The Millionaires Sugar Baby M...

By NotReadyToPlayNice

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For louis life was hard as when at 17 he came out to his parents they kicked him out of the house as they wer... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 1

2.6K 56 16
By NotReadyToPlayNice

harry was a successful business man and at 35 years old harry took over his family business when his father passed away since harry was very young his father taught him everything about the business and what he had to do and what was expected of him you can say that harry didnt have a childhood but has only had 2 best friends  and since then harry works long hours relationships were not something harry was good at or even mattered to him

"H we need to get going"

"sorry niall was going over these contracts" harry says as he puts them away and gets up and hugs niall

"hurry we need to get going" niall says as they walk out of the office and head to their meeting and a few hours later they walk out of the meeting

"well that went better than expected" harry says "when do we close on the development deal with the city"

"next week and this contract we should receive by monday" niall asks

"ok" harry says as his phone starts to ring "yes linda"

"im sorry sir to bother you but ms megan is here to see you"

"tell her i am about to go into a meeting and will call her after" harry says with a firm voice

"yes sir" linda says as harry hangs up on her

"you still talking to megan" niall asks

"yeah but i think she might break up with me" harry says

"why cant you commit to her" niall questions

"i dont have time for relationships they are to time consuming and with this business i dont have time she wants  me to be her date for her friends wedding" harry says

"why dont you go" niall questions

"because then she is going to want to plan ours and i dont want to get married or have a wedding or be in front of people that i will only see that day and never again" harry says "love is over rated and i dont believe in it"

"you are so stupid i swear i want to be there when love bites you in the ass" niall says laughing

"shut it" harry says "love is stupid and i dont need that distraction from business"

"i thought you were still talking to tom"

"i was but he was falling in love with me and i let him go" harry says

"H i want you to be happy i want you to have a family and someone to share all this success with" niall says

"i am happy i have my family and friends that is all i need" harry says

"dont give up on love he or she is out there" niall says

"i dont need love i just need my family" harry says as they drive back to harrys office and walk into his office as he decides to call megan and he gets her voicemail and harry calls again

"i will call you back" megan says as she hangs up on him

"she is busy" harry says

"just go to the wedding with her and have fun" niall says

"i dont think so i told her i had a business trip" harry says

'i cant with you" niall says 

"look i dont want to fall in love i dont want to settle down i dont want the white picket fence 2 kids and a wife i dont want none of that i have never had that dream i want to continue to build this business and that is all i can think about right now" harry says as his office phone starts to ring "yes linda"

"im sorry to bother you mr styles ms anne is here"

"let her in" harry says coldly as he hangs up and anne walks in the door "mom how are you"

"really good and you" anne says as she hugs harry and niall "what are you up too"

"nothing just going thru contracts and business stuff" harry says

"well gemma is moving back home this weekend is her office ready" anne asks

"yes you want to see it" harry says

"of course" anne says as they stand up and go to what will be gemmas new office "this is amazing harry i love it"

"thank you mom but it was all gemmas ideas she kept sending me pictures but she will in charge of all the accounting stuff and keeping close eye on all the money" harry says

"your father would of been so proud of you" anne says

"thank you mom" harry says with a smile

"well i better get going i will see you for dinner tonight" anne says

"ok mom i will be there" harry says as he hugs anne and niall then hugs her as she walks out of the office and niall and harry walk her to her car and go back to the office

"i have some work to do if i dont see you i will see you tomorrow we have a meeting with liam on the planning for the new building we are going to build"  niall says

"yeah i saw it on my calender" harry says as niall walks out of the office and harry takes out his phone and calls megan as she answers

"hello" megan says

"why did you not answer me when i called you" harry says coldly

"i was paying for some things and didnt want to be rude" megan says

"i dont care when i call you need to answer you know my time is limited" harry says with anger

"im sorry i was shopping with lisa and i was paying for some things" megan says defeated

"next time i call you i dont want you to ignore me" harry says with anger

"harry i cant do this anymore" megan says

"what are you saying"

