I'll Catch You (A Harry Potte...

By RidikulusTheory

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I remember when life used to be easy. Life before unfaithful Irishmen, and grabby Bulgarians. Life before my... More

Holiday Heartbreak
Just a Tad Tipsy
Bruises and Beans
Durmstrang Boys and Balance Issues
Flying 101
Girl Talk
Dresses and Butterbeer
The Yule Ball
The Morning Walk of Shame
Letters From my Boyfriends Mother
Daddy Dearest
Happy Birthday to Me
The Aftermath
The Lake Event
Wood You?
Conscience Development
Burrowing Unwelcome Memories
The Trials of Being a Prankers Girlfriend
In the Orchard
The Call Home
Hope is Lost
Darkness and Moonlight
Dreaming of Happy Endings
I'm Fine
Fixed with a Whiz-Bang
Blackouts and Bad Omens
Holiday Hopelessness
Misdemeanours at St. Mungos
That Fuzzy Feeling
You Are My Favourite Memory
The Great Escape
Temporary Withdrawal
Remission & Reunion
Ready to Go
A Nightmare of a Different Kind
The Daydream
A Near Miss
Set Them Up
Knock Them Down
Dear Acelynne
An Unforgettable Ride
The Unexpected
All Fall Down
The Wake Up Call
Question and Answer
Responsibility, Reasoning, & Resurfacing
The Dullness of Freedom
All too familiar
Tired of Hiding
Lost & Found
In The Orchard: A Reprise
The Battle of Hogwarts
The Boy Who Lived
Epilogue: After Ace

Teenage Heartbreak

4 0 0
By RidikulusTheory

"Come one Ace, you said you would do it with me!" Ramsey pulled on the sleeve of my robes. No it's not what you think it is I promise that there is nothing indecent going on here. Something much worse was about to occur, something that involves a two bats, three balls, three hoops and my feet leaving the ground.

I was once again standing in the middle of the Quiditch pitch with a broom forced into my open hand. "Well I take it back!" I glanced around the pitch and noticed that a crowd was forming slowly but surely. "I don't want to embarrass myself!"

He took my hand, rolling my fingers around the solid broomstick, and pushed it into my chest. "I promise that you won't get hurt" he said reading my mind. "Nothing will happen to you, you've flown before and everything went fine!"

"Yes but my hands never came off of the handle the whole time! I do not think that diving through the air and trying to catch a large ball, while dodging a smaller, faster, more violent ball is completely safe!" I gripped the broom in anger as I tried to stare him down, to no prevail.

"You just have to trust me, okay?" Déjà-vu anyone? I'm pretty sure that I had heard that exact line from George. If I could trust George than I could trust Ramsey... right? I sucked in a breath that filled me to the brim with warmth. The early May sun was peeking out through the clouds and kissing my skin ever so lightly. "You do trust me, right?"

"Of course I trust you! I just can't trust myself that's all! I can't trust myself to dive at the right time or distance or trust myself that I will be able to keep hold of that broom with my legs or whatever you do!" I was panting at the end of this rant, my hands shaking around the broom that I was now clutching so tightly that my knuckles were turning white.

"You don't have to trust yourself, all you have to do is trust me! Besides you can't play Quidditch with just two people, so I asked a few of the guys to come down and help me" with a flourishing hand he pointed down to the end of the pitch as several people walked towards us. Cho, a Ravenclaw and the seeker for their team, some Hufflepuff chasers, and a Ravenclaw keeper. Each of them was clutching a broom in one hand and was decked out in heavy duty protective gear.

"Well we need two beaters!" I said in a shrill voice that was obviously in panic. "You are a chaser, and we need beaters but I'm sure as hell not playing that position!" I turned around to walk away but instead walked into a thick, tall, ginger wall.

"Good thing for you, you have two beaters right here" Fred said as he took a step back so I could dislodge myself from his chest.

"Pretty fine ones at that!" George said and they each took one of my arms so I couldn't attempt to run away. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "Come one Acelynne, it's time to fly."

I softened up a tiny bit when he used my name, relaxing my shoulders. Every time I saw him was like a punch to the gut, whether or not I wanted to admit it. Over time, that punch may have gotten softer and softer, but I would rather live with it than never experience it ever again. I'm surprised he'd agree to come today, if he knew I would be here. But then again, he was the sensitive one between the two.

"I swear to Merlin that when this kills me, that I am going to come back and haunt the pants off you! I'll put Myrtles reputation to shame!"

"Stop being so dramatic and get up into the air already!" the boys pushed me foreword and I stumbled across the grass.

