The One That Got Away

By likeahorribledream

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Steve Rogers was not the type to walk away from a fight. He took every hit, got knocked down more times than... More

Chapter 1: I Can Do This All Day
Chapter 2: James Buchanan Barnes
Chapter 3: One True Love
Chapter 4: Meet The Parents
Chapter 6: It Wasn't Supposed To End This Way
Chapter 7: Number One

Chapter 5: Conditional Love

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By likeahorribledream

 Charlie was running and crying. The conversation she just had with her parents played over and over again in her mind. She didn't know where she was running to, she just needed to be anywhere but her home. When she finally stopped running, she was completely exhausted. Looking up, she realized that she had run to Steve's apartment. With the little strength she had left, Charlie ran up the stairs and knocked on her friend's door, praying to whatever God that was listening that he was home.

A few frantic knocks later, Steve opened the door. He smiled when he saw who it was until he noticed the tears that were still falling on her cheeks and how her body spasmed with every hiccup caused by the lack of oxygen in her lungs from both the running and the crying.

Steve stepped aside, telling Charlie to come in. His front door opened right into his living room and when he moved she could see into the room. That's when she noticed the coffee table covered in a deck of cards and the man sitting on the floor, cards in hand from the game she had clearly disturbed. Bucky. When she looked at him, he had already been looking at her. It was the first time she saw him in almost a week and it wasn't because he wanted to see her. After making eye contact with Bucky, Charlie started to panic a little bit.

Breaking eye contact to look at Steve, she slowly started to walk backwards.

''I'm.. sorry.. I.. didn't.. know.. Bucky.. was.. here..'' She apologized, each word followed by a hiccup.

Charlie turned around to walk over to the stairs, her heart beating so fast that the only sound she could hear was the blood rushing to her head. It's probably why she didn't hear the footsteps that followed rapidly behind her and before she knew it, hands were gently grabbing her and she was pulled back into a man's chest, one arm wrapping around her shoulders and the other one wrapping around her middle, holding her. She let herself relax into his arms and her hands reached up to the arm around her shoulders. Being taller than Steve, Charlie didn't need to turn around to know it was Bucky who was hugging her. She only started crying harder, overwhelmed with emotions from everything that happened in the past week.

Feeling that she was only getting worst, Bucky turned Charlie around in his arms. One hand cradled the back of her head, making her hide her face into the crook of his neck while the other, rested on her back, gently pushing her against his chest. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his waist and held on tightly like she was scared he might let go. He moved his fingers on her scalp in a reassuring movement and whispered in her ears to try and calm her down It's okay. You're okay. I got you. You're safe. After a few minutes her breathing finally slowed down, her hiccups were gone and instead of sobbing, only a few tears kept falling on her cheeks at a much slower pace.

Steve was standing on his doorstep, looking at the scene in front of him. Seeing Charlie in so much pain was truly heartbreaking.

When she moved to leave, he hadn't had time to try and stop her before Bucky was on his feet and chasing after her. As his best friend passed him, he caught a glimpse of his face and how worried he looked. Steve was relieved to see that Bucky still cared about her. He wasn't the kind to hold a grudge and the fact that he hadn't reached out to her at all since the incident had worried Steve.

Bucky moved to delicately cup her cheeks in his hands, his thumbs brushing away her tears as they kept falling while he leaned back to look at her. She kept her eyes to the floor, embarrassed and scared to look at him. He let one of his hands fall from her cheek to her chin, using his index finger to gently tilt her head up so he could finally meet her eyes. He felt a lump form in his throat when her blue eyes met his. There was so much pain in them, he had never seen her this way and he felt the need to protect her, the need to hurt whoever had hurt his Lily so badly. With his finger still tilting her head up towards him, he moved his hand to bring her face closer to his and kissed her forehead, lingering for a few moments.

Charlie felt her whole body relax at the contact of Bucky's lips on her skin, letting her eyes close slowly and her hands tightened around him. He gave her another small kiss on her forehead before stepping back but never letting go of her.

''Come on, sweetheart. Let's go inside.'' He smiled at her, reassuringly.

She nodded and let go of him, expecting him to do the same. Except, he never broke away from her. His hand slid down from her cheek, to the crook of her neck, to finally wrap his arm around her shoulders while moving to stand next to her instead of in front of her. Steve was still standing there, looking at them fondly. Steve didn't know if he he would have been able to calm her down the way Bucky just did.

Charlie walked in first, followed by Bucky and Steve was right behind them, closing the door. The 3 of them moved to Steve's couch and sat down together. The boys waited for their friend to talk, not wanting to make her feel pressured to tell them what had happened, both trying to hide how anxious they were to know who had hurt her while already plotting what they would do to make those people pay.