:"i am tired of being on your beckon call and have to be available when you want what about when i need you you know i have a better relationship with linda than with you" megan says as she starts to cry" i feel like a mistress only see you at night and at my apartment we never do anything as a couple"

"uughg i cant with this right now you knew what you were getting into when we started talking and fine if that is what you want then fine" harry says as he hangs up on megan  as he puts his head back as his phone starts to ring and sees its megan again "what"

"just like that i wasted 2 years of my life for you to leave me just this easy" megan says crying

"if that is what you want to think but i was upfront and honest with you" harry says coldly

"what ever i will go pack ,my things from your apartment" megan says

"no need i will have estelle do it today and you can pick up everything tomorrow' harry says " good bye megan"

"whatever" megan says as she hangs up the phone and harry calls his housekeeper and lets her know to pack all of megans things and soon hangs up and harry continues to work and a few hours later harry hears a knock at his door

"come in" harry says coldly as the door opens

"mr styles do you need me for anything else" linda says

"no that is all for today but tomorrow i need you to get me my coffee and nialls we have an early meeting so be here at 7" harry says

"yes sir" linday says "well goodnight i will see you tomorrow morning"

"good night" harry says as he continues to work and soon gets tired as he sees the clock "8" harry says as he starts to turn everything off and soon walks out of his office and goes to his apartment and walks in and goes to his room and takes a shower and goes to his home office and continues to work and soon gets tired and goes to bed and soon falls asleep the next morning harry gets up and starts to get ready  and soon walks out of his apartment and heads to the office and as he walks in the office his assistant walks next to him as they walk to his office

"and mr styles mr horan called he is running a bit late he said about 10 minutes"

"ok thank you linda" harry says "did you get my coffee"

"yes sir its on your desk" linda says as harry sits on his chair and linda walks out of the office and harry turns on his computer as his phone starts to ring

"hey niall" harry says

"hey sorry i just got to the parking structure and give me 5 minutes" niall says

"its ok i just got here" harry says

"ok" niall says as he hangs up and and harry continues to work and soon niall walks in the door "sorry i was up late and got up late"

"its ok now lets go over these contracts before we meet with liam" harry says as they go over what they needed and soon they hear a knock at the door "come in"

"im sorry to interrupt mr styles but mr payne is waiting for you" linda says

"ok let him know we are on our way" harry says as he and niall stand up and head to liams office and soon walk in

"hey guys" liam says as he stands up and hugs harry and niall

"hey lets get business out of the way then we can play or else we wont get anything done" niall says as they all start to laugh because its true

"fine" harry groans as they start to go over contracts and designs and anything else they can think of

"ok that is out of the way lets go out for drinks tonight" niall says

"sure" harry says

"what about megan" liam asks

"we broke up" harry says


"she wanted attention and stuff and kept pushing me to go to her friends wedding and i didnt want to" harry says

"why cant you commit and enjoy having a partner to enjoy your success" liam asks

"i dont think i am made for relationships they get to complicated and people cant understand that my business is my number one priority and all they want is attention and once we get serious they want to quit their jobs and have me support them i dont need a gold digger" harry says

"dont think that way love is beautiful" liam says

"always the hopeless romantic" harry teases

"shut it" liam says

"well at least find someone and get laid" niall says

"i should find me a boy toy" harry says

"great a millionaire with a booty call" liam says laughing

"you should find a sugar baby" niall says

"what" harry yells out

"yeah you pay someone to keep you company and give you favors no string attached you pay them and if you like them then you continue to see them" niall says

"you know an awful lot about this" harry says

"i have one" niall says almost embarrassed

"what" harry and liam yell out

"hmmm maybe i should get a sugar baby" harry says

"are you serious" liam questions

"yes i will go in knowing they are gold diggers and get some and when i get bored i can get a new one no string attached" harry says

"if you are sure i can show you the website i use" niall says

'look let me think about this before i commit" harry says

"how many are you hooking up with" liam questions

"just 2 but i just started talking to someone else so we will see how it goes" niall says

