The baby rewrite (Discontinue...

By opalmills

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This is a rewrite of my first greenflame ninjago fanfic. I decided to do a rewrite of all three books cause l... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3.

Chapter 1

273 2 5
By opalmills

It was late at night and Kai was wide awake hunched over the toilet throwing up everything he had consumed that day and then some. He had been in Lloyd's bathroom since two A.M and it was now six A.M. Wave after wave of nausea came over him causing unending dizziness, anytime he looked anywhere but the toilet the room seemed to spin and that only made it worse. Only a few hours ago he was on top of his boyfriend Lloyd having late night fun so now that he was throwing up and met with morning sickness he had some ideas of why his body decided to betray him in the early hours of the morning but he refused to believe them. As the hours slowly ticked by and the sun began to rise Kai slowly began to feel better noting that everything had stopped spinning, although his throat burned, his sides were sore, and he was very dehydrated. Despite his body basically screaming no at him he slowly stood up and made his way out of Lloyd's room and to the bathroom he shared with his teammates.

"Has anyone seen Kai at all yet? I checked his room and he wasn't in there." Nya asked her teammates as she walked into the dining room of the bounty.

"He was throwing up when I went to the bathroom earlier." Cole responded.

"That's not good. I'm gonna check on him be right back." Nya said as she walked off.

As she walked into the bathroom she gagged as her nose was met with the sour smell of what had to be whatever Kai's stomach had randomly decided to reject. She looked at her brother who's head was practically inside the toilet bowl and winced when she saw his body tense up as it continued to try and empty his stomach which was probably already foodless. 

"Kai are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

"Does it look, sound, or smell like I'm okay?" He replied with a hoarse voice.

"Not what I meant but okay. What's wrong you look like shit." She said as she approached him.

"I've been throwing up for hours and I've been so nauseous that everything is spinning. Though that has stopped." He replied slowly standing up.

Nya noticed his futile attempts to stay balanced so she quickly grabbed his shoulders helping him steady himself.

"Why are you standing up? You shouldn't be standing." Nya asked.

"I have to go get something from the store." Kai replied.

"Like hell you are. Sit back down I'll go get whatever you need." Nya ordered.

"I'd rather you not, you'll get the wrong thing and this will never pass." Kai retorted.

"You know it hurts knowing you have zero faith in me, I'm still not letting you go to the store, at least not alone let me go with you." Nya said.

"No, Just let me go by myself, I'll take the car Zane made and have pixel drive so there'll be no chance of me crashing." Kai said.

"I still think you should let me go with you, you might need my help getting into the store." Nya replied

"Listen I'll be fine, I'm feeling better already it was probably just minor food poisoning from the food we got at the food truck last night, you saw how unsanitary that truck was." Kai stated as he walked out the bathroom door after flushing the toilet.

Nya gave up on trying to convince her brother to let her go to the store with him as she knew he had already made up his mind and he wasn't going to change it. That's one thing Nya disliked about her brother, no matter how old he got he still was as stubborn as ever, and although he refused to give her any insight as to why he was suddenly sick in the morning she wasn't out of options just yet. Nya exited the bathroom taking in the nice fresh air and smiled as she walked across the bounty's deck, as she did she remembered seeing Kai leave the room he shared with Cole, Jay, and Zane and make his way over to Lloyd's private room. She never saw him leave Lloyd's room and return to his own before she fell asleep but she knew that Kai had spent the whole night there.

Once she arrived at Lloyd's bedroom door she gave it a knock and was relieved when the chipper voice of the sometimes fearless leader of the team had said she could enter. She opened the door and walked into the teens surprisingly clean room which made her question how he kept losing things, but that was beside the point she had questions she needed answered. She sat down on the green sheeted bed and took note of the air mattress  on the floor next to it. A few moments later the blonde in question sat down next to her pulling on a shirt hiding those almost godly abs of his. She might be in a relationship but jay's six pack was like jello compared to Lloyd's twelve pack wash board abs, Nya mentally slapped herself for getting distracted so she adjusts her position so she's face to face with Lloyd.

"What's up? I assume you have something to ask me?" Lloyd said.

"Last night I saw Kai leave the room he shares with the others and go to yours. I never saw him leave your room before I fell asleep." Nya said.

"So what? You think I kidnapped kai and am keeping him in my closet?" Lloyd joked.

