Billionaire's Hidden Mate

By Snowfall3121

54.1K 1.4K 111

Michael Thomas has everything he could ever want at his fingertips except one thing...his mate. Alpha of the... More

Author's Note
Michael's Background
Penelope's Background
The Call
The Interview
After The Interview
Being Informed
First Talk With Mate
Making Plans
Moving On
Final Destination
Welcome Home
Orienting Part One
Orienting Part Two

First Talk With Female Rogue

3K 82 10
By Snowfall3121

Hi everyone! Sorry that it took me so long to update. I had some health issues. 

This chapter will be similar to the last chapter since it is Michael's POV.

(Michael's POV)

This morning I am meeting the female rogue for the first time to see if she should join my company and potentially join my pack. 

For some reason my wolf has been eagerly anticipating her arrival. In the last couple of days, I had to go on more runs than I usually do just to keep him at bay. 

A part of him is hoping that she is his mate. It would explain his wolf's behavior. Yet, another part of him believes he is unworthy of a mate. Particularly, he believes he is unworthy of being a mate to the female rogue because of her past. Since why would the Moon Goddess pair her with an alpha male after everything she has been through? 

The part of him desiring a mate answers that question. The Moon Goddess could pair her with a genuine alpha male who will treat her like an equal instead of a subordinate. If the Moon Goddess paired her with him he will do everything in his power to ease the hurt of her past and prove to her that her future will be much brighter with him at her side.

He shakes his head to try to snap back into focus. Since his train of thought could be all for nothing if she is not his mate. However, he still wants to prove to her that there are decent alpha males in the time they spend together even if that time could be limited. This could range from the hour for the initial meeting if she does not meet my expectations, to a year which would be the duration of her contract if she works for the company, or potentially a lifetime if she joins his pack or is his mate.

After taking a calming breath he centers himself back into focus and he walks into the building of  Thomas International at 7:30am. On the way to his office, he greets every employee he comes across. Upon entering the waiting room leading into my office, I am met with my personal assistant Kevin. 

Cheerfully, Kevin says-Good morning, Sir! Is there anything I can get for you?

Shaking my head, I head to my office while addressing him-Not at the moment. Has there been any changes to my agenda today?

Following behind me, Kevin replies-No, Sir. Your first appointment is with Ms. Williams at 8am. Afterwards you have a meeting with Mr. Bark. I cleared the rest of your appointments for today as you instructed me too. Most are rescheduled for tomorrow or later in the week.

After starting my computer, I see on the calendar the changes to the schedule. Looking up, I address Kevin-Diligent as always, Kevin. Thank you for clearing my schedule for today and making the changes on the calendar. That will be all for now. Please let Ms. Williams in as soon as she arrives.

Quietly Kevin leaves my office and while still alone I start going through the emails that were sent this morning. 

A little while later, I hear Kevin greet Ms. Williams before I hear her footsteps walking towards my door. 

Bracing myself for her to open the doors, since if she was my mate I would be immediately be able to tell if she was my mate by her scent. 

Opening the door, she walks for a few steps in my entryway before taking a breath and bending over for a minute. In any other case, I would say she is my mate. Since that is a stereotypical response for smelling your mate's scent for the first time. However, she cannot possibly be my mate because her scent does not drive me crazy with lust. In fact, I can barely smell anything coming from her except a hint of perfume. 

While her scent does not drive me crazy with lust, her body sure does. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. She looks about my age of 25, five feet five inches approximately, Caucasian, athletic, brown hair, and brown eyes.

In a concern voice, I ask her-Are you okay, Miss. Williams?

I am met with silence. Giving her a moment to snap out of it before moving and checking up on her myself. After the moment's pause I start to move closer and when I started to move my hand closer to touch her the action snapped her back into the present. 

Jerking away from me, she yells-Do not under any circumstances touch me!

Shock at her response I ask-Why?

She replies-I am sure you are aware of my family history. All I know from an alphas's or males's touch is pain. I vowed to myself I would never allow an alpha or male to touch me again.

Her words actually cause me pain. In my head, I am cursing out everyone who has hurt her and vow if I come face to face with these pathetic men, I will show them true pain by a real man.

