Claimed by the devil

By xxfebihalowxx

1M 19.3K 9.2K

dissing what he said away I clear my throat " I appreciate your help Mr. knight, but how about we let the cop... More

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By xxfebihalowxx

It's been a couple of weeks since that day, we took Xavien with us until Ace found his father which happened on the same day.

we visit them every week to make sure that xavien is safe and that he gets the love he deserves.

me and sophie had a couple of sleepovers with salma, luca, ace, noah, josh and austin. yes austin, he got fed up of  me calling him Mr. black.

The way salma and Luca got really close can't go unnoticed by anyone.

I think she likes him, she didn't tell any of us but it's clear as air she does.

I took some of Ace's money and got her into a good college.

She declined at first but I gave her no choice, i shoved the website and everything else on her and told her to pick a major and that it's already paid.

She agreed after a long argument and is majoring in business.

Sophie had her gender reveal, she's having a baby boy.

I could've had mine a couple of week ago but ace was busy and I didn't want to go without him.

He overheard me talking with Luca about how I really want to know the gender and cancelled everything for the day.

He did this before but I told him to finish his work, i told him it was fine which it was.

But he left me no choice today, he cancelled all his meetings and everything else and told me to get ready.

And now I can't wait to find out.

Ace's parents left that day without saying goodbye, it's not like we were close but it would've been nice to say goodbye to his father.

I still hate his mother.

Luca went to spain twice a week and managed his business but mostly managed deals from here.

Finally, my belly is much bigger now. I actually look pregnant.

Bad side is I can't see my feet nor can I shave, I've never more grateful for the laser sessions I had when I was 18.

Me and ace are much closer now, he changed to the better more and not just with me but with others as well.

He's still grumpy but better.

Noah and josh are officially dating! They're the cutest just as I thought they'd be.

Ace isn't as possessive as he was but he still makes sure to tell me I'm his.

A couple of days ago he fucked me in his car.


"Nessa! Hey how are you ?" A familiar yet distant voice asks making me look up at him.

The long blonde hair immediately give his identity away.

It's Alex Wilson, the man I was going to get lunch with months ago.

"Oh hey! I'm good what about you?" I answer with an awkward smile.

"I'm good.".

"I'm sorry I stood you up, I kinda didn't have a choice." I say when he doesn't say more.

Did I just make this more awkward?

"It's all good, I would've appreciated a phone call though.".

"I'm sorry about that too.".

His blonde hair flies over his face as a wave of wind passes us.

He grins showing off his white set of teeth and says "Apology accepted.".

I kind of find ease at that but not totally.

"Before I say anything more, give me your number. You left the company and I'd like to stay in touch with you.".

My brain freezes at that, because while Ace is much better now he still doesn't like the idea of me talking to men.

He'd be pissed right now which reminds me that he might be here at any second. He left to get me some tacos from the truck on the other side of the park.

"I-uh" I start but get too embarrassed to say no when he brings his phone out ready to type my number.

Knowing that he might call on spot, i shove the idea of giving him a wrong number away.

I sigh deeply and give it to him, I'll just explain it to  him later. I'm sure he will take a hint.

He adds me to his contacts and calls me on spot just as I expected. He smiles when my phone rings and ends the call.

just as he begins to talk again his phone rings.

"Yes no it's not a problem.........I will be right there." He says in between what the other person said.

He smiles at me again putting his phone away and says " I will text you Tonight, maybe we can hang out. For now I have to go.".

"Oh okay, bye!".


I could've used that when he asked for my number, thanks universe.

I nod relieved that ace won't see him, I will tell him because he will find out one way or another but telling him is different than him seeing me with Alex.

My relief doesn't live long, in fact it dies on spot because I spot ace glaring at Alex's back.

A Ping stings my chest, i don't want him to make a scene.

I get up from my seat and walk to ace who's feet are having a race with one another.

"What the fuck was that?" He asks all warmth gone from his voice.

"He's Alex-" I begin but he cuts me off "yes I know who he is, he's the fucker you almost went to lunch with before.".

I wince at his tone, nonetheless I nod and explain "he saw me and said hi.".

"And you give your number to everyone who says hi to you?".

I blink at him at loss of words.

Hes right but I don't like this side of him, his possessiveness is attractive when it's on a certain level but this is too much.

I sigh once again "He's just a friend, friendships are okay as long as I know my boundaries which I do."

