Kiyotaka and Karma in Class D

By _ktaka_

5.4K 295 129

After the White Room shut down, Kiyotaka and Karma was thinking of a plan on how to escape from Kiyotaka's fa... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

1.3K 79 36
By _ktaka_

Kiyotaka POV

A week had passed and Karma and I was walking to the bus that will take us to our new school. He took the window seat and grinned while looking at me, I shouldn't have told him that I wanted to sit there.

It seems like he still hasn't forgiven me, a week had already passed and he's still holding a grudge, I just sighed and went to go sit beside him.

I looked out of the window, as the bus pick up more passengers. A few minutes had passed and the bus finally took off.

The bus was packed with people, most of them were students wearing the same uniform as me.

Karma: "Your introduction better be perfect or I'll kill you for repeating the same god damn line every fucking night." He looked really pissed but he's always like this so I pay him no mind and kept staring at the buildings outside. He soon fell asleep and I was getting tired myself.

Office Worker: "Excuse me, shouldn't you offer up your seat?" Just as I was about to close my eyes, it snapped back open, I heard a loud and angry voice, is that person perhaps talking to me?

I turned to look where the voice came from, A young and well-built blond man of high school age had sat down in one
of the priority seats. The elderly woman stood right next to him, and another
woman stood beside her. This second, younger lady appeared to be an office
worker. I'm glad that I wasn't the one being scolded.

Blonde: "And why should I offer up my seat? There's no reason for me to do so." He said while grinning and crossing his legs and the office worker looks annoyed.

Office Worker: "You're sitting in a priority seat. It's natural to offer up those seats to the elderly." The blonde boy just kept grinning.

Blonde: "I don't understand. Priority seats are just that, priority seats. I have no legal obligation to move. Since I'm currently occupying this seat, I should be the one who determines whether or not I move. Am I supposed to give up my seat just because I'm young? Ha! That reasoning is nonsense." He retorted and frustration was visible on the office worker's face.

Elderly Woman: "It's fine, but thank you." The elderly woman said to the office lady with a bitter smile, the office lady clicked her tongue and was frustrated but she didn't pursue the topic any further. The young blonde clearly won this battle, atleast that's what I thought.

???: "Um... I think the lady is right." Unexpectadly the office lady recieved support, she was wearing the same uniform as mine.

Blonde: "I see, this time is a pretty girl eh?" He said not changing his attitude. I look at Karma, he was still sleeping, I guess he was still tired, huh.

???: "This poor woman appears to have been suffering for quite some time now. Won't you offer up your seat? While you might consider such courtesy unnecessary, I think it would contribute greatly to society." She politely asked but the blonde boy still didn't change his attitude but instead his grin grew wider.

Blonde: "A contribution to society, you say? Well, that is a rather interesting opinion. It's certainly true that offering up one's seat to the elderly could be viewed in such a positive light. Unfortunately, I have no interest in contributing to society. I care only for my own satisfaction. Oh, and one more thing. You're asking me, the one in the priority seat, to give up his spot, but couldn't you simply ask one of the other people seated on this crowded bus? If you truly cared for the elderly, then something like priority seating would be a rather trivial concern, wouldn't you agree?" He said taking out a comb and and a mirror and started combing his hair, while the office lady and elderly woman just wore bitter smiles. However, it seems like the girl didn't want intend to back down.

???: "Everyone, please listen to me for just a moment. Won't someone give up their seat for this woman? It doesn't matter who it is." She said with pleading eyes, I thought that the people in the bus will be annoyed of the girl but there was no hint of it.

I look around the bus, I've observe that there were two types of people, those who tried to pretend that they didn't hear anything and those who were hesitant.

As I was looking around the bus, my eyes fell to the person beside me, she was reading a book and she didn't seem fazed by the situation.

Noticing my gaze she turned towards me and shot me a glare, I immediately averted my gaze and she went back to reading.

Lady: "Um... You can take my seat." Just as I was thinking of raising my hand to finally end this, a lady offered up her seat and in a instant the office worker's and the elderly woman's showed a smile.

???: "Thank you so much!" The girl thanked the lady as the elderly lady sat down while giving her thanks to the lady.

