Godverse Sans in BNHA

By Hakai7shin

5.7K 75 53

A little story I'm making on a whim based on my friend's oc, Godverse Sans. I'm putting him into BNHA as a jo... More

Into the Universe
A New Beginning
Starting with a Bang
Fear Among the Cold-Hearted

Only the First Step

930 14 12
By Hakai7shin

          A little over a week has passed since the exam, and Izuku learned about the Rescue Points, received 60 of them with a total of 83 points, and how he got 2nd place overall, scoring even higher than Bakugou, who had 77 points.

          That night, after Izuku opened his acceptance letter, that person called him and told him to come to the beach where he trained for 10 months.

Izuku: "All Might!"

All Might: in his skinny form "Who's that?!"

Random Person: "What, All Might? Where?!"

All Might: "Repeat after me! 'I had the wrong person.'"

Izuku: "Oh- I had the wrong person!"

Random Person: "Aw, what? I was hoping to see him..." walks away

All Might: "Congrats on getting accepted. You got second place no less!"

Izuku: "Th-Th-Thank you very much!"

All Might: "Just so you know, I didn't tell the school about my connection to you," he holds his right hand out in a shrug-like manner, "You're the type that would think that's cheating, right? I wasn't one of the judges."

Izuku: bowing "Th-Thank you for your concern! But... I was surprised to find out that you were a teacher at U.A. So that's why you came here, huh? I mean, your agency is in Roppongi in Minato, Tokyo at-"

All Might: "Stop that!" sighs, "I couldn't tell anyone before the school announced it. I just happened to be offered a job from U.A. when I was searching for a successor."

Izuku: thinking "I see. He was originally planning on choosing one of the students," he looks down at his hands with a slight wide-eye expression, "One of the students gifted with an amazing Quirk."

Izuku: speaking "My body broke with one kick and one punch of One For All. I can't control it at all."

All Might: "That can't be helped. It's like if you asked a person who suddenly grew a tail to do a trick, they wouldn't even be able to control it."

Izuku: "...Wait, did you know that would happen?!"

All Might: "Well, there wasn't any time... But it turned out all right. It turned out 'all might'!" Right now, you're either at a hundred percent or zero, but once you can control it, you'll be able to adjust what your body can handle."

Izuku: "Control?!"

All Might: "The more you train a vessel, the more you'll be able to move the power freely," he picks up a can of soda, buffs up to full strength, and crushes the can with ease, "Like this."

Random Person: "Woah, is that All Might? No way! When did he get here?!"

All Might: "Let's go Young Midoriya!"

Izuku: "Y-Yes, sir!"

All Might and Izuku start running down the beach away from the random person who recognized All Might.

All Might: thinking "The flame I passed on to you is still small, but in the future, it'll be exposed to wind and rain and grow even bigger. And then, I will slowly become weak a disappear, and I will finish my job. Yeah, that's deep."

Godverse, who's walking down the beach, spots All Might and Izuku running towards him.

Godverse: "Now, where are you two heading off to?"

Izuku: "Sans!"

All Might: "Oh, Young Sans? Trust me there's nothing going on here!"

Godverse: "That's really suspicious you know?I'll ignore it for now. But, this actually gives me the perfect time to talk to you about something Izuku."

Izuku: "Huh? Talk about what?"

Godverse: "That power you used to defeat the 0-pointer, it was really powerful and all, but it broke your limbs after a single use, as if your own body isn't used to it."

Godverse: "So, I want you to imagine the your full, limb-breaking power as a great typhoon roaring over the ocean. Now, to limit that power, imagine calming the sea and slowing the winds, until all that's left is a nice, refreshing breeze. Charge your arm with your power while imagining this, and punch towards the ocean. Don't worry about failure, I'll take care of you."

Izuku: gulp "O-Okay."

All Might: "Now, now, Young Sans, are you sure about this?"

Godverse: "I'm quite sure this'll work. About 90% sure."

Izuku charges One For All into his right arm while thinking about the analogy Sans told him. His right arm brightens with red and yellow energy, and he throws his arm forward toward the sea, sending an air wave that splits the water.

Izuku: "AAAAAAAH! Wait, wait, wait, wait, that hurt a lot! But my arm isn't broken! This is great!"

Godverse: "I'd say that was around 15% of what you used during the Entrance Exam. Heh, nice work kiddo."

All Might: "Great job Young Midoriya, you're one step closer to mastering One- uh, your quirk!"

Godverse: "If 15% hurt that much, I'd say to keep practicing until the school year starts and you should be able to use around 8% without any hurting at all."

Izuku: "Thank you Sans!"

Time Skip to the First Day of School 2 weeks later

Izuku: thinking "Only 36 people were accepted into the Hero Course. Those 36 people were evenly split into two different classes, 1-A and 1-B."

Izuku: "Class 1-A... Class 1-A... This place is too big!"

Izuku runs up to a door 4 times his height with a large 1-A painted onto it.