He finally drops his neutral expression but turns it to a frown "Im okay with Luca arent I? I'm okay with Noah and josh too but him? No. Delete his number.".

I was going to delete it anyway but now I'm pissed.

"Ace-" I begin wanting to tell him I was planning on deleting the number but he can't tell me what to do like that but he cuts me off.

"" His tone is deadly, not pissed or mad but something more.

My eyebrows shoot up, it maybe my hormones or actually his tone but I say "Don't talk to me like that.".

"Delete it." He says once again in the same exact tone only this time he's stepping closer.

"I was already planning to do that but I won't because you don't get to use that tone with me and get what you want.".

He looks taken back by what I said.

"So you're not deleting it?" He cocks a brow of his own.

I stay silent because this is childish but I'm pissed.

"Did you not see how he was eying you?" He adds in disbelief.

"He doesn't want to be friends." He once again adds to my silence.

I look at him again fed up with the way he assumes every man wants to hit on me.

It's not even about Alex anymore.

"You don't know that.".

"Really? Call him. Flirt with him and see if he flirts back." He clenches his jaw looking more pissed than ever.

He puts the food on the bench and urges "fucking call him. Ask him on a date and see what he says. If he says yes, I'm right and you will fucking delete his number if he doesn't then you're free to text him however you like. I wont do shit.".

"Okay." I agree grabbing my phone.

He pinches the bridge of his nose and sits on the bench near the food.

"Come sit." He pats the seat next to him.

I do and click on the last call from when he called me to make sure it was my number.

I press the call button and put it on speaker.

"Hey." His voice greets from the other line.

"Hi." I greet back.

Ace fists his hands and sighs deeply.

"I know you just left and you must be busy  but I wanted to uhm...ask if you're busy tomorrow?" I squeak out trying to think of what to say next.

"Tomorrow? Yes I have a meeting why?".

"Uh I was just wondering if you'd want to go out...with me on a date.".

Ace looks at me with so much rage I regret ever arguing back.

"Tomorrow? When?." Alex asks with a hint of a smile in his voice.

Ace chuckles lowly but I know it's not out of humor.

I expected a no Im busy or maybe get friendzoned not this.

"I-uh what about your meeting?" I ask regretting this.

"Don't worry about it.".

Now I feel bad because he's being sweet and I'm just using him to prove a point I wasn't even right about.

I bite my lip feeling dumb and mean for this.

I know ace is staring at me, I can feel his gaze but I don't want to look at him.

"I will talk to you later, I got to go." Alex says as other voices interrupt his own.

"Okay." I answer knowing what's about to come.

I put my phone down and finally look at ace. His expression is unexplainable.

"Fucking delete it." He seethes his anger radiating off of him.

"Okay, but I'll send him a text to explain this." I say feeling bad for him.

I didn't think things would go this way.

"You have a minute to do whatever you want to do.".

I quickly type a text and delete his number afterwards.

Ace stands up and heads to the car leaving the food behind. I don't take it either and follow him.

I walk after him and grab his arm "I'm sorry, I really didn't think things would go this way.".

He doesn't stop, he just keeps walking until we reach the car.

He opens the door for me likes usual, I get in and wait for him to do too because he's not driving today. His driver is.

He doesn't. He closes the door and calls someone.

I see him saying something to someone on the phone but I can't hear much.

Is he going to hurt Alex?

I open the door as fast as I can and call out "Ace.".

He looks at me not as angry as before but there is something dark about his expression.

Something I  don't like because it means he's going to do something.

"Dont come until I call you.".

He puts his phone is his pocket and gets in the car taking a space normal men wouldn't take.

"What's something I hate you doing?" He asks his gaze on me locking me in place.

"Hurting myself?"I ask avoiding the point because I don't know what will trigger him.

"That and letting men who clearly have an interest in you think they stand a chance with you.".

My mouth goes dry as I gulp down the last bits of certainty.

"I didn't know he was going to say yes, maybe he was embarrassed and said yes." I try to explain.

"You're defending him?" He cocks a brow locking the door of the car with a click.

"I- uh no no I'm not defending him I'm just- ace you know I can't and don't want to be with anyone else.".

"Why is that?" .

I fist my sweaty palms against my skirt and say what we both know is true.

"Because I'm yours.".

He pats his lap and says "come here.".

I climb on his lap side ways but he parts my legs and puts one in each side.

I put my hands on his chest feeling his heart beating. How can a heart beat so peacefully while it's owner is as angry as ace is?

