tattoeed on your heart ; saida


751 23 5

sana asks dahyun about the meanings behind her infamous tattoos which strikes up an idea for their one year a... Еще


751 23 5

a/n; hi my lovely reader bestie!!

this is another bonus oneshot to my saida story "only you"!

so to understand context of this oneshot please consider reading the story and the previous bonus oneshot "hold me tonight"

also a big thank you to @_shorterthanwoozi for the idea! i appreciate it so much <3

enjoy :)))

It was a normal November night.

The weather was getting colder and colder as it gets closer to Winter.

Sana was laying on the bed in her shared bedroom with her girlfriend, Dahyun. She rolled onto her back, giggling, as she clutched her phone tighter. Nayeon was on FaceTime with her, laughing just as hard.

"Ah, so what are you up to?" Sana breathed out as she finally caught her breath and calmed down.

"Nothing much, really," Nayeon shrugged, "Mina came over but she's asleep next to me on the couch," She flipped the camera around to show Sana Mina laying on the couch asleep, "Did you know that she was such a heavy sleeper? I swear."

Sana chuckled softly, "So, how is it going between you two?"

Nayeon's lips tugged up into a big smile as she shyly looked down, visibly blushing. Sana tilted her head as she watched her, it made her feel happy inside.

Nayeon and Mina have been going strong for about nine months or so. After their first date a couple months ago, they officially became a couple. Sana was happy to see her best friend happy and to see Mina finally moving on.

"It's going great," Nayeon sighed, "She's great. She makes me happy, you know? I don't know... I'm grateful for her."

"Agh, I'm still so happy for you both, even after all these months," Sana smiled, "You both are amazing together."

"God, I love you," Nayeon whined which made Sana giggle, "That reminds me, though. The big one year is coming up for you and Dahyun!"

Sana nodded as her shoulders deflated. Has it already been a year since they made it official? The question made Sana speechless considering how fast time flew since then. Dahyun probably felt the same way.

"I cannot believe it's been almost a year," Sana shook her head with a smile, "It feels like yesterday when I was crying to you about the stupid love triangle I got myself into with her and Mina."

Nayeon giggled, "It was a huge mess but, I'm glad you guys found a solution. You know, everyone's happy. You and Dahyun finally got together and Mina and I found our way to each other."

"Yeah," Sana grinned, "It's amazing, honestly."

"Mhm," Nayeon replied, "So, any plans for your anniversary?"

The question caught Sana off guard. The truth is that her and Dahyun never talked about plans for when the special day comes. It just never came to mind.

"I... I don't know?" Sana furrowed her eyebrows, "I guess we just never discussed that."

Nayeon narrowed her eyes, "Sana, you're with her every second of every day. You literally live together and you're seriously saying that you haven't discussed plans for your one year anniversary?"

Sana blanked, "...No?"

"You suck," Nayeon rolled her eyes, "You both suck."

"Shut up, I'll ask Dahyun about it tomorrow," Sana sighed as she sat up and sat against the headboard of their bed.

"Where is she anyways? You're alone at the apartment?" Nayeon asked as she got up to walk to her bedroom.

Sana nodded, "Yeah. She's out right now and I don't know when she's coming back, she didn't say."

Just as she said that, Sana could hear their door unlocking, meaning Dahyun just came back home.

"Ah! She just arrived back at the apartment," Sana squealed, "I'll talk to you later?"

"Of course. Good night, Sana."

"Good night, Nayeonie," Sana responded, "Say good night to Mina for me?"

"You know it, bye."

Once Nayeon hung up, Sana jumped out of bed and walked out the bedroom to see Dahyun hanging her coat. She walked over to Dahyun and hugged her from behind, inhaling her scent. She could feel Dahyun tense up for half a second but then she felt her relax in her arms once she realized who was hugging her.

"Hi," She greeted sweetly.

Dahyun's body shook as she laughed, "Hi to you, too."

Dahyun turned around in Sana's arms as she quickly pecked her on the lips. She bent down to take off her combat boots and to place them on their shoe rack.

