Princess of Asgard

By belleblossom123

23.6K 330 67

'They may have always been my enemy, but I became their worst nightmare' We all know Asgards famous prince's... More

Princess of Asgard
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note

Chapter 5

1.1K 19 0
By belleblossom123


Trusting nature


I suddenly shot up the whole room spinning in a deathly silence I could only hear the noise of my heart racing at what felt like a million miles an hour.

I had no idea why I felt like this, I thought maybe I should go to Loki or Thor's room, but I was frozen in fear the darkness imploding around me.

Shifty shadows linger in the far corner, I settle in for a wait but it's only minutes before it appears from the dark shadows of my room. I don't know what it is. I don't know why it's here. I stay still whilst it's panic ebbs, finding someone awake when you are sneaking into one's room is rarely good news.

Come on Kiara think you can move fire and water with your bare hands for gods sake do something.

I stole a soft orange glow from the nearby candle forming an amber orb in my hand which contrasted with the previously dark room. The figures now startled had leapt into action making a scream fly out of my mouth. They were obviously not expecting this as I presumed they expected me to remain asleep when they would carry out whatever plan they had.

"Come on just grab her before she makes anymore noise," I heard a cold voice scoff to the other.

"Stay away," were the only words I muster up as I pushed myself as far back as I could on my bed using my right hand (which was still on fire) to keep them at bay.

One man tried to come and grab me while the other opened my door to the balcony letting a cool breeze fill the room, I assumed that was their get away. I noticed a familiar and unforgettable scar on his left cheek. I still was sat frozen in my bed as I pushed myself further back and away from the approaching man.

"Come on we can still have our fun even if she is awake," a ruff voice spoke, "The valerian should keep her weak."

A dark figure loomed over me no matter how far across the bed I moved, a simple cloth used to mask his identity. He roughly forced my hands together binding them with rope in front of me. My concentration lost causing my only source of light to disappear right from my hand.

"You seem to be daddies favourite girl the most precious and valuable princess across the land which is very helpful to us, although how sought after will you be as a princess with no virtue," his cold evil voice pieced my ears.

"Hey she is nine, we are doing this for a good cause no need to make us the villains here," the other voice snapped back.

"P-please please let me go, I have not don-ne anything I promise" I could feel my fear reflect in the shakiness of my voice, the tears cascading down my checks.

"Just grab her and let's go already," his tense voice seemed worried.


I did not know what to do I just closed my eyes and hoped this would all just go away. I waited in anticipation for my attackers to grab me and take me away.

But that never came.

My eyes shot open to anguished screams, surely alerting at least someone of my predicament. Both of the cold dark figures now holding their sides in agony where a sharp poison rigged dagger stabbed. The one nearest the balcony jumped hoping so escape his punishment, the other was being pinned down by a small raven head.

"Kiara! are you ok, what the hell happened here," a blonde child ran in.

"Where have you been, go help our sister I have this covered," Loki ordered our older brother while he pierced yet another spelled dagger into the victims body.

My body flooded in relief when my brother undid my tight bindings scooping me into a tight hug, I couldn't help the river of tears that came after.

Everything seemed to slow down. Everything was silent for a few moments. Everything that happened seemed to take for ever but it was only a matter of a minutes.

"Everyone stop what you are doing," guards flooded the room.

"Step back Prince Loki we have got this," another spoke moving the teen out the way.

"What took you so long there is a second escaping as we speak," Loki scoffed.

"Brother just be thankful that they are here now," Thor said as he held me tight.

"Guards 4 of you go and find the escaped attacker me and one other will deal with this one," they all nodded as 4 of them left leaving the remaining two walking up to the masked man.

"WHAT IN THE NINE REALMS IS HAPPENING HERE!" Odin bellowed silencing what little noise there was.

He looked around his daughter's room to see me knelt up on my bed, arms around Thor as he stood by with his arms holding me close. Loki was on the other side of the room stood near the other injured attacker.

"Who is this man," Father spoke with strict authority.

Both guards grabbed the intruder as he tried to crawl away restraining him from behind. Leaving my father to walk over and rip of the hooded cloak and small black mask.

"Well, well, well, my trusted friend betrays me to do what, you must know the court well enough now to know there was no way you could have pull this off Lord Calder," my father practically spat in his face.

"And I assume with the mass of guards running around that you had an accomplice," he continued, his voice scarily low I was often fearful of my father when he would be in this mindset.

"It was Lord Ferguson father, I saw his scar on the left cheek," I managed to speak focusing father's attention on me.

"Sons you may leave and take your sister with you g,o and find your mother so she knows of your safety," Father said his face stone cold with no emotion.

