The Sixth Titan | Teen Titans

By missextinct

187K 5.5K 1.8K

Jump City is swarmed with crime. Luckily, six teenage heroes serve as its sworn protectors, defeating the amb... More

Chapter One - Divide and Conquer
Chapter Two - Sisters
Chapter Three - Final Exam
Chapter Four - Forces of Nature
Chapter Five - The Sum of His Parts
Chapter Six - Nevermore
Chapter Seven - Switched
Chapter Eight - Deep Six
Chapter Nine - Masks
Chapter Ten - Mad Mod
Chapter Eleven - Car Trouble
Chapter Twelve - Apprentice, Part One
Chapter Thirteen - Apprentice, Part Two
Chapter Fourteen - How Long Is Forever?
Chapter Fifteen - Every Dog Has His Day
Chapter Sixteen - Terra
Chapter Seventeen - Only Human
Chapter Eighteen - Fear Itself
Chapter Nineteen - Date With Destiny
Chapter Twenty - Transformation
Chapter Twenty-One - Titan Rising
Chapter Twenty-Two - Winner Take All
Chapter Twenty-Three - Betrayal
Chapter Twenty-Four - Fractured
Chapter Twenty-Five - Aftershock, Part One
Chapter Twenty-Six - Aftershock, Part Two
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Deception
Chapter Twenty-Eight - X
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Betrothed
Chapter Thirty - Crash
Chapter Thirty-One - Haunted
Chapter Thirty-Two - Spellbound
Chapter Thirty-Three - Revolution
Chapter Thirty-Four - Wavelength
Chapter Thirty-Five - The Beast Within
Chapter Thirty-Six - Can I Keep Him?
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Bunny Raven... or... How to Make a Titananimal Disappear!
Chapter Thirty-Eight - The Lost Episode
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Titans East, Part One
Chapter Forty - Titans East, Part Two
Chapter Forty-One - Don't Touch That Dial
Chapter Forty-Two - The Quest
Chapter Forty-Three - Birthmark
Chapter Forty-Four - Cyborg the Barbarian
Chapter Forty-Five - Employee of the Month
Chapter Forty-Seven - The Prophecy
Chapter Forty-Eight - Stranded
Chapter Forty-Nine - Overdrive
Chapter Fifty - Mother Mae-Eye
Chapter Fifty-One - The End, Part One
Chapter Fifty-Two - The End, Part Two
Chapter Fifty-Three - The End, Part Three
Chapter Fifty-Four - Homecoming, Part One
Chapter Fifty-Five - Homecoming, Part Two
Chapter Fifty-Six - Trust
Chapter Fifty-Seven - Snowblind
Chapter Fifty-Eight - Kole
Chapter Fifty-Nine - Hide and Seek
Chapter Sixty - Final Stand, Part One
Chapter Sixty-One - Final Stand, Part Two
Chapter Sixty-Two - Revved Up
Chapter Sixty-Three - Go!
Chapter Sixty-Four - Calling All Titans!
Chapter Sixty-Five - Titans Together
Chapter Sixty-Six - Things Change
Chapter Sixty-Seven - Trouble in Tokyo, Part One
Chapter Sixty-Eight - Trouble in Tokyo, Part Two
Chapter Sixty-Nine - Trouble in Tokyo, Part Three
Chapter Seventy - Trouble in Tokyo, Part Four
Chapter Seventy-One - Trouble in Tokyo, Part Five
Chapter Seventy-Two - Epilogue

Chapter Forty-Six - Troq

2.3K 98 88
By missextinct

    Hola! Just in case some of y'all haven't seen the series, this episode deals with a bit of racism. Just something to watch out for--it's not that severe, and carries a positive message at the end, but the theme's still there.

    I hold my cards in my right hand, resting the left and letting it heal further. A small cast sits on my wrist as well as my shoulder, broken in two places and annoying me greatly. The cast should have been off by now, and it would be if not for a combination of our constant missions, Robin's overprotectiveness, and Cyborg flaunting his guilt over me taking the blow as opposed to him.

    Combined, the two male Titans have proven to be an unstoppable force in ensuring that I heal my injury properly, despite my resistance. As we play the card game, they sit on either side of me, watching to make sure I don't somehow take any shortcuts in healing it. I know if I ask, though, they'll claim they're making sure that I'm not cheating.

    "Please, explain why it is bad to be the old maid?" Starfire's question breaks me out of my thoughts, but my attention is quickly diverted once more at the sound of engines blaring outside our window.

    "Whoa!" Cyborg exclaims as he, Robin, and I turn around. "What was that?"

    "Giant worms?"

    The vehicles fly over the Tower and away from us. "Uh, don't think so," Raven remarks, glancing at Beast Boy.

    "Titans! Go!" Robin shouts, and we all stand up from our seats and make for the door. Once we reach the roof, however, we do nothing but stare at the ship.