I eye the details of the tattoo on his neck, an ace with dead roses around.

A beautiful death if death can ever be beautiful.

"You make me want to fuck the kindness out of you when it's towards people who don't deserve it." He finally speaks his voice calmer than before but still laced with rage.

I gulp at that, not because I'm scared but because I want him to do that.

Heat pools between my legs at the new thoughts clouding my head and my pussy pulses.

"You know I felt that right?" He says with lust all over him.

My face heats up in something that isn't embarrassment because with ace this is how things go.

"You want me to fuck you like that?" He asks once again making me red.

I don't answer.

His hand cups my ass bringing me closer to him, our lips are so close I can feel his hot breath on my lips.

"Answer me.".

"You want me to fuck what you did out of you? Show you your place and who you belong to right here and right now ?".

He moves closer connecting our lips in a bruising kiss. His other hand finds it's way to my neck keeping me in place.

"Ace." I breathe pushing him away or myself a little .

"We can't here, we're in a parking lot.".

"You think I'd let anyone see you? The windows are tinted.".

He once again connects our lips, his hand raises my skirt and slides in.

He trails his finger against my slit through my panties.

I let out a needy sound I didn't know I could make.

He slides my panties to the side and coats his finger with my wetness.

"Tell me what you need." He demands working his finger from the beginning of my slit to the end.

I want more.

He circles my clit tightly, the pressure of my weight on his hand making them tighter.

"Oh god" I moan when he suddenly enters a finger inside me.

His thumb now works on my clit as his finger curls inside me almost sending me over the edge.

"Tell me what you want.".

"I want you." I moan feeling so high on the pleasure he's  giving me.

He pulls his finger out earning a protest from me but I shut up when I feel him unzipping his pants.

I gulp knowing he wont go easy on me.

He pushes his cock inside me with so much force my eyes roll to the back of my head.

"Oh god.".

"Next time you think of letting any man think they stand a chance with you remember this yeah?" he groans  pushing into me more until I feel his pelvic bone on my clit.

"I didn't mean t-" I begin but a hard thrust shuts me up.

He grabs my hips and slams me into him so hard it knocks the breath out of me.

"I will fuck you so hard until all you will remember is that you belong to me.".

I receive another thrust, "ace." I scream my pleasure away because it's the only way I can.

"Who do you belong to?".

"Y- ah you." I scream when he slams me on him again.

"And?" .

"Only you." I lower head on his chest feeling like I can't even hold the weight  of my head without support.

He slams into me repeatedly Over and over barely giving me a chance to even breath.

My throat goes dry and tears stain my cheeks and his shirt.

I'm over the edge, the tension inside me more than ready to be released in a mind blowing orgasm that I know Ace will make more intense.

He always does.

I clench around him and close my eyes so tight but he pulls me up.

I open my eyes frustrated because I was so close.

"Will you ever disobey me again?".



"You can't lie to me.".

"Ace please." I plead wanting-no needing to cum.

One finger glides through my slit teasingly and he asks "please what?".

"Please let me cum.".


I gulp the dryness in my throat and say "because only you can do that.".

"That's right baby." He kisses me, "only I can touch you, only I can fuck you and only I can have you.".

He enters me once again and fucks the frustration he put on me earlier out of me.

He brings one hand around my throat taking it in a not so gentle grip. But not rough enough to hurt me. Just a pressure that's making this way more enjoyable.

"Just like that, cum around my cock." He groans thrusting up and slamming me on him all at once.

With one last scream I cum right on spot gripping his shoulders so hard my knuckles are white.

As if my orgasm triggered his, his grip on my hips tightens and he fills me with warmth.

I rest my head on his chest listening to his heart beating.

"Next time you pull something like that I will put a bullet between his eyes.".

"Ace- I didn't mean to. Look I don't know what boundaries are for you but in a normal relationship having friends is okay but not someone who's interested in me meaning I would've rejected him the moment I noticed anything off.".

"There is nothing normal about us and you know it. You only notice when it's too late and that's far across the lines I have. The only reason I didn't shoot him right there and right then was because I don't want you to get upset but it doesn't mean I won't do anything if there is a next time.".

I take a deep breath to try and focus on the conversation and not the heat pooling down my thighs and into his cock.

I need to get cleaned soon.

"This is Over the line, I'm not asking you to have guy friends, I'm simply asking you to control yourself and let me explain when you see me with someone. I was going to delete his number Anyway but you pissed me off.".

