Being Little is Not so Bad

By Woah_A_Username

161K 4.7K 824

Zozana and Arianna have been trying to find a little for the past 3 centuries. They have had a few throughout... More

Cake, Cocoa, and Contracts
Warm Bed, Clean Clothes, and Bubble Baths
Day 1- It was real
Nap Time
A Potion and a Small Human
Vampires vs Personal Space
Day 2-Arts and Crafts
Taco Tuesday
Day 3-Checkups and Candy
Baking Bad
Thunderstorms and Nightmares
Day 4-Snuggle Bug
Mamas' Office is not Fun
Day 5- Sick baby, Cranky Baby
Hey Grandma Soup
Pampered Baby
Day 6-Mommy and Me Shopping Trip
Market Jail
Day 7-Taking a Step back
Out of Headspace 1
Out of Headspace 2
Making Edits
Vampire in Trouble
Day 8- Grandmas Office is way more Fun
An Aunt, a Cousin, a Witch, and two angry Mom's
Little Vampire
Day 9- Apologies and Friendships?
Time Outs and Phone Calls

Dark Alleys and Rainy Nights

15K 288 23
By Woah_A_Username

P.o. V Lillian

The rain pellets the metal roof tops above and bounces off the dents of the trash cans my lovely box home sits next too. At least it's one that just gets mostly bottles thrown into it, so at least I can always get a couple dollars worth of out of them. Normally when someone is living in a box it's very depressing, but tonight was one of those nights where I have some happiness. I was able to get a couple of extra dollars to purchase a windbreaker at the local thrift shop. Took a bit of haggling and some time stacking things on shelves but I did get the jacket for $10, so yes I'm happy. I look up at the downpour of rain, it's been going on for 2 hours now. You would think it's spring but it's just a lovely Spring day. At least it's not snow. I start to feel a familiar pain in my stomach. *Grumble*

I'm reminded that I haven't eaten today. Typically if I go to Hannigan's, they're a small family restaurant. Just your classic mom and pop place. I can clean some dishes in the back and sweep the floors, they'll give me a meal to eat. The owners are nice they have been in business since the 1800s, it must be good if they have had the same spot for over 200 years. That's how it works right? I don't know I was not the smartest kid. I stood stretching, when you have been curdled up in one spot for a long time it leaves parts of your body tense and sore. I pat my pockets to make sure I have everything. I try to avoid being in one spot for too long. So being able to just get up and move from town to town, especially when the cops try to arrest you is a necessity. Apparently people don't like seeing the homeless unless they are trying to make a video about them.

I feel my small wallet in one of the pockets, happy that as least one good thing came out of my last foster home. They refused to allow me to use the money the state was giving them to buy me things, instead they opted to just buy their own kids things with it. So I had to get my state ID so I could get a job to get some cash for my school haven't been able to go back there. It's been almost a year since I graduated from High school. Since then I've been going to the local libraries and reading to get my GED in hopes of starting a job. Only problem with that I need a place to live but I can't get a place to live with out money and I can't get money without a job. America am I right? I even thought about going to a community college! Maybe I could use them as a mailing address and then I would be able to get a job.

I feel around some more in my pockets and l felt a larger lump in my inside pocket, its contents meant more to me than anything in my wallet. It was my security blanket that my mom made me before she passed away, it was black with white accents and had a penguin stuffy in the middle. It's the one thing that I always made sure I had anywhere I went. I learned the hard way when someone ripped his arm off, lucky I was at the O'Brian household. I wish I was still with them! They were by far the best foster home placement. Mrs. O'Brian fixed him up for me and made sure to tell the other kids it wasn't nice to break other people's special things, that was 11 years ago and I'm 19 now...