    "Whoever he is, the guy's a good pilot." Cyborg's voice sounds from behind me and I look at him.

    "Or whoever's chasing them are really bad pilots in comparison," I point out, looking back up as the first pursuer explodes in the air. I slow the falling debris, stopping any of it from landing on us.

    "That guy's a great pilot!" Robin exclaims, agreeing with Cyborg. We continue to watch as the pilot jumps out of his own vehicle--presumably setting it to an automatic setting--and clambers onto the other ship. It doesn't take long before his second pursuer is spiralling towards the ground. "Did he just take down that ship with his bare hands?"

    "Looks like it," Cyborg responds, and we're all forced to duck as the ship comes too close to the Tower for my liking. "Come on, man, you can do it!"

    Smoke continues to billow from the vehicle as it rides over the mountains and out of our sight. We all stare, transfixed, until thick smoke and red light flare from behind the hilltop.

    "Is he...?" Starfire questions.

    "Let's go find out," I say. Starfire grabs Cyborg by his armpits, and knowing I can't do the same in my current state, I pull from the ground a boulder big enough to fit two people on it. I don't need to say a word as Robin climbs on and we take off in the direction of the explosion.


    I fly Robin and I up the hill, both of us disembarking at the summit. My eyes widen at the sight of a large flame, and I walk up towards it slowly. I hold my hand out and begin to part it, but before I can do very much in the way of helping, a figure steps out heroically from the flames.

    "It takes more than a plasmatic implosion to bring down Val-Yor," a voice booms, and I'm blinded by a flash beside me. Turning around, I see Starfire guiltily pull a camera away from her face, grinning from ear to ear.

    The self-proclaimed Val-Yor seems to be of an alien species. He has a shining, silver glint to his skin, with the pattern of a red star embedded on his chest. He wears a purple jumpsuit that hugs his figure, and he isn't afraid to flaunt his muscles as he strides towards us confidently.

    "That was some amazing flying," Robin says, clearly in awe.

    "Thanks," Val-Yor responds, before confirming my suspicions as he introduces himself. "Val-Yor of Vernathia. Pleased to meet you."

    "I'm Robin, and we're the Teen Titans," the Boy Wonder says. "That's Raven, Beast Boy..."

    "Cyborg," the mechanic male says, taking it upon himself to make an introduction and give his share of compliments. "Man, you sure know how to make an entrance." He shakes Val-Yor's hand as he speaks, the embrace lasting longer than I expect it to.

    "It's all in a day's work," Val-Yor replies smugly.

    "This here's Ember," Robin says, motioning his head towards me.

    Val-Yor turns to me and smiles, and I offer my good hand for him to shake. "Pleasure to meet you, sir," I say, and the alien takes my hand softly, as if being careful to break it. I almost begin to dislike Val-Yor as I catch him eyeing my cast, but then he smiles at me and my doubt dissipates.

    "Please," he says. "Call me Val-Yor." He lets go of my hand and I smile as I take a step back next to Robin.

    "You do that every day?" Beast Boy asks, staring up at his new idol.

    "Nope," Val-Yor states. "Most days, I fight more than just two of 'em."

    "So today's a slow day for you?" Raven asks.

    The alien chuckles and grins at the cloaked girl. "Exactly."

    "Val-Yor!" Starfire exclaims, the last Titan to introduce herself. "I welcome you to Earth."

    Val-Yor stares at Starfire, seemingly unimpressed, before turning to Robin. "I see you have a Tamaranean," he says blankly, the proud tone in his voice completely gone and replaced with none at all.

    "Yeah, Starfire's part of the team," Robin replies nonchalantly.

    "So, who were those guys?" Cyborg asks, moving on.

    "They weren't guys at all," Val-Yor tells us. "Why don't we tackle them at your base?"

    Robin glances at Cyborg, then at me. "Sure." I doubt the other Titans would object, and so when none of them say anything, I step forward. "Right this way."

    I walk off the hill and jump onto the boulder that I used to get here and Robin hops on. "You need a ride?" Robin asks Val-Yor.

    "That's very kind of you," Val-Yor says, and I catch the all-too-familiar glint in his eye that suggests that he's too vain to accept the Boy Wonder's help. "But don't worry about me. If I can defeat two Crixies, I can get to your base." 

    Robin smiles and nods. "We'll see you there," he says. I stand up, holding my hands out and digging my feet in the ground slightly to balance myself before taking off in the direction of Titans Tower.


    I sit next to Starfire as we stare up at the Titan computer, currently displaying three creatures unfamiliar to me, no doubt alien. Five red eyes sit on its face, in a cross-like formation, and the rest of its skin is a combination of two different shades of blue.

    "The Locrix are vicious fighting machines," Val-Yor begins, standing in front of the display.

    "Machines?" Robin questions, the only Titan not sitting. His arms are folded as his eyes narrow at the alien pilot's words. "What do they want?"