Bucky held her hand, his thumb rubbing the back of it slowly back and forth while Steve went to get her a blanket and gently put it on her shoulders and instinctively, Charlie snuggled into the blanket and silently thanked her friend.

A few minutes went by in total silence. Charlie had almost completely stopped crying, a few stray tears lingered on her cheeks. She cleared her throat and sat up on the couch, catching the attention of her friends.

''I...'' She started but trailed off.

Bucky squeezed her hand gently. ''You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.''

She shook her head slightly, squeezing his hand back and cleared her throat once more before taking a deep breath.

''My parents took everything from me.''

''We need to talk.''

She had a bad feeling about this, a really bad feeling. She put her books down on the small table near the staircase and looked back at her father. She slowly nodded, showing him that she was listening.

''Your mother and I talked about your little temper tantrum you've been having for the past week.''

The conversation was off to a really bad start. She was already getting angry but decided against cutting him off and that it was best to let him continue.

''Avoiding us, not talking to us, you even went as far as ignoring us. You have been acting like a spoiled brat.''

Maybe she should have sat down for this.

''But, it's not your fault.'' He continues.

Okay, that she wasn't expecting.

''No, it's not.'' Her mother chimed in.

''It's our fault.'' Her dad added. ''It's our fault for spoiling you and letting you get away with everything. We should have been more strict, more firm with you. We took it easy on you.''

Her heartbeat picked up and her palms started to sweat. Now, she wanted to say so much but she couldn't make a sound, as if her brain had forgotten how to talk.

''As long as you live under my roof, you will do as I say and there will be no talking back to me otherwise you can kiss this..'' He waved around to him, her mother and their house. ''..goodbye.''

Charlie started to feel nauseous.

''If you want to keep that stupid little job that I got you, and that I have let you kept so far, you will do what I ask of you.''

Mr. Mathews walked to the living room, his wife on his heels but Charlie couldn't move. It was like she was paralyzed.

A ''Sit down'' came from the living room. Loud enough for her to hear and stern enough to know it wasn't up for debate.

Doing as she was told, Charlie walked into the living room and sat on the sofa, facing her parents. She kept rubbing her hands together, trying to make them stop sweating so much. Her heart was beating so fast and so loud, she was sure they could hear it from where they were standing.

''We are making some changes around here. First off, you are too old to be single. Girls your age are supposed to be married and have kids. We've let you have your little fun, you tried to find ''true love'' but all that nonsense ends now. Your mother and I have 5 men, sons of our closest friends, who have the potential to be excellent husbands. Some of them are even too good for you. They all have the means to provide for you and the family you will have. You will be going on dates with each of them and if by the end of date number five you haven't chosen who you are going to marry, we will.''

Charlie's eyes opened wider with every word he said, her heart started beating even faster and she could barely hear what he was saying. It felt like something was crushing her, keeping her lungs from expending properly to give her oxygen. She wanted to stand up and scream at him but she was so dizzy, she knew if she tried to get up she would fall right back down.

His last sentence completely broke her. Her vision was blurry from the tears that were rushing down her cheeks and she wasn't sure if she was crying because she was sad or if it was out of anger.

''No, please.'' She begged, barely above a whisper.

''You will be married by the end of the year. If for some reason, you aren't, you will be forced to move out, I will make sure you lose your job and you won't be allowed in this house again. Under no circumstances.''

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. It couldn't be happening. Her parents looked at her, no emotions showing as if they had just announced her they had decided to paint the living room a new shade and not like they had just crushed her dreams and ruined everything she had been working towards. They knew how much it all meant to her and that she didn't have the means to live on her own. They knew that she had no choice but to comply to their orders.

''Please, please, please don't do this.'' She cried out. ''Why are you doing this? You know how much all of it means to me.'' Panic overtook her. A few minutes ago she couldn't get a single word out, and now she couldn't stop talking.

She should have stopped. She should have stayed silent. Because there was something that they hadn't taken away from her yet, something she could have kept and when she realized what she had said, it was too late to take it back.

''I'll do everything you want but not this, please. Is it because of James? Because you don't like his family? I promise we are just friends. Please.'' She kept begging.

She knew she probably sounded pathetic, spineless and weak as she was begging her parents to let her have the freedom to choose how to live her life.

Bringing up Bucky was a bad idea.

''Which brings us to our next point.''

Everything in her started screaming, alarms were going off. You should have kept your mouth shut being repeated over and over again in her head.

''You are forbidden from seeing that Barnes kid again. If I see him in my house again, if I hear from anyone that you so much as smiled at him you will be gone. Do I make myself clear?''

In under 10 minutes, she had lost almost every single thing she cared about. They had taken everything from her. Even one of her best friends. She had been smart enough not to mention Steve.

