The Devil (BOOK I + II)

By xwriteratheartxo

81K 3.6K 181

[COMPLETED] Three years ago, she ran away from something she doesn't want to go back to, and never looked bac... More

The Devils Advocate
1 | "Fuck Me"
2 | "I'm Pretty Sure That's Illegal"
3 | "I Wish Stabbing People Was Normal"
4 | "The Product Of A Messed Up Family"
5 | "I Can Beat You With My Eyes Closed"
6 | "Fuckable Lips"
7 | "Where's My Knife When I Need It"
8 | "Why Was Alcohol So Bad But So Good?"
9 | "If I Took Off His Shirt, Would I Get Arrested?"
10 | "Fuckers Everywhere"
11 | "Let Those Assholes Find Me Now"
12 | "No Shit, Sherlock"
13 | "Popping Jaws Are Hot"
14 | "Beg For Me"
15 | "Rolie Polie Olie"
16 | "What The Actual Fuck"
17 | "Why Do I Even Bother"
18 | "I'm Yours"
19 | "I Think I'm Falling"
20 | "Everything. Was. Frozen."
The Queens Devil
0 | "I'm Gonna Fart on Your Face"
1 | "I'm in Hell"
2 | "You Missed, Asshole"
4 | "Long Live Robotic Tendencies"
5 | "Trigger Happy Mo-Fo"
6 | "Screw you, Anton Chekhov"
7 | "Put The Damn Gun Away"
8 | "I Won't Let You Leave Me"
9 | "I Wish You Didn't Need Thorns"
10 | "Jesus, You're Fucking Insane"
11 | "God, I Need to Get That Away From Him"
12 | "Tears Are Weakness"
13 | "Tone The Testosterone Down"
14 | "Don't Lie To Me"
15 | "Someone Could Have Told Me"
16 | "You Need a Chill Pill"
17 | "You're A Psychopath"
18 | "You Smell"
19 | "Please Don't Leave Me"
20 | "Freedom"
21 | "I Should Have Stayed Single"

3 | "Look Who's Using Bad Words"

1.1K 67 1
By xwriteratheartxo

Chapter Three
"Look Who's Using Bad Words"

"pain shapes a woman
into a warrior,"
~ r.h. sin


I think papa was already tired of me. Perfect.

Nobody brought up what happened two days ago, so I did the same. After training with Vladik, who hadn't said anything, and Lev, who was scaringly good for someone so young, we went to breakfast.

Micah hadn't showed. Of course, the prodigal son didn't need training. He was already amazing.

The meal was silent. Until I turned to papa and smiled innocently. "I want to swim today."

His reply was swift as he took another bit of his food. "No."

"Why not?" I demanded, straightening my back against the chair.

He took his time chewing, still reading whatever the fuck that was on his phone. "Because I said so," was all he said before continuing to eat.

For a few moments, I just stared at him soberly. None of my brothers spoke, so the room was silent. Until I started chuckling softly, almost menacingly.

The air shifted from there, with Vladik straightening in his seat next before papa finally turned his cold expression to me. "Is something funny, Roza?" Although he spoke casually, I heard a certain edge to his tone.

I kept my smile in place before shrugging lazily. "Come on, papa. It's a pool. On our property. You might keep me inside the house easily, but you and I both know I can sneak away and go there anyways."

His jaw clenched but he said nothing, so I exhaled longingly. "More work for me then—"

"Fine. But Mr. Kade will be in the room with you. Yasha will guard the door from the outside." Just in case I tried to leave. I knew what he was suggesting.

But hearing papa acknowledge Daemon's presence made me swallow hard. I tried to ignore the fact that the person who betrayed me was standing in the same room as me. Alive. Unscathed.

Unbothered that he hurt me.

So after grumbling an almost unrecognizable, "Fine," I finished munching on my food before going to my room, with the two men following behind.

Since my luggage had already been backed in New York, with the plan of me leaving the city, my family brought it to Russia. Which was why I had my newer suits in the closet.

