Canvas | Jikook

By _Yoongies_

493K 26.6K 14.4K

"Why won't you ink me?..." ".... I don't want to ruin what's already perfect..." Maintaining a high and respe... More

Pretty Boy
Devils Whisper
Heated Blaze
Carnival Mischief
Baby Doll
Eliminate, to Reawaken
Explosive Desires
Carnal Instincs
Authors Note/ New Book


7.7K 457 325
By _Yoongies_

"In a world entrapped in various occasions, I choose to remain next to you. Otherwise, what's the point?..."

3rd Person POV

Whether it was the warm cadence of the light breeze that caressed and tousled Jimins hair lightly, or the very fact that Jimin himself, could not stop running his hands through his hair due to his nerves, one could not help but admit just how dashing the young male looked.

Which isn't rare, as he always looked good. However today, specifically, he looked beyond beautiful. Guess it must be true, a person looks their most beautiful on their wedding day...

It was currently 7am in the morning, the wedding ceremony didn't start till 8am and so Jimin had about an hour to calm his nerves. Along with those nerves, came uncontrollable excitement.

Which strangely enough, didn't mix well.

He took in a deep breath, closing his eyes as he attempted to sooth his frayed mind. He was alone in his dressing room, his makeup and hair all completely finished along with his attire which he had put on a while ago.

(Jimins hair and makeup)

(His clothing)

Everyone, including his best man -Taehyung- and other groomsmen -Yoongi and Jin-, had left him to his own company so that he could rest and not focus on anything else.

So he allowed himself to lean his head back, against the cushioned headrest and bask in the feeling of utter silence and tranquility for the next half hour or so. Up until everyone (excluding Taehyung) began to swarm the dressing room quietly for the remaining half hour.

Taehyung had remained outside as he spotted Bogum making his way towards him, a bright longing smile residing atop his lips at the sight of his husband.

"Gumie, what're you doing here? You're suppose to be with the other groom" Taehyung asked, whilst looking up into his husbands eyes.

Bogum smiled warmly, wrapping an arm around Taehyungs waist and drawing him into his chest "I know baby"

"Then what're you doing here?"

"I missed you" he admitted, nuzzling his head in the crook of Taehyung's neck.

"We saw each other about an hour ago..." Taehyung giggled, weaving a hand through the back of Bogum's hair, twirling the ends with his fingers.

"It's been that long already?!" Bogum gasped dramatically, causing the younger to laugh even further.

"You're so dramatic"

"And you're so beautiful"

Taehyung smiled, rolling his eyes playfully "I know. I'm a work of art" he winked

"A priceless work of art" Bogum added.

"Hhh you know me so well my dear"

Bogum scoffed, holding back a chuckle "And you thought I was dramatic"

"Oh please, if there's anyone on this planet that's dramatic, it'd be Seokjin hyung"

"Mm.... True"

Bogum smiled down at him, placing a tender kiss on his lips and savouring his sweet taste. His lips lingered against Taehyung's own for a moment, his arms fully wrapping themselves around Taehyung's waist as he pressed him against his muscled body.

"What are you really doing here, Gumie?..." Taehyung asked, his lips a mere centimetre away from his husbands own.

"Reminiscing...." Bogum admitted, a wave of nostalgia washing over him as he recalled their wedding vows "I miss seeing you walking down the aisle, with your hair slightly shielding your eyes from the burning sun. You were the most beautiful person to ever grace this planet, just as you are now"

Taehyung bit his bottom lip, his eyes glued to Bogum's own as his heart fluttered against his chest. Bogum never failed to remind him just how beautiful and precious he was, which in itself, made Taehyung constantly revel on cloud nine.

"You always say the most heartwarming things..." Taehyung whispered against his lips, his eyes glossed over "You need to stoppp.... They always make my eyes sweat"

Bogum guffawed, shaking his head "Not once since I've known you, did you admit to your tears. It's ok to cry baby"

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not crying, my eyes are sweatinggg ok?" Taehyung tried to pull away, laughing lightly to himself as he felt Bogum's arms tighten around him as he pulled him back.

"Ok ok, whatever you say baby"

Taehyung glared at him playfully before checking the time on his watch "Oh my biscuits you have to go!! The ceremony starts in ten minutes!!"

"I'm leaving I'm leaving!" Bogum held up his hands in defence as Taehyung continued to push him in the right direction "Wait!"


Taehyung was interrupted by a pair of soft lips pressing against his own, roughly gliding against his in a familiar motion before being pulled away.

"Love you to the stars and onward baby"

Taehyung smiled softly "Love you to infinity, and beyond!"

Once Bogum was out of sight, Taehyung walked back into the dressing room, his eyes instantly landing on Jimins own who looked even more nervous and frantic than he was a few minutes ago.