    "Nothing less than total galactic domination," Val-Yor replies. "The Locrix think they are superior to organics..." On cue, two images show on the screen and Val-Yor adjusts the angle that he faces us at so that we can see them better, "and they are determined to wipe us out."

    "But you have defeated them, yes?" Starfire confirms.

    "Those two were just scouts," Val-Yor replies. "There are many more where they came from."

    "Sounds like you've had a lot of experience fighting 'em," Cyborg states.

    "I've been battling the Crisis about as long as I can remember. They tried to take over Vernathia, but I wasn't about to let that happen."

    I lean forward with my elbows rested on my knees and my head resting on my fists. "Vernathia's your hometown?" I inquire, my leg starting to bounce in anticipation of our next mission.

    "It is. And the Crixies made a big mistake when they tried to take over."

    "So how do we stop them from doing the same to Earth?" Robin asks.

    "I'm on a mission to hit them where they live," Val-Yor says, and two diagrams pop up on the screen behind him. "Sentien, the mother planet. And I'm taking a Class Five quantum eradicator. Once I plug it into their central power core, it'll shut 'em down forever."

    Robin takes a step forward and I instantly know what he's about to say. "We'd like to help."

    "I can use all the help I can get," Val-Yor says, his back now turned to us so I can't read his expression to determine his sincerity. "But I have to warn you, it's going to be dangerous. Those Crixies are tough. They won't give up without a fight."

    Whilst the pilot speaks, I stand up and move towards Robin. "With all due respect, Val-Yor," I begin. "You don't know what we can do. We're used to danger, and we're not just gonna let you go looking for it without us."

    Beast Boy's hand shoots out from behind me, and I catch the thumbs up from the corner of my eye. Val-Yor doesn't take long to showcase his approval as a smirk tugs on his lips, a similar one forming on mine.


    My gaze ventures to the window as Val-Yor sits himself on the chair, leaving us with no option but to stand before him. I turn back, listening in awe to the story the alien tells.

    "It was me versus twenty of them," Val-Yor begins, voice full of animation as he continues. "They had me surrounded. There were Crixies to the left of me, Crixies to the right. Things weren't looking good for Val-Yor."

    My eyebrows raise slightly at the change of perspective, but it doesn't last long. "What did you do?" Cyborg asks, desperate for the resolution.

    "Well, I certainly wasn't gonna let them get me, so I led them to a trap... short-circuited the lot of 'em... and escaped without a scratch." As Val-Yor talks, my eyes widen in shock, unable to help but wonder how he managed to pull what he had described to us off.

    "Dude! Those Crixies didn't know what was coming!" Beast Boy exclaims.

    Val-Yor chuckles. "They sure didn't, son." I nudge Raven and shoot her an impressed look, one which she reciprocates. "Just installed a new neutron-turbo engine," the pilot says, standing up and moving to Cyborg. "You want to give her a spin?"

    Cyborg turns around, enough tears welling in his one eye for two of them. He stammers, pointing to the machine, then to Val-Yor, and then to him, repeating this cycle as he struggles for words.

    "I think that's a yes." Raven answers for Cyborg as Val-Yor moves the mechanic Titan over to the engine. He runs over to it and smiles like a child in a candy store.

    "Robin, why don't you navigate?" Val-Yor pats the Boy Wonder on the back and he jumps into the navigation seat, eyes widening at the advanced extraterrestrial technology.


    "Raven, Ember, man the blasters," Val-Yor says next, grabbing each of us calmly by the shoulders. I feel a rush of adrenaline pulse through me and I grin wickedly, at a loss for words. 

    "No fair!" Beast Boy shouts.

    As Raven and I are taken to either side of the room where the blaster controls lie, Raven glances back at the shapeshifter. "Can I blast whoever I want?"

    Whilst Val-Yor presumably assigns Beast Boy and Starfire jobs, I sit down and find the blaster controls, which are already turned on. I grab the handle and hold my foot on the trigger under me, similar to an accelerator in a car. A mechanism moves up and rests itself on my chin, and a holographic, green circle moves in front of my left eye as I shut my right one.

    "This is insane," I mutter, not bothering to hide my grin.

    Before I can fire at anything, however, alarms go off. "Intruders! The cargo hold has been compromised!" Val-Yor shouts.

     "The Locrix?" Robin and I ask in unison.

    "They're after the eradicator!" the pilot states. "Cyborg, keep us on course and keep an eye out for more."

    "Can do," the Titan replies.

    "You four, come with me." Val-Yor rushes out the door and I follow him, the other four Titans on our heels.

    Val-Yor holds a hand out to stop me in my tracks as we're about to exit the ventilation system, before jumping down first. He grunts and a blast of energy follows, shooting one of the Locrix back. I don't wait any longer and jump down, and several thuds confirm that the others decided to do the same.

    "I'll take the ugly one," Val-Yor says cockily, and the Locrix jump on us.