"Where did you go again?" Sana asked as she fixed Dahyun's messy silver hair due to the wind outside.

"Chaeyoung's," Dahyun breathed out before yawning.

Sana frowned, "You must feel tired. Must've been one hell of a night then, huh?"

Dahyun nodded as she sighed, "Yeah, I kind of am."

"Then, let's go to bed," Sana suggested, "I'm kind of sleepy, anyways."

Dahyun showed Sana a lazy smile, "Fine with me," She grabbed Sana's hand, "Let's go, please, before I pass the fuck out right now."

Sana giggled as she let Dahyun lead the way.

It was the next day and it happened to be the weekend.

Sana was on the couch reading book for class while Dahyun was next to her on her computer.

Sana let out a sigh as she got tired of reading for the past few hours. She bookmarked her place and closed the book, tossing it to her side. She turned and looked at Dahyun, being completely focused on whatever she was doing on her computer.

Dahyun was wearing a spaghetti strapped crop top and grey sweatpants with fuzzy socks on. Her silver hair was up in a messy bun.

Sana's eyes traveled all over Dahyun's body, noticing all of her visible tattoos. Her eyebrows furrowed as she really noticed her tattoos and how diverse and detailed they were.

She then realized she doesn't even know what they mean and why Dahyun got them. Even after almost a year dating her and a couple months before that knowing her, Sana never paid close attention to Dahyun's tattoos.

"What are you looking at, babe?" Dahyun snickered as she shut off her computer.

"Oh, nothing," Sana breathed out, "Just your tattoos."

"My tattoos?" Dahyun frowned. She looked down and glanced at them, "What about them?"

"I just never really noticed them after all these months," Sana said in awe, "I like them all. Is there a reason behind each one?"

Dahyun raised her eyebrows at the question. It certainly caught her off guard. Sana recoiled as worry washed over her.

"Did... Did I say something wrong, Dahyunie?"

"No!" Dahyun exclaimed, "No, it's just.... no one has ever asked me that before. No one's cared enough to ask me about my tattoos."

Sana smiled as she grabbed Dahyun's hand, "Well, I care and I love you."

"You're so fuckin' cute," Dahyun shook her head with a laugh, "Well, where do you want me to start?"

"Uh, how many do you have?"

Dahyun pondered for a second, "Nine, it's not that much."

"Nine?" Sana had her eyes widened, "What do you mean not much?"

"Nah, I don't got a whole lot," Dahyun chuckled, "Eight is like nothing compared to other people who have way more."

"I see," Sana nodded in understanding, "So, do any have any meanings?"

"Only the small ones," Dahyun shrugged, "The bigger ones don't, I just wanna look badass."

Sana snickered, "Well, you're my badass."

"And I'm grateful for that," Dahyun rolled her eyes but then smiled.

Sana smiled back, "So, how many small ones do you have?"

"Like, four because I have five big ones."

"Wow, Dahyunie, you're amazing at math!" Sana exclaimed. Dahyun glared at her before proceeding.

"Anyways, my favorite one is probably the music note behind my right ear."

Sana furrowed her eyebrows, "Why?"

"Because, believe it or not, I love music," Dahyun answered, "And I've never told this to anyone before but, I actually can play the piano."

"The piano?" Sana gaped with her lips parted, "You? Piano? Really?"

"Yes," Dahyun rolled her eyes, "I actually have perfect pitch, thank you very fucking much."

"Wow, I'm impressed, Dahyunie," Sana giggled, "But, tell me all about your small tattoos! I wanna know the meanings behind them."

"Alright," Dahyun smiled, her face lighting up due to Sana's cute curiosity.

"So, I have a the music note behind my left ear. I got the double female symbol on the side of my wrist here because of my sexuality and how shitty my mother acted when she found out about it," Sana frowned a bit when she heard that.

"On the top right of my chest here, I have the words 'I'm so proud of you' in cursive because that's what my grandma on my mom's side said to me when she found out about my sexuality and that fucking stuck with me."

Sana smiled as she caressed Dahyun's cheek, "I'm happy that you have you're grandma supporting you, Dahyunie."

