The Cure // Im Nayeon x Reader

By WritingRey

263K 18K 12.8K

*COMPLETED* A story in which Nayeon is the daughter of a billionare CEO. She wants to become the next CEO of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
New book!
New Book!

Chapter 56

3.9K 288 380
By WritingRey

"Ms. Chou, someone is here to see you." Dahyun informed Y/N.

"Who is it?"

"Hirai Momo." Y/N looked up hearing that name.

"Momo? Let her in." Why is Nayeon's assistant here?

"Hello, Ms. Chou." Momo walked in bowing.

"Sit down please." Y/N gestured to the seat in front of her. "What brings you here? Did something happen?"

"Yes, kind of. I was hesitant on wether or not to come here but you're the only one that can help me. I really don't have another choice. Can you please hear me out?" Momo does not expect for Y/N to actually listen to her knowing what her boss did to the CEO but luckily Y/N was all ears.

"I'm listening." Y/N knows that something must be wrong. Momo wouldn't come here for something small. It looks like Momo is stuck on something and doesn't know what to do.

"I'm guessing you know what happened to Ms. Im. She's... well she's not okay."

"I mean that's quite normal. She lost her position." Y/N doesn't get where Momo is going with this.

"It's not like that. She's not okay as in mentally not okay. I feel like she might fall into a severe depression if she goes on like this and I have a feeling that she's hurting herself."

"Why do you think that?" Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. Nayeon wouldn't hurt herself right? She's a strong girl, Y/N just can't imagine Nayeon hurting herself.

"I saw some recent cuts on her wrist and I actually found a knife in the guest room yesterday." Y/N's heart skipped a beat hearing that. Nayeon was abused her entire life by her asshole of a father and brother and now she's doing it to herself?

"Guest room? Is she staying with you?" Y/N questioned to which Momo nodded.

"Why? Why isn't she staying at home?"

"Her mom was apparently aware of Jinyoung's plans but she didn't warn Ms. Nayeon about it. So Ms. Nayeon got mad and left. She's staying with me for now until she finds somewhere else to stay." Y/N sighed upon hearing that. Why does Nayeon have such a toxic family? Nayeon doesn't deserve all this betrayal. 

First she got betrayed by her brother and father, then she got betrayed by Jeongyeon, her best friend, afterwards she also got betrayed by Y/N herself, the girl that Nayeon was crazy in love with and now she also got betrayed by her mother. Basically everyone that Nayeon cared about betrayed her. 

"Did she find a place?" 

"Not yet." Momo shook her head.

"Does she have enough money?" Y/N asked. Nayeon still has her shares and since she was the CEO for about four months she should have some money. That's if Jinyoung and Mr. Im didn't take it away from her.

"From what I know she does."

"That's good but why are you telling me all of this? I mean what can I even do?" 

"I'm worried that she might hurt herself. I've tried talking to her but she's not in her right mind. She gave up on everything. I figured if you maybe talked to her, she would come to her senses." Momo really does look worried. She's the only one that hasn't betrayed Nayeon yet and Y/N can see that Momo cares about her boss.

"I don't think me talking to her will help. It might make things worse." 

"She regrets everything, Y/N-ssi. She's not even that upset about losing her position as the CEO. She's more upset about losing you and not believing you." 

"I know. That's why it won't be a good idea to talk to her because I don't think I can. Not yet at least." Y/N shook her head. 

"Is there anything that I can do? I mean I hate to see her like this. In all the years I have known her I've never seen her so devastated. She's not eating and not sleeping. It's like she's not alive anymore." Momo informed and Y/N really feels bad right now. She hates to hear these things about Nayeon. She really wants to go and take care of her but she just can't do it. She can't forgive Nayeon that easily. Nayeon should try to get back on her feet herself, not with Y/N's help.

"Here's my card. My number is on it. If something happens, call me immediately. I don't care when or why. Just give me a call, okay?"

"I will, Ms. Chou." Momo took the card."I should leave now then. I'm so sorry for disturbing you." 

"No, thank you for telling me all of this. You didn't disturb me at all." Y/N stated and Momo smiled weakly as she made her way towards the door. It's good to see that Y/N still cares about Nayeon. Momo was expecting for Y/N to not even hear her out, but Y/N surprised her by actually listening to the things she had to say. People always say that Y/N is a charming and polite woman, and Momo can see that they're right.

