David x Female Reader (FINISH...

By ayofanfictionstuff

647 3 2

I was sitting in my bed my arm over my eyes, my leg dangling off my bed while my other leg is on the bed. *S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7/8(you can skip this one if you want, it's not that important)
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

61 0 0
By ayofanfictionstuff

Readers P. O. V

I was where that special spot he showed me last time, it was night time and the moon was full. There was light but not to much. Just right enough to see my surroundings. It was quite and still no movement was made besides the grass that blowed slighty with the wind. I was at the entrance looking at David who was in front of me. His green forest eyes glowed and shined. His hair was fluffy and had a smile on his face that was a little breath taking.
I walked up to him slowly, showing confusion as he stayed there with that wonderful smile. "David what are you doing? Why are we here?"
Once I got close to him he grabbed me, and pulled me close. Our nose's barley touching. I didn't move, I didn't reject, I didn't pull away, I just let him hold me as he stared into my eyes and as I stared into his. My heart was pounding and I felt happy? I felt like I could stare into his wonderful green bright eyes for hours or days. "Y/N"
He spoke up, I was brought back into reality.
"I always felt this feeling between us. It wasn't bad or something that felt like I shouldn't be near you it's just that the feeling around you felt nice. It felt like my heart was being teased every time I seen your wonderful bright smile and beautiful E/C eyes. I felt warm around you like you just gave me more joy then I already had. You make me smile and laugh." He said in a soft smooth voice as he still kept a soft smile and eyelid where half open a bit. His face was blushing a bit as he still held me close in his arms, my body felt warm. Happy. Nice. Safe.

" Y/N, I want you to know your a wonderful person, I'm glad your here not at camp campbell but with me. Here in my arms, your face is beautiful and your voice is calming. Everytime you call me darling or Davey it sparks something to make my heart explode with joy. Y/N you make me happy. "
He said pulling me closer as I was still speechless. Our nose's at this point where touching a little closer and we be kissing. Oh his lips, his soft pink lips. They look so sweet.
" Y/N, I don't want to just tell you how happy you make me feel I want to show you" that's when it happened. His lips met mine and it felt wonderful. My feet began to feel light as I felt his soft lips touched mine. He hold me as I wrapped my arms around his neck. It only lasted a few seconds maybe a minute but it felt wonderful. When we separated he said one last thing.

"Good morning Y/N:)"

Everything went black as I heard a familiar voice call my name.

"Y/N are you awake?"

"Huh?" I got up from my bed as I looked around. I was in my cabin.
Oh. I was dreaming...

I looked over to my door, I got up and opened it the light shined on my face I looked at the figure Infront of me that was calling my name. It was David of course, I didn't mind though.

"Y-yes David?" I said my voice was tired but I needed to wake up anyway.
Tommorows Monday so I have to get up early. I yawned a bit

"Sorry to wake you up at this time but, Gwen's going out for a couple of days and I need a, extra hand to help me with the kids. If you don't mind Y/N..." He said scratching the back of his neck tilting his head a bit.
Gosh it still gets me.

"Oh no David I don't mind at all,I just need to dress up! I'll be out soon darling"
I said with a smile waking up a bit

"Okay! See ya! We'll be in the Mess Hall as usual!"
He said walking off as I closed the door and rubbed my eyes.
Gosh that dream. It felt so real like I felt everything. It felt safe and warm.
Why did it have to end? Ah this better not bother be the rest of the day but to be honest it most likely will.

Davids P.O.V

As I walked to the Mess Hall I thought about Y/N, well like she looked distracted. She had something on her mind I could tell, i don't know if she noticed that I noticed but I'm not sure.
Her voice was tired and she did just wake up so that might be why. Though even though she looked a little messy she still looked pretty.
I got inside the Mess Hall and all the kids where eating. I went to go sit down with Max and them as usual but I didn't grab any food. I just sat down gave a wave and hello and drowned in my thoughts.

I wonder if Y/N likes me, dose she like me as a friend or more?
She is really a wonderful person but it's just I don't know how she sees me... Am I to much for her or dose she see me like a brother? Uhh that be a little werid though to think of it.
We are the same age. We're both almost the same hight, she's just a little bit shorter then me, we both almost like all of the same things and she seems like a kid person. Oh gosh, I don't know anymore. All I know it that everytime I'm around her she makes me feel so much joy. I like her I really do. But how do I tell her? Do I slowly tell her or do I just get it over with? This is hard-
"Hey David! Get back to reality you werid fuck"
I snapped out of my thoughts looking up. "M- Max! Language!"
"Hey I called your name a bunch of times, you didn't answer. I was almost to the point I was gonna slap you. Should of done that first anyway."
He gave me a look then smiled, not a like a good smile it was more like a smirk an evil smirk.

"So, you and Y/N are pretty close. Seems like you guys are really good friends, huh David?"

"Well, uh yeah we are I guess I could say myself. Why?"
I knew what he was doing but at the same time I was confused.
He kept that smirk on his face.

"How do you think of Y/N David? Do you think of her as a friend, a good friend or maybe I don't know...More then a friend?"

"Max why are you doing this? There's no need to ask these kind of q- questions" I said moving a bit starting to feel a little uncomfortable.

"Face it David you like Y/N, and you can't deny it. It's obvious. You get red everytime she laughs and have a different kind of smile for her. You change around her a bit and become a more of a annoying fuck to be around so just say it! Admit it!"
Max got out of seat a bit squinting his eyes in a evil way. Smiling.

"Okay okay, that's enough! Keep it down. So maybe I do, maybe I don't. Just because I act different around Y/N mean I like her Max. Where just good friends that's all so I just say your o-over reacting a bit"
Sure I lied a bit, as much as I hate to I had to. I know Max if I admit to it he use it against me and I can't let that happen. I just have to come up with excuses that's all.

"Pf, fine. Maybe I am but I'm watching you two!" He said sitting back down then going back to eating his food.

I sighed a bit as I sat up and went outside to get some air, I breathed in and out. Getting my self together.
I need to focus, not on Y/N but my job.
I don't want to get in trouble with Mr. Campbell for being distracted so much. I need to get my feelings for Y/N under control.

"Oh hey David!"
Y/N walked up to me with a smile. Her hair was done and her eyes sparkled.
I felt myself shift a bit. That feeling again.

"Oh, h-hello Y/n! Good morning:)"

End of chapter 4
Hello! Hope you liked! I been a little busy but I hope I can post another chapter later! Also sorry if I added somethings that I said you like that you don't actually like I just did that for the story so I hope that's okay!

I might have spelling errors because sometimes I'm a little blind!

Okay that's all goodbye!

Words: 1518

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