"Yeah, fuck my mom. At least my grandma's got my back, right?" Dahyun snickered with a smirk. Sana nodded as she leaned in to kiss Dahyun on the cheek.

"Right. A thousand times right."

"Okay, uh, where was I?" Dahyun furrowed her eyebrows, "Ah! The quote on my chest. My last small tattoo is on my ankle. It's a semi-colon. It's because with the endless shitty tormenting my mom did because of my sexuality, I... I attempted..."

Sana's heart dropped as she leaned forward to wrap her arms around Dahyun, hugging her tightly. Her eyes squeezed shut as she buried her face in the crook of Dahyun's neck. She leaned back and cupped Dahyun's jaw, the latter lacking in eye contact.

"Dahyunie..." Sana whispered softly, "I-I'm so sorry."

Dahyun shrugged, "Freshman year of high school was tough for me, Sana. Lost myself for a bit."

Sana tilted her head as she looked at Dahyun with the softest eyes. Her mind traveled when she imagined what would've happened if what Dahyun was trying to do succeeded. She wouldn't know what she would've done without Dahyun in her life.

"Anyways, the semi-colon was actually the first tattoo I've ever gotten. During sophomore year, I took matters into my own hands and didn't let my mom's god awful words cut me anymore which led me to my cold self that slept with every girl I laid my eyes on."

Sana pouted which made Dahyun chuckle and rub her thigh.

"Which, of course, I don't do anymore."

"Well, I sure hope not," Sana teased with a smile.

"And that's all of my small tattoos," Dahyun breathed out, "What do you think?"

"I think they're amazing," Sana answered genuinely before pecking Dahyun's lips, "I know they mean so much to you and the fact that I know why, makes me love them more."

"Ugh, you're too good for me," Dahyun laughed as she shook her head.

"So, these bigger tattoos are just on your body because you wanted them?" Sana chuckled.

Dahyun smirked, "Damn right. Like, look at these! I look pretty badass, right, babe?"

"Very much so."

And that's when the wheels started to turn in Sana's mind.

( Dahyun's bigger tattoos )

"You wanna do what now?!"

Sana winced at the loudness of Nayeon's scream. She was seated on the couch in Nayeon's apartment with the latter and Mina. Sana looked over at Mina who had her eyes widened and lips parted.

"I... want to get a tattoo," Sana breathed out with a smile.

"Sana, no, you said that you want to get matching tattoos with Dahyun," Nayeon cocked an eyebrow.

"Only if she wants to!" Sana added, "I won't pressure her into doing such thing because of how grand it is but I thought it'd be a cute thing to do tomorrow during our one year."

"But, Sana, you can't just-" Mina cut Nayeon off by putting her hand on her thigh.

"Calm down, Nayeonie," She said softly before looking at Sana with a smile, "I think this is really cool, Sana. It'd be really sweet to have a tattoo inspired by you on Dahyun's body. I know how special her small tattoos to her and to have one with you behind the meaning of it will probably make her so happy. I say go through with this with no regrets."

Sana smiled as she leaned forward to give Mina a hug, that she reciprocated tightly.

"Thank you so much, Mina."

"Wait, what's the deal with Dahyun's small tattoos?" Nayeon furrowed her eyebrows.

"They're the tattoos that have an actual meaning to them," Mina explained, "Her bigger ones don't, she just wanted them to-"

"Seem more badass," Sana finished with a smirk.

Mina chuckled and nodded, "Exactly."

"Huh," Nayeon replied, "Interesting. But, think about what you're doing, Sana. This is a really big commitment, for you and Dahyun."

"Yes, I know, Nayeon, that's why I won't pressure Dahyun into doing it, too. If she's not comfortable with it, that's completely fine. But, I'll get a tattoo either way. Nothing's stopping me from accomplishing that."

"What's gotten into you?" Nayeon crossed her arms and had a teasing smirk on her face.

Sana shrugged with a smile, "I don't know, just wanna spice things up. I already called to set up my appointment."

Mina leaned back on the couch, "So, tomorrow's the one year."