"Oh Momo-ssi?"

"Yes?" Nayeon's assistant turned around.

"Please take care of her." The CEO pleaded. She can't do it herself, so she has no choice but to ask Momo.

"I will, Ms. Chou."


"Y/N-ah?" Mr. Chou said when they were having dinner but Y/N didn't answer.

"Y/N?" The man repeated but again no answer. Y/N is just blankly staring at her food.

"Unnie!" Tzuyu shoved her older sister that was sitting next to her.

"Oh sorry, what?"

"You're really out of it, aren't you?" Chaeyoung laughed.

"I'm just tired." Y/N lied. Truth is she keeps thinking about what Momo told her today. Is Nayeon really hurting herself? Y/N can't even bear the thought of it. Mr. Im already hurt her enough, Nayeon shouldn't be doing this to herself. She doesn't deserve this. Should Y/N just go and take care of Nayeon? It might make things worse but it also might make things better. Maybe if Y/N shows that she still cares about her, Nayeon will stop hurting and blaming herself. But it could also turn out the other way. Nayeon might hurt herself even more when Y/N shows up, so Y/N doesn't really know what to do. She feels like something bad will happen to Nayeon if she doesn't do something.

"Something obviously happened. Care to tell us?" Mrs. Chou raised her eyebrows.

"Nothing's going on."

"I think something happened with Sana unnie. She left crying that day when she came here." Chaeyoung mentioned. Did Sana cry? She wasn't crying when she was talking to Y/N. She probably started to cry after she left.

"What did you do to make her cry?" Tzuyu asked.

"Can you guys please stop interrogating me?" Y/N is getting a bit annoyed with the amount of questions she's getting.

"We're just worried honey." Her mother said in a sad tone which softened Y/N up.

"Sana told me she has feelings for me and you can guess what happened afterwards."

"Oh she got rejected? That's why she was crying?" Tzuyu put the puzzle pieces together.

"Why did you reject her? Don't you like her? I thought you two were a couple already." Mr. Chou furrowed his eyebrows.

"That's what everyone thought, but the two weren't actually in a relationship. They claimed that there were no feelings involved but guess that was not true." Chaeyoung sighed. 

"Yeah, I feel stupid for not noticing." Y/N looked down. She really doesn't want to lose Sana but she knows that she shouldn't get close to the Japanese right now.

"I warned you about this, didn't I?" Mrs. Chou reminded.

"Yes, you did and like always you were right." Y/N chuckled. Mrs. Chou is always right when it comes to these kind of things.

"Why didn't you just give it a shot? I mean she likes you and who knows maybe you'll start liking her too." Chaeyoung wondered.

"I don't want to give her false hope and play with her feelings." Y/N could be selfish and give Sana a chance, but she can't do that. She doesn't want to break another heart. Especially not of someone that she cares about.

"Is that really the reason?" Mrs. Chou raised her eyebrows. Everyone, except for Y/N, is well aware that the thing that stands between Y/N and Sana is Nayeon.

"Oh excuse me. I have to take this call." Y/N stood up distancing herself from the table when a call interrupted their conversation.

"Ms. Chou, it's me Momo." 

"Oh Momo-ssi, everything okay?" Why does Y/N have a bad feeling about this? She was expecting for Momo to call her, but not this soon.

"No, Ms. Nayeon is not okay. She's out of control, I can't stop her. You need to come here, please. She might hurt herself."  That was enough reasoning for Y/N to go there. She won't be able to forgive herself if something happens to Nayeon.

"Where are you?"

"We're at my place. I'll text you the address."

"Thank you, I'll be right there."  Y/N stated and hung up the phone.

"I need to go. Something came up." Y/N told her family.

"What? Where are you going? Did something happen?" Her father asked.

"I really don't have time. I'll explain later." Y/N said and grabbed her car keys and jacket before leaving the house. She got in her car as fast as she could and drove to the address that Momo just had texted her. Luckily it wasn't that far but the fact that she can't use her left arm when driving is really making things hard.

Y/N arrived at the address and knocked on the door. Momo opened it immediately and Y/N walked in to see Nayeon basically freaking out. She was crying and throwing stuff around while cursing out Jinyoung. 

"I couldn't stop her, maybe you can." Momo sighed. Y/N just stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds before she realized what was actually happening. She has never seen Nayeon like this so she doesn't even know how to stop her.