"so you you can talk to more than 1" harry questions

"yeah just dont tell the others you are paying them they are your employees and some dont care all they want is their money:" niall says

"huh this could be interesting" harry says "just let me think about all this"

"ok when you are ready  let me know" niall says

"so how are you and maya doing" harry asks

"we broke up just we were both really busy" liam says

"that sucks really thought you both would get married" niall says

"we were talking about it but we are busy with work that it was better now that end it badly" liam says

"sorry to hear buddy you want to join the sugar daddy club" niall says as he starts to laugh

"shut it its the price you pay to follow your dreams" liam says

"i know" niall and harry say at the same time

"let go have lunch" niall says

"sure" liam says

"bossman pays" niall says laughing

"fine let go to the sushi place" harry says as they walk out of liams office  and go to the restaurant and soon are seatedas the waiter takes their meal and drink order as harrys phone starts to ring "megan" harry says as he stands up and walks outside

"i came to your office and your assistant said you went to lunch" megan says "where are you"

"who are you to question me we broke up yesterday" harry says

"can we talk about this i dont want to loose you i am so in love with you" megan says as she starts to cry and harry starts to laugh

"no you love the life i can give you  not me dont confuse the two" harry says

"you will die a bitter old man alone with no one to care for you" megan yells out with anger

"well better alone than with a gold digger  dont worry about me your replacement should be arriving in 5minutes so i am fine good bye" harry says

"fuck you" megan yells out as she hangs up on harry and he walks back into the restaurant

"you ok" niall asks

"yeah im fine" harry says as he tells them  about his conversation with megan

"your an ass" niall says laughing

"look i dont care i was gonna break up with her anyways i was getting bored with her and she couldnt even make a simple decision without asking me first it was getting boring and i hated it" harry says

"cant wait for you to meet your match" liam says

"yeah ok i am the boss i run my business and all my relationships and they do as i say or they can leave" harry says

"but you dont let anyone get to know the real you your not as big of an asshole as you let people believe" liam says

"doesnt matter there is not such thing as love its all bullshit and overrated" harry says as they get their food and soon start to eat and when they were done they go back to the office and continue with their work as harrys phone starts to ring  "hello"

"harry babe" the voice says

"oscar" harry questions

"are you busy"

"always you know me always working" harry says

"want to have dinner tonight i am in town for a few days" oscar says

"how about you meet me at the same hotel and we can order take out" harry says "i dont know how late i am going to be here"

"i swear i have never met anyone that works more than you" oscar says

"dont start complaining you know how i am and i am not changing for anyone" harry says firmly

"fine how about we go to the steakhouse at 10" oscar says

"ok i should be done by then" harry says

"k see you then:" oscar saysy as he hangs up and harry  continues to do his work and when it was about 9:30 harry puts his work away and turns off his computer and heads to the steak house and sees oscar and walks to him

"hey love' oscar says as he stands up and hugs harry

"how have you been" harry ask

"really good"

"so you came to visit your family" harry asks

"yeah and some business stuff but mostly to see you" oscar says with a wide smile

"hmm" harry says as the waitress takes their food and drink order and soon walks away" is that so"

"yeah" oscar says with a smile

"maybe after dinner we go have dessert" harry says

"i was hoping you would ask" oscar says as they continue to eat and when they are done they walk out of the restaurant "i will follow you to your house"

"no lets get a hotel room" harry says

"why cant we go to your house" oscar whines

"because i dont want anyone at my house we get a hotel room or this aint happening" harry says firmly

"i always feel like a cheap hooker when we go to a hotel" oscar says defeated

"well take it or leave it" harry says as he gets close to oscar and starts to kiss him as he puts his hand on oscars head to deepen the kiss as harry pulls away he bites on oscars bottom lip "so what do you say"

"fine" oscar says "same hotel"

"of course" harry says as they get into their car and go to the hotel and harry checks in  as they go up to their room as they walk in harry starts to kiss oscar as he walks them to the bed  as they start to take off their clothes

"make love to me" oscar says

"no lets fuck" harry says as he takes out the condom from his wallet  and puts it on the night stand "you got lube"