    I curl my fists and a familiar heat pulses through my body, the fire escaping through my skin and flaring around me. With that, I pounce on the closest Locrix and dropkick it, sending the machine back. I hear a mechanical whir and flatten myself to the floor, extinguishing the flames but avoiding several tentacles in the process.

    I roll over to my back and stare up at the tentacles, before slicing through them with a large shard of ice. I grab it in the air and throw it like a shuriken, aiming for the middle light but hitting the area just under it.

    "Watch out! They can sting you!" Val-Yor shouts, and I whip around to see him locked in an engagement with one of the Locrix. My skin flares and I jump into the air, letting the flames sink to my feet as I jump on the Locrix's arms and set it alight, allowing Val-Yor to finish it off.

    Robin jumps over to us and throws two of his birdarangs at his pursuing Locrix, electrocuting it. "Nice shot!" Val-Yor says.

    "Thanks," Robin says quickly, as more Locrix begin to surround us.

    "Think you can handle these two?" Val-Yor asks.

    Robin socks his fist into his hand and my eyes are enveloped with red light. "Definitely," I reply, lifting myself into the air and shooting balls of flame at the nearest Locrix. I hear both of them sizzle as Robin kicks the second. They quickly get up and begin to approach us once more, and I take an involuntary step back.

    "Hit it in the central processor! Like this!" I hear Val-Yor shout, but don't dare look away as he no doubt demonstrates to another Titan.

    "Here goes nothing," I say, flying at one of the Locrix and hitting it where I did before, just under the middle light. This time, I create a hole through the Locrix so large that I fly through it, watching as Robin uses his staff to break the second open.

    My attention is soon brought away at the sound of roaring. "Watch it! Are you trying to blow up the ship?" I fly over to where Val-Yor is yelling at Starfire.

    "I will be more careful next time," she replies, clearly rattled by the confrontation.

    "There won't be a next time," Val-Yor seethes, walking away just as I reach Starfire.

    "Are you okay?" I ask. I look back at Val-Yor, who is already back to fighting as he finishes off the last of the Locrix on the ship. "I'm sure he didn't mean that. He's just angry at the Crixies."

    "Good work, everyone," Val-Yor says, and I lead the alien princess back to the pilot.

    "That was awesome!"


    "Not bad."

    "Okay, team. Back to the bridge," Val-Yor states. "We need to be ready in case they're foolish enough to launch another attack."

    Robin, Raven, and Beast Boy nod eagerly and begin to walk out. Upon noticing that I haven't moved, Robin reaches back and grabs my arm, dragging me along with them.

    I look back as Starfire walks up to Val-Vor. "I wish to apologise," she expresses. "I did not mean to endanger your ship. I was only trying to help."

    Robin's grip on my arm loosens slightly and I slow, only just hearing the alien pilot's response as Robin pulls me through the shutting door.

    "I don't need any help from a stupid Troq."

    The door slams in my face and I blink, stunned. I feel someone grab my other hand and before I know it, I'm walking beside Robin and Beast Boy, following their guidance. What does Troq mean? I can't help but wonder. I hadn't caught Starfire's reaction, but I couldn't imagine it was anything good.

    "Val-Yor said he's never seen anything like me," Beast Boy says proudly, and I return to reality.

    "Yeah. Most people haven't," Raven replies, not missing a beat, causing the shapeshifter to look at her with an irked expression plastered on his face.

     "I think I'm his favourite," he says, clearly trying to make himself feel better. I shoot him a small smile that seems to lift his mood.

    "Oh, yeah? He said my piloting skills were first-rate!" Cyborg argues, clearly not reading the room.

    "Val-Yor thinks all of us are great," Robin says, reassuring the boys.

    "Well, we are all great."

    "Some more great than others."

    I giggle softly and nudge the shapeshifter in the side. "Whatever lets you sleep at night."

    Raven opens her mouth to contribute, but stops when Robin and Cyborg look behind them. I crane my neck, trying to see past their figures, but don't have a clue about what's going on until the Boy Wonder speaks up. "Starfire, come on. We don't want to be late for the briefing."

    The alien princess doesn't say anything, if she's even there. "Last one there's a rotten egg!" Beast Boy shouts, breaking the silence as the four Titans surrounding me instantly run for the door and I get a glimpse of the redhead.

    "Please. What does Beast Boy mean by the spoiled chicken embryos?" Starfire asks, a smile that I can instantly tell to be fake plastered on her face.

    "Are you okay?" I ask.

    "I am fine," Starfire says reassuringly. "Do not worry about me."

    I narrow my eyes, searching her features. Her eyes don't waver with the message, and eventually I smile back at her. "If you're sure. Now come on, there's a meeting waiting for us."


    "We'll land here on the dark side of Sentien. It's the best place for a sneak attack," Val-Yor states. Robin averts his gaze and I follow it to see Starfire, huddled near the entrance. Before he can interrupt the meeting, I place my hand on the Boy Wonder's chest and walk over to the alien princess.