Nayeon suddenly took a vase that was next to her and threw it on the floor making it shatter in a thousand pieces. That's when Y/N decided to step in and stop her. If she doesn't stop her, she might break down the entire place. So Y/N went closer and grabbed her from behind. 

"Let me go, Momo!" Nayeon protested as she cried. Y/N was having a hard time to hold her since she can only do it with one arm. Now is really the worst time to have a broken arm. Luckily Y/N is strong and could manage to hold her for some time but Nayeon kept trying to get out of her grip. That's until Y/N spoke up.

"Nayeon, stop it!" Y/N yelled which made Nayeon stop protesting and turn around.

"Y-Y/N?" She stuttered weakly. By seeing Y/N she broke down on her knees and started to cry harder. Y/N immediately kneeled down and held the woman in her arms. Nayeon continued to cry heavily in Y/N's arms and Momo was glad that Nayeon stopped breaking her stuff.

Y/N looked at Momo and nodded, sending a signal to leave them alone. Momo received the signal and left. She knows that Y/N is the only one who can handle Nayeon right now.

"You were right, Y/N. You were right, I'm so stupid." Nayeon cried. Y/N wants to say something but she can't even open her mouth. She's been giving the silent treatment to Nayeon for so long now that she kind of got used to it. So instead of saying anything she just let her cry in her arms.

"Let's get you up. You're a mess." Y/N finally said after a few minutes. Nayeon wiped her tears and Y/N helped her to stand up.

"Oh my God your arm, are you okay?" Nayeon asked. She totally forgot that Y/N has a broken arm. Y/N just chuckled internally. Nayeon just had a whole breakdown and the first thing she does is ask about Y/N's arm?

"I'm fine." 

"I'm so sorry you had to witness this." Nayeon looked down, she's really embarrassed right now.

"What happened?" Y/N asked but Nayeon couldn't answer as tears started to spill again. She's been crying all day and she hasn't eaten anything so she started to feel dizzy which Y/N noticed.

"Nayeon-ah?" Y/N went closer but that's when Nayeon fell and passed out. 

"Nayeon-ah? Wake up, Nayeon-ah." Y/N shook the woman, but Nayeon didn't wake up.

"Momo-ssi!" Y/N yelled and Momo came right away. 

"She passed out again?" Momo sighed.

"Again? This happened before?"

"Yeah, she's not taking care of herself so she's passed out a couple of times in the past few days." 

"Why is she doing this to herself? What even caused her to make this mess?" Y/N questioned.

"Jinyoung send her a fruit basket with a note saying congratulations on your new job as a sales manager, and that's where she lost her mind."

"That motherfucker." Y/N tightened her fist. Did he really have to go this far? 

"Your place really is a mess. I'll send someone to take care of it and replace everything that's broken." Nayeon did a lot of damage so it's only right for them to fix it.

"Oh you don't have to, Y/N-ssi."

"No, I have to. There's quite some damage. You shouldn't fix this yourself." 

"Thank you." Momo bowed lightly.

"M-momo?" Nayeon finally woke up and when she saw Y/N, she suddenly remembered what happened. The fact that her head was on Y/N's thigh on the floor was not helping either.

"I'm so sorry." She stood up. Y/N badly wants to talk to her but she knows that Nayeon is not in the right state of mind right now to talk.

"Pack your stuff, we're leaving." Y/N demanded.

"Wh-what? Where to?" Nayeon doesn't know if she should smile or cry about the fact that Y/N is finally talking to her.

"My place. You're not safe here."

"I don't want to disturb you." Nayeon looked down. She can't go to that house after everything she did.

"I'm not giving you a choice, you're coming." Y/N knows the only way to approach this is by being bossy. 


"No buts, you're coming with me." 

"O-okay. I'll go pack." Nayeon said weakly and went to grab her stuff.

"Thank you for calling me, Momo-ssi."

"Of course but you didn't have to take her with you. She can stay here." 

"I don't think that's a good idea. It'll be better for her to stay with me for now." Y/N patted Momo's arm.

"Okay, if you need me please let me know."

"I will, Momo-ssi."

"I'm ready." Nayeon came back. She doesn't know if she should be going with Y/N right now, but she really wants to. Y/N wanting her to come with her kind of shows that Y/N cares. Or else she wouldn't be here right now.