"Yes, it is," Sana giggled, "Which also marks today one year since Dahyun and I confessed our feelings for each other."

"It was also the same day when you woke up in Mina's apartment absolutely fucked up and we were in the amidst of a fight," Nayeon added.

Mina and Sana bursted into laughter as all three of them reminisced the events that happened last year and how different everything was and how everything came to be.

Sana woke up to the feeling of kisses trailing up from her hand to her shoulder. Since she was sleeping on her stomach, she lifted her head and saw a bare-faced Dahyun laying next to her with a lazy smile on her face. Sana mirrored her look.

"Happy one year anniversary, baby," Dahyun softly greeted as she kissed Sana's cheek.

Sana chuckled as she flipped over to her back, just now realizing that she was naked under the sheets and noticed Dahyun was as well.

"Happy anniversary, Dahyunie. I can't believe a year's already flown by."

"Right? It's fucking crazy," Dahyun sighed, "What should we do today? We never really discussed any plans for today, oddly enough."

"Well," Sana flipped to her side to face Dahyun, "I've been thinking of something we could do."

Dahyun flipped onto her side, intrigued, "You have? How come you've never mentioned it?"

"Because, I wasn't sure on how you'd react," Sana shrugged as she looked down, "But, I've been thinking and... I want a tattoo."

Dahyun's eyebrows rose, "Oh shit, for real? You want a tattoo?"

"Not only that but... I want you to come with me. Not as moral support but," She shyly looked up, "to get one with me. As in... matching tattoos."

"Oh, wow," Dahyun breathed out, "That's kind of a big deal, don't you think, Sana?"

"Yes, I know and I won't pressure you into doing it but just know that whatever your answer is, I'm getting that tattoo no matter what."

Dahyun tilted her head and smiled, "I support that, you'd look cute with a tattoo. Any ideas?"

"I have one in mind," Sana giggled, "But, I won't tell you until we arrive to the parlor shop."

"Well, no matter what it is," Dahyun leaned in to kiss Sana, "I'll love it."

After kissing for thirty more minutes (but, who was keeping track, eh?), the two finally thought it was a good idea to get out of bed and to start off their exciting and important day.

They both couldn't believe that a year has gone by since they made their relationship official. It was extremely surreal and flew by abnormally fast.

Sana threw on a cami top with a cardigan and mom jeans. She had her now blonde hair into a messy ponytail with a scrunchie securing it. She had minimal makeup on and decided to wear her specs out today.

As of for Dahyun, she wore a long sleeved shirt with a graphic tee thrown over it. She had jean shorts on with black fishnets. She had her now brunette hair wavy in a half up half down.

"So, which parlor shop are we heading to?" Dahyun sighed as the pair got into her car.


Dahyun whipped her head towards Sana, who had a grin on her face.

"Chaeyoung's?" Dahyun asked, "You... You talked to Chaeyoung? And booked yourself an appointment?"

"Uh, yes?" Sana chuckled, not getting why Dahyun was so surprised, "What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing," Dahyun shrugged, "I just didn't know you two got close or something. I thought you didn't really vibe with Chaeng."

"We're not like super close," Sana reasoned out as Dahyun started driving, "If I wanted something permanently on my body, I'd want someone that I somewhat know to do that for me."

"Word," Dahyun agreed as she made her way to Chaeyoung's tattoo parlor.

The drive wasn't bad at all, it was only ten minutes away from their dorm apartment. Good thing their anniversary was on a weekend so they didn't have any classes to worry about.

Sana reached over and laced their fingers together over the center console. She wasn't nervous at all for her appointment. She was excited.

Excited for Dahyun to see how much she means to her.


Dahyun strutted into the parlor shop with her arms raised and a smirk on her face. Sana trailed quietly behind her, stifling a giggle because of how cute her girlfriend was being.

"What's up, dude!" Dahyun hollered as she went to the front desk where Chaeyoung was seated and did their handshake.

"Nothing much!" Chaeyoung leaned to the side so she can see Sana, "Hey, Sana."