"yeah back pocket" oscar says as he sits up and gets his pants and takes out the bottle of lube as he gets on his knees and starts to  suck on harrys dick as harry puts his hand on oscars head as he starts to gag on harrys dick as harry lets go of oscars head as oscar starts to take deep breaths

"still cant take a dick" harry says

"shut it your huge" oscar says as oscar continues to suck on harrys dick as harry starts come into oscars mouth :"uughgh why did you come in my mouth i cant stand that" oscar says in disgust

"and having my dick in your mouth is better ok" harry says as he starts to laugh and starts to           kiss oscar

"ohh my gosh how can you kiss me with come in my mouth" oscar says in disgust

"gosh when did you become such a diva are you going to complain the whole night" harry says annoyed

"no just" oscar says

"you know what i am leaving you can stay" harry says as he puts his pants back on

"no stay i am sorry its just" oscar says as he starts to cry and harry rolls his eyes and moves his head back getting more annoyed "im sorry"

"look i am leaving its getting late and i have an early morning" harry says

"no please just stay the night with me" oscar says almost begging

"no its ok the mood is ruined see you next time" harry says as he finishes getting dressed and soon walks out of the hotel room and goes back to his house when he gets there he goes into his room and takes a shower and soon gets into bed and falls asleep. the next day harry gets up and starts to get ready for his day and soon walks out of his house and heads to the office and walks in as his assistant walks close to him and starts to go over his schedule for the day as harry walks into his office and sits down "thank you linda"

"mr styles ms camile rowe called this morning and wanted me to give you this message" linda says as she hands harry a piece of paper

"thank you" harry says as she walks out of the office and harry opens the note and reads it

Harry call me  camile

and harry crumbles the paper and throws it away as he starts to get to work and soon harrys phones starts to ring

"yes linda" harry says

"mr styles your mother is here" linda says

"let her in" harry says as he hangs up the phone and soon harry sees the door open and his mom walk in "mom"

"harry son how have are you" anne says

"really good  really busy" harry says'

"you should work less and enjoy life" anne says

"mom i need to continue dads legacy and i dont want to fail" harry says

"you have the right people in place to make sure the company runs smoothly" anne says "i want us to take a vacation and you not be on your phone the whole time"

"mom i cant let dad down" harry says firmly

"ok fine Gemma is coming home this weekend and i want you to come over for dinner saturday" anne says

"ok i will be there" harry says

"ok son i have to get going and get gemmas room ready for her visit" anne says

"ok mom love you" harry says

"love you to son  but please dont overwork yourself your are only 35 years old this isnt normal you should be out having fun enjoying your life" anne says

"mom please lets not go over all of this again" harry says

"ok fine but son enjoy life dont live with regret that you worked all these years and not enjoyed your adult life" anne says

"mom i have been working since i could write my name everyday i would come to work with dad and when i turned 19 i took over the company  mom i am fine i do have fun but i love to work" harry says

"workaholic just like your father" anne says

"mom please" harry says

"i just never want you to live with regret that you didnt fall in love and had a family " anne says

"mom i am 35 years old i never want to date get married or start a family" harry says

"i am not pushing you into anything i just want you to think about life" anne says

"i will but for now let me run this company" harry says

"ok i will see you saturday" anne says as she hugs harry one last time and walks out of the office and harry continues to work


its been 6 months since louis graduated  high school and even tho he was working as many hours as he could he was not able to pay for any of the college courses he wants and even tho zayn wasnt charging louis rent louis decided he was going to save his money and buy himself a car so he didnt have to depend on zayn or belle for a ride to work and back home, louis turned 18 and was hoping to hear from his family but they didnt call him as he changed his phone plan but was able to keep the same phone number but he was happy finally being able to be himself and at victoria secret he has been very popular and louis was enjoying it there

"louis" grace says as she walks to the back as louis was clocking in

"yeah" louis says

"hey before you start i need you to stock the lingerie and we just got in the new collection can you open the boxes and sort everything out just like you always do please and thank you" grace says