He puts his hand on my belly and sighs "okay.".

"Are you okay? Did I go too hard?" He asks running his other hand up and down my hair.

I stand a little until my head hits the roof of the car and say "yeah I'm fine I just need to get cleaned up.".

He eyes the smear of our orgasm on my thighs and simply shakes his head.

"You will keep it on you until we're home.".


"It's your punishment.".

He quickly cleans himself with some tissue and zips his pants before leaving the car.

He opens the car for me and puts out his hand.

I take it feeling like I wouldn't be able to walk on my own.

My feet are wobbly and all my body is tingling. I'm sore and tired.

"Can we go straight home? I want to sleep.".

He kisses my forehead before opening the door on the passenger seat and saying "okay.".

I get in grateful we're leaving, the stickiness that is slowly drying between my legs would make it hard to walk around more.

The soreness too.

*end of flashback*

Ace has this new habit of talking to my belly because he read that the baby can hear him somewhere.

I told him it was too early but whenever I wake up in the middle of the night or early mornin he'd be talking to my belly like the baby is on it and can understand him.

My due date is on February 10th which is exactly a week after my birthday.

I find it cute, both me and my baby will share the same month.

The first February in new York will be the same February I will become a mother.

I am currently getting ready for the doctor appointment, I chose a beige short dress because dresses are comfier now.

Me and ace went shopping a lot, he bought me everything I saw like literally.

I saw a dress that I thought was cute but then changed my mind as I found another one but he saw me staring at it and bought it.

We ended up leaving with ten cartoon bags of clothes, two of which I actually wanted.

The rest I just looked at, I tried explaining to him that that's how people find what they actually want but he still bought them.

Today is a busy day, we will go to the appointment, then go shopping for the baby and then visit Xavien and spend the rest of the day with him.

A loud vibration of my phone pulls my attention to the screen.

It's ace.

A: stop staring at your belly and let's go.

Damn it he knows me too well.

He's been waiting for 30minutes but I can't stop staring. I'm excited yes but staring at my belly tops everything.

N: don't be rude! I am coming.

I take my purse and head downstairs where I see salma.

"tell me the gender once you know, I will wait for your call." She smiles after we greet each other.

I nod and look over to where Luca is, he's sitting calmly as if I'm not going to find out if I'm having a girl or a boy.

I throw a pillow at him and say "no good luck or anything?".

"Es watch out, you almost hit me.".

"That was the point.".

He laughs and says " you missed it, anyways elephants don't need luck because they're already lucky.".

he has been teasing me a lot about my belly.

I purse my lips annoyed at him "let's wait till you get a girlfriend and she gets pregnant, I dare you to tell her this.".

Salma looks at him too "she's right, she will leave you right away.".

He puts his arms up and says "It was a joke, you look stunning.".

I roll my eyes knowing damn well he's only saying it now because salma agreed with me.

I give him the middle finger and leave.

Ace is as usual waiting for me next to the door, he lets out a sigh the moment I walk out.


What's up with everyone being so rude today, I stop in my track and say " I keep up with you talking to my belly why can't you keep up with me staring at it?".

His face goes from neutral to soft in a second "I didn't mean it that way.".

I pass by him not giving him a chance to kiss me like usual and get in the car on my own.

Im fucking pissed.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean it the way you understood it. You were just a bit late." He says getting in.

He tries to hold my hand but I snatch it away and say "yeah so now I look like an elephant and I am late! Well guess what! I am pregnant.".

"You don't look like an elephant." He frowns.

I turn my gaze to the window "that's not what Luca said.".

"He's a piece of shit who like teasing everyone, you look beautiful.".

I don't answer.

"You don't want to talk to me?".

Again I don't answer.

He sighs and starts the car, I don't take my gaze away from the window until he drives into McDonald's drive through.

He knows food is the only way I will accept his apology even if there isn't really a reason to be mad.

Still he said I was late, why can't he keep up with my habits?

He orders a box of chicken nuggets and a cookie.

We wait in silence until the man hands him the order, he hands it to me and asks "are we good now?".

I nod and begin eating immediately.

I finish eating and set the box aside before taking a mint gum, long drives trigger my nausea and this one is long.

"What do you want it to be?" Ace asks out of the blue.

I really don't know what I want it to be, I always wanted a daughter but now I don't mind having a son.

I shrug my shoulders " I just want it to be healthy, what about you?".