The bus finally came to a halt, Karma was still sleeping and I just sighed. Me being the good person that I am didn't wake him up and let him rest, I went to where the driver of the bus was.

Kiyotaka: "Excuse me, this bus is going to Yokohama next, correct?" I asked the bus driver.

(Please don't criticize me in this one, it's for plot convinience and stuff xD)

Bus Driver: "Correct." He replied.

Kiyotaka: "My friend is going to pick up something there, can you wake him up when the bus arrive there?" I said while pointing at where me and Karma were sitting, he nodded in response with a smile and I gave my thanks before walking out the bus.

The Japanese government had created the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School with the express purpose of developing future leaders. This would be my school from now on.

???: "Wait!" As I was taking my first step, a voice called out to me, I turned to look and it was the girl that I was seating in the bus with just now.

???: "You were looking at me in the bus, why?" She asked while looking down at me.

Kiyotaka: "Sorry, I was just looking at the book you were reading, it's really interesting, isn't it?" I made up an excuse to which she narrowed her eyes looking at me suspicously.

???: "If that's it then I'll be leaving." She broke eye contact with me and started to walk away.

I just sighed and followed with a slight delay not wanting to meet her again.


I disliked the entrance ceremony and I imagined that the other first year students probably felt the same, only a handful of students were actually listening.

As I was walking to class I was wondering on how should I approuch people, I want to experience what a normal life feels like and the first step of it is making friends.

Should I burst into the classroom and start to actively talk with students? Or should I secretly pass around a piece of paper with my email adress written on it, so as to make it easier to befriend someone?

Someone like me needed to practice, because this environment is so different from what I've experience, I was completely isolated and the only person I can call my friend is a sadistic devil.

I walk into the classroom and it was already half filled with students, they were all having a conversation with each other.

Looking around the classroom, I walked towards my seat that has my nameplate on it. It was at the back of the room near the window, not to bad of a seat, I can see everything that's happening from this seat.

I look at where will my seatmate will seat, I was a little bit suprised on who my seatmate will be. The nameplate had 'Karma Akabane' on it.

Kiyotaka: "Guess I'll be sitting with him for the rest of the year, how troublesome." I muttered.

I look around the classroom trying to find someone isolated so I can befriend them, but sadly the world is cruel to me and everyone was talking to each other.

In the end, I didn't manage to talk to anyone, at this rate, I will be completely alone. I let out a heavy sigh and just stared out the to cure my boredom.

A few minutes had passed, the first bell rang and at that moment a teacher went into the classroom, my first impression of her was that she firmly believe in discipline, if I have to guess her age, then I would place her age at thirty, she had long black hair tied into a ponytail.

Sae: "Ahem. Good morning to you, students. I'm the instructor for Class D.
My name is Chiyabashira Sae. I usually teach Japanese history. However, at
this school, we do not change classrooms for each grade. For the next threeyears, I will be acting as your homeroom teacher, so I hope to get to know allof you. It's a pleasure to meet you. The entrance ceremony will be in the gymnasium one hour from now, but first, I will distribute written materials with information about this school's special rules. I will also hand out the admissions guide."

This school differed from the multitude of other Japanese high schools in a few key ways. Here, all students were required to live in dormitories located on school premises. Also, except for special cases, such as studying abroad, students were forbidden to contact anyone outside the school. Even contact with your immediate family was forbidden without authorization. Naturally, leaving school grounds without permission was also strictly forbidden. However, the campus also came equipped with many excellent facilities. With its own karaoke spot, theater, cafe, boutique, and more, you could easily compare this school to a small city. The campus spread over
more than 600,000 square meters.

This school also boasted another unique feature: the S System.

Sae: "I will now hand out your student ID cards. By using your card, you can
access any of the facilities on campus, purchase goods from the store, and so
on. It acts like a credit card. However, it is imperative that you pay attention to the points that you spend. At this school, you can use your points to buy anything. Anything located on the school premises is available for purchase." Anything, huh.

Our points, loaded onto our student ID cards, acted as a kind of currency. The lack of paper money would prevent many students financial troubles. However, students needed to keep a watchful eye on their spending habits. At any rate, the school provided these points free of charge.

