
By riversnicoletta

95.9K 3K 177

Andrea, a simple girl, who has worked all her life to pay the bills and sustain her father's drinking problem... More

Chapter Two: I have one word to describe my life right now: HELL!
Chapter Three: People change, do they?
Author's Note
Chap. 4: You're not playing the game, if you don't risk something while playing
Chapter Five: Changes
Chapter Six: Not all changes are for good
Chapter Seven: Everybody hates family reunions
A/N Story under revison
Chapter Eight: New family members & Family Feuds
Chapter Nine: Truth, come out, come out wherever you are.
Chapter 10: A little twist before the end
Chapter Eleven: Last Minute Revelations
Chapter Twelve: Time to wrap it up

Chapter One: Proposal, decision, and the in laws? How this all happened?

22.4K 363 39
By riversnicoletta

**SNORE** **SNORE** I take a sip of my coffee as I look at my father sleep in the floor for the hundred time this month, because once again he got so wasted that he couldn't make it to bed, I sigh, if alcohol didn't exist, my life would be so much easier, I hate the day the man discovered alcohol.

**PEEP** **PEEP** "Dad" I call **SNORE** "DAD!" I shout, Dad abruptly sits up "What? Where is the fire?" he asks, agitated "There is no fire, but it's 7:00 am, and Jaime is coming to pick you up any minute now, so get yourself ready for work" I say as I hit the snooze button on my watch, he groans in complain as he lays down "Get up or you are going to be late, remember what Jaime said, he gets late again, because of you, he is not driving you anymore" I say, he sighs "I'm up" he says as he sits back up "Good, I left you a Thermos full of coffee for you and Jaime, also I packed you lunch" I say as I grab my purse "Dad, seriously, get to the bathroom, because today, I do not have time to make sure you do not make Jaime late, so get going" I say "I'll be ready on time, go to work" he says "Good, I love you, see you later" I say as I exit the apartment.

**SIGH** When did I became the parent and he because the son?

"Andrea, you are working the host position today, so get going, we are about to open" Mr. Rodriguez says "Yes, Sir" I answer as I place the apron back into my locker "Also, I need you to work a triple shift, Natasha called in sick, and Johanna has family issues" he says and I sigh "Yes, Sir" I answer as I close my locker and head to the main salon of the restaurant.


"This is unbelievable" I say as I clean the tables, first, I am assigned the host position, because the hosts (Natasha and Johanna) had personal issues, now, after been standing all day, I am forced to clean up and close the restaurant, because the cleaning team had an emergency **SIGH** I need to seriously reconsider the idea of finding another job, I work single, double, and triple shifts for the minimum wage, when almost all the employees decide to be lazy, I have to cover for them, and if were given their pay on that day, well, I would do it, gladly do it, but no, I do not get paid for the extra hours **SIGH** I am getting a new job, with a better pay.

**BELL** "I am sorry, we are closed, please, come back tomorrow" I say as I keep cleaning the tables "If you were closed, the main door would be locked" a male answers "True, but if you notice, there is a sign on the door that says "We are sorry, but we are closed", so please, comeback tomorrow" I say "But I want to eat here" he says "I am sorry, Sir, but there isn't a waiter or waitress, and the chef just left, so there isn't anybody to provide you service, but if you comeback tomorrow, you will find both a chef and waiting service" I say "If I wanted to eat here tomorrow, I would have come tomorrow" he says and I sigh, he is not giving up, is he?

>>"Sir, I can not help you, all I can offer you is a glass of any drink, but food is out of the offer" I say "I want to eat" he says and I sigh, of course, nothing can make my day better than a client who refuses to see the obvious "Sir, please, we are closed, if you do not leave, I will have to call the police" I say "Call the police and I will have you fired by morning, like you are going to be, if you do not provide with service" he says as he sits down "Sir..." "I hope the next thing that comes out of your mouth is "I'll bring you the wine chart", if is not, you are fired" he says and I sigh as I head to Mr. Rodriguez's office.

"We have a problem" I say "What problem?" Mr. Rodriguez asks as he looks at me "A man came in to the restaurant and refuses to leave without getting service" I answer "Did you told him we are closed?" he asks "I am tired of telling him" I answer "Call the police" Mr. Rodriguez orders "He threaten with getting me fired, if I did" I say and he sighs "I'll deal with the unwanted client, you keep doing your job" Mr. Rodriguez says and I nod as I exit his office.

"Mr. Woods, I wasn't expecting you" Mr. Rodriguez says as he walks to the stubborn client, I sigh as I stop cleaning and head to the bar "I was in town and decided to stop for dinner, if it is not much trouble" the stubborn male says as I grab the wine chart and head to his table "Of course not, you are always welcomed here, Andrea..." "Here is our wine chart, please feel free to pick any wine you would like, I will get the menu for you in a moment" I say as I place the wine chart on the table, I walk to the host table and grab a menu.

"My sister is interested in doing her birthday party here, can we make it happen?" the stubborn male asks "Of course, Mr. Woods, just inform me of the date, and I'll make sure everything is in ship shape for Miss Wood's party" Mr. Rodriguez answers "Good" the stubborn male says "Are you ready to order your drink, Sir?" I ask as I place the menu on the table "I am ready to order in general" he answers "May I have you order?" I ask "Honey, ginger, cedar plank salmon with a bottle of Chardonnay" he answers and I nod "I'll be right back with your drink" I say as I head to the kitchen.

Thank God, salmon plank was today's plate of the day, and I have not started to clean the kitchen, so there is food, and the heaters are still on.

I frown as I push the cart to the main salon, where is Mr. Rodriguez? **SIGH** why do I bother to ask myself that question, I already know the answer to it? He left, Mr. Rodriguez must be on his way home now, in the mean time, I am stuck with Mr. Sympathy.

I stop next to the table "Your drink" I say as I serve him a glass of wine and place it on the table "Thank you" the man answers as he reads a document "Your food, Sir" I say as I place a plate before him "Perfect, I am famished" he says as he places the document a side and grabs the fork and knife "Enjoy" I say as I go back to work.

"Why do I get the feeling this happens a lot?" Mr. Stubborn asks as he cuts the salmon and I place the chairs on top of the tables "What happens a lot?" I ask "People taking advantage of you, your amiability, leaving you with all the work" he answers "Am I that obvious?" I ask "A little" he answers and I nod as I clean "I bet you even have a hard time saying no too" he says, okay, enough "The point of this conversation?" I ask "None, I'm trying to make some conversation as I have dinner" he answers "I appreciate the gesture, but I have to work" I say "And I will leave you to it, after we talk business" he says and I look at him.

>>"Business?" I ask as I go back to cleaning "Yes, tell me your work benefits?" he asks "Minimum wage, no bonuses, no sick days, no extra hours, and one free day each week, only free holidays are Christmas and Thanksgiving, we do not get vacations" I answer "Those are your benefits?" he asks "I needed the job, the benefits were the least of my worries" I answer "Okay, what if I offer you a better job and better benefits?" he asks, I drop the cloth on the table "I am all ears" I answer "My grandfather left me his company when he died, but for me to inherit it, I need to be married by the end of next month" he begins to explain "You want me to be that wife" I state and he nods "I am ready to offer you a lot of money for your hand" he adds "Just curious, how much money?" I ask "Millions" he answers and I release a heavy sigh "That's a lot of money" I add "I am kind of asking for something that not everybody would agree to on free will" he says, I nod.