He takes my hand and kisses the back of it " It doesn't matter as long as it looks like you.".


"but I want it to have your eyes and hair.".

He smiles at that and says "I love you", we always have this awkward moment whenever he says he loves me because I don't say it back.

He knows it happens all the time but he still makes sure to tell me he loves me at least 5 times a day.

The urge to say it back has increased Over the days but I'm scared.

I'm not sure I love him, it wont really change a thing but still. When I tell him I love him I want it to be true.

I want to be sure of it and I want to mean it.

His solid expression swallows his smile as he focuses on the road again.


We arrived after some time, the awkward silence turned into a comfortable one as the tension died like usual.

we're now heading to the doctor's office. We're minutes away from finding out the gender and I can't be happier. I can't be more excited either.

Ace opens the door for me and we both walk in to see the same friendly face we usually see.

We greet her like usual and I lay on the white bed as required.

I roll my dress up the shyness and awkwardness that came with it at first lost a long time ago.

"what do you want it to be?" The doctor asks as she applies the extremely cold gel on my stomach.

"we don't mind as long as it's healthy.".

She begins rubbing the transducer all over the bump, she does that for the next 10 minute as me and Ace wait in silence.

"Do you both want to know or should I just tell one of you?" she smiles.

"No both of us.".

Her smile widen "congratulations it's a boy.".

Despite having only two options a girl or a boy I still feel like I've got something no one else has which is true because every baby is unique but this is overwhelming.

Ace gets closer to me and kisses my forehead, I smile at that and try not to cry.

"We're having a son." He says holding my hand.

This feels more real now, it always was but with each stage and with each new information we know about our baby this feels more real.

I watch as the doctor leaves to print the ultrasound, "hopefully the next one is a girl." Ace says calmly.

"Let's have this one first then think of the next okay?".

He chuckles and shakes his head.

The doctor comes back with a smile like always, she hands me the pictures and says " you two seem to be perfect for each other, may god protect your relationship.".

I wipe my stomach with some wipes and thank her for the compliment.

Me and Ace walk out of her office and to the lobby holding hands, no matter how much he doesn't want to admit it, he loves holding hands.

"I'm definitely getting him a suit." I say as we reach the car.

He smiles and opens the door for me, I get in and wait for him to get in too.

Once he does I ask "do you have any name suggestions?".

"No not really? What about you?".

I have a lot, I smile " Lorenzo, Lucas, rafe, Theo, Matteo, Damon and Stephan.".

"Rafe,Theo, Damon and Stephan I know and we wont be naming our son any of those but why Lorenzo, Lucas and Matteo?".

He knows the first four because those are my fictional crushes.

"Lorenzo was my first crush, Lucas my third, and Matteo my second." I tease with a smile.

The truth is I always wanted to name my son Lorenzo, the other two are just alternatives.

His grip on the steering wheel tightens and he says "we are definitely not naming our baby after your ex-crushes"

I shake my hand and laugh with my hand on his "I'm  messing with you, I just like the names.".

"then what are your ex-crushes' names?".

I take a deep breath knowing I will need it " my first crush ever was a guy in my school back when I was in second grade, his name was Oliver. Then I moved with my mom and had a new crush called Felix, he was my crush for 3 years but when I became a teenager I had another crush called lyle and we dated. then after a while we broke up because he liked someone else and I started liking a guy called Alex. He was a player and thankfully we never dated because I got caught and my mom took my phone away so we stopped talking. after a while of not talking to any guy like a year or so I started going to a park and talked to some guys, one of them was called Aron, we dated for 2 months and then I broke up with him because he disrespected my best friend."

I take another breath and continue "then I started talking to a guy called salem, thankfully we didn't date because he was a player and after that I got to know a guy called Kyle, we were so much a like and we instantly became best friends then after some time I started catching feeling and we ended up dating then he became an asshole so we broke up. I took a break from boys for over a year and then me and my best friends went on a vacation to a hotel together and that's when I met hunter...and had my first kiss. After that I stopped talking to boys completely and all of the sudden started talking to Luca. I liked some guys from social media but never talked to them because they were famous or something like that.".

I lean in and lay my head on Ace's tense shoulders "and you're my final crush.".


I added the smut scene, I know it was toxic but it's there and it's sort of a reminder of Ace's personality.

Friendly reminder---> I'm always free and here to listen if you're going through something and need to vent.

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝~5136

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