"No, I saw him this morning throwing up in the bathroom, he looked terrible. If you don't mind me asking what did you two do last night?" Nya questioned.

"Nothing much, we just played some video games and hung out for awhile." Lloyd answered.

"He went over to your room to hang out and play games at two A.M?" Nya questioned knowing that his answer wasn't all of it.

"Well he originally came over because he was stressed and needed a way to let it all out." Lloyd answered.

"He's stressed so he went to you? Why is he even stressed and why did he go to you instead of me?" Nya asked.

"Well do you blame him for being stressed? We've had mission after mission after mission for the past few weeks without being able to take a break that can take a toll on anyone no matter how used they are to it, and he didn't know that you were awake at two in the morning so he went to me cause he knew I would be." Lloyd replied.

Nya sighed relieved that what she was thinking was proven false by Lloyd although she was still concerned as to why Kai was so sick earlier. The two talked for awhile before their stomachs grumbled making them realize that they hadn't had anything to eat yet in their so far limited hours of being awake. They stood up and exited Lloyd's room making their way to the kitchen to grab some of the delicious food Zane had prepared for breakfast.

Kai got out of the car feeling a lot better after having been outside in the fresh summer air, his nausea having finally subsided. He pulled the hood up on his jacket and walked into the store hoping that his bad disguise would hide him from the torrent of fangirls that would surround him if they saw him in the store. Eventually he found himself in the selfcare aisle and started looking for a certain small box. When he found it he made his way to the check out line and handed the box to the cashier. She have him a quizzical look wondering why a teenage boy let alone Kai Smith the elemental ninja of fire was buying a pregnancy test, despite her confusion she kept quiet and accepted the money he handed her. Once the box was back in his hands Kai quickly made his to the store's bathroom after grabbing a cup. 

Once he was in the stall he pulled his pants down and began the test. After waiting the appropriate amount of time he looked at the test with wide eyes frozen in fear. After standing there for probably half an hour he wiped off the pregnancy test and placed it in the back pocket of his cargo shorts and quickly made his way out of the store and into the car to head back to the bounty. He dreaded having to return to the bounty and also the others as he would have to explain why he randomly needed to go to the store at ten in the morning. He was also nervous to see Lloyd again as he had no idea how he was going to explain the current situation he was in to his boyfriend.

He smiled happy at the thought he was lucky enough to call Lloyd his boyfriend. He had been dating Lloyd for a few years and the two had been happy together besides the fact that the two had to keep their relationship a secret from the rest of the team. Sure he knew that the others wouldn't mind knowing that Kai was dating Lloyd as they were perfectly fine when Jay and Cole announced they were together but he wasn't quite sure how well the team would take to him dating their leader and also the son of Lord Garmadon. So despite how much they hated it the couple decided to keep their relationship under wraps for the time being.

When Kai reached the bounty he exited the car and quietly made his way up the ramp not wanting to attract the attention from his friends that were most likely in the dining room not to far from his current position. Though to his surprise he saw Lloyd walking across the deck and the two locked eyes.

"Kai! Hey where have you been? You uh- you weren't in my bed this morning." Lloyd said sheepishly.

"Hey Lloyd I uh-" A sudden wave of intense nausea hit Kai like a freight train causing him to lose his balance and almost face plant into the wooden deck if it wasn't for Lloyd catching him.

"KAI?!" Lloyd said rushing forward catching his boyfriend.

He lifted Kai's head looking at his face which was drained of all color. Hoisting the brunette up Lloyd helped the younger teen make his way to his room and unbeknownst to Kai the pregnancy test he tried so hard to keep hidden fell out of his back pocket. Lloyd set Kai down on his bed before quickly leaving to go get a glass of water returning a minute later, when he did he saw that the color was slowly returning to Kai's face he closed the door before handing the brunette the glass of water and questioning him on what the hell just happened.

"Kai what was that are you okay?" He asked concern evident in his voice and on his face.

"I'm fine just got a little dizzy that's all." Kai responded

"Like hell, you nearly face planted into the deck and you look as pale as a ghost. What's wrong?" Lloyd said.

"Nothing like I said honey I'm fine I just got dizzy that's all." kai said brushing it off.

"I don't believe you. What the hell happened?" Lloyd questioned raising his voice a bit.