"I will not add pressure to you, here is the contract" he says as he pushes an envelope towards me, I walk to his table "Take it home, read it, analyze it, write questions down, we meet, we discuss it, and we come down to an agreement" he adds as I grab the envelope "My sister's party is in 2 weeks, it will happen here, so you will have until then to give me answer, you don't, I'll assume you are not interested and move on to find someone else" he says and I nod "Inside of the envelope, there is a card with my information, if you have an answer before, call me" he says and I nod "Can you pack this to go?" he asks "Sure" I answer as I grab the plate and I head to the bar to fetch the to go foam bowls.

"Thank you" he says as I hand him a plastic bag "As I said, think about it, call me if you have any doubts, and please, I am stranger, I have made your life a little more difficult, but I need your help, I would appreciate to get some help" he says "I will keep everything in mind, read the contract, and be in contact with you soon" I say and he nods as he places two bills of one hundred on the table "For the food, wine, and a tip for you" he says, I nod "Good night, Miss" he adds "Night, Sir" I say as he walks out of the restaurant.

Marriage for money? That desperate I am?


"Dad, I'm home" I say as I enter to the apartment "Good, I was starting to worry and I am starving" he answers, I blink a few times in surprise, Dad is home and most important, he is not drunk "You are home" I say, still surprised "Yeah" he says "You are not drunk" I say "No" he says "Why?" I ask "I figured we could use the hundreds of dollars I spend drinking in something else, like more food, bills fully paid, you getting out of your shitty job" he answers and I look at him "You know your job is shitty, everybody takes advantage of you for the minimum wage" he says and I sigh, that obvious is it? "Here, I brought you Chinese food" I say "Food" he says as he grabs the bag and heads to the kitchen.

Dad used to drink his paycheck after he covered his half of the bills, this forced me to get the work at the restaurant, which I know is shitty, but I need it, otherwise, I do not know where we would be. In this same line of thought, stopped drinking? Dad is an alcoholic, he doesn't spend the day drunk, because he has to work, I find it hard to believe he stopped drinking just like that, but I am not going to push it, he stopped, that's an achievement for me.


"Dad" I call "Living room" he answers "I am off to the market with Jenny, need anything?" I ask as I stop in the living room "Coffee and cookies" he answers "Got it, call me if you think of anything else" I say and he nods as he keeps watching the TV.

"He what?" Jenny asks "He stopped drinking" I answer "Just like that? Like he had taste beer for the first time and didn't like it?" she asks "Just like that" I answer "Don't you find it odd?" she asks "Of course I do, but I don't want to pressure him, get him drinking again, so I am not asking questions, he says he is not going to drink more, well, his word is enough for me" I answer "True, but you must have an idea of what's going on, I mean, what if he is sick to death?" Jenny asks "He will find the courage to tell me or allow me to find out when he dies" I sigh "To be honest, Jenny, I do not like this at all, but there isn't anything I can do about it" I answer as we go on with our shopping.

"We should go on vacation" Jenny says as we exit the supermarket "Vacation?" I ask "Yeah, I mean we do not have to go anywhere fancy, we could just pack our bags, and stay at a hotel near to beach for a weekend" Jenny answers "I am not sure I can" I say "Ah come on, Andy, all you is work, you deserve a vacation, get sun tanned as we get drunk, and if we are lucky, get laid" she says and I laugh "I'll think about it" I say "That's enough for me" Jenny says as she looks at her phone "Oh" she says as she stops "What?" I ask "The receptionist called in sick, Mrs. Elsa needs me to cover for her" she answers as she types "I do not even have time to go home and change, I'm sorry, Andy, I can't drive you back" she adds "Is okay, I'll walk to the bus stop or grab a cab, don't worry, go to work, thanks for driving me" I say "I'll see you later" she says as she hurries to her car "Bye" I answer as I sigh, let's find me a cab.

"TAXI" I shout, but for the hundred time, I get no luck **SIGH** what one has to do to get a cab in this city? Be naked? I guess I've no option, I'll have to get the bus, I can not keep waiting, all my dairy and meat will go bad, if I don't get them to the refrigerator. I keep looking for a cab as a black SUV parks a few centimeters away from me, I ignore the SUV and go on with my taxi hunt.

"Do you want a lift?" a familiar voice says, I frown as I look at around me, is he talking to me? "Yes, I am talking to you, Miss" he says and I frown as I look behind me and see Mr. Stubborn "Oh, hi" I say "Hi" he greets back as he smiles "Need a lift?" he asks again "If I am in your way, please and thank you" I answer "You probably are, so hop in" he says as he opens the door, I grab my bags and walk to the car.

"Thank you, Sir" I say as I get in the car "My name is Alexander Woods, you're welcome, and where should I ask my driver to take you?" he asks "Street 225 White Spades and I am Andrea Spencer" I answer "You got that, Arthur?" Mr. Woods asks "Yes, Sir" the driver answers as he pulls into the traffic.

"Have you taken time to read the contract?" Mr. Woods asks "Not yet, I was about to get to that this afternoon" I answer "So you are considering the idea?" he asks "You do not get the opportunity to earn some easy extra money, well, not one that requires you to sell drugs or your body" I answer "That means you are very likely to say yes" he says, I sigh "A few extra bucks wouldn't do me or my family any damage" I say "Which is music to my ears" he says and I look at him "Read the contract, Miss Spencer, highlight whatever cause you doubts, and call me" he says as the driver stops the car in front of my apartment building "I will, Mr. Woods, thanks for the ride" I say as I open the door, grab my bags, and get out.

"Dad, I'm home" I announce as I enter to the apartment "I know, I took forever, Jenny had to go back to work and getting a cab in this city seems to be impossible, but I will cook you a nice meal, plus, I bought you the cookies you wanted" I say as I walk to the kitchen, but I do not get response, I frown "Dad?" I call again as I place the bags on the counter "Dad?" I call as I exit the kitchen, again, not response **SIGH** I knew his not drinking phase wasn't going to last long, I turn and head back to the kitchen, when a little detail got my attention, his coat is here, something is not right.

"Dad" I call as I walk to the living room. The TV is on, but my father is nowhere to be seen "Dad" I call as I move on to his room, again nothing **SIGH** the bathroom's doors is open and Dad would never enter to my room, there is only one place where he can be, I sigh as I head to my Mother's studio.

I reach for the door, but the memory kicks in.