Izuku: "This door's huge! Is it for accessibility...? The elite chosen from the huge number at the exam..."

Izuku thinks of Bakugou and the guy who yelled at him during the Orientation.

Izuku: "I hope I'm not in the same class as the scary people-"

???: "Don't put your feet on the desk!

Bakugou: "Huh?"

???: "Don't you think that's rude to the U.A. upperclassmen and the people who made the desk?"

Bakugou: "Nope. What junior high did you go to, you side character?"

Izuku: thinking "They're both here?!"

Iida: "I attended Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Iida."

Bakugou: "Somei? So you're a damn elite, huh? Looks like I'll have fun crushing you."

Iida: "'Crushing'? That's cruel. Do you truly aim to be a hero?"

Bakugou scoffs before looking toward the open door where Izuku was listening to their argument. Iida notices where Bakugou is looking and sees Izuku over there and walks toward him.

Iida: "Good morning! I am from Somei Private Academy. My name is-"

Izuku: "I heard! I'm Midoriya. Nice to meet you, Iida."

Iida: "Midoriya, you realized there was something more to that practical exam, didn't you? I had no idea... I misjudged you! I hate to admit it, but you are better than me."

Izuku: in a low voice "Sorry, but I didn't realize anything."

???: "Oh, that curly hair! You're the plain-looking one!"

Izuku turns around to see the girl that he saved during the Entrance Exam.

Izuku: thinking "It's the nice girl!"

???: "You passed, just like Present Mic said! Of course you did, that punch was amazing! Break! Break! Break! Break!"

Izuku: "Oh, well, um, it was thanks to you going to speak with Present Mic directly that I, uh-"

???: "Huh, how did you know about that?"

Bakugou: thinking "Something's definitely up for that damn Deku to pass the exam."

???: "I wonder if today's the entrance ceremony or orientation?"

Godverse finally gets to Class 1-A for because he was too lazy to get there at a decent time.

Godverse: "I'm willing to bet neither."

Izuku: "Sans! You're in this class too?!"

Godverse: "I guess so kiddo, maybe I just barely squeezed into a spot in this class."

Izuku: "What do you mean 'barely'?! You got first place in the Entrance Exam."

Ochaco: "Well, it's nice to meet you Sans! I'm Ochaco Uraraka!"

Godverse: "Nice to meet you too, but you should look behind you."

Ochaco: "Huh?"

???: "Go somewhere else if you wanna play at being friends."

Izuku and Ochaco look at the unknown person laying on the ground in a yellow sleeping bag, almost looking like a caterpillar. Godverse just slightly chuckles at their expressions.

???: "This is the hero course."

Izuku/Iida/Ochaco: "S-something's here."

The man stands up and unzips the sleeping bag, getting out of it and showing what he really looks like. He's a lanky, tall man with long black hair and wearing a large, grey scarf.

???: "Okay, it took you eight seconds before you were quiet. Time is limited. You kids aren't rational enough."

Izuku: thinking "A teacher? That means he's a pro hero, but who? I've never seen a pro hero who looked so worn out before."

Aizawa: "I'm your home room teacher, Shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you."

Everyone but Godverse: "Homeroom teacher?!"

Aizawa pulls out some gym uniforms out of his sleeping bag.

Aizawa: "It's kind of sudden, but put these on and go out to the field."

Time Skip to 15 minutes later
Everyone has their gym uniforms on and out at the field

Everyone but Godverse: "A Quirk Assessment test?!"

Ochaco: "What about the Entrance Ceremony? The orientation?"

Aizawa: "If you're going to be a hero, you don't have time for such leisurely events. U.A.'s selling point is how unrestrained its school traditions are. That also includes how teachers can run their classes. You kids have been doing this type of test since junior high, right? Physical fitness tests where you aren't allowed to use your quirk?"

Aizawa takes a deep breath before sighing from all this talking he's doing.

Aizawa: "The country still uses averages taken from results from students not using their quirks. It's irrational. Well, the Ministry of Education is procrastinating. Sans, you finished at the top of the practical exam, right?"

Godverse: "Yup."

Aizawa: "In junior high, what was your furthest softball throw?"

Godverse: "32 meters."

Aizawa: "I want you to stand in that circle over there and throw this ball using your quirk."

Godverse: "Got it teach."

Godverse walks to the circle and catches the softball thrown at him along the way.

Godverse: standing in the circle "Welp, here goes nothing."

Godverse holds the ball in front of him at shoulder-level before dropping the ball.

Izuku: thinking "What? He's going to get 0 meters like that!"

Godverse then points a finger at the falling ball, engulfing it in a blue aura and stopping its fall. Godverse then lifts the ball in the air with his telekinesis before throwing his hand forward, causing the ball to also fly forward at incredible speeds, not showing any signs of slowing.

Godverse: "When do you want the ball to stop, teach?"

Aizawa: "Now'll be a good time."

Godverse releases his telekinesis on the ball, but it's momentum keeps it going. After a full minute, the distance recorder in Aizawa's hand that tracks how far the ball goes finally stops.

