Fifty Shades of Gay (fluff)

By Iredragon

106 33 24

The title is just a play on words. No sin to be found here, but there will be lots of fluffy oneshots, all wi... More

Authors note/Eventual req rules
Candle Queen
Getting some Kelp
Prideful Parade
By the Firelights
Trial of The Hunter
Bretta x Reader
A request turned crack-fic

It Takes Two

5 2 0
By Iredragon

  Nightwither paced back and forth in her cage, awaiting her release. She could tear through the iron bars if she wanted, the Serpents always lacked proper craftsmanship. But the arena was her home, and her life. Nightwither could fight hordes of serpents, side by side with another, winning match after match. Being a Moonborn had it's advantages, after all.

Shadowbreath hissed from her mouth, melting the bars of her cage as they became nothing more than shadows. Nightwither stepped triumphantly from her cage, walking into the arena's sands. She reared on her back, letting loose a loud shriek. Who would her opponent be this time?

The announcer serpent had its tail curled around a mic, calling in the opponent.

"Tonight, we have a very special dragon to fight our champion! May we introduce to you, Jade of the hunter dragons!" The other door opened, revealing a dragon with no wings, and a lean build. A crown of horns framed her face, twisted in a snarl. Jade reared, letting loose a challenging roar.

"Ready... Fight!" The two took that as a command, rushing at each other. Jade reached Nightwither faster, having four legs built for running. The moonborn grabbed at it with her claws, hanging onto Jade's back. Jade threw her off, leaping onto her, and pinning Nightwither with her greater weight.

"Let me win. I was brought here against my will." Jade's voice was just barely whispered in her ear, before she pulled back, pretending to have been thrown. Wither was conflicted. How could she know Jade was truthful? Rushing forwards, she grabbed onto Jade with her back claws, shoving her over into the arena sands.

Jade didn't resist the following assaults, confirming her statement. Wither had Jade pinned, who was slipping in and out of consciousnesses. It would be so easy to kill her here, and end the match. Jade weakly pawed at the moonborn, whispering two words before collapsing backwards onto the sand.

"Please.... mercy...." Wither knew she couldn't kill her. Not after she'd begged. The moonborn stood over the fallen dragon, spreading her wings and roaring. She knew what would happen to dragons that refused to fight further. They had to conquer a Serpent attack.

"Oh, so our champion refuses to go for the kill? Unfortunately, that means you only have one other way to win! You will have ten minutes to prepare. Everyone, fellow serpents from the crowd, would you like the opportunity to battle this unique dragon?"

Twelve volunteered. Twelve warriors, all looking for a chance at being champion. The serpents wore body armour, and had their spurs drawn and readied. Wither stood in front of the fallen Jade, protecting her. Her tail lit up with black fire, searing her tail slightly, but she didn't care. Not now.

The first two to reach her attacked Wither in a flurry of spur slashes, trying to cut her wing membranes. The moonborn parried them with her claws, spinning around to hit them with her tail flame. More serpents came, and slowly, she received more and more scratches, as Wither grew tired. Some were poisoned with their venom, slowly sapping her energy.

But Wither refused to collapse, to give in. She kept fighting, dispatching serpent after serpent, until only the most skilled individual remained. They dashed forwards, going for her wings, spur raised. Wither weakly parried it with her claws, and bit the serpent, latching on with a death grip, trying to prevent any further damage. In their dying move, the serpent jabbed its spur into Wither's side, making her curl up, blood leaking onto the sands.

"And it seems the winner is our champion: Nightwither!"

Wither didn't remember what happened after the fight. It was all a blur of over-stimulus and mind numbing pain. She'd been treated for her wounds, and Jade had been spared so far. Her next match would start in just a few minutes. As the gate opened, letting her out into the familiar sand, her opponent already stood before her. Jade.

"Fellow serpents, you've seen this match before! What happens when they are forced to work together? Let's find out!"

Another door opened, revealing their shared opponent. A single serpent, with their spur drawn. Purple mist swirled around their eyes.

"You've got to be kidding me-" Jade didn't even finish her sentence before the serpent was practically on top of her, having used magic to teleport. It hissed, driving it's spur into her back, using it to ride her. Wither grabbed it by the neck, and they teleported out of her grasp.

The serpent appeared again, this time on Wither's left side. It left a single slash, before teleporting again. They kept doing this, landing blow after small blow on the two dragons.

"Wither, how are we going to kill this thing?" Wither growled, lighting her tail flame, and spinning around in a circle. The serpent popped back into existence only to get smacked by it, flying backwards into the sand. They hissed, rushing forwards, and Jade caught them in her teeth, shaking the already disoriented serpent furiously. It teleported again, this time underneath Jade.

They slashed across Jade's underbelly, causing her to grunt, and fall over onto her side. The serpent shook its head, trying to clear its mental eye so it could teleport. They never got the chance, as Wither pounced on it and swiftly snapping its neck.

Wither walked over to Jade, flipping her over. She would live, thankfully. Maybe sometime Wither could get her out of here. The moonborn stood on the sands, roaring in victory for both of them.

Their partnership had only just begun.

Sorry for not updating you guys, writers block has been yeeting me-

Anyways, take this oneshot. (Wither was definitely crushing on Jade at the end-)

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