"Hey, Chim, calm down little Prince. You'll be fine, I promise" Taehyung assured, kneeling next to Jimins feet whilst clasping the younger's hands in his own. He looked up at him with a reassuring smile, his eyes beaming with assurance and care.

Jimin couldn't help but smile back fondly, his fingers tightening around Taehyungs hold "I'm just really nervous.... What if I make a mistake?..."

"Chim, it's your wedding. Your day. Nothing you do will be considered a mistake. Unless you bail and head for the hills" Taehyung joked, lightening the mood as he heard Jimins soft giggles "Just focus on the fact that you'll be marrying the love of your life, your other half, and the very person that would cross through the pits of hell for you. Seriously, that man would do literally ANYTHING for you"

Jimin smiled widely at that, his heart swelling in his chest at the thought of fully belonging to Jungkook "So would I"

"I know you would. We all do, even he himself knows" Taehyung rolled his eyes "Now come on, your soon to be husband is waiting down the aisle, and he ain't going nowhere until his one and only walks down that aisle"

Jimin giggled, getting up on his feet and pulling his best friend into a tight embrace. They swayed lightly from side to side before pulling away.

"Thank you taetae" Jimin smiled up at him, his gorgeous blonde locks framing his face beautifully.

"No need to thank me little prince" Taehyung winked, handing Jimin over to his dad and smiling as he watched them lock arms.

"You look absolutely incredible, Jimin" Mr. Park complimented, as they slowly made their way towards the wedding reception.

Jimin smiled up at his father, taking in the soft wrinkles and creases having formed around his fathers face. It suddenly dawned on him, how only now he took the time, to really focus on the tell tale signs of old age adorning his fathers delicate features.

Where has the time gone?...

He thought to himself, feeling the tears prickling at his eyes "Thank you, Appa...."

"Aw jiminah, don't get emotional on me now kiddo" Mr Park's voice cracked slightly, his steps faltering as he drew his son into his arms, rubbing soothing circles onto the small of his back "I'm so proud of you, you know that, right?..."

Jimin nodded his head, his arms wrapped around his fathers waist. It's as if he was brought back to the time of his childhood, his five year old self glued to his fathers hip as he followed him every step of the way. Whether it was to the park or a simple stroll for fresh air.

"I can't believe this day has finally come. I honestly thought I had a few more years before I'd eventually have to hand you away. My precious son, you made me the proudest father to ever exist.... Shall thou wander encased in utter bliss"

"You and your attempts at Shakespearean language, it never gets old Appa" Jimin smiled tearfully, his bottom lip wavering.

"Not as old as Shakespeare"

"Oh my god" Jimin shook his head, stifling his laughter as they resumed their walk towards the wedding aisle.

The closer they got, the louder and more clearer the orchestral music became. It helped soothe Jimins nerves but heightened his emotions.

This was it. This was really it.

The meandering chatter ceased, a pin drop silence encasing the entire atmosphere as Jimins eyes caught sight of the various guests surrounding the elevated platform aisle.

He smiled gratefully at the people he made eye contact with, until eventually, his gaze landed on Jungkooks own.

His breath caught in his throat, the rapid beating of his heart against his chest almost deafening. His mouth pooled with saliva at the utter perfection standing at the opposite end of the aisle, looking every bit the five course meal that he was.

Damn. If it weren't for Jimins father holding him up, Jimin would have been knelt on the floor and ready to worship the ground Jungkook stood on.

Jungkook himself wasn't any better. His blood pulsed through his veins in need, his mouth watering at the sheer radiance and purity Jimin effortlessly projected.

He truly was beyond this world.

Jungkook had to bite his lip and clasp his hands together in order to keep himself grounded, his feet kept firmly in place as he willed himself to not stalk down the aisle and whisk Jimin in his arms, carrying him off to their private domain.

His hands itched to feel the smooth expanse of Jimins flushed cheeks, to weave his fingers through his golden locks that shone even brighter with the dewy sunrise.

His heart continued to flutter and beat rapidly against his chest as Jimin began to walk down the aisle. His stomach swarmed with butterflies with every step that his soon to be husband took.

He kept his gaze locked with Jimins own, the warmth, adoration and unconditional love enrapturing his orbs as he reached his hand out for Jimin to take.

Everything and everyone ceased to exist as Jimin placed his much smaller hand in Jungkooks own. The slight tremors to Jimins hands immediately perished at the feel of Jungkooks thumb gliding against his subtle skin.

He beamed up at the much taller male, the beating of his heart still just as loud yet no longer deafening.