"Let me hear you play Andy" she asks "Yes Mommy" I remember that she asked me to play one of her own songs "Andy before you start I want to tell you that I love you and that I will be always thinking of you" I look at her beautiful smile with a smile on my face "I love you too Mommy" she kisses my head and I start to play and mother just listens next to me when suddenly she lies down on the floor like she would do other times but this time she closes her eyes to never wake up "Mommy what I do know?" I walk to her body "Mommy?" she doesn't wake up; I just lay down next to her until Daddy arrives home and wakes me up "But what about Mommy?" "Andy Mommy will never wake up" I frown "But how I will play for her if she doesn't wake up?" he smiles and kisses my head and right two man came and picked Mommy up "Daddy..." he grabs me in his arms "They will take Mommy so she can sleep forever" he cries and it just hit me "Mommy is gone" he hugs me and cry in his arms.

"Dad" I call as I open the door "DAD" I shout as I hurry to him "Dad" I call as I kneel next to him, I notice the blood coming down from his nose, so I don't move him "Daddy?" I call, but I do not get an answer, I fetch my phone from my pocket and dial 911.

"911, what's you emergency?" a female answers "I need an ambulance, I found my father on the floor, he has blood down his nose, and I don't know what's happened to him" I answer "Okay, Miss, stay calm, tell me your address" the female says "Street 225 White Spades, Floral Apartments, Apartment 370" I answer "The ambulance is on it's way, Miss, please, remain calm and with your father" the female says and I hang up.

What's wrong with you daddy?


I truly want to understand what's wrong with Dad, he has never had a health problem, yeah, he has serious drinking problem that might have cause him some problems in the liver in a near future, but aside of that, Dad was as healthy as anyone can be, yet this happened, why this happened? Why hasn't anyone come talk to me?

"Drink this" a familiar voice says, I sigh "Why are you here? Thank you" I ask as I grab the cup "You need someone" he answers "How did you found out I was here?" I ask "Your neighbor told me" he answers "You were in my apartment building?" I ask as I look at him "You forgot your purse on my car" he answers "Thank you, but you didn't had to bother so much, you could have left it with Jenny" I say "I did, it is not bother at all, and as I said, you need someone" Mr. Woods says as he sits down next to me "What's wrong?" he asks, I sigh as I take a sip of the drink "Dad, something is wrong with him, what? I don't know, anybody has come talk to me" I answer "I'm sure if we wait patiently, someone will come talk to us" he says and I look at him "Us?" I ask "Yes, us, I am not going anywhere, Miss Spencer" he answers "If I am in debt..." "This has nothing to do with the contract, Miss Spencer, you just need someone to be here, I am here" he says and I nod as I keep drinking the tea.

"Family of Thomas Spencer" a doctor calls, I stand and walk to the doctor "I am his daughter, Andrea Spencer" I say "Follow me, Miss Spencer, we need to talk in private" the doctor says and I fight my tears, this is not good, something is terrible wrong with my father.

"Who is he?" the doctor asks as we enter to his office "I'm Alexander Woods, Andrea's fiancee" Mr. Woods answers, I wish to differ with him, ask him to leave, but he is right, I need someone, and I don't have anybody, so yeah, if the support and comfort I need comes from a stranger, so be it.

"Miss Spencer, I am doctor Boomer, I have been seeing your father's case, and I am afraid I don't have good news to give you" he says as he sits down, I swallow, Mr. Woods grabs my hand "What's wrong with my father?" I ask "We ran a series of test on your father, those test showed that you father's faint occurred due to an aneurysm located in the brain, well, a series of aneurysms" he answers "Aneurysm?" I ask as I squeeze Mr. Woods' hand, Doctor Boomer nods "I am afraid the aneurysms are so big that they are obstructing the blood flow to the brain, which means your father is lacking from oxygen and that's why he fainted" he explains "Is there any cure?" I ask "We would have to ask a specialist about that, because in my perspective, we could be talking about surgery, but it would be too risky and expensive" he answers "Where can we find this specialist?" Mr. Woods asks "For your luck, we are going to have a cardiology surgeon here for a convention, I already sent her the file, she will come see your father and talk to you afterwards" he says "I bet she will charge me a visit fee" I say and doctor Boomer looks at me "I am afraid she will" he says and I sigh "There is nothing to worry about that love, all it matters is that your father receives the help he needs" Mr. Woods says as he gently squeezes my hand.

>>"If there isn't any objections, the specialist will be here in two weeks, see your father, and later meet with you" Doctor Boomer says "What is going to happen to my father until then?" I ask "On orders of the specialist, we will keep him here, keep him on watch, prevent the aneurysms from breaking, and oxygen running through his head" Doctor Boomer answers and I nod "Here is my contact info, doctor, when the date to meet with the specialist comes, call me" Mr. Woods says and doctor Boomer nods as he grabs the card "Can I see my father?" I ask "Of course, he is in room 25 D, third floor" he answers "Thank you" I say as I stand and offer him my hand "You welcome, Miss Spencer" he says as he shakes it "Mr. Woods" Doctor Boomer says as he shakes hands with Mr. Woods "Actually, doctor I need to have a word with you, if possible" Mr. Woods says and I look at him "Go see your father, nothing to worry about, I'll join you shortly" Mr. Woods says, I nod as I head out of the office.

"Where is my daughter? What am I doing here?" Dad asks and I sigh "Sir, you fainted, your daughter called 911, and they brought you here, she must be talking to the doctor, I am sure she will join you in a minute" a nurse answers "I am fine, can you please get my daughter? I wanna go home" Dad says "I am sorry, Dad, but that's not possible, you have to stay here for a while" I say as I enter to the room "Why do I have to stay here? I am fine" he asks "Really, did you knew about the aneurysms on your brain?" I ask in response and he sighs "So they already talked to you about them" he says "So you knew about them?" I ask "Yes, they have been with me for a while" he answers, I sarcastically laugh "You knew about this and you kept it from me, and a while, what do you call a while?" I ask "Okay, why keep lying, I'll give you true" he says "That would be nice" I say "A few months later your mother started her treatment, I started to get massive headaches, got dizzy, some times, my memory would fade, so I got check up, they found 5 small aneurysms in my brain, located in different parts" he answers and I sigh "The doctor advice to remove them now that they were small, but I couldn't have the surgery, there were many risks, and your mother was in treatment, who was going to take care of her, of you, so I hold on the surgery" he adds "Why didn't you had it after she passed?" I ask "We were broke, we lost our medical insurance, and the one I got on work, didn't cover the surgery completely" he answers.

I run my hands through my hair "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask "You had already lost your mother, I didn't wanted to tell you that you could lose your father too" he answers and I sigh "Andy..." "No, please don't" I say as tears pile up "I lived my life, Andy, I can say it was a good one, but I can't either say it was bad, I don't want you to worry about me, I want you to go on with your life, make all your dreams happen" he says "I am not giving up on you so easy" I say and Dad shakes his head "I have a specialist, she will come see you soon, we will find a way to save you" I say "We don't have that kind of money, besides, I already saw one, he told me that I had the surgery or I died, that easy, that simple" he says "You are seeing the specialist, period" I say and he sighs "Let's waste money, we don't have, on something that has no solution" he says "You might have given up, but allow me to remind you, Dad, you are the only family I have, if you die, I have nobody, so even if you die, I need to know, I need to live knowing I did my best to safe you, that I didn't simply give up on you and let you die" I say as tears fall, he sighs "Fine, if that would give you a peace of mind, go on" he says "Dad, I love you, you might have given up, but I haven't, I have faith that you still have salvation, please" I say as I grab his hand "Do not give up on you, please, fight, even is for me" I say, he places his hand over mine "For you, I'll fight, okay" he says and I hug him.