Taking a minute to center myself before I state-I am not like your father or any other person who has hurt you. Furthermore, this pack is not like the makeshift one your father has created. Our pack is based on kindness, respect, and family. We treat each other with respect and do not demand respect based on our gender or social positions.

Continuing I state-Above all, I want you to know my pack cherishes and protects our females. Not because of the stereotypical reason of them being for the most part physically weaker than males. The true reason is because of the greatest gift they give us, the power of life and love. A true man knows that he is nothing without a strong female. If a male adult hurts a female in this pack, it is basically an automatic sentence of being kicked out of the pack.

Concluding I say-Hopefully within time you will be able to truly believe the truth of my words. However, I know actions speak louder than words. So my first action is I am not going to purposely touch you without your permission unless it is a dire emergency.

My words seem to have calmed her down so I hope that means she knows I truly meant every word. The mood in the room became more lighthearted with her next words. 

Smirking a little she says-You are talking as if you are already granting me the position without even interviewing me for yourself first.

In return I smirk a little back and say-My instincts are telling me you belong here. Plus you have a tremendously impressive resume. However, I am still going to interview you myself before officially offering you the position. Since it is my professional duty to ensure that you live up to your reputation.

Fully smirking now, she says-Game on.

He directs her to the seat in front of his desk. Once he sits down at his desk he began the hour of grilling her of everything she has done in business and all the information she knows about business. Additionally, he gave her practice problems and had her solve them.

Once he finished he sat for a moment stunned at her responses.

(In my head)-I cannot fathom why someone would want to try to diminish her brilliance. Clearly, her place is leading a boardroom and not in the home at a man's beck and call. At least she will be properly appreciated for all her talents here. 

Smiling I say-I am most grateful that you applied here. You are an exceptional candidate. It will be my honor to work with you.

Continuing I say-Your request for protection from your parents or anyone who would take you back to them was automatically approved. Clearly, I told you we protect the females in this pack. As for the other conditions you have mentioned to my beta, I accept them on one condition. First, Ben has informed me he has let you know that I can order my pack to mostly stay away from you except the pack members who work here. Additionally, I will order them to not touch you unless in a dire emergency. However, I want your word you will give the people of this pack a chance. I will never require you to join the pack or hold you hostage in a place you do not want to be. Nevertheless, the people of this pack are kind hardworking people. It might be nice for you to have some friends.

Straight-faced she says-I will never let myself be under the influence of an alpha. So let me make myself perfectly clear. In this building, you will be my boss and I will be your employee. Not alpha and a lower level female wolf. Every interaction between us will be professional and work-related. Nevertheless, I will accept your condition of giving the pack members a chance. As of right now I plan to be here for the contracted year and then leave with no ties and nothing holding me back. That does not mean I cannot be kind to the people of your pack and be as open as I am comfortable with during my limited time here.

After she finishes her proclamation, he takes a moment to himself before responding.

(In my head)-I can tell that I am going to have a love-hate relationship with her fierce personality. On one hand, I am glad that she is strong enough to stand up for herself and her opinions. On the other hand, I can tell that we are going to butt heads often. Especially with the sexual tension in the air. However, I will never dishonor my mate by acting on it. So she does not have to worry about inappropriate interactions with me. While I will not interaction inappropriately with her, I hope that in the year we can at the very least become friends and she has built connections to the pack that will make her stay. 

A minute later he states-Hopefully that will not be the case in a year. Only time will tell.

With those words hanging in the air, he leaves the room for a moment to grab the contract. After  Kevin hands him the newly printed contract, he quickly scans to ensure everything is in order before heading back into the room.

Only a few minutes have passed before he returns to his office and puts the contract on his desk and deliberately pushes it forward so they are not touching.

She takes her time to thoroughly read the contract before signing. 

(In my head)-It is official now. I have one year to prove to her that there are decent alpha males and that her place is in a pack and not alone. Hopefully by the end of the year I can convince her to stay in my pack. Since my instincts are telling me that my pack is where she belongs. An unconscious part of him is saying that she belongs anywhere near me.

(Hopefully everyone likes this. I struggle to write a few parts but wanted to finally release it. I am hoping the next update will be later this week or early next week.)

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