"Let's go then." Y/N said and the two walked to the car.

"Will you be able to drive?" How does Y/N even drive with only her right hand?

"Yeah." Y/N answered simply. The ride to Y/N's house was completely silent, then again what else do you expect? Nayeon is not shameless to act like nothing happened and Y/N is still not over what happened.

After about 15 minutes the two arrived and got out of the car.


"Hmm?" Y/N didn't even look at her.

"Won't your family be mad that you brought me here?"

"I'll handle it." Y/N said and walked in. When they walked in both her parents, Tzuyu and Chaeyoung came to the door. They were quite worried about Y/N when she suddenly left like that. To say that they were surprised to see her with Nayeon was an understatement. 

"What the hell is she doing here?" Chaeyoung asked in anger.

"Mrs. Hwang, please bring Nayeon-ssi to the guest room." Y/N asked the maid which confused the shit out of everyone.

"Follow me." The maid told Nayeon and she did as she was told leaving the family behind without even sparing a glance at them.

"Care to explain what we just saw?" Mr. Chou asked in confusion. 

"Nayeon will stay here for a couple of days."

"Why? Can't she just stay at home?" Tzuyu asked.

"She has nowhere to stay. Apparently her mom betrayed her so she left home."

"Then why bring her here? You could let her stay at your apartment." Chaeyoung suggested.

"She's not okay. She might hurt yourself so she shouldn't be alone. I want all of you to keep an eye on her."

"Y/N what happened? This is very sudden." Mr. Chou asked.

"Let's sit and I'll explain everything." With that the family sat down and Y/N started to explain what happened. Chaeyoung and Tzuyu wanted to protest at first but hearing Nayeon's condition they couldn't say anything.

"She should just go to a mental hospital then." Chaeyoung shook her head.

"Chaeyoung-ah." Y/N send her a warning look. "I know Nayeon to some extent. She'll be back to herself in a few days. Until then we just need to make sure she doesn't hurt herself. That's why I brought her here, I need your help. I don't really want to be around her, so I'm asking you guys to keep an eye on her. Will you help me out?" 

"Of course, Y/N-ie. We'll keep an eye on her." Her mother caressed her arm. She's actually glad that Y/N and Nayeon are talking again.

"Thank you. I'll go get some sleep now." Y/N stood up and left.

"Did we really just agree on letting her stay here? Maybe this is all an act and she's going to betray Y/N unnie again." Tzuyu worried.

"We just have to trust Y/N. She knows what she's doing." Mr. Chou stated.

Y/N was about to go to her room and passed by the guest room. She hesitated wether or not to enter but decided against it. She shouldn't give Nayeon the idea that everything is okay now, because it's not. Then she remembered that Momo told her that she hadn't eaten anything so Y/N went to the kitchen and got some food for her.

She went to the guest room and knocked before entering. Nayeon was surprised to see Y/N and she really wants to burst out crying. Even after everything Nayeon did to her, Y/N still took her in because she wouldn't be safe somewhere else.

"Eat. You must be hungry." Y/N placed a cup of instant ramen and a bottle of water in front of Nayeon.

"Y/N... Can we talk?" 

"Not now, we'll talk tomorrow." Y/N stated and left the room. Nayeon looked at the cup of ramen in front of her and started to cry once again. She suddenly remembered how she used to hate ramen because her family forbid her to eat cheap food like that. But then Y/N came and made her actually love ramen. Y/N showed her that food doesn't have to be expensive to be delicious. Eating cheap ramen basically became their thing and Nayeon really misses that.


The next morning Nayeon woke up early. Well she actually barely slept at all. She's been sleeping very badly ever since she lost her position. She stood up and got ready but she can't bring herself out of the room. She knows that the Chou family is probably having breakfast right now but she can't join them. She's not that shameless to just go there and eat with them so she stayed in her room. 

After about an hour someone knocked on her door. Nayeon opened it to see Mrs. Chou. 

"Mind if I enter?" 

"Of course not." Nayeon widened the door and the woman entered.

"Breakfast is ready, thought I'd let you know."

"Oh thank you, but I'm not hungry." Nayeon looked down.

"I'm not accepting a no, so you have to come down no matter what." 