"Miss Andrea" Mr. Woods calls and we, Dad and I, look at him "Can I have a word with you?" Mr. Woods asks and I nod "Dad, I'll be right back" I say and he nods as I walk out of the room.

"The expenses for the specialist have been covered, also is the 2 weeks hospital stay, if there are any expenses to be covered, the hospital will let me know" Mr. Woods says "You don't have to do this, I'll find a way to pay you back" I say and he shakes his head "Do not worry about that" he says "I'll do it" I say and he frowns "I know you said that I shouldn't get the contract involved, but I have to, okay" I say and he sighs "What I am doing has nothing to do with it" he says "I know, but you are helping me save my Dad, I have to pay back some how, so I'll become your wife" I say "Okay, but you still have to read the contract, we still have to discuss it, and sign it" he says "I will do all that, say when?" I ask "Tonight, after you have ensured he is fine, he is resting, get on with the reading" he answers and I nod "Here" he says as he hands me an envelope "What's this?" I ask "Money, so you can get you and your father whatever you need while he is here" he answers "You thought of everything" I say "I did, remember, you have a job which you can't take sick days" he says and I sigh, yeah, how could I forgotten about that? "Thank you" I say "You are welcome, I have to get back to work, but I'll be here in a few hours, make sure your father is comfortable" Mr. Woods says and I nod.

Mr. Woods kisses my hand and walks away. I sigh, I guess, I should start calling him Alexander, after all, he is my fiancee.

"Who was that guy?" Dad asks as I enter to the room, I sigh, why wait to break the news to him? The sooner he knows, the better, so here I go "That guy, well, hmm, he is my fiancee" I answer and Dad blinks a few times "Fiancee?" he asks and I nod "Okay, why am I finding about him on the verge of my death?" Dad asks "To be honest, I do not know, I guess I have been so caught up with work and everything else that I forgot to tell you" I answer "And I assume he is the reason why you are insisting on me getting seen by specialist" he says and I nod "Alexander is covering all the expenses, so yeah, one of the reasons why I believe there is a way to save you is Alexander" I say and he nods "Do you love the guy?" he asks, I smile "I wouldn't be marrying him, if I didn't, Dad" I answer and he smiles as he nods "Okay, I guess, I get to tell your mother about your wedding day, after all" he says and I look at him "What?" he asks "You promised" I answer "Yeah, yeah, I know, I am fighting, but that doesn't make less realistic" he says and I sigh "I'm going home, grab some stuff for you, want me to bring you anything? Want anything to eat?" I ask "I would love to have a sub" he answers "On it, I'll be right back" I say as I walk out of the room.

**RING** **RING** "Wonder Sub, Steve speaking" Steve answers "Hey, Steve, is me Andy" I answer back as I enter to the apartment "Hey, I know I am your friend and the owner, but trying to run a business here, so as I told your Dad, I can not continue to give you credit on food, not until you pay your tab" Steve says "I know, I'm calling to order, and pay the tab" I say "Seriously? Full tab? No credit?" he asks "Seriously, I'll pay full tab, no credit" I answer "Okay, order up" he says "Dad is in hospital, so why don't you make him a sub that would cheer him up" I answer "Wow, the old man is in the hospital?" he asks "I'll fill you in later, I'm grabbing some stuff to bring to him, can you make a get well soon sub?" I ask in response "You got it" he answers "Thanks, Steve" I say as I hang up.

I sit down on my bed, grab the large envelope, and take the contract out. Time to find out to what I am actually agreeing to do.

This contract is between Alexander Jay Woods and Andrea Michelle Spencer made in February 25th 2013.

The following are the terms of a binding contract between Mr. Woods and Miss Spencer.


The fundamental purpose of this contract is for Miss Spencer to agree and acknowledge that all that occurs during her marriage with Mr. Woods is consensual from both parts and confidential, and subject to the agreed rules and safety procedures set out in this contract. All this mention above must be imperative to be added to this contract.


1-Miss Spencer has to obey and do every single thing that Mr. Woods ask her to do during their marriage, this things will not include anything that goes against the will of Miss Spencer, of Mr. Woods, breaks the law etc.

2-Miss Spencer will agree to move with Mr. Woods and live with him during the year of marriage.

3-Miss Spencer will have to quit her job, since she will depend financially from Mr. Woods.

4-Miss Spencer will sleep with Mr. Woods in his room for her safety.

5-Miss Spencer will NOT leave the apartment alone for her safety.

6-Miss Spencer will only speak when she is allowed to; she will say what Mr. Woods tells her to say. In case of an emergency, problem and situation Miss Spencer has to inform Mr. Woods immediately in order for him to take cards on the matter.

7-Miss Spencer will dress how Mr. Woods asks her to get dress.

8-Miss Spencer has FORBIDDEN to date, flirt, have encounters or have any type of relationships with any other man it is NOT Mr. Woods. If Miss Spencer desires to intimate, Miss Spencer will only intimate with Mr. Woods, which means that Mr. Woods is in his entire disposition to intimate with Miss Woods.

9-Miss Spencer has FORBIDDEN talking about this agreement with anyone that is not Mr. Woods.

10-Miss Spencer will change her last name to Woods; at the moment of divorce, when Mr. Woods receive all his possessions a week later the divorce process will start, Miss Spencer doesn't have to worry about anything. Miss Spencer will receive her pay during the process of divorce.

Any doubts, complains must be discussed with Mr. Woods, changes must be made by Mr. Woods, any violation of this rules will have as a result the complete cancellation of this contract.

Mr. Alexander Jay Woods will pay the amount of $3,000,000.00 dollars to Miss Andrea Michelle Spencer in March 2014, when the marriage turns one year and the divorce process has started how it is specified in rule number 10. The amount isn't negotiable.

______________________________ ___________________________________

Miss Andrea M. Spencer Mr. Alexander Jay Woods

Date: _______________________________

THREE MILLION DOLLARS! This man must be desperate, he paying me three million dollars to become his wife, so he can inherit the business that his grandfather left him, this is ridiculous, yet again, Mr. Woods is right, he is not asking me to simply marry him, judging by this contract there are a few rules I have to follow, if I want to earn those 3 million dollars, which are a little crazy, I mean, I can not go anywhere alone, I have to share the bed with him, I have to quit my job, change my last name, dress, talk, basically do whatever he wants, signing this contract means that I am not only agreeing to be his wife, I am agreeing to be at his will.

**SIGH** I grab a pen and sign the contract.

What I do to save my father.

"Thanks, Steve, I'll tell Dad you say hello" I say as I grab the bag "You are welcome, Andy, please, keep me updated on the old man's condition, we had our differences, but I still care about him" Steve says "You got it, bye" I say as I head out of the sub's shop.