    "Starfire," I whisper, kneeling down in front of her and taking her hands in mine.

    "I can gather everything I need from here," she states stubbornly.

    "But you can gather more over there." I jab my head towards the others and Starfire looks over my shoulder, eyes locking with mine once more.

    "So can you." I purse my lips at her resistance. "You are missing the important meeting."

    "I'm not the only one," I say lightly. Starfire gives off an annoyed huff and I let go of her hands, waving mine in exasperation. "Come on, Star, just listen in. It's important."

    I let out a satisfied smile as Starfire stands up. She grabs my hand and walks with me to my previous spot around the table, dropping me off before turning around and sitting back down on the stairs. I begin to walk back to her, but Robin catches my hand and stops me from going back over towards her. Before I turn back around and refocus my attention, I catch the saddened glint in her eyes.

    "Robin, Ember, and Cyborg, I'll want you all providing cover as I bring out the quantum eradicator. I'll take it here to the central power core." Val-Yor points to a location on the map and I make note of it as he looks at Robin. "I trust you to do a good job, Spike."

    The team leader smiles as Val-Yor ruffles his hair, and Cyborg responds when he doesn't. "We got your back."

    "I know you do, Metal Butt," Val-Yor responds. Before moving on, he taps me on the shoulder and shoots me a mischievous grin. "But Torch is with the two of you just in case. She'll keep you both in check." My jaw drops slightly as I look in awe at the alien pilot, nudging the Boy Wonder next to me with a new smirk on my face.

    "Shut up," he responds playfully, and I pout jokingly.

    "I didn't say anything!"

    "Yeah, but your face did."

    "Now, Sunshine..." Val-Yor continues, turning to Raven and Beast Boy in turn. "I'm gonna need you to keep that energy field of yours around the ship. And Champ, you provide backup where needed."


    "You getting all this, Troqie?" Val-Yor glances over his shoulder to where Starfire sits dejectedly.

    When he speaks to her, her front hardens and she maintains a strong exterior. "Yes. I have gotten everything you have said," she says to Val-Yor firmly.

    "I'm glad we have an understanding," he replies. The room flashes red and my fist curls on the table as I turn around slowly, now facing the door.

    "More Crixies?" Beast Boy asks.

    Val-Yor brings up a new diagram, glaring at it as if it were one of his enemies. "No. Mines. A dirty Locrix trap," he announces. "Our ship won't be able to pass through the minefield. If one goes, they'll all go." Once more, he looks at Starfire. "This is a job for you, Troqie. Get out there and move those mines."

    I freeze and turn to Val-Yor. He can't do that. She might not make it. "No way. She's not going out there. It's not safe." I move my body and stand in between Val-Yor and Starfire, a small part of me instantly regretting the action for fear that the alien pilot may take a disliking to me.

    "Are you sure it's safe?" Robin corrects. A part of me wants to scream that it's not, but my feet planted on the ground remind me that I'm opposing the idea enough as it is. Solve this diplomatically. Try not to make enemies, I remind myself, closing my eyes for a split second to calm my nerves. I can only hope the pause was brief enough that no one noticed it, and am glad when they don't appear to.

    "It's just a few mines."

    I faintly register Starfire standing up behind me and she pushes her way past me. "Val-Yor, you are such a brave warrior," she says. "Are you sure you do not wish to move these devices yourself?" I stumble back slightly at her sarcasm, having never heard such a thing escape the alien's mouth before, but quickly regain my composure.

    Val-Yor turns his body towards the two of us, a scowl on his face as he glares at the Titan who challenged him. "Of course I could move them, but I'm needed inside," he spits. "Only an experienced pilot can navigate through here. Besides, your people can withstand the hostile conditions of space."

    At this comment, Starfire narrows her eyes and I step back. Val-Yor takes her silence as a victory and he steps back, muscles relaxing. "Come on, you four. To your positions." Val-Yor steps towards me, a friendly smile on his face, and I relax slightly myself as he guides me to the hallway.


    I watch helplessly from my position as Starfire's figure recedes, getting closer to the mines with each passing second. My leg bounces and I try to stop it and calm my nerves, failing to do so.

   "Nice and easy. We don't want any mistakes this time," Val-Yor seethes as Starfire begins to move the first mine.

    "I will not make any." Starfire's determined voice fills my ears as she pushes the first mine to the side. She moves back towards the chain and grabs the second mine, dragging it to the same position and rendering it useless. The alien princess continues this pattern, and gets at least two dozen out of the way.

    "Watch it, Troqie! They're on a collision course!" Val-Yor shouts, and my eyes widen as I notice two mines drifting closer together, almost touching. Starfire gasps at the same time as I do.

    "I can't watch!" Beast Boy shouts. Starfire sandwiches herself in between the mines and pushes against them. As much as I want to turn my head away, I don't, and I look on as the mines slow before retreating in the direction they came from. "Did we blow up yet?"