"of course let me just put my things away" louis says as he goes to his locker and then takes out the lingeries that he needed and walks to the front of the store and starts to fix the racks that he needed and louis looks up when he hears a familiar voice

"lots come on hurry up and pick what you need i need to get home micheal needs to get to work" jay says and louis gets nervous as he walks to the stock room and soon grace walks in the back

"louis are you not done please hurry we are getting a line and i need you at register" grace says

"umm i cant go back outside" louis says nervously

"why" grace questions

"my mom and sister are out there and they cant see me i mean i dont want to be out there please grace please understand" louis says almost in tears

"ok open the new stock which one is she" grace says

"she is wearing a pink top with black leggings and blue eyes and she is with my sister bleach blond purple top and white leggings" louis says "they were by the panties"

"ok i will come back and tell you when they leave"

"thank you grace i appreciate it" louis says with a smile as a tear starts to fall

"dont worry louis you are amazing and i cant believe your mom did what she did to you, should ban her from shopping in here" grace says as louis gives her a small laugh

"thank you" louis says as he takes a deep breath

"now get back to work before i fire you" grace says laughing

"shut it" louis says as grace goes to the front and louis starts to take out the shipment and organizes everything and an hour later grace goes to the back

"she is gone" grace says

"she has been here this long" louis questions

"no we  just got really busy in the front" grace says

"ok let me finish this pile and i will finishe the front" louis says as he continues to organize everything and soon l ouis goes to the front and finishes what he needed and soon louis shift was over and louis waits in the front of the mall like he always does for zayn and zayn still hadnt arrived so louis calls him and zayn wasnt answering so louis walks to the bus stop and soon the bus gets there and louis gets on and louis takes out his phone as he goes thru his social media and before louis knew it the bus stops in front of the apartment complex and louis gets confused as he sees zayns car in the parking lot so louis goes to the apartment and as louis opens the door louis sees zayn on top of a strange man "zayn" louis yells out in shock

"daddy" zayn moans out as he turns to the front door as louis  walks out and closes the door and goes to sit on the door step and just stays there in shock and about 20 minutes later the strange man walks out of the apartment

"i will call you later" the man says as he kisses zayn and walks away

"louis im sorry i lost track of time" zayn says as louis stands up and walks in the apartment

"umm its ok just wasnt expecting to see that" louis says as he starts to laugh but stops when he sees money on the kitchen table "what is that"

"money" zayn says

"no shit stupid" louis says "was that your boyfriend"

"no" zayn says almost embarrased

"are you a prostitute" louis questions

"no" zayns ays

"then" louis questions more confused

"ummm" zayn says nervously

"just tell me" louis says

"im a sugar baby" zayn says in almost a whisper

"a what" louis questions and zayn takes a deep breathe

"i am a sugar baby and that was my sugar daddy" zayn says as he bites his lower lip

'you gotta be shitting me" louis says in shock "so is that how you can afford this nice condo and car"

"umm  yeah" zayn says

"do you really work at a restaurant or was that a lie"

"that was a lie look i used to work at a restaurant and it wasnt covering anything i was renting a room and a coworker there told me about it i thought about it for a long time and the first time i tried it i cried for a week straight but now i  mean i dont have sex with all my daddies some just want to talk to someone and others just want something to do honeslty its not always about sex i went back to school last semester and with what my daddies give me i pay for everything" zayn says nervously

"how many do you have" louis questions couriosity getting the best of him

"just 3 but 2 i dont have sex they call me when they just want to talk or have someone to cuddle with this one is the only one i have sex with he pays me $5,000 everytime we do" zayn says

"what that is more than i make in 3 months" louis yells out

"look this is a secret that i dont want anyone to know about" zayn says

"dont worry i wont tell anyone but next time you bring your daddy home please text me so i can not come home and see you riding him like your life depended on it" louis says laughing

"shut it" zayn says

"well anyways i better get to bed i am tired" louis says as he goes to his room and takes a shower and lays down on his bed and falls asleep the next morning louis wakes up and starts to get ready to get to work and soon walks  out of the apartment and walks to the bus stop as zayn couldnt take him to work as he went out of town and louis had to take the bus and when the bus gets there louis gets on and goes to work and when he gets there louis clocks in and goes to the front "morning grace"