**RING** **RING** "Hello" I answer "Andrea, it's me, Matt, your Dad's boss" he answers "Hey, Matt, I was about to call you, Dad is not going to be able to go back to work" I say "I know, he had an accident here on the fabric, he explained to me his condition, and I had to let him go, before he put everybody at risk, I am calling to let you know I deposit his last check, just like he asked me to" he says, so even his boss knew, but I didn't, even more he had an accident and he didn't told me, way to go that "Thanks, Matt" I say "No problem, keep me updated" he says "Sure, bye Matt" I say "Bye, Andy" he says and I hang up.

Now I understand why father stopped drinking, he lost his job, he couldn't afford expending his last paycheck in alcohol, I am glad I am thankful to see my father has some common sense left in him, but he had an accident in the company and didn't told me anything, what if something terrible had happened **SIGH** My father, an expert keeping secrets.

"You are lying, Andrea hasn't come to see me" Dad says and I frown as I stop a few centimeters away from the door, what's going on? "Sir, your daughter came to see you earlier today, she left to get you food and other stuff, she will be back soon" the nurse answers "No, I would remember, if she did" Dad says and I frown even harder, why is my Dad lacking his memory? "Sir, I secure she came to see you, just a little while, she will be back soon" the nurse says "If you will not call my daughter, I will" Dad says, time to make entrance "Dad, why are you fighting with the nurses?" I ask as I enter the room "There you are, why they took so long to call you?" he asks "Dad, I was here earlier, I went home to get you food and clothes, don't you remember?" I answer and he frowns for a second "Yeah, sorry, sweetie, it must be the medication" he answers "It's okay, Dad, I hope you have not forgotten you asked for a Sub from Steve's" I say as I hand him the bag "That I would never forget" he says as he starts to take the sub out.

I notice the nurse is leaving the room, I need to ask her why my father doesn't remember "I'll be right back" I say, Dad nods as he unwraps the sub, I follow the nurse out "Excuse me, Miss" I call, the nurse looks at me "Why has my father lost his memory?" I ask "The doctor informed us that one of the aneurysms is located in the part of the brain that controls the short time memory, so it will be common that he loses the memory every now and then due to the lack of oxygen he is getting in this part, there will also be some other strange behavior, but it will be all due to his condition" she answers and I sigh, his condition is worst than I thought "Don't worry, Miss, if it gets frequent, I will talk to the doctor" she adds "Thank you" I say as I head back to the room.

"How did you paid the tab at Steve's?" Dad asks as I enter to the room "Money" I answer and he smiles "You know what I mean, Andrea, you spent your pay check on bill and groceries, I just got my pay check, so tell me, how did you pay a tab of over a hundred dollars without money?" Dad asks and I sigh "Your fiancee" he says and I nod "He has been covering more than my medical bill" Dad says and I nod again "He covered your medical bill and might have give me a few bucks to cover other expenses" I add "Which means he is rich" he says and I nod "That's why you didn't told me about him" Dad says and I nod for the fourth time.

>>"Andrea..." "I know, someone like me and someone like him do not belong together, because we are too different, because we do not belong in the same world, social status, we are just too different" I say as I look down "Look at what happened with me, I fell in love with your mother and my family, her family, made my life, her life a living hell, and this is something I certainly do not want for you" he says "What do you want me to do then? I am love with the guy, we have been together for a while, I just can't kick his butt to the curve, because you think I am going to live a miserable life" I say "I don't think, Andrea, I know, rich people, people have lived with certain accommodations all their life, expect the same for their children, trust me, they will never approve you, they will make sure you know that, and of course do everything in their hands to keep you as far as they can" he says and I sigh "Darling, trust me, I know what I am talking about, I have been there, and not in the right side of the equation" he says "I can't leave him, Dad" I say and he grabs my hands "Sweetie..." "Would you have left Mom?" I ask "That's cheating" he answers "Would you?" I insist and he sighs "No, I loved and love your Mom too much" he answers "Then why are you asking me to do the same?" I ask and he sighs "Stubborn, just like your mother" he says and I smile at him.

"Good night" Alexander says as he enters to the room "The man of the hour, I'm Thomas Spencer, Andrea's father" Dad says as he extends his hand to Alexander "Nice too meet you, Sir, I am Alexander Woods, the fiancee" Alexander says as he shakes my Dad's hand "So you are planning to marry my daughter?" Dad asks "Hopefully, Sir" Alexander says "Well, make the wedding happen soon, because I am not staying on this earth for long" Dad says "Dad" I reprimand "I told you, honey, fighting doesn't mean that I am less realistic" he says and I sigh "Sir, we seriously hope the specialist has good news for us" Alexander says "Or at least good news until you two decide to tight the knot" Dad says and I sigh even harder "Alexander, I know you have done enough for us, but can I ask you for a favor?" Dad asks and I look at him "Sure, Sir, ask me for anything" Alexander answers "Would you take Andrea to the cafeteria and make sure she eats? She has been running up and down all day, I'm sure she hasn't have anything too eat" Dad says and I sigh in relief "Don't worry, sweetie, I am not scaring him off" Dad says "Not yet" Dad adds and I look at him "I will take her now as you rest for a while, please, come" Alexander says as he extends his hand to me "I'm..." "Go eat, please" Dad says and I sigh "Okay" I say as I grab Alexander's hand.

"Your father seems to have quite a thought of rich people" Alexander says "He does and I would like not talk about the subject" I say and he nods "Since you told your father about us, I am guessing read the contract" he asks "I have" I answer "Any thoughts?" Alexander asks "You forgot to order me to wear a collar and a leash, besides of that I'm okay with the contract" I answer "I know the rules sound..." "Possessive, dominant, controlling" I say "Strict, but they are safety measure, please understand, that I need to have control over you, if anyone finds out about our agreement, I am done" Mr. Woods says "I disagree with them and if I weren't in the situation I am in, I would have said no, and sent you away, but you are helping me save my father, I have no other option than agreeing to be your wife" I say "Okay, anything you like to clear out?" he asks "Everything seems to be pretty clear" I answer as I hand him the envelope "Read and sign" I say as he grabs it "As you have something to eat, I will talk to you about other things" Alexander says and I nod as we walk to the cafeteria.

I place my food tray down and sit down facing Alexander "My sister's birthday party is going to be full of people from the media, in other words, the perfect stage to announce my engagement to you" he says as he hands me a file "One of the reasons why I chose you to be my wife is the fact that I have been dropping hints to the media of how my future wife might look like" he says as I look at all the reports with photos inside of the file "I look just like her, well, she looks like me" I say and he nods "I need our story to be believable, if I appeared from a fiancee from out of nowhere, nobody would believe I'm marrying on free will" he says and I nod "Once the engagement is announced, as expected my family will want to sit with us, talk to us, so we need to leave straight how did we met" he says "Isn't the restaurant story good? Of course, eliminating the whole you are living misery and I have proposition for you conversation" I say "Enlighten me" he says "You were in town, decided to stop at your favorite restaurant after a long day of work, I gently let you know that the restaurant is closing, you insisted on having dinner, called my boss, and I ended up serving you" I say "Your boss left us alone, I ask you to join me for dinner, you have been working a long shit, so you agree" he adds "And we took off, that night lead to other dates, and here we are today" I add and he nods.