    "Yep, that's why you're still talking." Raven rolls her eyes and turns back to her station, leaving me to watch in horror as Starfire's foot nicks one of the mines, activating it.

    "You've tripped the detonator!" Val-Yor roars into the microphone. "You only have twenty seconds!"

    I stand up and run past Val-Yor, but Beast Boy grabs my hand from his side. "Dude, what are you looking for?" he asks, eyes scanning my determined ones desparately.

    "A helmet. I'm going out there."

    "No! It's too dangerous!" Beast Boy releases my arm and I freeze in place as Val-Yor turns towards us, his voice filling the room.

    "We can't just watch as—"

    "I don't care!"

    "As she risks her life—"

    "I said, I DON'T—" The alien pilot is cut off with a large explosion, silencing not just the two of us but everyone in the room. Tears well in my eyes and I don't bother pulling them away as I sink to my knees.


    "You may proceed safely."

    My eyes light up as I hear the redhead's voice. She did it. I grin as I stand up and punch my fists in the air, scolding myself as I do so. Of course she did. She's Starfire. I run over towards Robin and Cyborg and jump on the latter, cheering along with the others.

    "Way to go, Star!"

    "Good job."

    "You rock!" Through the corner of my eye, I see Beast Boy hug Raven from behind. I smirk as I tap Cyborg on the shoulder and point at the pair. If his smile could get wider, it would at the sight of the duo. "Never doubted her for a second. Raven, you really shouldn't worry so much."


    "And that's how we defeated Control Freak." I roll my eyes from beside Robin, unable to hide my proud smile as he finishes the story from a few weeks ago.

    "Sounds like you handled your team well," Val-Yor congratulates, patting Robin on the back. "You're a true leader. You remind me of myself when I was your age, Spike." Robin smiles at his new idol, making me warm. Maybe he just rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe he's not trying to be mean to Starfire. Maybe he won't do it again. Maybe--

    "Robin, can I get a word?" I snap back to reality to see Val-Yor release Robin from under his wing—literally—as Cyborg and Starfire enter the room. Val-Yor shoots him with a finger gun as he leaves, his wink an action that the Boy Wonder reciprocates.

    "I don't mean to be blunt, but do you even know what a TV is?" I ask the pilot as the trio leave the area once more. Val-Yor shoots me a curious, yet stern look, and I sigh. "Val-Yor, I'm sorry I didn't trust your judgement. I'm sure you wouldn't have put Starfire out there if you didn't know for sure that she could do it. I was just worried--"

    "It's okay, Torch," Val-Yor replies, extending his hand to shake. When I do, he cracks a smile. "Y'know, I didn't peg you for the mother of the group."

    I grin. "It's not full-time. My friends just have a habit of getting themselves into trouble. A lot." The pilot grins once more and slaps my back harshly, and I grimace. "You're gonna have to do a lot more than that," I joke, motioning to Cyborg and Beast Boy. "I live with those two."

    A buzzer sounds, abruptly ending the conversation, and Val-Yor turns to the front of the ship where a red planet appears in our vision. "We've arrived at Sentien. Prepare for landing!" An unknown force fires at us and I jump. "Looks like they were expecting us."


    My right hand holds the hanger over my head as I stand in the cargo bay, listening intently. "Okay, Titans, just as we planned. Cyborg, Robin, Ember, take the lead." I nod stiffly, my jaw locked. "Beast Boy and Raven, guard our escape route. I'm taking the quantum eradicator and putting an end to the filthy Crixies once and for all."

    "What about Starfire?" Robin asks, and I turn my head to glance at him as a result of the harsh tone he has adopted.

    "Guard the ship, Troq." Val-Yor turns back to lift the quantum eradicator and I eye Robin, searching his eyes for an answer. My face must depict my confusion, as Robin shakes his head in a manner that suggests he'll tell me later.

    "No. I am going with you," Starfire says sternly, and Val-Yor whips around.

    "I gave you an order!"

    "I do not take orders from you," Starfire fires back. If not for my hand glued to the hanger and Val-Yor directly in front of me, I would applaud her courage. "If my friends go into danger, so do I. Besides, my people can withstand hostile conditions."

    The cargo bay lowers as the two standoff, and I sigh as I am saved from the silence. Locrix troops are ready to meet us, and Robin, Cyborg and I get ready to jump down.

    "Let's do this."

    Val-Yor's words ignite a fire in me and I let one out, shooting through the troops in my way. One jumps right back down as the fire is absorbed by my skin and I snarl at it before kicking it in the chest. It stumbles back but continues its charge, and this time I punch it with two fiery hands.

    "I'm going after Starfire!" Cyborg jumps onto the Locrix that is seemingly about to attack me, saving me. I nod my thanks as Robin jumps down and does the same for him.