"hey louis" grace says  "your on register today"

"ok let me count it before you open the door" louis says as he logs in and starts to count the money and when he balances he gives grace a thumbs up and graces opens the door and walks back tp the register "hopefully its going to be a busy day"

"i hope so too" grace says as they continue to talk and soon customers start to walk in and  louis and grace start to help them and soon louis shift was over  and as louis was about to leave "louis checks are here you want to take yours"

"yeah sure since i have tomorrow off" louis says as grace gives him his paycheck and louis walks out of the store and opens it "uughgh 625 i need to start making more money this isnt even enough" louis says to himself as he walks to the bust stop and soon gets to his house and goes to his room and takes a shower as he starts to watch television and louis takes out his laptop and starts to go thru websites to try and see how much he needs to save for a decent used car "i will never be able to get a car" louis groans as he hears someone open the door "zayn:" louis yells out

"yeah" zayn says a louis walks to the living room

"thought you were going away for the weekend" louis says

"Change in plans" zayn says

"you ok you look frazzled" louis says

"no i was with one of my sugar daddies we were at the airport and as we were in the private lounge area his wife walks in with her boyfriend": zayn says laughing

"noooooo" louis says

"ohh yeah and they started to fight there and me the other guy just walked out" zayn says

"ohh shit that is funny" louis says laughing

"well hope you dont get bored here with me" louis says

"of course not just need to find me another daddy" zayn says

"can i ask you a few questions about being a sugar baby" louis says

"are you interested" zayn questions

"i dont know its just i work so many hours and bring home almost nothing and i dont want to be out of school for more than a year and at this rate i am going to have to get 2 more jobs to make even close to just paying rent i have been thinking about it since you told me just i am scared what if i get some lunatic" louis says as he nervbously bites his lower lip

"i was the same way and it took me months to decide there are different types of sugar babies there are ones that just talk and hang out nothing sexual those are at the bottom of the  list and you dont get paid as much there are ones that just do foreplay no sex those pay well but not as much as the ones that  have sex are the ones make the most money  plus depending on the daddy you get gifts trips and shopping sprees" zayn says

"umm how do  i choose or do they choose me" louis says

"they choose you but you have the final say so i mean if one messages you you can look thru their profile and choose if you want to talk to them or not" zayn says

"ummm like how do i start" louis says

"you can sign up on the website i use its just only millionairs and all daddies are verified by the website i mean they go thru intensive questions and background check make sure they are who they say they are" zayn says

"umm give me a few weeks to think about all of this maybe i can start from the bottom and work my way up" louis says

"its how i started but now i am like what ever" zayn says

"let me really think about all this i just want to try it out and see if its what i want to do i want to save money and get my own place and buy a car at the very least" louis says "look at my paycheck i worked over 40 hours last week and my check is only 625" louis says as he shows zayn his check " and thank fully for you not charging me rent or else i would be homeless"

"look think about it  its not for everyone and some people get lucky and end up marrying their daddies i dont want to get married i am just having fun and to be honest my daddy pays for this apartment and gives me money so i save it all just in case" zayn says

"ohh no wonder you dont charge me rent" louis says

"no i didnt feel right charging you rent when i dont even pay for it" zayn says

"ok well then give me a few days to think about it umm if i  have more question would you mind if i ask you" louis says

"of course not i want you to be safe and  do what is right for you and dont feel pressure into doing it" zayn says

"i wont just i kept thinking about it but give me a few days" louis says

"no worries come on get dressed i will treat you to dinner" zayn says as they go to their room and change their clothes and soon walk out of zayns apartment and go to a near by restaurant and soon are seated as they place their food and drink orders

"so are you going back to school" louis asks

"yeah next school year i know doing this isnt going to last long and i need a back up plan and i have been thinking about it" zayn says " and you"