>>"I like it, but I think our story is lacking something" he says, I frown as he pushes a little black box towards me, I grab it and open it "Wow" I say as soon a diamond ring "I assume the ring is of your taste" he says "Who wouldn't like it? Is amazing" I say "Here" he says as he grabs the ring and places it on my finger "Wow" I say as I examine the ring on my finger, this ring is truly amazing, if he got this for me, his fake fiancee, imagine what he will get for his true love.

**RING** **RING** "Hello" I answer "Where on earth are you?" Mr. Rodriguez answers back "Mr. Rodriguez, I have personal situation, I can't go to work" I answer "Well, you have all the time in the world to solve it, because you are fired" He says and hangs up.

**SIGH** Good thing I accepted Alexander's proposal, otherwise, we would be in a lot of financial trouble.

"You just got fired" Dad says and I nod "What?" Alexander asks "Mr. Rodriguez fired me, because I failed to show up to work today" I answer "That's crazy, did you told him what was going on?" Alexander asks "Yes, but he is not a man with a heart" I answer, Alexander sighs "Please, don't go nuts over this, Andy been fire are good news, because she was a slave in that place" Dad says "I know, but come on, fire someone, because of a personal situation? That goes beyond having no heart, specially to an employee like Andrea" Alexander says "Exactly my thought, but as I said, I am happy she no longer works there, now she can go home and rest" Dad says as he looks at me "Go home" Dad orders "How can you send me home? You are in the hospital" I say "Which means that you are going to find me in the morning" he says and I sigh "Alexander, please take her home" Dad says "He is right, he is not getting discharged any time soon, so we can go home, sleep, and you can finish settling down in our apartment" Alexander says and I look at him "See, you even have something to do to get you distracted" Dad says and I sigh "Now that I think about it, since you are getting married and I am dying, I can sell the apartment, be able to leave you something when I'm gone" Dad adds "Dad" "Mr. Spencer" Alexander and I call at the same time "I guess it was to soon for that, anyway, run along, I have all I need here, meals, TV, and nurse to shout at to get entertain, so go on, get going" Dad says "Okay, I'll leave my info with the nurse, if anything happens, I'll come in a blink of an eye" I say "I don't doubt it, now go" Dad says "Bye, Dad" I say as we exit the room.

"Let's go home, Arthur" Alexander says as we get in the car "Don't we have to stop at my place first? I have to get all my stuff" I say "Actually, I sent Arthur with a few of my body guards to get your stuff, so they are waiting for you at my apartment" he says and I nod "I do not want to sound evil, but your father is right, there is a very high chance that he is going to die, why aren't contemplating the idea of selling the apartment?" Alexander asks "Because my mother's studio is in that apartment, if I sell it, well, it means that I have to move everything, and I am not ready for that" I answer "For how long has she been death?" he asks "Since I was a little girl" I answer and he looks at me "Don't say anything, I'm not ready to let her go, as simple as that" I say and Alexander nods.

"Welcome to your new home" Alexander says as he opens the door of the apartment for me "Thank you" I say as I enter to the apartment "A tour?" Alexander asks as he closes the door "Sure" I answer "Follow me" Alexander says as we walk down three steps "To the right, my study" he says "Okay, and those two doors back there?" I ask "Janitor's room at right and security room at left" he answers and I nod "Moving on, next to my office is the living room, equipped with TV's, video game consoles, anything related with entertainment" he says and I nod "Almost at the end of the hall is the dinning room, next to it is the kitchen, and in front of the kitchen, you will find the service rooms, Helga, Harriet, Stefan, Arthur, Antonio, and Ryan stay in there" he says and I nod "You already met Arthur, he is the driver, but usually Antonio, my head of security, drives me around, Helga and Harriet are out running errands, they are the maids, Antonio must be in the security room, Stefan is the cook, he must be in the kitchen, and Ryan is my other security guard, he must be on rounds, so you will meet them in the morning" Alexander says and I nod.

"Upstairs, we have 3 guests rooms with private bathrooms, and the master room" Alexander says and I nod "I have a personal parking floor, I own five cars, two SUV, two sport cars, and a car for the service, the SUV and the sport cars are at your disposition, but if you do not know how to drive I suggest, you always take Arthur with you" he says and I nod "I guess that's all" he says and I nod again "Ah, Arthur, Antonio, or Ryan will always around, if you try to leave and they will not allow you to, so please, inform me, so I can inform them" he says and I nod a third time "I do not have anything else to discuss, so I guess you can go upstairs, unpack, shower, get some sleep, I have some work to look into" he says "Okay" I say as I turn and head upstairs.

As I walk upstairs, I notice a piano "Alexander" I call "Yes" he answers "Can I play the piano?" I ask "It is just for decoration, but if you want to play, I'll bring someone to tune it for you" he answers "I can tune it" I say "Then okay, go ahead" he says "Thank you" I say as I go on with my path.

Unpacking didn't took long, I mean, I do not own a lot of things, anyway, after unpacking, I took a shower, and since I do not have a job, I decided to grab my music book, tune the piano downstairs, and give it a try.


I play the last notes of the song, someone claps, I stop playing as I look up "Please, do not allow me to interrupt you, keep playing" Alexander says "I'm not bothering you?" I ask "No, I actually enjoy piano music, and that's one of the reasons why I got this piano, but I never had the time to learn" he answers "I see, hmm, any petition?" I ask "Since we are in the mood for Bach, Minuet in G major is in order" he says and I nod as I start to play.

"Where did you learn to play like that?" Alexander asks "My father" I answer "This is an amazing talent, I believe your parents must have sign you up to an specialized school" he says "If they did, I wouldn't be marrying you" I say as I play "Why didn't they? This is an amazing talent" he asks "Mom was diagnosed with cancer when I was about 6 years old, she worked until her body couldn't handle it no more and she had to quit her job, so we depended on my father, even after she died, we still had a rough time, to the point I had to get a job and forget about college, do you seriously think they could afford it?" I answer "Scholarship?" he asks "You are aware that scholarships are a lot of work and require money" I answer "I get it" he says and I keep playing.

"I would love to hear you play all night, but I think we should get to bed" Alexander says, I nod as I play the last notes of the masterpiece "If you learned from your father, it means he as good as your are, why didn't he dedicated to music?" he asks "Because for my Dad music was an accessory, something you learn to make yourself richer in knowledge" I answer as I stand "Is that why he taught you how to play the piano?' he asks "No, he taught me, because my mother couldn't keep teaching me" I answer "Your mother plays too?" he asks and I nod in response "Dad didn't wanted me to be near a piano or any instrument, unless I showed the interest, but even when I did, he refused to teach me, so Mom started to teach me, but then she got sick, and Dad took over" I say "It must have hurt a lot" he says "It does, like it is supposed to when you lose someone important, someone you love" I say as we head upstairs.