"Hi, Chaeyoung," Sana replied sweetly as she locked her arm with Dahyun's.

"I'm just about ready for you," Chaeyoung announced as she stood up, "You feelin' nervous at all for your first tattoo?"

Sana shook her head, "I thought I'd be but, I'm surprisingly excited."

"Alright then," Chaeyoung chuckled, "Does Dahyun know what your design is?"

"Nope," Sana giggled, popping the 'p'.

"And enlighten me on why I can't see it, please?" Dahyun groaned, subtly rolling her eyes.

"Because it's a surprise!" Sana whined as she shook Dahyun's arm.

"Trust me, Hyun, you're gonna love it," Chaeyoung winked, "Sana texted it to me yesterday and I just finished sketching it. It's a good one, promise."

Dahyun huffed, "Fine."

Chaeyoung smiled as she shook her head before averting her eyes onto Sana.


"Let's do this," Sana breathed out as she nodded. Chaeyoung grinned as she gestured for Sana to follow her to the tattoo room.

"Wait, Sana," Dahyun voiced out, "I've been thinking during the car ride here and... I want to do it."

"Do what?" Sana furrowed her eyebrows.

"The tattoo," Dahyun smiled, "I'll get matching tattoos with you."

Sana's eyes widened so big as she grabbed Dahyun's hands and started jumping up and down.

"Really?! You mean it?!"

Dahyun chuckled as she nodded, "One hundred percent."

"Chaeyoung, she's doing it!" Sana squealed.

"Good going, Hyun," Chaeyoung laughed as she fist bumped before the three of them made their way to the room.

Once they entered, it looked like Sana didn't belong in a place like that since it contrasted on what she was wearing. There was all sorts of posters and a variety of different tattoo designs. She could hear faintly rock music playing from the speakers.

"Alright, Sana, I got the design all set but let me know if you want me to change anything."

Sana walked over to Chaeyoung and the latter showed her the design she sent. Sana gasped before smiling.

"Chaeyoung, it's perfect," Sana gushed, "No changes. It looks great."

"Awesome," Chaeyoung smiled, "Oh, Dahyun-ah, Sana pitched the idea of the matching tattoos to me so I have your stencil all ready. You'll find out the tattoo after Sana's done."

Dahyun stood with her arms crossed and one eyebrow raised. Chaeyoung chuckled in response.

"Trust me, you're gonna love it and the meaning."

Dahyun sighed, "Fine."

"Great," Chaeyoung turned to Sana, "Okay, well, you take a seat and we'll get this show on the road."

Sana obeyed and sat down on the chair while Dahyun walked over and stood next to her. Chaeyoung sat on her own chair and scooted on the other side of Sana.

"Where do you want it?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Uh, on the nape of my neck," Sana answered as she pointed to it

"Got it," Chaeyoung nodded as she scooted behind her and began cleaning the area.

When she was finished, she grabbed the stencil with Sana's design and began transferring it onto her skin. Dahyun tried to peek but Sana tapped her cheek with her free hand.

"Nuh, uh, uh," Sana sang with a teasing smile, "You are not peeking, missy. Sit over there so you don't see."

Dahyun scoffed, "Baby, what about support?"

"I am perfectly fine, Dahyunie," Sana reassured, "Just sit over there and comfort me from afar."

Dahyun rolled her eyes as she walked over to a free seat that was a little far from Sana and Chaeyoung, who was preparing the equipment. Sana giggled as she blew Dahyun a kiss while the latter crossed her arms and glared.

Chaeyoung turned on the machine as she scooted next to Sana and gave her a reassuring smile.

"All set?"

Sana exhaled as she braced herself, "Go ahead."

Once Chaeyoung started working her magic, Sana winced as soon as the needle made contact with her skin. She knew tattoos hurt but she didn't know how much.

"Sana, how you holding up there?" Dahyun called out.

"It hurts, Dahyunie," Sana whined.

"You can do it!" Dahyun gave her a genuine smile, "You're strong. It'll end sooner than you know it."

"Dahyunie, how did you manage to do this nine times?" Sana cried out.

