into The Spawned of this world. Those who are Spawned in are usually not children when they do, though sometimes it does happen. The Spawned appear randomly in this world at anytime, sometimes the world going months without new Spawns, other times Spawns appearing a matter of hours apart. Those who Spawn come in at any age, from old to young, aging like The Birthed, however The Spawned don't have memories from the years their age suggests, retaining things like simple knowledge, how to read and basic math and the understanding of currency. The Spawned are different from the birthed in one way, one way that will stay with them no mater what, they have no sense of blood family. Those who are Spawned usually band together with other Spawns because of this family, making up tight groups. This was different than The Born, who usually stuck with their small town communities or their blood families that chose the more nomadic lifestyle. Sometimes you would find The Born and The Spawn in family like groups, but that wasn't really seen anymore due to how spaced out every city and town was, finding a Span and Born mixed group usually happened when a Born community took in a Spawn.

Our trio is different, Whim having stopped in a Born village off the coast of the eastern sea three years back, trading with the people and eventually making his way through, though, not without two new additions to his group of previously one.

The New Spawn Bandits, to their name, captured the newer of the Spawned in, though never really discriminating against the newer and the ones who'd been around, they were all the same, not having a sense of home or bond or purpose, brainwashing the groups into thinking that it was all they were good for was labor, and most of the time the manipulation worked. They were the type of people Scarf and Corvo had to get Whim away from.

Scarf had made it half of a day ahead of Corvo, and sent the coordinates the two would meet up at, going to scope out the perimeter of the rocky landscape that surrounded most of the sides to the large camp, still in the same place it had been when Whim left it. Scarf was unsure if the two could break into a place so massive by themselves, the high, barbed wire fencing was most likely electrified, there was a large building, a box-like structure made from obsidian seemed to be the place crawling with the most guards, though from knowledge, Scarf knew it was where the normal Spawns were kept. Whim wasn't normal. He was probably kept in the highest up building, a large stone structure with it's own inner wall made from Blackstone and Cobblestone, tattered and torn flags hanging from the walls, all different colors and as a reminder of who they've gotten away with raiding throughout the years. Scarf also noticed a mine that figures came and went from, hauling heavy ores and resources from. The entire job system seemed to only have the Spawns working, laundry, sewing, farming, slaughtering animals, you name it, it seemed the Spawns did it. The guards seemed to be made up of The Born and The Spawned who'd been there the longest and lost all will to fight back.

Scarf noticed a few other places, a graveyard, stables for the horses, but most peculiar, the largest structure, was an arena. The sand seemed to be permanently stained, but damp due to previous rain, and as he watched the structure, people seemed to be preparing it for something, a counterpart of the arena being a place that poorly built so cages that held other figures could be seen and exposed to the elements, Scarf felt his blood boil as he watched a few guards head into the shack like building and drug out two of the figures, one of them already seeming to be stained with blood.

Scarf turned away from the scene to inspect the gates more, chain link like the rest, though there were people positioned on the inside and outside of the fence, just standing, though clearly ready for something to happen.

Scarf watched as a wagon approached, the symbol on the side marking it as clearly the group's property, the guards speaking to someone in the front before letting them in.

Scarf had all he needed, turning on his heel and running down the rocky slope and into the forest, making his way to the meeting spot to wait for Corvo so they could plan.

They would need a good one.

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