"Up" I said grudgingly and the broom flew up into hand. A thought came to me and I gave a small smile. "Well, seeing as I know how to fly at least... See ya suckers!" I said and hopped up onto my broom. Before anyone could catch on, I was in the air and flying out of the pitch and out of their reach. I laughed as I flew into the wind, my hair fluttering behind me and leaving those stupid Quiditch playing gits in my dust.

I glanced behind me and to my surprise no one was chasing after me. They seemed to have started a game of their own without me, and I was perfectly fine with it. It's not like I wanted to die anyways. So what? Maybe I was a tad chicken, but I think that I have a perfectly good reason to be if I do say so myself.

The grounds beneath me melted together into a greenish brown blur. Everything was so beautiful from up here, so peaceful and quiet. A flock of birds flew next to me for the briefest of moments before rising up into the air and disappearing into the clouds. I flew around a turret and spiralled around a tall tower, my fingers brushing the stone wall and turning pink from the rough exterior.

"Well look at that" Ramsey said from behind me. "Flying with only ONE hand? You are a little daredevil" his sarcastic remark slid forward and he levelled with me.

"Yeah I guess I did" I said and he tilted his head towards the top of the astronomy tower. We flew down to the roof and I dismounted without any trouble at all. I could feel my cheeks growing hot as we sat by the edge of the roof, with our feet dangling over the top and he gave me an empty look.

"So why don't you want to play Quidditch, and this time, no excuses" a playful smile played on his lips but his eyes held mine seriously.

"I don't know" I groaned and swung my legs dangerously hard, knocking them against stone wall. "I'm just so damn clumsy. I end up in the hospital wing enough as it is. I don't need another thing to send me right back there."

"I don't think that's it" he said in a pained voice and leaned back into his elbows.

I cocked an eyebrow up at him. "Do tell me then, seeing as you obviously can read my mind. You seem to know things about me that even I don't know!" He stood up and began to walk along the edge of the roof, making my stomach curdle in fear. "Could you please NOT do that?!"

He stepped away from the edge and stood there with his arms crossed. "I think it may have something to do with a certain red-headed beater, hmm? The one who taught you how to fly?"I was shaking my head, my jaw open in a very un-ladylike manner. He held up a hand and interrupted what I was about to say. "Don't think I don't notice these things, Ace? The way you looked at him when he showed up today? The fact that he's the ONLY one you let call you Acelynne. Don't even get me started on the way he looks at you when he thinks you're not looking. But I'm always looking, Ace."

My stomach panged and I felt as if he was punching me in the stomach. His unrelenting stare certainly packed a punch. They weren't at all puppy dog eyes, like George, or full of malice, like Seamus', were but they were soft and understanding.

"Maybe it would be better if we were just friends. Whether or not you're ready to admit it... there's still something there between you two. And I really like you Ace, but I don't think you like me back the same way. I saw the way you floated around the castle with George. It's not the same with me, and that's okay. But I deserve to be with someone who floats with me, ya know? And who am I to stand in the way of what makes you happy?" I could feel my eyes welling up with tears, not because we were breaking up but because I knew what he was saying was true.

His arms stretched out and he took me into them, letting my tears drip down onto his thin oxford shirt. "Maybe this is the way it was meant to be" he said as I stood there shaking. He was right, Ramsey really was the.... well not the rebound guy but he wasn't the one that I wanted all along. He was there and he was comfortable. Even the break up, despite my crying, didn't hurt as much as I wanted it to. George and I had screamed until we were hoarse and blue in the face, a passion to fight that Ramsey and I just didn't have. I wanted to prove myself wrong because I shouldn't have feeling for George Fabian Weasley. He couldn't trust me, I couldn't trust him..... or maybe that was just the mixture of whiskey and Veritaserum. Maybe it was all a big misunderstanding and we could work it on out.

The tears stopped flowing and Ramsey let go of me, resting his forehead on mine for the briefest of seconds. "See, no beating around the bush, ripped it off just like a bandage and now it's over with, was it really that bad?" he asked like the mature one he was.

"No, it wasn't too horrible" I said and he gave me that brilliant smile that I love to see from him.

"Always honest" he said as he headed over to the edge of the building. Oh Merlin don't jump... Instead he picked up his broom and handed me my own. "See you in potions Ace" he said and mounted his broom in one swift movement that left me in awe as he zoomed into the sunset on that bloody pile of sticks.