"Hang tight, Sana, you're doing great!" Chaeyoung praised as she was just about halfway done. Sana bit her lip as she pushed through the last few moments of Chaeyoung tattooing her neck.

Sana looked up and saw Dahyun looking at her with the softest smile.

"Almost there, baby, it's almost done," She reassured. Sana exhaled and nodded.

After a minute or two, Chaeyoung released from Sana's skin and turned off the machine. After wiping it off and patching it safely, Chaeyoung let out a breath.

"Alright, it's done!" Chaeyoung exclaimed, "Dahyun, why don't you take a look?"

Dahyun stood up and walked behind Sana to take a look at her tattoo. It was a small one, which Dahyun expected.

It was a broken heart patched up with a bandaid.

"This is the tattoo?" Dahyun questioned, "Why did you choose it?"

Sana breathed deeply before answering, "Because we both had our hearts broken before meeting each other. Not from past relationships but, from our families. My mom never allowed me to have my own freedom and your mom didn't approve of who you truly were. We lost ourselves, Dahyunie, until we met each other. "

"You made me believe that my broken heart could be patched up and I could only imagine you thought the same. You make me happy, Dahyun. It was amazing to find someone who could make me feel like me again."

Dahyun was at a loss for words, "Sana, I..."

She didn't continue but instead reached forward to wrap her arms around Sana's neck, being careful with the fresh tattoo on her nape. Sana giggled and held onto Dahyun's arms that were wrapped around her chest. Dahyun rested her chin on Sana's shoulder and leaned into the crook of her neck.

"I love it," Dahyun whispered, "And I love you. Thank you."

"You're welcome, my Dahyunie, I'm glad you love it."

Chaeyoung placed rubbed Dahyun's back, "Ugh, you guys are too cute for my own being. Gross."

The two chuckled as Dahyun released. The latter dropped her arms to her sides.

"Alright. My turn."

"Take a seat, ma'am," Chaeyoung teased, earning a growl from Dahyun which made her giggle as she got a hold of Dahyun's stencil. Sana stood up so Dahyun could sit in her place.

"You want it on your nape too, Dahyun-ah?" Chaeyoung asked. Dahyun nodded as she held her hair up while Chaeyoung placed it on her nape.

Sana grabbed Dahyun's hand with both of hers and traced different shapes on the back of Dahyun's hand as they waited for Chaeyoung to clean the machine.

Once Chaeyoung got it started she stood behind Dahyun and began working on her tattoo. As expected, Dahyun had no reaction and was calmly pushing through it.

"Dahyunie, how are you doing that?" Sana giggled.

"I have two sleeves, a big one on my back and thighs," Dahyun snorted, "This is like nothing."

Sana cupped Dahyun's cheeks and leaned down to give her a quick peck.

"My girlfriend's so cool," Sana sighed which got Dahyun rolling her eyes, but her smiling lips told a different story.

Chaeyoung turned the machine off before Dahyun released her hair and let it fall. Chaeyoung wiped Dahyun's tattoo and patched it up safely. She smiled and clapped her hands.

"And you're finished!" Chaeyoung announced, "You good, dude?"

Dahyun stood up and interlocked her hands with Sana's and showed Chaeyoung the most genuine smile the latter probably has ever seen from her.

"Very good," She turned and modeled her new tattoo, "Do I look badass?"

"No, you look cute," Sana snorted.

Dahyun scoffed, "Offended. Kim Dahyun doesn't look cute ever."

"Hm, well, I beg to differ."

"You're ruining my bad girl image," Dahyun muttered.

"Alright, love birds, get out of my shop before I throw up," Chaeyoung said which got the couple snickering.

Sana couldn't believe they did what they did. She never thought in her life she'd get a tattoo, or even a matching tattoo with a girlfriend she still can't believe is hers. It felt unreal to her that she had something permanent on her skin declaring her love for Kim Dahyun.

That just confirms the fact that they're in it for the long haul.

that just about does it for this bonus chapter! aaah and hehe u finally met chaeyoung in the "only you" universe ^^

ily all bye bye

- Mari

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