I started to walk without from muscle memory to Hannigans. I've gotten to know the route well over the past three months. I've gotten to know the whole city for that matter in the past year. I know on Court street if you go to the bakery early on Sunday mornings after church someone will give you money for your spot in line. The bread is really good there, I mean the kind I had was a day old but it was still delicious. I've managed to make $200 last week just by standing in line! Easter Sunday was last week so I guess everyone wanted to get bread. One of the new gaming consoles came out last month so I waited in line for that and someone took my place for $300. I don't know much about consoles and gaming but I hope they were happy with it. When I started to get more money I put it  into one of those credit unions to keep it safe. I'm thinking about asking the Hannigans if I could get an official job with them. Something small like what I was doing but so it was more steady pay. They were very nice people so I'm sure they would let me just be a buss girl. I wouldn't even ask for minimum wage!

As I was lost in my mind I walked into Hannigans. I give a small smile to the hostess that typically worked the front. Cecilia was her name I think, yup her name tag says Cecilia, she always had the warmest smile that just made all the cold leave your body. She had one of those smiles that reached your soul and made it so you couldn't look away just so you could keep the feeling forever...drawing you in...I could tell my feet kept moving and I was still smiling like an idiot as I stared at her. I did not noticing the two women who were standing at the host stand talking with her. It wasn't until I fell from bumping into the tall blonde women. She didn't even flinch! Have I lost that much weight?

"Oh you poor thing, let's get you off the floor. Did Cecilia distract you? She has that effect on people." I felt myself being picked up and placed onto my feet. It made me feel very small. I still felt dazed as I shook my head trying to get the cloudy feeling away.

"Arianna can you take a look at her I think she bumped her head." She placed her cold hand on my face but it made me feel so warm inside that someone cared that I fell on my ass. Wait...I fell on my ass and this random lady is babying me. I probably look so dumb to her right now. The cloudy feeling started to go away as I looked at the people helping me to my feet. The woman talking was absolutely beautiful! Her blue-grey eyes had me mesmerized, her long blond hair was braided into a fancy braid. I think they are called crown braids? Though I'm not too sure. She was just as pale as I was, the sort of pale where you should put sunscreen on to avoid turning into a lobster. Her hand took my own, it was cold at first but soon it felt warm as she rubbed my hand.

"Poor thing is freezing, you could catch your death in this storm if you're not careful." Her voice was soft and caring almost mother-like. I shook my head to snap out it. All of those things I've been tricked by before, it took a while for me to even warm up to the Hannigans. The woman next to her was equally as gorgeous her hair was short it was past her ears, it looked to be like she was growing it out from an old pixie cut. She seemed to have this hardness to her though.

"Zozana, let her up. Let's take a look at you, I'm a family doctor so I work with young kids to adults let's see." She seemed to be talking to me to ease any kind of nervousness. She took out a penlight and shined it into my eyes making me blink.

"No concussion, or bruising. She's going to be okay." She pulled away from me and my stomach betrayed me and growled. Making both the woman in front of me looking concerned. Seeming to communicate wordlessly between each other. The red head who I connected the dots be Arianna said seeming to this Zozana. Wonder if they are a couple.

"Well maybe after some food. Come on you can sit with us, we were just about to get to our favorite table. It's away from everyone else." Arianna put her hand on my shoulder guiding me over to a table. I soon came to my senses. I quickly shrug her off my shoulder. Taking a big step back away from them.

"Whoa whoa, I'm just here to work and get my small bowl of spaghetti and meatballs then go back to my box...I mean my home" I watched as the two women looked at each other then back to me. There's that silent communication again, definitely a couple.

"We insist, Margaret and David have told us about you and you're special case" Arianna spoke to me and knelt a bit to my level. I might be short but this is just slightly insulting. I cross my arm in front of my chest looking annoyed at the two, but I am mostly annoyed at Margaret and David for betraying my trust. I told them my story in confidence.

"Hey, now no need for that look, little lady, they were looking out for your best interest. *best interest my ass* Now come take a seat with us and at least hear what we have to say, afterwards if you want to leave that's perfectly fine." Arianna's tone and words left no room for argument and I felt myself nodding. She just has this...dominant energy about her. She's shorter than her counterpart but still. I mean a free meal is a free meal, and from what I know about the Hannigans they would never let anybody harm anyone. As I sat down at the secluded table I look at the couple sitting across from me, hoping what they wanted to say was actually in my best interest or if they were just trying to hurt me.
Authors Note: i have edited this as of July 28th, 2022

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