"Can I ask you a question?" I ask "Sure" Alexander answers "Is about the contract" I say "I thought we left everything clear" he says "We did, but I was thinking about it and one of the rules caught my attention" I say "Go ahead" he says as we enter to the master room "Rule number 8, it goes in both ways or that rule is only for me?" I ask "All the rules are only for you" he answers "That means that if I refuse to have sex with you, someone will take my place" I say "Exactly" he says "Understandable" I say as I head to the bed "Wait, you are saying we are not having sex?" he asks "Exactly" I answer "Why not?" he asks "Isn't obvious?" I ask in response and he shakes his head "I don't love you and I don't know you that well" I say "But if you get to know me..." he starts to say and I smile "No" I say and he sighs as we get in to bed.



"You look amazingly beautiful" Alexander says as I walk down the stairs "You should thank and tip the whole team you hired to make me look this good" I say and he smiles "Do you remember the rules?" he asks "No speaking, always smiling, no drinking, so I have to make my cup last as long as possible, and look madly in love with you" I answer "Very good, but you forgot two rules" he says "Oh right, I have to stay by your side, always" I say and he nods "And?" he asks "We are going to a familiar place for me, but I am your fiancee now, so I need to pretend I don't know anyone who isn't a guess" I answer "Excellent, let's get going" he says as he offers me his hand "Have you had any news about the specialist?" I ask as I grab his arm "Yes, she is going to see your father tomorrow morning, meet with us at 1:00 pm" he answers "Okay" I say as we head out of the apartment.

I take a deep breath as the car stops in front of the restaurant "Ready?" Alexander asks "Ready" I answer as Arthur gets the door for us, Alexander gets off the car "Mr. Woods" many voices call at the same time as they take pictures of Alexander, he simply smiles as he turns and offer me his hand, I grab it and I start to get off the car, immediately, I become the center of attention "Who is she, Mr. Woods?" a voice asks "Is she your girlfriend?" another voice asks "Is she the mystery girl you have been spotted with?" a third voice asks "You will find out who she is later in the evening, now if you excuse us, I have to congratulate my sister" Alexander says as we walk to the restaurant.

"ALEX" a female shouts as she jumps into Alexander's arms "Amelia" Alexander calls back as he returns the hug "Happy birthday" he congratulates her as they hug, since I'm behind him, I can see the 1000 watts smile on his sister's face "Thank you for the congratulations and the party, I am having the time of my life, this party is amazing" his sister says, Amelia, I think that is her name "You welcome and before you scramble back to your party, I want you to meet someone" Alexander says as he turns and grabs my hand "This Andrea Spencer, my fiancee" Alexander says, his sister looks at me for a second, then pulls me into a huge hug "I'm so happy to meet you" she says "Happy birthday, is nice to meet you too" I say "Thank you, we need to meet up, I can't believe it, I am going to have a sister" she says as she claps, I smile, it is very hard not to, her emotion is contagious.

"I wish I could stay with you, but I have a party to attend to, so I'll see you later" Amelia says "Behave" Alexander says "I'm 21, I don't have to listen to you anymore" she says "You could be 30 and you would have to listen to me" he says and she smiles at him, for my surprise, he returns the smile and Amelia skips away.

"She will take care of letting everybody know about us" Alexander says and I look at him "My sister would never lose the chance of sharing something that only she knows with the world" he says and I nod "Come, let's find our booth" Alexander says and I nod again.

The night went perfectly fine. Thanks to the amazing work of the make up artist and the fact that we have not moved from our booth, none of my ex-co-workers had an idea of I was, so I saved myself the "I don't know you" awkward moment, I didn't got drunk, and I didn't had to leave Alexander's side, in other words, I have been a good girl.

It is almost time to go home, but we are still waiting for the moment that Amelia shares the news with the whole world, which Alexander assumes it's going to happen when she gives her "thank you for coming" speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you know what time it is, it's time to sing happy birthday to Amelia, but before we get to that, a few words from the girl of the moment" the DJ says and I take a deep breath, it's time. Amelia gets to the stage and grabs a microphone "Hi, everybody, thank you for coming to this amazing birthday party that was possible thanks to my big brother, Alexander" she says and everybody claps as the spotlight lands on us "And I would love to take this chance to announce that my big brother has gotten on engage, so this party is a double celebration" Amelia says and everybody cheers "So come on guys, grab your glasses" Amelia says as she grabs a glass of champagne "For me, I am finally 21, and for my brother, Alexander, hoping he has many years of happiness with Andrea" she says as she raises her glass, everybody does the same, including Alexander and I "Cheers" she says and drinks "Cheers" everybody chants and drink.

"Cheers" Alexander and I say at the same time as we click our glass, we drink, then Alexander gives me a quick kiss, I blush as I smile.

"Mother wants to have breakfast with us tomorrow" Alexander says as we are driven back home "You do not sound excited" I say "I am not" he says "Why?" I ask "I am afraid, Father shares the same thoughts as your father does" he answers "I can handle it" I say "No, I don't want you to handle it, I want you to behave, I'll take care of the matter" he says "Of course" I say and he nods.

Today has been a long day and tomorrow, I have an even longer day ahead of me. I have to meet with Alexander's parents and I have to meet with my father's specialist **SIGH** Tomorrow it going to be a day full of emotions.


"Andrea, come on, wake up" Alexander says as he opens the curtains, I cover my head with the pillow "Wake up, my parents and Amelia are going to be here soon, and I do not want to keep them waiting, I want this breakfast to happen as soon as possible, remember, we have to meet your father's specialist, if we delay this, the later we will have to meet with her" he says as he removes the pillow "I'm up" I say as I sit down "Good, get to the bathroom" he orders and I drag myself to the bathroom.

Alexander is waiting for me when I exit the bathroom "I have chose the outfit I want you to wear" he says as he points to the bed "Okay" I say as I walk to the bed "As you get dress I want to leave a few things clear" he says as he turns around, he seriously expect me to believe he is not looking? "Get dressed" he orders, I take a deep breath, reach for the underwear, drop the towel, and start to get dressed "I will be holding your hand at all time, when I rub your knuckles with my finger, it means you can speak, if I kiss your hand, you are doing okay, I squeeze it, it means that you need to close your mouth, you can not answer a question, and you are doing terribly" he says "Okay" I say as I grab the dress "I am pretty sure my father did his research on you, so he will insult you, endure it, do not argue back" he says "Keep my mouth shut if he insults me, got it" I say "Be docile, that way the breakfast will end up sooner" he says "Got it" I say as finish getting dress, just in time, because he turns to look at me "Perfect, finish getting ready, I'll go wait for them" he says and I nod as he exits the bedroom.

"Alexander" a woman in her mid 50's says as she kisses Alexander in both cheeks "Mother" Alexander calls back as he gently hugs her "You need to sleep more, you look tired" she says and he politely smiles at her "So this must be the gold digger you got marry you?" a man says "Robert, remember what we talked about, manners" Alexander's mother says as she walk to me "I'm Martha, Alexander's mother" she introduces herself "I'm Andrea, nice to meet you Ma'am" I say as we shake hands "The rude gentleman is my husband, Robert" she says and I politely nod at him, but her doesn't even blink back "And my daughter, Amelia, but you must have met her yesterday" Martha says "I had the pleasure, hello again, Amelia" I say and she hugs me, I return the hug.