"i want to but with what i make and trying to save for a car  i dont know if i can afford to go back to school" louis says

"look take the school year off and see where things go dont get to overwhelmed with things" zayns ays

"i know your right just sometimes  i wonder what i would be doing if i didnt tell my parents anything" louis says

"we dont know but you wouldnt be happy i see you  more happy now than before you told your parents" zayns ays

"thank you i am so happy right now" louis says

"how is belle i havent seen her" zayn says

"she is good she moved to states to go to school" louis says

"ohh that sucks " zayns ays as louis stands up

"ill be back i have to go to the bathroom" louis says as he walks to the bathroom and when he is done louis washes his hands and as he turns around louis bumps into some one "ohh im sorry"

"its ok no worries' the guy with an irish accent says  as louis walks out of the door as the guy starts to wash his hands

"were you talking to your self again"

"No stupid i accidentally bumped into some twink"

"niall you and your stupid obsessions" harry says

"anyways come on lets go before we are late to meet with jesse" niall says as harry and niall walk out of the bathroom and go to their meeting and as harry walks in  they are greeted by the receptionist and soon are taken to the conference room and sit down and a few hours later they walk out of the meeting "so what do you think"

"i dont think its a good deal i think we should pass but lets go back to my office and talk about it some some" harry says as they walk back to harrys office and go inside and sit down

"i think your right look the numbers dont even add up to what they are our projections are something is not adding up" niall says

"yeah i  saw that but just send them notice that we are going to pass on the offer" harry says as niall takes notes "where are we at with the building on madison ave"

"its almost completed we just need a few  things before we can go for the final inspection and we almost sold out of it we just need 5 more units and 4 are in escrow" niall says

"ok well do you have anything else pending" harry says

"no and liam is working on plans for the next 2 projects we are waiting to close on" niall says

"good everything is going good" harry says

"hey can i ask if you have thought about signing up for a sugar daddy" niall ask

"i have i think i want to try it see what happens i was going to talk to you today  i think i want to try it 6 months and see what happens can you help me since you already signed up" harry says

"yeah here let me sit in your chair" niall says as he switches seats with harry " i am going to warn you they ask for alot of personal information and they do a background check before they allow you to log in just to make sure that you are not some kind of psychopath they do the same for the sugar babies so dont get all crazy when i ask what size your dick is" niall says as he starts to laugh

"shut up" harry says laughing

"ok here we go" niall says as they start going thru the questionaire and harry answers every question and an hour later they are done

"for fucks sakes thought they were going to sell me the website you sure i didnt sell my soul to the devil cuz i feel like i did" harry says laughing

:"i told you" niall says

"how long is it going to take" harry says

"about 3 days they will email you a registration confirmation and a password" niall says

"when you get that call me i will help you" niall says

"ok thanks niall i appreciate it" harry says as he phone starts to ring and harry ignores it

"just answer who is it" niall asks

"Justin" harry says

"you still talking to him" niall questions

"yeah but i am bored with him" harry says


"when we have sex he just lays there  doesnt even know how to give a blow job" harry says

"you are so picky" niall says

"no i just dont want any attachments and have a fucken good fuck" harry says

"well hopefully you can find someone" niall says

"so what happens if like i dont feel like the person is someone i want to keep seeing" harry asks

"you contact the company and they tell the person also all your messages are on the app and most people dont give out their phone numbers until you meet with them but i think you should get a prepaid phone just for this so you dont give you your phone number and if things go wrong they wont be able to get a hold of you" niall says " its what i do"

"ok will have linda get me a second phone" harry says

"no get it yourself so no one knows unless you want people to know" nialls says

"your right i will get one today" harry says

"ok is there anything else you want to know" niall says

"not until i can go into the website you said they have an app as well" harry says

"yeah you know what lets go get your phone right now we have an hour before we hop on the conference call" niall says

"can you go get it i have to read thru these emails" harry says

"i swear you need to start doing shit yourself" niall says

"here take my credit card and get one" harry says as he takes out his credit card and hands it to niall as niall walks out of harrys office as harry starts to get his work done as his phone starts to ring "mom"