Sae: "Your student cards can be used by simply swiping them through the machine scanner, the method is really simple, so you shouldn't get confused. Points are automatically deposited into your account on the first of every month, You should all have received 100,000 points already. Keep in mind that one point is worth one yen. No further explanation should be necessary." The class erupted, murmurs started to spread all over the classroom,
100,000 yen is a rather large sum of money for a highshool student to be given.

Sae: ""Shocked by the amount of points you've been given? This school evaluates it's students talents. Everyone here has passed the entrance examination, which itself speaks to your value and potential. The amount you've received reflects the evaluation of your worth. You can use your points without restraint. After graduation, however, all of your points return to the school. Because it's impossible to exchange your points for cash, there's no advantage to saving them. Once points have been deposited into your account, it's up to you how to spend them. Do as you like. In the event that you don't want to spend your points, you may transfer them to someone else. However, extorting money from your peers is not allowed. This school monitors bullying very carefully." Bewilderment and happy noices can be heard from the students due to the large amount of points they recieved.

Sae: "Well it seems like that all of you don't have any questions. I hope you enjoy your time here as students." She said leaving the classroom and everyone was still shocked by the amount of money they recieved.

???: "Everyone, can you please all listen to me for a moment?" A boy stood up and gathered everyone's attention.

???: "Starting today, we're all going to be classmates. Therefore, I think it'd be good for us to introduce ourselves and become friends as soon as possible.We still have some time until the entrance ceremony. What do you say?" Everyone nodded in response and they all started to introduce themselves.


(I want to sleep xD)

Hirata: "Okay then, time for the next person, can you please introduce yourself." Crap! I didn't realize that it was already my turn, students started to look at me waiting for my introduction.

I stood up awkwardly and my mind was all over the place.

Kiyotaka: "Uh... well, my name is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, and uh... i'm not really good at anything particular, um... I'll do my best to get along with you all."

Silence took over the class and not a word was spoken, I could hear Karma's voice, he was laughing like a maniac inside my head, mocking my pitiful introduction.

Hirata: "It's nice to meet you, Ayanokouji-kun. I always want to be friends with everyone, just like you. Let's both do our best, okay?" The class started to clap at my introduction, but their applause felt somewhat out of pity, I felt like I was being stabbed at my chest repeatedly. I have failed miserably. It's a good thing that Karma wasn't here. Speaking of Karma, I was getting a little bit worried.

I'm worried that when he comes back he will kill me, I started to remember what happened last week.


After getting some ice cream, I went back to the apartment, I hope he won't be mad. I hesitantly opened the door and entered the room, there were no signs of him.

Kiyotaka: "I guess he went out to try and find me." I said while sighing, I took off my shoes then I procedeed to turn off the lights.

When I turned off the lights I felt something sharp being pressed behind my back, it was a knife, he concealed his presence well.

Karma: "So you decided to come back, eh?" He said and I immediately took distance, he was holding the knife firmly with eyes full of killing intent.

Flashback End

Although I managed to avoid all of his attacks, it lasted for almost 5 hours, he eventually gave up after I pinned him down but I was getting exhausted aswell.

No point in worrying about him killing me though, I want to enjoy my new school life as much as I can and he'll probably enjoy it since he wanted to go there, so it will all work out just fine.

Karma POV

Bus Driver: "Sir, please wake up now." I woke up and I rubbed my eyes to see the bus driver was calling out to me.

That was a good nap! I dreamed about Kiyotaka failing his introduction and I was just laughing at my seat like a maniac.

Speaking of that guy, where is he? I look around the bus to see that he wasn't here and every student here earlier wasn't here either.

Bus Driver: "Are you looking for your friend? Well, he said that you were going to pick up something here in Yokohama, so he asked me when we arrived to wake you up." What? Maybe I misheard him.

Karma: "Pardon, where are we again?" I asked and he gave me a smile.

Bus Driver: "Ah right, you just woke up, we just arrived at Yokohama."

Karma: "THAT SON OF A-"



Yo! Sorry for not updating this fanfic, I will update the 'Kiyotaka in Class B' next, no specific date then after that I'll be publishing a new fanfic (Honami Fanfic) so look forward to that xD. Thank you for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter, peace out!

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