    "She can handle herself," he says, shooting me a knowing look before I do exactly what the mechanic teen suggested. I raise my eyebrows in question, but once more, Robin shakes his head. "Later." Before I can protest, Robin goes back to fighting.

    I turn back to the Locrix about to attack me and bring the ground above it up, removing its footing before slamming the earth on its head and burying it. I rise into the air so that the Crixies around me stop in their tracks, before doing the same thing to them. Smirking, I pretend to clap the dirt off my hands.

    I drop to the ground as another round of Crixies charge at me, but they slump to the ground before I can retaliate. "They did it," Robin breathes.

    I look up and see Starfire emerging from an exploding building, dragging an unconscious Val-Yor by his clothes. "No, Robin," I correct, smiling in the direction of the red-haired Titan. "Starfire did it."

    I wave at Starfire and she grits her teeth, getting closer and closer. "You told her?" I hear Cyborg whispers, but I know not to react, as my instinct tells me that if I turn around, their conversation will stop. Told me what?

    "She doesn't need to know to say the right thing," Robin replies, his voice slightly louder and laced with an unusual tone that Cyborg's wasn't. Cyborg coughs, hiding a word within it, but I shrug it off and rush to Starfire as she lands, Val-Yor's arm slung around her shoulder.

    "Starfire, are you okay?" Beast Boy asks as he and Raven join us.

    "Val-Yor requires medical attention," Starfire says, selflessly deflecting his question.

    "Do you?" I ask, grabbing Val-Yor's other arm and struggling under the weight. Cyborg walks over to me and I shoot him a weak smile. "Fine. I'll get the ship ready for you."

    I walk off, and Robin grabs my arm. I wince as he pulls my bad arm back, having burnt the sling intentionally during our latest battle, and he notices this as he lets go. "Ember, I need to tell you something."

    "I hadn't noticed," I remark sarcastically as I walk into the ship, Robin hot on my heels. 

    "Well, did you want to know what it was?"

    "I can guess, I'm sure." I speed up, towards the navigation room. The lights automatically turn on as I enter, and I stand where the captain of the ship—typically Val-Yor—would stand.

    "I th—well, I'm gonna tell you anyway." Robin's urgent tone causes me to turn around, and he stands at the other end of the circular table. "Did Star tell you what the word 'Troq' means?"

    "It's her nickname," I recalled. "Like Torch, or Spike."

    "Well, yes and no." Robin grabs for my hands and holds them. "Troq... it means nothing. Worthless. Inferior. Val-Yor's been calling Starfire a bad name under her noses this whole time."

    "And she didn't tell us?"

    "She's too selfless." Robin's praise of Starfire brings a pang to my heart but I push it aside.

    Pulling my hands from his, I begin to walk back towards the control panel. "She is," I say softly. I feel bad for the alien girl. No. I feel anger on her behalf. No one, especially Starfire, should be treated how Val-Yor has been treating her. I want to smack myself for how long it took me to jump to that conclusion, and for not seeing the red flags sooner.


    "I'm fine."

    "You don't look fine," Robin notes.

    I open my eyes and Robin steps back slightly. "Val-Yor's going to wish he never crossed us." I close my eyes again, sensing a colour that wasn't their usual shade, and I feel a gloved hand uncurl my fists.

    "Starfire's not the only selfless one," Robin pipes up, walking over to my side. He still has my hands in his and he grabs onto them softly. I let out a surprised noise at his outburst as he continues. "You shouldn't have saved Cyborg like that."

    I groan. "Don't turn this into a lecture," I whine.

    "I wasn't going to," Robin states, much to my surprise. His expression softens as he gazes at me, and I narrow my eyes in question. "You're not just selfless, though. You're very smart, and kind, and..." I look up as the Boy Wonder fumbles for words. "Observant."

    "Observant?" I grin as Robin shuts his eyes.

    "Wrong word," he chuckles, opening his eyes slowly. "I meant wise, considerate, not to mention beautiful..."

    "That was a good save. Bruce taught you well," I quip, bringing him towards me right before our lips meet. Instantly, I'm paralysed with fear that I misread the situation, and I pull away. "Sorry," I breathe. "I shouldn't have done—"

    Robin cuts me off by pressing his lips back onto mine. He releases his hands from mine and they slink around my waist. My arms move up to his cheeks, cupping them. Our lips break apart but our foreheads stay glued together, and I feel the Boy Wonder smile softly as I let out a dazed, yet satisfied hum.

    "Ember! Robin! Are we good to go?" I hear Cyborg shout, and I'm broken out of my trance. So is Robin, and he breaks apart without looking at me.

    "Two seconds!" I shout, before turning to Robin. I begin to scold myself, fearing that I've ruined our friendship with my impulsiveness. The Boy Wonder gazes at me, stunned, as I search his face for an indication that what I did was wrong.

    "Are you okay?" he asks, grabbing my hands once more. He gives them a short squeeze before letting go and they instantly feel cold and lonely.

