The One with the Ghost Boy (r...

By rubyisachild

48.6K 967 307

book 1 of 2 book 2: Ghostly Love Y/N Molina (Julie Molina's sister) is a normal 17yr old high school student... More

Sunset Swerve
"dibs on the shower!"
chemistry class
what's she like?
this is nice
author's note <3
the dance
a mistake
we're sorry
happy birthday
news !! {a/n}
finally free
the talk.
you guys 'ooze' chemistry
edge of great
if only
it's a sign
the orpheum!
the end...
(a/n) new book?

new songs

1.6K 39 27
By rubyisachild

Me, Julie, Reg and Luke were all in the studio practicing a new song and just jamming out having fun

"One more time" Luke says as we play the last few notes and then Alex walks in just as we finished 

"Oh, hey Alex" -Reggie

"Where you been man? We need to start practicing" -Luke

"Yeah? For what?" -Alex 

Just then Flynn dramatically enters striking a pose 

"Dance news! I don't have a date.. but I don't care because I'm so psyched to see you guys perform" -Flynn 

"Oh man! We're playing a dance?" -Alex 

"Of course dude, that's how we get a following nowadays" -Luke

"Ha, yeahh get with the program, Alex" -y/n

"What?! The guys are here? Hey guys!" - Flynn says as she waves at the opposite direction of them because she can't see them 

"Other way, sweetie" -Julie

"Oh.. " -Flynn finally waves at them as Alex waves back making me giggle

"Okay, well now that Alex has graced us with his presence can we start working?" -Luke 

"Yes! We're gonna rehearse, you wanna stick around?" Julie asks Flynn

"I'm supposed to blow up 500 balloons for the school dance but this sounds way better" -Flynn

"Hey Julie, Y/n. Remember those orbs in Dad's pictures? I.. I think they're ghosts but don't worry, this room is.. is.. this room is clean. I'm not getting the ghost tinglies" -Carlos

"Wrong again, little dude" -Reg says making me try to hold in my giggles

"Have not fear. If they come back, I will protect you because I am the man of the house" -Carlos

"Isn't Dad supposed to be the man of the house?" -Y/n 

"There can be two.. dad needs all the help he can get, right?" -Carlos

Me, Julie and Flynn all chuckle at him as he stands there proudly

"According to the internet, salt burns their souls out. A little sprinkle will keep them from ever coming in here" -Carlos then throws the salt around missing Luke and Reggie but catches Alex 

"Noooo!" -Alex screams making me fall off my stool and land straight on my back "Oh god, I'm.. I'm fine, I'm fine. Totally fine" 

"Ouch.." -I groan in pain hold my back while still lying there

"Oh! Carlos, you know who's hungry? Me. Um, salt me a path to the kitchen" -Flynn says leading her and Carlos to then leave 

"Phew" -Alex 

"You okay there, princess?" - Reggie asks while standing over me 

"Yupp" -I groan as I slowly get back up to my feet

"Shall we try this again?" -Julie

"Yes, please but remind us later. There's some Sunset Curve songs to show you two" -Luke

"Oooo! Show us now" -Julie

"Oh, yeah. Okay.. 'Home Is Where My Horse Is' Reggie, stop putting your country songs in my journal" -Luke

"That was a gift, Me and Y/n was practising the other day" -Reggie

"Mhm. Thanks buddy" -Luke

"Yeah, you should circle back.." -Reg blabbers on as Luke talks over 

"I dog-eared the ones that I think you both would slay" -Luke

"Who's Emily?" -Julie gets up dodging Luke 

"That ones not dog-eared" -Luke 

 "If you could only know that I never let you go..
    Wow, Luke. I didn't know you were such a romantic" -Julie 

"He's not that one's actually about-" Alex said getting cut off by Luke

"No one.. that's just something that I tried.. but if you go to the next dog eared page that it's just- it's got a killer beat" He played a familiar riff from a song me and Julie knew

"Oh so you wanna sample?" Julie said sitting down at her keyboard 

"Haha what do you mean sample" Luke laughs in curiosity as to what Julie meant 

"Sample someone else's music, me, Julie and our Mom used to sing that song at the top of our lungs in the car all the time.. it's a classic Trevor Wilson song" I said standing next to her remembering how fun it used to be 

"Nope.. it's a classic our song" Luke said grabbing he song book

"Pure Sunset Curve, I've never even heard of Trevor Wilson?" Reggie chipped in putting his hands snug into his pockets

"Yeah, maybe you mixed it up with another song?" Alex said to us 

"I don't mix up songs, trust me! Me and his daughter used to be best friends, I used to hang out at their place all the time.. I know that song" Julie said then grabbing out here laptop after Alex let out a little 'okay' "Here, I'll prove it"

"His first album had a bunch of hits but his new stuff isn't as good" I said as Julie got her laptop and showed the boys who seem to be.. shook?

 "That's Bobby!" Luke said hitting Alex's arm

"Seriously we just told you his name is Trevor" Me and Julie said smiling 

"Okay great th- k- t- he changed it, that's definitely Bobby! He was our rhythmic guitarist" Alex stuttered to get out 

"Trevor Wilson was in your band?" Julie sarcastically asked smirking

"I can't get over how old he looks" Reggie said getting a closer look

"He looks like a substitute teacher" Alex said getting also getting a closer look

"Guys.. what were his other hits?" Luke asked us

"Get lost" Julie said the first song that came to mind 

"Yeah I wrote that" He slipped of his guitar from over his shoulder

"Long weekend?" I questioned another song 

"Yeah Luke wrote that one too.." Reggie looked at me with disappointment

"Crooked teeth?" We said at the same time really concerned 

"And that! It was about Reggie" Alex pointed to Reg 

"WhAt? I thought it was about you?!" He faced Alex clearly offended "I don't like song anymore" he dramatically turned around

"Wait.. this is freaking me out, Trevor's songs are kinda big to me, he's the one who introduced me to rock?" Julie said knowing I got well into rock before her 

"Yeah.. Luke introduced you to rock" Alex pointed to Luke who was aggressively throwing darts 

"So this whole time.. I thought you were connected to our mom but except your connected to Carrie's dad? Out of all people it had to be the one girl who had it out for me" Julie shrugged

"Right well we'll add it to our list of questions" Alex sat down on floor 

"The three of them used to talk about music all the time.. he never mentioned you guys?" I said taking a seat next Reg who was on a stall 

"And that's unbelievable! Okay he can take all the credit and he doesn't even mention us?" Luke raged at the thought

"And he's rich.. he has his own helicopter" Julie said causing Luke to outrage and throwing another dart as hard as he could

"He has a.. a helicopter?!" Alex stood up

"With his face on it" I stood up like all the rest of them standing beside Julie once again

"And he parks it in front of that hotel?" Reg points at the laptop 

"No, he get's to park it in front of his mansion" Julie caused him to have a slight tantrum but I couldn't blame him.. I'd be pissed 

"Where does he live?" Luke asked us...


1197 words :0

sorry for the long wait everyone! 

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