I found my black, laced-up swimsuit and shoved my hair in a bun before stomping out of my room. I forced myself not to look at Daemon as I exited my wing before heading down the stairs. A few corridors later, I pushed passed a set of doors before entering the large space.

The room itself had gold painted arched ceilings, but the other half of the walls were white. The space itself was bigger than my studio apartment and Sydelle's place combined, with a bunch of sunlight coming from the windows overlooking the acres of land.

There were a few towels on the shelves pressed against the wall, along with seats and couches around the pool.

Behind me, I heard a door close, before only one pair of feet slid forward quietly.


Me and Daemon. Alone in a room.

Fuck that.

I didn't spare him a glance before striding to the opposite end of the pool, which was closest to the windows. I jumped in then, where the deep-end was, before beginning my laps without my head resurfacing.

For thirty minutes, I ran laps in the pool until my arms started to sore. But instead of getting out and facing reality, I took a deep breath of air before sinking into the water.

I closed my eyes and crossed my legs before feeling my body fall to the bottom of the pool. For over a minute, I sat still, not breathing. Just existing. Dreaming I was somewhere else.

In that moment, my lip twitched, almost unconsciously and into my first, almost sincere smile in two weeks since I'd been caught.

But the peace I felt was jolted away from me when I heard the sound of something heavy splashing into the water, a few feet from me.

My eyes shot open, but only saw bubbles in front of me from the impact.

When I saw striking steel grey eyes in the midst of the bubbles, I accidentally opened my mouth and gasped. Before I realized what was happening, a water flooded my mouth and I lost my trace.

Before I could try to get up, two arms wrapped around my waist, holding me tight before bringing us up for air.

The second I was able to inhale, I started coughing water, all while the arms held me against a hard chest.

While I was distracted trying to clear my throat, I felt hands push some of the hair out of my face. My bun must have come undone at some point.

Once I was finally breathing somewhat normally, I heard a deep, familiar hiss from the owner of the arms. "Are you fucking crazy?"


My thoughts took a few seconds to catch up, but the second I was able to process everything that had just happened, I tried to rip myself out of his hold.

He only held me harder, my back pressing deeper into his chest.

I knew I could probably get myself out of this. But after what just happened, my head started feeling heavier than it should have been.

"Oh wow, look who's using bad words," I bit out, trying to shrug him off me, but he had my arms pinned down while his feet kicked underneath us.

Behind me, I felt Daemon's chest rise with a sharp inhale. I smirked, pleased he's annoyed. He deserved more.

Suddenly, His large hands unlocked from my abdomen before gripping my shoulders. I sucked a breath when he twisted me around in the water, still holding me until I was facing him.

Our eyes locked for the first time, but I clenched my jaw, refusing to look affected.

Now above the surface, I could see just how his grey eyes were narrowed, fuelled with anger and frustration. His brown hair, which was always so damn perfect, was now a mess. Hair was coming out from all sides, some pieces close to covering his eye.

When I focused my gaze back to his, I realized he had been examining every inch of my face. Probably to make sure I was okay so papa wouldn't kill him.


I pretended that I didn't realize how large his hands were around my bicep as I shoved myself out of his grip. This time, he didn't fight me, so without another thought, I started swimming to the ledge before lifting myself out of the pool.

I was strutting to the shelves of towels with my back to him when I heard swishing in the water, followed by footsteps on the beige marble floors.

There was a sloshing sound with every step he took, and I stifled a laugh before wrapping a white cotton towel around my body.

After making sure my expression was sober, I twisted my head back to him, this time, not hiding my amused smirk.

A few feet from me, Daemon stood, right next to the pool. And if I had a phone, I would have taken a picture and save it.

Before he decided on jumping in to get me, he threw his jacket on the floor, along with his gun holster, since all he was wearing now was his black button up shirt and black slacks.

He was wet. Literally.

The shirt was glued to his chest, and I couldn't stop myself from sucking a breath when my gaze lowered to his arms.

His sleeves had risen after going into the water, and was sticking under his elbow, giving me the opportunity to see some of his tattoos there, and on his lower neck.