Aizawa: "Know your own maximum first. That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero. 3477 meters."

???: "This looks fun!"

Aizawa: "'It looks fun,' huh? You have three years to become a hero. Will you have an attitude like that the whole time? All right. Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion."

Everyone but Godverse: "Huh?!"

Izuku: thinking "Punished with expulsion?! Oh no, this is bad... in all eight tests?"

Aizawa: "We're free to do what we want about the circumstances of our students. Welcome to U.A.'s hero course!"

Aizawa: "All right, demonstration's over. The real thing starts now."

Godverse: in a quiet voice "Heh, maybe I should actually try on these tests." chuckles

Test 1: 50-Meter Dash

Izuku: 4.02 seconds due to him being able to control 8% of OFA

Godverse: 0.01 seconds he just teleported

Test 2: Grip Strength

Izuku: 438 kilograms

Godverse: broke the grip machine

Test 3: Standing Long Jump

Izuku: 12.6 meters

Godverse: 111 meters

Test 4: Repeated Side Steps (in a minute)

Izuku: 57 side steps can't really use OFA for this test

Godverse: 2169 side steps just teleported back and forth

Test 5: Ball Throw

Izuku: 538 meters Aizawa didn't stop him because he saw Izuku control it in the previous tests

Godverse: he already went, so he didn't have to go again

But, after Izuku's throw, Bakugou noticed Izuku's Quirk, and looked at Izuku in shock.

Bakugou: thinking "Wh-What's with that power?! Everyone's quirks manifest by the age of four. This is unthinkable! But in reality... What is the meaning of this?!" Bakugou starts making little explosions from his hands.

Bakugou: yelling while running at Izuku "Hey! Tell me what's going on, Deku, you damn bastard!"

But before Bakugou can reach Izuku, a cloth wraps around Bakugou's body, trapping him in place.

Bakugou: "What the-? These cloths are hard..."

Aizawa: "They're weapons for capture made of carbon fibers woven together with metal wires made of a special alloy."

Aizawa is seen staring at Bakugou with a red glow coming from his eyes and his long black hair levitating in a menacing way.

Aizawa: "Jeez... Don't make me use my quirk too often... I have dry eye!" Aizawa releases Bakugou from his capture weapon, "We're wasting time. Whoever's next, get ready."

Izuku slowly walks around Bakugou before quickly pacing back to the group of students.

Time Skip to the end of the tests

Aizawa: "Okay, I'll quickly tell you the results. The total is simply the marks you got from each test. It's a waste of time to explain verbally, so I'll show you the results all at once."

Aizawa pulls out a projector from his pocket that displays a leaderboard of all the students according to their total score. Izuku got 7th place while Godverse got 1st place.

Aizawa: "By the way, I was lying about the expulsion," Aizawa puts on an evil grin "It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your Quirks."

Everyone but Godverse: "What?!"

Godverse: "What, you all didn't know? It was pretty obviously a lie. You gotta read between the lines a little, y'know?"

Aizawa: while walking back to the school building "With that, we're done here. There are handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom, so when you get back, look over them. Prepare yourselves, tomorrow will be filled with even more rigorous tests."

Time Skip to the end of the school day

Izuku: walking off of school grounds "I'm so tired... Iida!"

Iida: "Hello Midoriya. I was really taken in by Mr. Aizawa. I even thought 'this is the best of the best,' and such. I didn't think a teacher would encourage us with a lie."

Izuku: thinking "Before I thought Iida was scary, but he's just earnest."

Godverse spots Izuku and Iida walking together and walks towards them.

Godverse: "Well, the tests today sure were something, huh?"

Izuku: "Oh, Sans! I have to thank you for your advice on controlling my quirk. If not, I would've gotten last place in the test today. So... thank you!"

Godverse: "It's no prob, kiddo. Anyways, you heading to the station to go home?"

Iida: "'Kiddo?' Just what relationship do you two have?"

Izuku: "Wait, wait, it's nothing like that! He just likes to call people that. It's his natural way of speech. To answer your question Sans, yeah, we were heading to the station to go home. What about it?"

Godverse: "I'll come with ya. I only live a couple doors down from you, remember?"

Izuku: "Ah, right!"

Godverse: thinking "Heh, playing along with this story is pretty nice, actually. I'm surprised no one has asked about the power I showed in the tests and the Entrance Exam. Eh, that's a thought for another time. Let's see how you do with my help, Deku."

2627 words
Holy crap this took a while to write, but I hope it was worth it. I can't believe I'm actually still writing this. On the contrary, I get this feeling that I want to keep writing whenever I stop writing to do something else.
For anyone that's wondering, I control+alt+deleted Mineta because he needs to be destroyed anyway. Also, Izuku can only use 8% OFA in one-time uses because he hasn't learned Full Cowling yet. He'll learn it before his fight with Todoroki in the Sports Festival, I'll tell you that.
Welp, see you all next chapter!

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