    I nod numbly, just as Beast Boy and Raven run in. Cyborg and Starfire are behind them, both still carrying the unconscious Val-Yor. I glance at Robin for the last time, and he nods curtly. I nod back, agreeing to not tell the others just yet, giving us time to work it out ourselves.


    I stand on the roof along with the other Titans as we bid a not-so-sad farewell to Val-Yor. My eyes flick over to the sunset as he speaks, the sky taking a beautiful, rich purple for itself. "Well, thank you for all your help," he says.

    "Don't thank us," Robin spits. "Thank Starfire."

    "Yeah," Beast Boy growls. "She's the one who saved your sorry butt."

    Silence ensues, with Starfire refusing to meet Val-Yor's eye. She shuffles closer to me and I grip her hand, squeezing it tightly. "Thank you, Starfire," Val-Yor concedes. "I have to admit, you're not bad for a Tr... Tamaranean. You must be one of the good ones."

    "No." Starfire instantly stands up for her people with the singular syllable, and I work hard to hide my proud grin. "The fact that I rescued you does not make me better than other Tamaraneanas."

    "Look. I'm trying to pay you a compliment."

    "Then why does it still sound like an insult?" Raven questions, standing on the other side of the Titan.

    Val-Yor's eyes widen in a panic. "Spike, you understand I didn't mean anything by it, it's just--"

    "Val-Yor, I think it's time for you to go." Robin's words cause Val-Yor's eyes to almost fall out of their sockets. In one last movement, he locks eyes with me and I look away.

    "Come on, Torch, remember what you said? I wasn't trying to be--"

    "I thought you weren't. I guess I was wrong," I spit. "You need to leave. Now."

    Val-Yor scowls before turning around. "You're not the only one who was wrong, Torch," Val-Yor spoke. "I thought you Earthlings were all right. Turns out you're just like the Troqs." I am grateful to watch him leave and turn to Starfire when he does to make sure that she's okay.

    "I'm sorry Val-Yor treated you like that," Robin begins, beating me to the punch.

    "If you had've told m—us, we would never have let him get away with it," I add, Cyborg nodding in agreement.

    "There is nothing you could have done," Starfire explains. "There will always be people who say mean words because you are different, and sometimes, their minds cannot be changed. But there are many more people who do not judge others based on how they look or where they are from. Those are the people whose words truly matter."

    The alien princess turns around and walks past us. "You're a very wise person, Star, anybody ever told you that?" I say under my breath, in awe at her knowledge. Cyborg, Beast Boy and Raven follow her, but before I can leave, Robin grabs my hand.

    "Ember, we need to talk."

    My eyes widen at his forwardness. "Do we?" I ask nervously. "No, we don't..."

    Robin laughs—actually laughs—before sobering up and shaking his head. "We do. We have to, eventually. You and I both know that. We can't just pretend like it didn't happen."

    "Like what didn't happen?"


    A small frown blossoms onto my face. There goes avoiding the problem until it goes away—my initial plan. "Okay, well... what are your thoughts?"

    "My thoughts?" Suddenly, the Robin who instigated this conversation and was forward with me is gone. Now, I'm staring at a more anxious, nervous version of the Boy Wonder. "I—uh, well... I'd like to, uh, do it again sometime." His eyes widen to the size of stars and he shakes his head frantically, unbelieving of the words that just came out of his mouth. "NO! That's not what I-I meant... if that's alright with you?"

    I smile and take a step closer to the Boy Wonder. I place my hand on his chest and feel his heart pounding. "Dick." I feel as the act of hearing his given name calms his heart rate. When his heart is steady once more, I gulp and smile at him, hiding my own agonising fear. "I'd like that a lot."

    "Good." Robin brings his hands either side of my head and meets me in the middle with another kiss. My hand stays on his chest, the other joining it, and I feel as his heartbeat increases.

    Robin's lips are slightly cold, but I don't mind. I close my eyes and let the moment sweep me, butterflies already forming in my stomach. One of Robin's hands plays with my hair softly, and I move both my arms around his neck, totally and utterly melting as I am lost in the moment.

    As I kiss him, all I can think about is him, something I'm more than happy to do. As the sun fades, so do my worries. As the moon rises, so do my amplified feelings. I wish to be here and feel like this forever, pulling away and smiling sadly as I realise that can't happen.

    Before I leave, I rise onto my toes and kiss Robin's cheek, quickly turning away and walking. My hands shake. My skin tingles. My breaths are ragged and follow an unnatural pattern. Oxytocin and adrenaline pump through me—I can't be still. Unbeknownst to the Boy Wonder behind me, I am unable to wipe the smile off my face.

    I am happy.

    I've never been more nervous before posting a chapter. It happened!! I'm not sure if it was horrible or not-so-horrible, but I'm definitely open to feedback. Aftermath coming soon <3

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