You make me smile :)

By AnkitaGr8

3.1K 121 45

Samantha Peterson, better known as Sam, is the walking-talking example of a 'mean girl' who does what she fee... More

CHAPTER-1: Pilot
CHAPTER-3: The "hate" at first sight
CHAPTER-4: The "Deadly Confrontation"
CHAPTER-5: While she was asleep...
CHAPTER-6: The 'sweet mistake'
CHAPTER-7: Every girl doesn't fall for superman!
CHAPTER 8: The 'Nightmarish' Reality
CHAPTER-9: False Pretences
CHAPTER-10: Sleep Deprived
CHAPTER-11: Bestfriends
CHAPTER-12: The sleepover
CHAPTER-13: The Phonecall
CHAPTER-14: The unwanted help
CHAPTER-15: A crazy day
CHAPTER-16: Daddy Issues
CHAPTER-17: The love at first flight!
CHAPTER-18: The German Holiday

CHAPTER-2: Who said partying was fun?!

235 11 5
By AnkitaGr8

"So, when is this awesome party which you are hosting at my house...of which I knew nothing until you took me to some mall full of all these flashy clothes? Do you really think that I won't be a party crasher who's going to barge into your party and tell everyone to leave?" said Sam, as angry as she could possibly her best friend, at least.

"No, Sam I know you can't do any of that...or maybe you won't...because I won't let you do anything of that sort. Just relax! I'm sure you'll be able to blend in..after all, you have the advantage of being in your home ground...and that makes the game a lot more easier. Please! just trust me on this one." pleaded Anna.

"Ok. Fine. I'll give you one last chance Anna, to convince me that partying can be fun...but if you fail to do so..." threatened Sam.

"So what Sam? What can you possibly do?" giggled Annabell.

Samantha didn't spare Anna a single stare and started walking in the other direction...she looked back and said -"This better be good Anna!" 

Then came the "big day" - long awaited by Annabell and dreaded by Samantha. Annabell had the whole party planned out...everything ready, just in place. Gradually the guests started to arrive and Anna proved to be a great hostess by making all of them feel at home.

"Hey Anna! Everything all right? You don't seem to be very well...can I be of any help?" asked Nicole, one of the guests.

"Thanks! Nicole honey...everything's's just my friend who promised to be here, but never really turned up..even though the party is as close, as her own house!" mumbled Annabell.

Sam on the other hand was up for a fight with her own self - to wear, or not to wear that flashy little dress that Anna had bought for her. She was very reluctant and would have never worn it...but she could not possibly break her promise to her BFF. She was in a dilemma.

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