"O-okay." Nayeon couldn't even protest. She followed the woman downstairs and sat down at the table where everyone was already sitting. When Nayeon used to stay here she always sat down next to Y/N and now she did the same thing. Tzuyu and Chaeyoung kept throwing her glares while Y/N was completely ignoring her.

"Are you okay, Nayeon-ssi?" Mr. Chou asked.

"I'm better now, thank you. I'll leave within an hour, I don't want to disturb you." Nayeon informed and that made Y/N finally look at her.

"You can stay here. You're not disturbing us. You're always welcome here." Mrs. Chou said.

"Still, I don't..."

"You're staying here. End of discussion." Y/N interrupted her without even looking up. The atmosphere is very awkward right now. They all continued to eat and eventually the two youngest left to school while Y/N left for work. Nayeon just wanted to stay in her room all day but Mrs. Chou didn't let her. It looked like the woman was trying to keep her occupied. 

The next two days went on just like that. The three girls leaving in the morning and Nayeon spending the day with Mrs. Chou. Y/N told her that they would talk but they still haven't. Y/N is completely ignoring her and every time Nayeon asks her when they'll talk, she answers with 'later'.

Nayeon just can't stand this awkwardness anymore so she decided to go to Y/N herself to talk. She went to her room in all nervousness and knocked on the door. Luckily Y/N opened but she wasn't very pleased to see Nayeon.

"Can we talk?"

"I don't have time." Y/N was about to close the door but Nayeon stopped her.

"Please, you've been saying that for three days now." Nayeon pleaded and Y/N sighed as she walked into her room leaving the door open. Nayeon closed the door and entered. Y/N sat down on her bed and Nayeon sat next to her while keeping her distance.

"Why did you bring me here? And why aren't you letting me leave?" Nayeon has tried to leave multiple times but Y/N kept stopping her. Instead of giving her an answer Y/N suddenly grabbed Nayeon's wrist which made Nayeon hiss in pain.

"Why does it look like your in pain?"

"N-no reason." Nayeon lied. Y/N pulled up Nayeon's sleeve and there she saw some fresh cuts. Nayeon wants to crumble and die right now. How does Y/N even know?

"Why are you hurting yourself?"

"It's what I deserve." Nayeon pulled her wrist back.

"It's not what you deserve. Stop hurting yourself."

"It is, Y/N. It fucking is. I deserve to have a miserable life that's why you shouldn't have brought me here. You should have let me fucking die on the streets!" Nayeon raised her voice as tears started to form in her eyes.

"Do you think that's what I want? For you to end up on the streets and die? Do you think that would make everything better? It won't. Stop trying to bring yourself down. Stop acting like you deserve all of this, when in fact you don't. You've got abused enough in your life but you finally escaped from that. I didn't fucking put them in jail for you to start abusing yourself!" Y/N is getting mad at how Nayeon acts right now. She shouldn't act this weak when she's actually pretty strong. She shouldn't give them what they want.

Nayeon couldn't answer and just cried. Hearing Y/N say these things means a lot to her. How can Y/N still care after what she did to her?

"Why? Why are you helping me?"

"Because I care about you even if I don't want to." Y/N admitted.

"You shouldn't, Y/N. Stop caring about me. I don't deserve it."

"When I was planning on putting your father and brother in jail, I promised myself that I wouldn't let anything happen to you. I told myself that I wouldn't let you end up on the streets and that I would take care of you when you're at your worst. And that's the case right now. I can't just sit still when I see you struggling all by yourself."

"I hurt you, Y/N. I falsely accused you, don't you remember? I put you, your company and your family in danger." Nayeon reminded.

"You wouldn't have done all of that if I hadn't lied to you in the first place. This all happened because I went behind your back and lied to you. You wouldn't have done this if I hadn't done it first. Would you?" Y/N asked and Nayeon shook her head. If Y/N hadn't lied then Nayeon probably still would have been by her side.

"You're blaming yourself for everything that happened, but I'm blaming myself too. I can't help but think that this is all my fault because I refused to talk to you about my plans. Do you understand now why I'm being like this?" Y/N's eyes are also starting to become watery at this point.

"What should I do, Y/N-ah? I want them to suffer. I want to win for once in my life."

"Just give up." Y/N stated which made Nayeon taken aback.


"Just give up. This isn't worth it. That company isn't worth it."

"How can you say that? Should I just let them win like this?" 

"Yes. Your father and brother are already in jail. They're already suffering."