Kai sighed knowing that Lloyd wasn't going to give up until he got the truth and Kai was beyond nervous about telling Lloyd. How was he going to explain to the eighteen year old that he accidentally got his seventeen year old boyfriend pregnant last night when they ended up having sex?! He knew Lloyd would never forgive himself for doing such a thing to Kai so he didn't want to burden him but he had no other choice. Taking a deep shaky breath Kai began to speak.

"I- I- I'm............. I'm pr-" Kai stopped mid sentence when he didn't feel the pregnancy test in his back pocket.

"Kai can you come here for a sec? I need to ask you something." Nya called out.

The brunette's eyes went wide with panic and fear figuring out that the test must've fallen out of his back pocket when he became nauseous and fell into Lloyd's arms, and now Nya had found the test and was probably wanting to know why the hell it read positive. Despite Lloyd's protests of saying that she could wait and whatever he was about to say was more important Kai exited Lloyd's room and slowly made his way over to Nya the other's standing behind her filled with anger as they saw Lloyd come out of his room as well.

"Care to explain this?" Nya said holding out the pregnancy test that read positive.

Lloyd's eyes went wide and he let out an audible gasp of surprise.

"Did- did I do that?" Lloyd said.

With this response Nya dropped the small device out of shock and Cole tried to jump forward to probably do something terrible to Lloyd if it wasn't for an equally furious Zane holding him back. All eyes then turned to Kai who was now shaking in fear tears streaming down his face. He slowly nodded his head yes confirming Lloyd's  question that he was in fact the one who got Kai pregnant.

"I swear to god Lloyd I am going to beat you into a pulp." Cole threatened.

Afraid of what Cole was going to do to him and also filled with fear and anxiety Kai ran into the nearest room which happened to be Lloyd's, he payed no attention to Nya and Lloyd who were calling out to him he slammed the door closed behind him falling to his knees. This wasn't how he wanted everyone let alone Lloyd to find out and he also didn't expect everyone to react so harshly. Shouting was heard which he figured to be Cole yelling at Lloyd for doing such a thing and Lloyd defending himself and Kai when it all went quiet. He nervously opened the door and walked out to Cole lying on the deck groaning in pain with Lloyd standing over him with an energy ball in his hand. 

"I DIDN'T MEAN TO GET KAI PREGNANT OKAY?! I know he's seventeen but it was never my intent! He went into my room last night because he's been stressed about having to keep our relationship a secret from you all because he knew you would react harshly! He had a breakdown because it's been eating him up inside having to lie to his friends who he considers his brothers, one thing led to another and the next you know I'm balls deep in him. Yes I know I should've worn protection but I wasn't thinking, and do you blame us? We're teenagers WE'RE ALWAYS HORNY!" Lloyd said.

"It doesn't matter that you weren't thinking what matters is that Kai is only SEVENTEEN!" Cole said as he got up lunging forward trying to get his hands on Lloyd.

Lloyd performed airjitsu flying up to one of the sails to escape Cole and his wrath but was unsuccessful when he also performed airjitsu flying up to the same sail Lloyd was standing on then delivered a powerful kick to the Blonde's chest. Lloyd plummeted down to the deck below with great speed and he hit the wooden boards with such force that a few broke beneath him. Multiple cracks shot out in different directions causing chunks of wood to fly everywhere. One crack in particular made it's way towards Kai causing the surrounding wood around him to crack as well underneath his weight.

"LLOYD!" Kai yelled as the floor beneath him gave out.

"KAI NO!" Lloyd said trying to get to his boyfriend as quickly as he could.

The brunette fell through both decks of the bounty hitting his head on one of the broken boards knocking himself out cold as he plunged into the ocean below. 

Lloyd ran to the edge of the bounty jumping over it and diving into the ocean Nya doing the same. The two quickly swam through the water trying to find Kai, as they did a shimmer of something red caught Lloyd's attention and he turned to swim towards it. He mentally sighed in relief when he saw it was Kai and he quickly grabbed the brunette before summoning his elemental dragon to get out of the water quicker and make his way to the hospital. Nya also summoned her dragon and followed closely behind Lloyd the rest of the team doing the same a few moments later to give Lloyd some space. When they arrived Lloyd practically ran inside and called for a doctor.

"Someone get a doctor please! My boyfriend was knocked unconscious and fell into the ocean." Lloyd said.