"Show-off" I muttered under my breath. "I can walk to my bloody common room...." I was still smiling as I skipped down the stairs and left the broom propped up in to door frame. Yeah we were better off as friends anyways and it's not like we didn't anything scandalous that would make our relationship so awkward that we couldn't even look at one another without blushing a tiny bit....

"Hey Ace" Lavender tempted as she walked past me in the corridor. Feeling in a suddenly good mood, I smiled at her.

"Hey Lavender" I said, taking a fast step towards her. She jumped backwards in fright, tripping over her own feet and sprawling out onto the cold floor.

That lifted my mood even more and I continued on my way to the common room. I passed Antoine, who gave me a flirtatious smile and touched my shoulder lightly with his primped but manly hands. He seemed to be sweating a lot from the long sleeve cardigan he was wearing, even though in May, such sweaters were unnecessary.

"Acelynne, you are looking a bit red" he said and handed me his bottled water. "Perhaps you are a bit warm... here take my water." He shoved the bottle into my hands and felt my forehead.

"Awe thanks Antoine. How gentlemanly of you" he bowed a tiny bit in a sarcastic remark and glanced down at his watch, which he wore over the sleeve of his right wrist.

"Well I have got to go, now drink" he said and continued on his way. He was a really nice guy. I really needed to thank him for everything that he has done for me in the past months he had been here. I took a gulp of my water and headed on to the common room

If Ramsey and I could have a smooth break-up then perhaps George and I could have a smooth make-up. That sounded quite nice actually... yeah I'm going to do it. I'm just going to say that I'm sorry and it was a terrible mistake and maybe even I could get Dumbledore to lift the spell or even tell him himself.

"Password?" the fat lady asked in a clipped tone as approached her. 

"Floo Fever" I said and she swung open. My heart jumped into my throat and I finally got a clear view of the common room. George was sitting on the couch, the doe eyed Marie draping herself over him, giggling and twisting her hair around her finger.

My gaze flitting between their faces, suddenly at a loss for words. It felt like an eternity, standing in front of them, my eyes welling with tears embarrassingly. I shook myself out of it, and dashed up the stairs to the girls dormitories.

As I had dashed into my room, Laura and Kelly gave me looks of complete shock, and like loyal friends jumped to my side but I didn't give them anything to work with. I cast a muffling charm on my bed and a sticking charm to my bed hangings so they couldn't pull them away or sneak under them. I just wanted to be alone.

I couldn't breathe. That might have something to do with the pillow that I had shoved my head into but none of the less I was most definitely having respiration problems.

Really, a Beauxbatons girl? One of those twittery little bints that flutter around the castle like.... like.... birds! I don't know they were just so... ugh...and WHY WERE HER MINGING LITTLE PAWS ALL OVER MY GEORGE!? Didn't he have more respect for himself than that?! How could he do this to me...?

Technically you aren't even dating so he can do whatever he wants with whomever he wants I guess...

SHUT IT! Do you always have to be the bleeding voice of reason? Can't you just have a fit like everyone else? Doesn't this make you angry? Seeing as you are a part of me?

Of course I'm upset! I'm just trying to mediate... don't be mad at him. They weren't even doing anything, if you think of it....

She was draped all over him like.... DRAPES! Not like he was fighting her off with his beaters bat that I gave to him... that would make me happy.

What about his happiness huh? You were off gallivanting with Ramsey in self denial and he just sat back in wait... you noticed those sidelong glances that he gave you but you pushed them out of head so far back that you didn't even realise what you were seeing! You both broke up with each other, broke each other's hearts. Didn't you realize that he has feelings? How much he must have grieved over you?

It was my turn to be silent in my own head. I was right.... inner me was right. I didn't even think about how George must have felt after we broke up...

Laura and Kelly had been silent for a few minutes, maybe they had left the room. I pulled out my wand and tapped the four posters on my bed, the hangings immediately being ripped off as soon as the spell was lifted. Ginny was standing there in front of Kelly, Laura and Hermione, all of their faces bright red and they looked as if they were on the brink of tears.

"God Acelynne, we thought that you were going to Avada yourself!" Laura said as she took a tentative step towards me.

"It's not possible" Hermione mumbled under her breath and I laughed a tiny bit, but only for a second.

"Ace before you say anything... he wants me to explain about what you just saw." Ginny sat beside me and placed her hand under mine.



"Ello? ello??" someone was banging on the portrait outside of the common room. The fat lady was grunting in annoyance and I stepped towards the hole, making the portrait swing open like one of those automalattlic doors dad was always going on about in muggle stores. The girl tumbled in and fell over the slight step into the common room, sprawling all over the floor in her powder blue uniform.