I forced myself not to shiver, because he didn't deserve my shivers. He didn't deserve anything, but I hated how my body reacted to him. How it wanted me to get closer.

Wanting to ignore the familiar ache in my chest, I faked a smile and cocked my head. "You look a little wet, Shadow. You should go clean yourself up."

I didn't wait for his reply before turning my back to him, starting to walk toward the exit with the towel wrapped around me. He didn't say anything, though, as he started to follow me.

It took a few moments to reach the large doors, but after pulling it open, I saw Yasha standing with his back to me. But the second he heard me step out, he straightened and watched me with seriousness as I fully exited the room.

I didn't wait for Daemon as I started walking out of the hall, still hearing the sloshing coming from Daemon's feet. It was loud enough that I hadn't heard a noise until the three of us were only a few feet away from a door that was left a crack open.

My steps faltered and I frowned, glancing to my left, where a heavy wooden door stood. Last I remembered, the room on the opposite side was here papa dealt with his... enemies.

With a heavy chest, my feet glided forward, and since Daemon had stopped moving, I could hear the pained cries loud and clear.

Behind me, Yasha sucked a breath between his teeth before he gripped my upper arm tightly. "Get your ass back—" Just as quick as he touched me, it was removed. Before he could finish his threat, he choked on his words.

A snarky comment was on the tip of my tongue as I turned away from the door, only to gape at the sight in front of me.

Daemon's back was to me, but that didn't stop me from seeing him grip Yasha's neck. He was on his toes, his hands trying to shove Daemon's arm away, but he wasn't budging.

Instead, Daemon lowered his head next to Yasha's ear, and I watched with a clearer view as his face bleached white before he nodded vigorously.

Daemon's fingers slowly loosened on his throat, and I knew Yasha had a better passageway when he started gasping for air. His eyes were trained on Daemon, now full of fear.

My lips parted, wanting to ask what he said, but the words died in my throat when I heard an amused chuckle coming from the room behind me.

I chose to file my question for later before swirling in my spot, so I could slip closer to the door. I was close enough to grip the frame of the door, so after inching forward, I blinked quickly, needing my eyes to adjust to the dark room.

It was dark, just as I remembered. With dark grey, windowless walls and a drop cloth covering the entire floor. Living here, I realized that it was replaced at least three times a day.

My eyes narrowed on the centre of the room, where a man was tied on a foldable chair. His head was sagging, but even through the darkness, I could see blood dripping off his chin and onto the ground.

"Can we just kill him, Micah?" Vladik grumbled from the man's left side, and my eyes shot to him, watching as he started to pace with bloody hands. "This is getting boring."

Micah, who I just noticed was on the opposite side of the man, stared at Vladik blankly. "Shut up, Vladik. Learn patience." Then, his head turned in my direction, and I froze, thinking he saw me. But that was unlikely, since I was pretty hidden behind the door.

It took me a moment to realize he was focused more to the left—where I saw Lev idling with a straight back facing me. "Why do we have to be patient, Lev?" He tested him coolly.

My little brother didn't hesitate. "Death is a gift. Pain is punishment. And traitors must be punished."

In that moment, a flash of pride crossed Micah's face, but that moment was gone quickly when he shot his head in Vladik's direction. "Even Lev understands the rules."

"Because Levy wants to be a good boy," Vladik bit back in frustration, narrowing his eyes on our older brother. "He does everything by the code."

"So should you," Micah retorted before placing the switchblade in his hand—which was covered in their victims blood. I was surprised that his blond hair seemed untouched, not matted in blood like usual.

My grip on the towel around me tightened, but I couldn't peel my eyes away from my brothers. A realization hit me, but I wish it missed.

Because even while Micah had been rough before I left, Lev and Vladik had a sense of joy. Hell, even if Micah didn't want to admit it, he had a sliver of a heart somewhere in there. But now...

Now they were cold. Detached. Heartless.

And it killed me.

"Can you get on with it? I want to go," Vladik deadpanned, but turned his head away from Micah, so he wouldn't see him rolling his eyes.