"But not enough. Look what they did to me." Nayeon looked into Y/N's eyes.

"Do you want to become like me? I spend seven years planning my revenge. I basically spend all my time on trying to get them in fucking jail and I regret it. I don't regret putting them in jail but I regret how obsessed I was with revenge. I wasted seven years of my life because of that. Do you want that too? Do you really want to live your life just for revenge?" 

"Then what should I do, Y/N? What other choice do I have?"

"You're acting as if you have nothing left but you do. You have your shares. I'm pretty sure Jinyoung or another shareholder is pretty desperate for those shares. Your shares are worth a lot right now since the stock prices rose. Sell your shares and start your own company."

"My own company?"

"Yeah. Just cut all ties with your family and ImTech. If you don't then you won't end up in a good place. No matter what you do they'll make sure you won't succeed within ImTech but that doesn't imply to what you do outside of ImTech. Just start your own company. Start from the bottom and climb up. Show your family and the world that you can do this."

"I'm not capable of leading my own company. I was a CEO for only four months for God's sake. I couldn't last longer than that."

"Don't believe your father's words. You are capable of doing that. But just not in ImTech."

"Do you think it would work?"

"I do. You don't plan on staying here forever right?" Y/N joked which made a laugh escape from Nayeon's mouth

"Of course not. I wanted to leave but you wouldn't let me remember?"

"That's because you're hurting yourself. Stop hurting yourself and you can go." Y/N informed.

"It's not that easy." Nayeon looked down. Ever since she started to hurt herself, she can't seem to stop.

"I know you're in a dark place right now but self harm is not the solution. Sitting around, crying and hurting yourself won't make the situation better. You need to fix yourself and work for what you want. Eventually everything will fall into it's place. You can only survive this if you're strong. So stop being weak because I know you're not. You're strong, you've proven it to me multiple times. Now it's your turn to prove it to yourself."

"I don't think I can fix myself if you don't forgive me. I need you to forgive me, Y/N. I can't live with myself if you don't. It's killing me." Nayeon's tears fell. Y/N looked at the crying woman next to her and hesitated on what to say.

"I already forgave you but that doesn't mean that I forgot what happened or that I trust you now." Y/N looked the other way.

"What made you forgive me?" Nayeon already had a feeling that Y/N was softening up since she literally took her in.

"The fact that you've been trying to make me forgive you for the past month and the fact that I see that you regret your actions. And I also know that behind all your actions was someone else, not you." 

"Thank you. Thank you for forgiving me. I really need it."

"I hope this will help you to stop hurting yourself. If you want any help, I can fix a therapist or something." Y/N suggested.

"N-no need. I'll fix myself because I'm strong." Nayeon wiped her tears away. She doesn't believe that she's strong but hearing Y/N say that gave her some confidence.

"That's good to hear. Now stop crying, you look ugly when you cry." Y/N joked trying to lighten up the mood. Y/N is not the type to joke around especially not in a serious situation like this but she knows if she doesn't lighten up the mood, she might end up crying herself.

"Yah don't be so mean." Nayeon cried as she laughed which made Y/N smile weakly. Y/N has been hearing Nayeon cry every time she passes by the guest room. It just breaks her heart. She wishes that Nayeon would stop crying soon.

"I'll go now. Thank you for your time." Nayeon stood up.

"Wait." Y/N demanded which made Nayeon look at her.

"Let's take care of your cuts. They won't heal if you hide them under your sleeves like that." Y/N said and took the first-aid kit from her bathroom. She made Nayeon sit down and took care of her cuts.

"They're really deep, how did you even manage to do this?" Y/N questioned. 

"It didn't even hurt half as bad as the pain I have inside." Nayeon said and after that Y/N kept quiet. She doesn't know what to say. It breaks her heart to see Nayeon like this. 


A/N: Do you think Nayeon will follow Y/N's advice and start up her own company and what do you think will happen to Y/N and Nayeon? Is there a chance that they'll end up together even after everything they went through? Please comment down your thoughts and vote!!

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Myoui Mina and Son Chaeyoung. Two seniors who absolutely despised each other. Mina had her reasons. Chaeyoung was a rich kid who was cocky with a hi...
101K 3.8K 46
{COMPLETED} Mina the girl who sticks to herself doesn't want to get involved with any of the other girls who are 'popular' they don't see things like...