"hey son how are you doing" anne says

"really good just working" harry says

"are you busy to meet for dinner tonight" anne asks

"umm sure what about 6" harry says

"ok pick me up i dont want to drive at night" anne says

"ok mom i will be there at 6" harry says as he hangs up the phone and continues to work and soon niall walks in "so what did you get"

"here its the new iphone the girl at the register set it up for you and  i downloaded the app you will need you just cant use it until you get  the email from the company" 'niall says

"ok thank you now lets get to the conference room so we can jump on this call" harry says as they walk out of the harrys office and go to the conference room and a few hours later walk out as they continue to talk and when they were done harry goes back to his office and at 5:30 harry leaves and goes to pick up his mom from her house as they go to a near by restaurant and soon are seated and they order their food and drinks "how was your doctors appointment"

"really good im really healthy doctor said i just need to watch my sugar intake" anne says

"well i need you to live forever so please follow your doctors orders" harry says

"i will he gave me the phone number to  a really good nutritionist and we went over a good meal plan i gave it to the cook already so its taken care of" anne says

"good" harrys says

"and you how has the business been" anne says

"really good we are at record profits and we are still growing and expanding" harry says

"good to hear your father would of been so proud of you" anne says with a wide smile

"thank you mom its the reason i work so hard" harry says as they continue to eat and enjoy each others company and when they were done harry and anne walk out of the restaurant and harry takes anne to her house and harry goes to his house and takes a shower and gets into bed as he falls asleep


its been three days since harry signed up to the website and received his confirmation email and calls niall and niall goes to harrys office

"hey sorry my mom called me" niall says as he walks into harrys office

"ok so what do i do now" harry says as he hands niall his phone

"ok now we need to set up the rest of your profile and add a pciture and then you can look thru all the  candidates and you can choose which ones you want to talk to at first you private message on the app and if you feel like you want to talk to them then you can give them your phone number" niall says " and then its your choice if you want to meet them or not"

"i think i like this picture of me" harry says as he uploads the picture "ok so now what do i need to do" harry says as niall shows him what to do  and soon they are going thru the candidates  pictures and bios "hmm this one looks interesting"

"ok so now you hit this envelope and send him  a message" nialls says

"like what do i say" harry says really clueless

"i usually start with hi i think your pretty" niall says "sometimes they will answer other times if they have to many men they wont or some will tell you they are not interested"

"ohhh ok" harry says as he starts to type in a quick message "ok so let  me try a few more"

"ok do you need me for anything else" niall says

"no that is all thanks" harry says as his phone starts to ring

"hello" harry answers

"H babe its carson"

"hey how have you been"

"busy with work" harry says

"what are you doing for lunch"

"i have a business meeting" harry says

"boo ok well i better let you go" carson says

"bye" harry says as he hangs up the phone and gets a notification and harry sees the message

MESSAGE: Hi daddy

HARRY:  hey are you busy

MESSAGE: no just finishing my homework and getting ready for class

HARRY: ohh what are you studying

MESSAGE: im in my last year of medical school

HARRY: really wow that is imprssive

MESSAGE: thanks so tell me about your self or what you are comfortable with

HARRY: what is your name or how do you want me to call you

MESSAGE: Jordan  and yours


MESSAGE: just H original

HARRY: yeah well its what i am comforable with right now

MESSAGE: ok well H it is now tell me about your self

and harry starts to tell the person what he feels comfortable and they continue to message each other and soon the person says they have to get to class and say he  will message after his class and harry puts the phone away as he continues to do his work and soon harry gets up and starts to put his things away and walks out of his office and heads to his house and when he gets there he goes to his home office and continues to work as a message comes in and harry starts to message the person back as he gets another message and harry decides to talk to both see if he can connect with one of them and a few hours later harry gets up from his desk and goes to his bedroom and falls asleep


hello all my beautifull readers

hope you all have an amazing day or night depending where you all at

As you all can guess we are back to one chapter a week sorry I know I spoiled you all in the last book 💔❤️‍🩹

much love


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