"Shall we head to the dinning room?" Alexander asks "Certainly" Martha answers, Amelia releases me from her hug and heads to the dinning room followed by Robert "So far, we are good" Alexander whispers as we follow them to the dinning room.

"How did you two meet?" Martha asks "We..." "No, we are not doing that, we are not trying to be polite to this nobody, because we do not care how they met, we do not care about anything, we only care about one thing, so let's cut to the chase" Robert says cutting Alexander in mid answer "Robert" His wife calls in a warning tone "How much money is he paying you to marry him?" Robert asks, Alexander rubs my knuckles "He is not paying me anything" I answer "So you expect me to believe that my son, Alexander Jay Woods, one of the richest men in the whole world, happens to be in love with someone so little and insignificant like you?" he asks, again, Alexander rubs my knuckles "Yes" I simply answer and Robert laughs "You must think so much of yourself, that you can fool me, fool my family, allow me to tell you that you are not fooling anyone, we do not believe this act, so you better come clean" Robert says, Alexander squeezes my hand, I bite my tongue "This is enough, if you came here to insult her, to call me a liar on my own house, you better get up and leave" Alexander says "We have all the right to do so, because we know you are lying to us" Robert says "I am not" Alexander says "Alex, she is the daughter of an alcoholic man who abused her mother to death, she has no studies, she barely finished high school, she has to work to sustain the addiction of her father and herself..." "How dare you?" I ask, Alexander squeezes my hand, but I don't care if he breaks it, nobody will talk trash about my family, specially not them.

"Excuse me?" Martha says "You speak of me, of my family, if you knew us" I say and they blink a few times, Alexander keeps squeezing my hand "My mother died of cancer, my father was an alcoholic, but he didn't needed me to sustain that addiction, true, I barely finished high school, I didn't had the honor to go to college, but that doesn't make less, it doesn't give you the right to be over me, to humiliate me, to judge me, to talk as if you knew me" I say as I pull my hand away from Alexander's grip and stand "I am your son's fiancee, the woman he loves, but since I don't have huge bank account, you think I am inferior, and you don't know me, you know what a paper says about me, but you don't truly know me, and it is clear that you do not want to get to know me, so I am not going to waste my time, neither yours, so please, as Alexander said, if you do not have interest in get yourself to know me, you know where the door is, don't allow it to hit you on the way out" I say as I storm out of the dinning room.

Alexander is going to kill me.

"This was interesting" Martha says "I didn't expected things to go like this" Alexander says "Let's try it again" she says "Mom" Alexander calls "Alexander" she calls back "He will try to bite her neck again" he says "And it's clear, she will not allow it, besides, she has a point, she the woman you are going to marry, we need to get to know her, and she has to get to know us" she says and he sighs "Saturday, dinner, our place" Martha says "Okay" Alexander answers and she kisses both cheeks, the exits the apartment.

Alexander looks at me and I can see it, anger. He walks to me grabs my arm and drags me to the bedroom.

"NEVER IN YOUR LIFE DO THAT AGAIN" he shouts as he throws me to the bed, but he miscalculated, and I fall, hitting my head with the bed post in the process "I was defending myself" I say as I stand up "I don't care, I gave you orders, obey them" Alexander says in a very low and dangerous voice tone "Were you going to defend my family?" I ask, Alexander blinks a few times "Because if you weren't, I wasn't going to allow them, your perfect little family to point their perfect fingers at mine" I say as tears pile up "Andrea..." "Yell at me, push me, kill me, if you have to, but do not ask me to sit down and watch a man, a woman, who always got what they wanted, judge me and my family when they do not have a clue of what we have been through, when they weren't there" I say as I face him "Your family is off limit, I will make sure my parents keep to themselves their thoughts about the subject and you will remember the rules" Alexander says "Deal" I say and he nods.

"Let's get going, we have to meet with the specialist" Alexander says and I nod as I follow him out of the room.

"Miss Spencer?" a woman calls, I look at her "I am doctor Sauder, the specialist requested to see your father's case" she says "Oh, hello" I say as I offer her my hand "Would come with me, I would like to discuss somethings with you" she says and I follow her to her office as Alexander talks to my father, about? I have no idea.

"Miss Spencer, I am afraid to inform you that your father has no salvation" doctor Sauder says "What? Why not?" I ask "Mr. Spencer has chronic aneurysm, in other words, he has too many aneurysms in his brain, true, we could open, remove the big ones, but it will be useless, because he has a lot of smalls ones, which eventually will grow, and we can't either secure the big ones will not return" she answers and I sigh "I wish I could give you some type of solution, but I am afraid, I can't" she adds "So he is going to die?" I ask "I am afraid so, he still has a few months away, if he takes care it could be up to a year, but neither of those options are secured, allow me to remind you that if one of the aneurysms ruptures, we are speaking of immediate death" she says and I nod "I suggest he stays here, there is no point of sending him home, he will just place himself in danger" she says "And here we can secure his life" she adds "Okay" I say "I'm truly sorry, I will keep close monitoring, and we will have to wait for the moment to come" she says and I nod as I stand "Thank you, doctor Sauder" I say and she nods, I head out of her office.

"They told you" Dad says as I enter to his room, I nod "Sweetie..." "I had hope" I say "I know, but there is nothing to be done, God has determined it is time to go, besides, I am tired of been away from her" he says and I cry "But you are living me" I say and he grabs my hands "You have Alexander, Andrea, you are about to be married, your are about to start a new chapter in your life..." "Without you" I say "Nobody said life was good all the time, Andy" he says and I cry "Sweetie, I know it hurts, because the idea of leaving you it is not pleasing at all, but I raised you like your mother would have wanted me to raised you, I taught you everything I know, I gave you all my love. and I wasn't the best father, but I know I made sure you are a great woman, my job is done" he says and I hug as I cry.

"Alexander will take care of you, he will watch for you, and he will be your family now" he says as he rubs my hair "I love you, daddy" I say, I feel him smiling "I love you too, sweetie" he says as he kisses my head and I cry.

This is happening, I am going to lose my father, he is going to die, and I am going to be all by myself, because my marriage to Alexander is for a year, then I'll be on my own, I'll be so lonely.

My life is such a hell.

"What is this?" Dad asks "What is what?" I ask "This bump in your head and why is your hand purple?" Dad answers "It was nothing" I say "Nothing? I wouldn't call this nothing" Dad says and I sigh "Andrea, is Alexander hitting you?" Dad asks "No, of course not" I answer "Then explain" he demands "I was tuning the piano at Alexander's apartment, I was not careful, hit my head with the cover, make it fall, and it landed on my hand, nothing that hasn't happened before" I say and he sighs "Dad, I am serious, he is not hitting me, I would never allow it" I say and he sighs even harder "Hey, stop worrying, you have a wedding to attend to" I say and he smiles.

WOO! I just saved Alexander's butt and mine, but I'll have to talk to him about the pushing and squeezing, this can not go on.

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