"Can I help you?" I helped her to her feet and she staggered around the room. One of those Beauxbatons girls. "Are you drunk?" She nodded and walked shakily over to the couch then threw herself down.

"I got lost.... This castle is so big" she mumbled and I rolled my eyes, sitting over on the chair across from her. What was with these French girls? They wandered all around the castle like they owned the place.

Not unlike some resident Gryffindor girls, who also had a proclivity to get into trouble, wandering around the corridors. 

The pain in my ribs started up again but I grinned through clenched teeth. Why did she do this to me? She's just a silly girl, two years younger. A girl who fell over far too often to be normal, and had unruly hair that never wanted to stay in place.

My fingers itched to push away that hair, run my fingers through it, but it was over.

This girl cocked her head to the side like a dog and batted her lashes around her large chocolate brown eyes. She was cute I guess.... a sloppy drunk but cute none of the less. 

She got up from the couch and sat next to me on the very small chair that Acelynne and I once shared. "You are very cute" she said through a thick slur and heavy French accent.

"Thanks..."I got up from the chair and sat on the couch. "I'm George..."

"Bonjour George.... I am Marie" she was sitting in what looked like a very uncomfortable position on the chair, not exactly looking settled. She gave me a sly look and began to stand up again.

"I think you should head back to your carriages, Marie. You're not supposed to be up here." 

"No" I began to stand up and she sprung from her chair and pinned me to the couch. "I rather think that I would like to stay!" she twirled her hair around her finger and giggled a tiny bit at some private joke.

The portrait hole opened and Acelynne walked in. She stopped dead in her tracked, blinking at us in silence. Opening her mouth to speak, nothing came out, but it was clear that she was holding back tears. Without a single word, she turned on her heel and dashed up the stairs.

 I jumped up, pushing the french girl onto the floor. She whimpered a tiny bit and stalked out of the room with red cheeks.

"GINNY!" I screamed and she came jumping down the steps. "I need you to go and talk to Acelynne, tell her it's not what she thinks it is! The girl LITERALLY threw herself at me! I don't even remember her name! YOU HAVE TO TELL ACE IT WASN'T MY FAULT" She nodded dutifully and ran up the stairs after Acelynne.

"Bloody hell" I moaned and fell back onto the couch. What the hell did I get myself into?


Back to Acelynne:

"Oh Ginny!" I threw my arms around her skinny neck, tangling her beautiful red hair with my fingers. This was great news! George didn't mean it, Marie threw herself at him, and I walked in at an inopportune time. "I could just kiss you!"

"Save that for my brother" Ginny grimaced and made a disgusted gagging noise. Even Ginny, who can be a tiny bit of a slag, was repulsed by PDA, which was acceptable enough I guess. "Now go and talk to him." I stood up and ran a hand through my now extremely tangled hair, thanks to the pillow I there myself into.

"Thank you!" I said in an attempt to dash out of the room, until Laura and Kelly grabbed me each by an arm.

"Sit down" Kelly said and pushed me onto the bed. "Listen maybe for both of your sakes you shouldn't go and talk to George..." Her curly hair bounced around herslender face as she turned to look at Laura who was nodding in agreement.

"Right now you are both probably really vulnerable and we don't think that it's smart to be jumping into a relationship before solving what ended it in the first place. And seeing as you can't even tell your best friends..."

"Practically sisters" Kelly slipped in.

"Maybe you should sort yourself out first" Hermione said and ran a hand through my mess of a mop in a maternal type way. Ginny nodded but slowly backed out of the room obviously feeling that her work was done here.

"Excuse me?" I asked in disbelief. "Do you not think that I can take care of myself?" They each gave one another a look of confusion before looking inquisitively at me. "Do you really think that I should be taking advice from you three about guys?"

"Excuse you!" Hermione gasped and clutched the comforter in anger. I rolled my eyes as Kelly and Laura fell onto their beds with shocked looks on their faces. Well they wanted me to sort it all out...

"I mean really! Kelly we all know you've gone the way. Laura, you are the exact opposite I mean have you ever even been kissed before? And Hermione, you act to stuck up that half of the boys in our year can't stand to be around you!" All three of them turned to me with fiery eyes.

"Either you are PMSing or just being a total bitch. I think you need some alone" all three of them walked out of the room with crossed arms. 

Whatever, I didn't really need them anyways. Not like they would give good advice or even know what I'm talking about. Kelly was all pleasure and no business, Laura was a prude and Hermione was a grade grubber. Hell, girls are so bloody annoying....

Maybe I could finally get some sleep tonight....

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