At this point, Charlie was full-on sobbing. Her parents were still looking down at her, no emotions showing whatsoever aside from the disappointment that was burning in their eyes. Seeing that there was no point in continuing the conversation, her father just scoffed at her, shook his head, walked out of the living room and disappeared into his room. Her mom lingered behind for a few more moments and followed her husband.

Charlie stared blankly ahead, her cheeks and nose red from all the crying. So many emotions were rushing through her. Heartbreak, pain, betrayal, anger, grief and the overwhelming feeling of being absolutely powerless.

She had completely spaced out and when the world finally came back into focus, she had gotten up, out of the house and she was running.

The sun had set and the streets were only lit up by the porch lights that were still on, there was no one in sight and the only sound was her feet hitting the ground as she ran. She didn't know where exactly she was running to, her legs knew exactly where to take her, to the one person she felt completely safe with: Steve Rogers.

Both men were silent as Charlie was finishing telling them what had happened. She had left out the part where her father had forbidden her from seeing Bucky.

Steve sympathized with his friend's pain, her parents had crossed so many lines. Bucky, on the other hand, was absolutely furious. He kept thinking of the story she had told him about her grandparents and her locket, about how she wanted a love like theirs and the glimmer in her eyes while she talked about it.

The glimmer was gone and happiness had been snuffed out of her eyes.

His jaw clenched from the anger and his brows furrowed, making deep creases on his forehead.

''Do you want me to talk to your dad? I'm gonna go talk to your dad.'' He didn't even wait for her answer, he was already up and on his way to give Mr. Mathews a piece of his mind, using a language that shouldn't be repeated out loud.

''No!'' She almost screamed, freezing him into place.

She started chewing on her bottom lip when Bucky turned around to look at her. She had been speaking so softly ever since she had gotten here, none of them were expecting for her voice to come out so loud. Not even her. It made Bucky suspicious, as if she hadn't told the whole story. He raised his eyebrow and when she did everything to avoid looking in his eyes, it confirmed what he had been thinking. She had left out something. Something important.

He slowly walked towards the couch and kneeled down on the floor in front of her, putting both his hands on her knees.

''Lily.'' His tone made her flinch, it was clear that he knew she hadn't said the whole truth.

She looked at his hands that were resting on her knees, but never into his eyes.

''Lily...'' He repeated, his tone a lot softer. Almost a whisper.

She looked into his eyes and tears started to burn her eyes again.

Steve sat closer to her, wrapping his small arm around her shoulders on top of the blanket. He brought her closer to his side and looked at Bucky.

''What aren't you telling us?'' Steve asked.

"I don't want to say..."


''Please don't make me say it."

Steve simply gave her a light squeeze and kissed her cheek.

''You can trust us.'' He tried again.

Charlie sighed and looked up at Steve, begging him with her eyes. He gave her a small smile, encouraging her to get it all out. She took a deep breath and looked down again, into Bucky's eyes. They were so beautiful and so full of life. Guilt was eating at her. She grabbed both of his hands in hers and squeezed them hard which only made him frown more. Her eyes fell to their hands and she told them what her dad had said about seeing Bucky, but she had mumbled in such a hushed voice that neither Bucky or Steve heard what she said.

''You're gonna have to speak up sweetheart, we can't hear you.''Bucky chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood.

''My dad...'' She stopped, her voice breaking from the tears. She cleared her throat. ''My dad said I wasn't allowed to see James anymore... Forbidden, was the word he used.''

Steve was shocked, his jaw to the floor. His eyes quickly turned to his friend, worried about his reaction. He looked like someone had just sucker punched him. His expression was blank and he was staring into nothing.

Bucky's mind was overflowing with thoughts. Was he that bad? That much of a low life that fathers had to forbid their daughters from being in contact with him? You'd have to be pretty worthless to have someone forbid their daughter from being friends with you.

Breaking from his trance, he lean backwards and got up, pulling on his hands to free them from Charlie's but it only made her tighten her hold on them.

''Let go.''

''James... Please talk to me.'' She pleaded.

He tried pulling on his hands again.

''Let go.'' He repeated.


''Charlie, let go!'' His tone was harsh and he pulled harder, leaving her no choice but to let go.

He used her first name. He hadn't used it since he had decided to call her Lily. His Lily.

She started to panic again, raising to her feet. She took one step towards him while he took a step backwards, trying to put some distance between them.

Her throat tightened, making it hard to swallow.

''James...'' She croaked.

''Bucky. My name is Bucky.'' His tone was dry, emotionless.

In that moment, Charlie swore that everyone in the room heard the sound of her heart breaking in her chest.  

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