Baby Doll

By eerieecho

200 3 11

"Baby doll, don't argue with me on this. Not now. Not when you're dressed like this." He said his breath gett... More



13 0 0
By eerieecho

I saw his highness move and his eyelids begin to flutter open. ' oh good! You're awake.'

'Who are you?' He said as he tried to get up from the bed on which he was lying. I didn't put him in the bed knowing he'd get too warm seeing as summer was just about to begin and the temperature were gradually rising.

' I am....'

'Sorry, could you also tell me what you are, because you smell human but the human smell you have on you is synthetic and I can't seem to bypass it to get to your real scent so please enlighten me on that.' I was sincerely impressed. His royal highness was both an Adonis and Sherlock Holmes.

'I am truly impressed. I have never met anyone who was able to tell something was off with my scent.'

'Well, I am not just anyone, but that is besides the point.'

' tell you what, you tell me your name; I tell you what I am'

'How don't you know my name by now?'

'You know no one refers to you by your actual name right?'

'Sorry, I forgot the titles,' he said rubbing his hand down his face that seemed haunted and he was then sporting a five o'clock shadow.

'It's okay, but I'm still waiting.'

'My name is Harry Aemon Calvagh III.'

'That sounds fancy.'

'Because it is,' he said chuckling,' but you can just call me Harry.'

'I'm not sure your subjects will take it too kindly at a witch calling their beloved prince by his first name.'

'Well, they are not here now. Are they?'

'No they aren't but I like your highness better,' I said smiling at him as he returned smiled back.

'Get dressed, we're going out,' I said nodding towards a pile of clothes lying at the edge of the bed.

'Could you tell me where we are going?' He asked as he scrambled of the bed.

'No,' I answered calmly,' meet me down stairs in ten.' I then left the room to give him space to change. I walked downstairs to the living room and decided to sit and check my phone Aunt Hilda wasn't around. She left to go for a book club event with some of her new lady friends who were all stay at home moms. She was having fun anyway. I remember the day she came home with baby fever because one of the moms brought her baby because the babysitter was away. she was about to go out and adopt one. I had to tie her up because the child would be human and would begin to notice how her adoptive mom wasn't ageing and then everything would go to the wolves from there. literally, the werewolves would hunt us down because it was also against supernatural law. Besides, the kid would grow up, grow old and die and we wouldn't have even aged a day.

I heard the door to Harry's room close and figured he was done. I picked my bag and checked to confirm I had my purse and that my purse had money; I had my phone and I had the house and car keys and my driving license. I walked towards the door and awaited for him to sniff me out.

'Let's go,' I said opening the door. he followed me out and I locked the door behind him. I led him to the car which was a jeep renegade.

'Nice car.'

'Thanks.' We then fell into an awkward silence. He decided to look out the window and watch the neighborhood as I drove.

'We're almost there'

' Alright,' he said still looking out the window. I just heaved out a long sigh as I drove into the parking lot and slid into an empty space.

'Come along your sadness, we're here.' he then raised his right eyebrow at me. 'What! Your gloomy attitude is dark it could have started raining in there!'

'Whatever, let's just go in,' he said as he nodded past me. I decided to just lead the way and let it go.

'Owing to your doom and gloom state I decided to try and cheer you up by taking you out to...'

'The carnival?' he said looking at me incredulously.

'Yes! Welcome to the Withering Willows 50th Annual Carnival,' I said walking back through the banner that welcomed people to the carnival. 'It's a Halloween carnival so everything will be ghoul-themed.'

'Great,' he said with zero enthusiasm, one hundred percent sass and ninety percent boredom.

'Hey! This carnival is no ordinary carnival, legend has it that anyone who underestimated how exciting it was hexed till they appreciated the value of Halloween.'


'Alright, suit yourself if you choose not to believe me.'

'Alright babydoll, where do we start?' he said grinning at me.

'We can start from the Screams of terror, or the Tunnel of Lost Souls. Where do you wanna go first?' I asked pointing out to their entrances.

'The tunnel sounds promising.' I laughed evilly.

'Oh, I promise you it is,' he looked at me suspiciously.

'I am not sure I want to go anymore.'

'Come on, you can't chicken out now,' I said pulling his arm toward the tunnel.

'Of course I can't, I am a wolf not a chicken. I wolf out,' he said smugly.

I stopped pulling him around and turned to look at him,' You didn't just... I can't believe it.'

'Close your mouth babydoll, we need to go before the line gets longer,' he said smugly. He then took my hand and pulled me towards the line to get into the tunnel.

'mangy dog, bafoon, making me look stupid....'

'What was that?'



'That was awesome! I am definitely going again,' I said turning around to go make the line again.

'Whoa! Baby doll, don't you think that's enough?'

'Please,' I said giving him my best version of puppy dog eyes.

'Damn,' he said pinching the bridge of his nose. 'I can't say no to you when you look like that.'

'No one can. So is that a yes?'

'Wait, there are others?'

'What do you mean? Of course I have male friends, who doesn't,' his mood all of a sudden shifted and went dark. I couldn't understand what I'd said wrong. I didn't know what to do to lighten his mood again. I decided to go for the honest approach. I didn't honestly know why I was bothering but something about him was pulling me in like a moth to a flame. Anyway, yes, the honest approach.

'Is something wrong?'

'No. We pardon me, I meant I need to go back home.'

'I don't think you should go back yet until you have your emotions in order.'

'Baby doll, you don't get to tell me what to do.'

'It's not about telling you what to do its about your kingdom. Do you really want them to see you as this shell of a person with no soul anymore just because you can't accept daddy's death. Look, I'm not trying to demean your feelings or his death in anyway; I'm just saying that it's okay not to be okay. And it's okay to take time off to heal.'

'STOP IT! Just stop, you don't understand this pain I feel, your just a little witch in her little world of rainbows and sunshine.'

'Is that what you really think? Alright. Creatures great and small, element: earth, fire, water, air, I call on you to bear witness that the Lycan can never leave me until his bitterness he lets go lest he destroy us all. the curse cannot be revoked by any power on the earth.'

'Your words don't scare me,' he said in a low voice almost growling.

'Oh, but they should,' I said while laughing evilly. I could still feel the energy coursing though me. His highness growled at me then took off in the direction of the forest. 'See you tomorrow,' I shouted to him in an amused tone.

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