They nodded as Thor swiftly picked me up sitting me on his right hip as he walked out along side our brother. I looked back over Thor's shoulder to see Calder staring directly in my eyes, he seemed fearful and frustrated yet there was a touch of anger in there I wondered why he looked so scared. I heard him speak his final two words.

"Braved Beserkers"

As we walked out of the room out of sight I heard blood curdling screams. I buried my head into Thor's broad shoulder as the screams continued until we travelled far enough away where they were too faint to hear. My brothers didn't seem to be affected by the sound, they both twitched at first, but they seemed to know what was going to happen to him. We were walking in silence for what seemed like ages my head still buried in Thor's shoulder as he stroked my hair trying to calm me, Loki just kept his head forward leading the way.

Silence is a fine tailor when your thoughts are silken thread.

"Thank the gods you three are alright," mother exclaimed as she ran to us three managing to hug us all at once.

"None of you are hurt are you," Mother asked frantically patting down her three children.

"It was Lord Calder mother he tried to take me he kept saying things Ferguson too," I cried into Thor's shoulder.

I felt him effortlessly pass me over into the comfort of my mother's arms. I finally felt safe I did not want to leave not ever.

"What did he say," she asked calmly.

I looked up to find we were all sat on a red velvet sofa in front of a warm fire, me sat cradled in my mother's arms with my brothers sat silently either side.

"I-I do not know," I stammered.

"Just relax and try and think."

"Errm something about me being a princess and valuable a-and virtue erm them not being villains," I spoke the tears easing up.

"Boys I think you two should go to the spare bedroom down this hall while I talk to Kiara we will join you in a bit," Frigga spoke softly.

Wordlessly they rose giving each other an awkward glance as they left the room closing the wooden door behind them.


I walked into the dimly lit room my mother me leaving me to go and find my father. I went in the general direction of the bed where my two brothers were already half asleep and crawled in.

"Hey your back," Thor yawned and lifted me over him to be between him and Loki.

"I thought you were asleep," I whispered.

"No we were waiting for you. We are not allowed out of this room until morning when guards come to escort us to father and he will say when it is safe to go back to our rooms," Loki chimed in more alert than Thor is.

"How come you did not hear them come in Kiara," Loki asked.

"I don't know I just felt so tired after that party," I said as I laid down back on the soft cotton pillows.

"Tell me about it," Thor added.

"I was not that tired and I went to the same party I even stayed with Kie the whole time," Loki spoke to no-one in particular.

"I do not know nor do I care I am sleeping," Thor rolled over on his side and in minutes a soft snoring noise came from him.

"What a baby," Loki mumbled as he strolled over to another bed.

"I cannot sleep Loki."

"Just try I know it has been a hard night but sleep will help."

"Can we do magic in the library," I could feel myself pestering, but after tonight I needed something calming.

"We are not allowed out of this room Kiara," he replied rolling over on his back and turing his head to face me.

"Since when do you listen to the rules," I smirked.

"Fine do not wake our brother."

The old library has many tall walls of ancient volumes, though mostly they are now a sort of decoration to set the scene. We spent an hour working on basic spells and also on my powers I could now make it snow in a small area and control how fast and heavy the snow was. But we spent the rest of the time reading.

"But we could learn this spell," I said pointing to a page in his book.

"You need to learn your limits so you do not exhaust yourself besides, I have a book to give to you," Loki stands from his desk and goes further into what felt like an endless library.

"Here it is, have a look at this," Loki said as he grabbed a worn looking book and another for him to read, we sat on a very long sofa one of us at each end with our legs stretched across the sofa so we were facing each other.

"What is this about," I said as I pulled a blanket over me and half of Loki's legs.

"That is in fact one of the only books that I got Thor to read and actually enjoy it, it is about the famous warrior group called the Valkyries I think you would rather enjoy it maybe mention it to father next time you argue about becoming a warrior," he winked at me as we both opened their books and fell into a long silence.

The book was a simple earthly hued over, warming to the eyes, comforting. After hundreds of years, it was soft to touch and the edges had a similar look to some beloved teddy bear. Inside the pages looked as if they had been bathed in golden rays and taken them in, so softly golden were they.

The two of us rest in peace, hours flew by like minutes, I was very invested in the story of a courageous group of women warriors who fought in huge battles leaving victorious I was in love with this book. Loki just read a random book he found off a shelf seeing as he spent most days in the library he has read many of the books in this library.

I kept over thinking about what happened tonight, what they threatened to do to me who knows what they were planning on doing if they took me and wether it was just me they wanted. I guess I will never know.

What a dark world this is turing out to be.


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