For the next minute, I listened to my brother arguing about Vladik's attitude, but my eyes couldn't stop from moving back to Lev each time. His back was still to me, but he was stiff as a board.

A silent gasp came from me when a hand caressed my bare shoulder behind me, and I froze, feeling it slide to my neck with a gentleness I knew someone once possessed.

"Rose," Daemon murmured, close enough that I felt his breath caressing the back of my neck. "We should go now."

I closed my eyes instead.

But after a few inhales, I loosened my grip around my towel before whirling around Daemon, so I could start walking down the corridor again. This time, with my head held high in determination not to feel. Or at least, show that I don't feel.

I wasn't even tempted to laugh at the sounds coming from Daemon's feet as we later reached the top of the stairs.

Though, he ended up taking longer strides the moment we reached my wing, so he was leading me to my bedroom. He didn't spare me a glance as he opened the door for me seconds later, but just as I slipped inside the entryway, I inhaled quickly when I felt him joining me inside.

My eyes lifted to the barely open doors in front of me. The camera wouldn't be able to see us.

The door closed behind me at the same moment I felt Daemon's hand grasp my elbow. Before I realized what was happening, he spun us around, so my back was pressed against the wall, next to the small circular table.

Daemon stood in front of me, not touching, but close enough that I felt his heat radiating off his body.

His eyes were narrowed on me.

"What was that about?" He demanded, his voice steady and cold. But when my gaze dropped to the floor briefly, I saw his foot tapping twice before he forced himself to stop.

I smiled innocently when my attention returned to him. "You should be more specific, Mr. Kade. I haven't done anything."

He was biting the inside of his cheek now. "Don't play stupid, Rose—"

"Don't pretend to be concerned," I bit back, my smile turning more ruthless. "The second you sold me out, you lost the right to talk to me."

My words changed the way he looked at me, but I couldn't narrow down his emotions. He closed his expression before I could read more into them.

"You're right." His back straightened before his lifted his chin, which only made him appear taller. More intimidating. "But that doesn't mean you should be reckless."

"I can do whatever I damn well please," I clenched out through my teeth, losing my cool for a moment as I shoved him away from me. He only took a step back, still keeping his grey eyes glued to mine.

"Risking your life isn't included."

I sucked in a breath again. Mostly to cool my nerves and avoid punching him directly in the face. "You have no right to tell me what to do. And you had no right to go into the pool like that!"

"Yes, I do," he bit out, before he crossed the space between us again, this time, putting his hands flat on the wall next to my head.

He leaned in and inhaled while I tried to resist a shiver.

"You're my responsibility. So if I want to go into the pool to save your life, I'll go into the goddamn pool. Understand?"

His words infuriated me more, and any reaction my body had to his proximity vanished. "That you were hired for," I reminded him with a scoff with a mixture of disgust and disbelief. "What happened to you working for yourself? That you kill bad people? Was that another one of your lies to try to get me to trust you?"

"No," he said darkly, clenching his jaw in the process.

When he didn't continue, a humorlessly laugh left me, only to realize that I'd been leaning against his hand that was still against the wall. I quickly shuffled to the side before throwing him a look.

"Then what are you doing here?" My voice was almost pleading. "To torture me? Rub it in my face that you got me to trust you?"

For what felt like over a minute, he just stared at me fiercely with his lips pressed together. "Your father asked me to stay. I stayed. That's all."

My mouth shut, and I watched him for another moment before nodding once, emotionless. "Okay. Then get the fuck out of my room and leave me alone." My voice was bitter, but I lifted my chin in determination to ignore the familiar pang in my chest.

Daemon took a breath and lowered his eyes to my hands, which were still gripping the top of the towel around me.

His eyes darkened the same moment his jaw popped before he spun smoothly. The sound of his shoes sloshing changed the tension in the air as he left, and I watched him disappear from the other side of the door before it closed behind him.

I stayed in my position for a few minutes before fully entering my bedroom, flipping off the camera as I did so.


... totally missed posting yesterday,
big whoops on my part

how's everyone been? I hope youre
spending the rest of your summer
well before school season!

I'll see you lovelies in the next one x

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