Home // Dream SMP Tangled AU...

By Myr4D4n4

4.2K 209 82

"BROTHER!!!" Techno screamed, pulled out his sword rushing in to save his newborn brother. The man looked at... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter Three
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter Seven
Chapter 8

Chapter Five

425 23 7
By Myr4D4n4

"Hey! Wake up!" The light was blinding Deo's eyes. He blinked a few times, and he remembered what had happened. His head shot up to meet the crystal blue eyes. He stared at them for a while before brushing it off. He realized the boy had strawberry blonde hair, he looks like he's around 15 and he has a few scratches here and there.

Deo tried to get into a comfortable position before he realized his hands are tied onto a chair. Deo gave the blonde a 'Are you serious' look. The blonde was inspecting the brunette and he felt an awful amount of uncomfortableness. The blonde then shot his head up and started to grin.

'I know this face...' Deo gulped. The blonde was planning something. He just knows it.

"What's your name?" The kid asked. Deo fell silent for a while.

"Deo." He answered. The blonde's eyes started to shine. The kid then shot up and went to who knows where. Deo looked around, still adjusting his eyes. He looked back at the blonde who's finding 'something'. 'The kid looks pretty young to be out here alone...' Deo thought.

"Hey, kid. How long you've been here?" Deo started to ask. He doesn't know why he's starting to make small talk with his kidnapper. The blonde still shuffling around a bookshelf looked at Deo before turning around again.

"I'm not a kid, you're only two years older," The blonde said, startling the brunette.

"How'd you know my age?" Deo asked. The blonde took out a book in his hands.

"Your diary," The kid said bluntly before throwing it on the floor, the book sliding towards Deo.

"MY WHAT?!" Deo shouted in disbelief. The blonde started snickering. "This is not funny, you read MY DIARY" Deo whined which made the blonde laugh even more. But only for a few seconds.

"My whole life." The blonde answered.

"What do you mean?" Deo asked. The blonde turned back to search for something.

"Your question," The kid said bluntly and Deo breathed a silent 'oh'.

"Ever been outside? How'd you even get here? Do you live alone?" Deo started to swarm the blonde in questions.

"No, I don't know and no. I live with my brother" The blonde said. "Found it!" The kid said softly with a breath of relief. He then walked towards the brunette. It's a piece of paper?

"Hey, where's my bag?" Deo started to panic. THE CROWN WAS IN THERE. He started turning his head in full panic mode trying to find it.

"I hid it." The blonde leaned on the wall. The paper still in his hands. Deo turned his head towards a nearby pot.

"Is it in there?" Deo guessed before a loud BAM hit his head and darkness hovered over him once again.


Tommy slapped Deo's face as hard as he can until the older awoke.

"What the heck...?" This so-called Deo groaned. Tommy chuckled, one more hit and his nose is broken. Tommy made a small cough to catch the attention of the brunette before leaning against the wall.

"Now you can't find it," Tommy said. Which the brunette gave him another 'are you serious?' look. "Now back to the real point," Tommy said before shoving the poster of The Missing Prince's birthday festival. "I want you to take me here," Tommy said with a huge grin.

"The festival? Why can't you go with your brother or something?" Deo said half-awake.

"He's... over-protective," Tommy said hesitantly. Deo looked at Tommy right in the eye.

"What's in it for me?" Deo asked. Tommy thought for a second.

"I'll give your precious bag back to you." Tommy offered which lit the brunette's eyes. A hint of worry in his eyes.

"Deal!" The brunette immediately answered. Which surprised the blonde. He knows there's some kind of crown in there but is it that important for him to easily agree with his own kidnapper? "But first, untie me."


"So your name is Tommy. And you've never been outside for even once?" Deo started asking while looking at the ground from the window. 'Shit it's tall' Deo said to himself realizing how tall they're at.

"You gonna bring me down or not?" Tommy started to get excited. Deo rolled his eyes. He tightened the rope on the edge and took a deep breath. Deo then tightly held onto the rope before jumping and quickly landed his feet on the wall.

Deo sighed. He slowly went down by the rope. The brunette finally landed on the sweet green grass. "Oh, how I miss the-"

"WOOOOHOOOOO!!" Deo quickly turned his head towards the tower. Tommy smiling brightly while sliding down the rope. "FRESH AIR-" The blonde stopped when he met the green grass. He slowly reached his toe on the grass and shivered at the feeling. "ok- the fxck is this green sh!t?" Tommy started swearing which made Deo's jaw drop.

"You don't even know what grass is?!" Deo yelled in disbelief but the blonde put out his tongue. Deo shook his head. "What a sad life you have" Deo breathed out. The brunette shot his head up and pointed to the grass.

"That is grass. It's a normal, natural thing. They grow everywhere." Deo started explaining. And the blonde listened.

"Why does it feel... wet?" Tommy started poking the grass with his toe. Deo face-palmed himself.

"It's because yesterday was raining," Deo said bluntly. "Come on, it won't bite you" Deo started to get impatient. Tommy rolled his eyes. He slowly touched the ground, one foot before another. He stood in the middle of the ground filled with this so-called grass.

"Oh shit, My brother's gonna kill me," Tommy said but couldn't hide the urge of smiling excitedly.  Deo chuckled. 'He's a literal child... But has he really never stood outside that castle of his?' The brunette thought.

He got shook out of his thoughts when the blonde started running in the field, smiling childishly. He started rolling down the hill and laughed like he was finally free. He took a deep breath and softly smiled, staring at the beautiful blue sky.



1025 words

Hello guys! Sorry I haven't been uploading. I actually didn't know why. It's probably because I was born with a lazy butt :P

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Comment your thoughts on it!

Have you guys watched MCC 15? Pink parrots had bad luck this time :( Also, Wilbur's apartment fire alarm went loose XD

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