One of the nurses at the front desk called for a doctor while another quickly went to get a gurney. The doctor appeared pulling her black hair back into a pony tail and helped Lloyd put Kai down on the gurney one of the nurses had brought out. They all followed The doctor and the nurses down the many halls but stopped when they entered the O.R. Silence fell as they all waited for the doctor to return, out of anger Lloyd grabbed Cole by his shirt and slammed him into the wall.

"This is all your fault, if you weren't so hell bent on beating me to a pulp like you said Kai wouldn't be here, and I swear to god if anything bad has happened to Kai or our child you won't live to the day where you get to see our child." Lloyd threatened his eyes filled with anger.

He let go of Cole's shirt and walked off to go take a seat in the waiting area leaving the raven haired boy to cower in fear. A few minutes later Nya sat down next to putting a hand on his shoulder to try and calm the almost literal blazing mad boy down.

"Hey just so you know I'm not mad at you. Sure I'm surprised but that's all, to be honest I'm happy I get to be an aunt but never thought it would happen so soon." Nya said.

"Thanks. I'm glad someone is happy about it." Lloyd responded.

"Yeah. The way Cole acted was uncalled for and too overdramatic, yes you should have been a bit more careful but I understand why you weren't. It was in the heat of the moment and like you said we're teenagers we're always horny, and it's not like he hasn't ended up in the same boat as you, three years ago Cole thought he got Jay pregnant when they were dating." Nya stated.

"Yeah, and I really didn't mean to get Kai pregnant. I can guarantee you neither of us planned to be parents this early in life." Lloyd said.

"I know, life doesn't exactly go to plan all the time." Nya said comforting Lloyd.

A while later the others entered the waiting room sitting across from the two. Cole looked at Lloyd with a sorrowful expression and Lloyd returned it with a death glare still clearly mad at him. They waited and waited for someone to come out of the O.R and tell them something, and after hours of sitting in silence the doctor who first arrived when Lloyd brought Kai in came out.

"Somehow he's perfectly fine, there was some water in his lungs, and a small cut on his forehead but other than that he's okay. Along with his child." She said

With that information everyone let out a sigh of relief happy that Kai and the child was okay.

"Like you said he's been knocked unconscious, but we have no idea when he'll wake up so he'll have to stay here for a few days until he does, you are welcome to stay here for as long as you like though. Oh and congratulations Lloyd." The doctor said.

"Thanks Alisa." Lloyd replied giving her a hug which she gladly returned before being called away to help another patient.

"If you guys want to go back to the bounty you can, I'm staying here for a bit longer." Lloyd said to the others.

They all stood up and made their way to the front doors. Nya being the only one who congratulated Lloyd on soon becoming a father even if it wasn't planned. When Cole walked past Lloyd he stopped next to him with a sorrowful look.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean-" He was cut off mid sentence by Lloyd holding up his hand. 

"I'd rather not talk about it or with you right now." Lloyd said coldly.

Cole nodded his head in agreement then made his way out the sliding glass doors leaving Lloyd alone. The blonde sat back down in his chair pulling out his phone to play some games hoping it would distract him a little bit about the fact his boyfriend and also father of his child was currently in a coma, though much to his dismay the usually addicting game of candy crush was doing nothing to distract him as the still fresh memory of Kai falling through both decks of the bounty into the cold ocean water replayed in his mind over and over. Hours had passed and it was now eleven at night so Lloyd decided to return to the bounty. He made his way to Kai's room first placing a kiss on his forehead and promising he would return tomorrow although he doubted the brunette could hear him. Once outside he summoned his dragon and made his way back to the bounty.

When he returned he walked right past the living room where everyone was currently hanging out and made his way to his room, once he was inside the peaceful confinements of his own private space Lloyd slipped his shirt off and put on a pair of sweatpants before climbing into bed and making sure that his phone wasn't set to silent so if the hospital called in the middle of the night he could hear it. As he waited to sleep he recounted the chaotic events of today. This definitely wasn't how  Lloyd pictured Kai telling him he was pregnant was going to go, then again he really didn't have any expectations as he had no plan of getting Kai pregnant so early in their lives. He was also happy that Nya wasn't mad at him like Cole, Jay, and Zane were. He could survive them but there was no way in heaven or hell that he could survive if Nya was mad at him for getting her brother pregnant at such a young age, she might be the youngest ninja but she was definitely one of the strongest. Now all he had to do was tell sensei which was easier said than done. 

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