"You look... damn..." Jungkook exclaimed, inhaling a gust of air "If it weren't for all these people, I would've had you stripped down to nothing baby. You look beyond marvelous" Jungkook whispered against his ear as they stood in front of the marriage officiant.

Jimin blushed bright red. His ears taking on the same hue as his cheeks "T-thank you... you look breathtaking. My man is so handsome" Jimin grinned, giggling victoriously as he watched a pink blush creep along Jungkooks cheeks for the first time.

"Thank you baby..." Jungkook smiled, before turning his head and nodding at the officiant. He made sure to keep his hands wrapped around Jimins own.

"To all present I say: We are gathered here, not to witness the beginning of what will be, but rather what already is! We do not create this marriage, because we cannot. We can and do, however, celebrate with Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin the wondrous and joyful occurrence that has already taken place in their lives, and the commitment they make today"

Both boys basked in the moment as the officiant continued his speech, keeping it nice and simple (as requested by the grooms) before asking each one to read out their vows.

"Mr Jeon Jungkook, will you please read out your vow"

Jungkook smiled to himself, clearing his throat "How you feelin baby?" He asked, smirking as he heard the crowd chuckle lightly and Jimins face blushing even further "Park jimin, soon to be my Jeon Jimin. Quadruple J's baby... In all my years, not once did I see myself wanting or even being a part of such commitment. But the mere thought of you, the slight glimpse of your angelic presence next to me makes me want all of that and more.

I cannot fathom my life without you, nor can I comprehend my past in which I didn't know you. I questioned myself and my life constantly, yet the moment I laid eyes on you, the moment I felt that uncontrollable need to care for you and treasure you, I no longer found myself questioning my life, but instead thinking how I could have you next to me for all of eternity.

You know how much I love, adore and treasure you baby. So to be given the pleasure of calling you mine and declaring you as mine to the world, I cannot express just how happy that makes me. I love you more than words could wield the matter, and simply cannot wait to spend every remaining second of my life with you baby...."

Jungkook smiled warmly, tears clouding his vision as he rubbed Jimins tear stained cheeks. Jimin had his head hung low, trying to calm his breathing whilst attempting to control his ongoing stream of tears.

Jungkook cooed at the sight, pulling Jimin into the warm haven of his embrace and rubbing comforting circles on the small span of his back. He wanted to desperately pick him up and further calm him, but when Jimin pulled away moments later and smiled up at him, Jungkooks mind eased as he let him go.

"Mr Park Jimin, will you also read out your vows. Unless you had them memorised like Jungkook did" the officiant smiled, to which Jimin nodded.

"Kookie..." Jimin began softly, Jungkooks eyes boring into his own "There's so much I want to say, yet it could never amass to portray just how I truly feel whenever I see you. How I long for you even when you're near, how I keen to be in your embrace even when I already am. I breathe better when I'm with you, I brighten at the smallest exchanges we have, and get giddy every single time you grace me with one of your heart stopping smiles.

I never imagined myself to be so happy. I never thought it possible. Yet standing h-here...... recalling every moment we had spent together.... Makes me realise just how truly blessed and thankful I am. You made me realise my importance, helped me love myself before eventually loving others.

But how in the world could anyone not come to love you. It's impossible not to fall in love with you. And if I could go back in time and live our moments all over again, I would jump right back and merrily experience them all over again.... The words I Love You will never come close to expressing just how much I truly love you. But I do, I love you unconditionally and will forever do so. Till the last breathe that flutters past my lips, and even after that..."

Jimin finished off, his voice cracking towards the end and his heart clenching at the sight of Jungkooks tears as they flowed down his cheeks silently. He had his bottom lip tightly locked between his teeth as he gazed down at Jimin lovingly.

"I dislike seeing you cry..." Jimin softened, reaching a hand up and rubbing his thumb along Jungkooks cheek. Jungkook leaned into his touch, enjoying the feel of his soft hand caressing his skin.

"They're happy tears baby" he smiled

Jimin giggled, nodding his head "Happy tears are good tears"

"Indeed they are..."

The officiant smiled to himself, nodding his head at the two before continuing "Do you Jeon Jungkook take this man Park Jimin to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in heath, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live? If so, answer 'I DO' "

"I do" Jungkook smiled jubilantly

"Do you Park Jimin take this man Jeon Jungkook to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, to love, honor and obey, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live? If so, answer 'I DO' "

Jimin beamed up at Jungkook, tightening his hold on Jungkooks hand "I do"

"Rings please" The officiant called, to which Taehyung merrily held up the pillow containing the rings. He stood in front of the two, a bright smile atop his lips as he watched both of them take the rings.

Jungkook held one of Jimins hands in his own, taking in a deep breath before slipping the ring on Jimins ring finger.

Jimin stared at it for a moment, his cheeks beginning to hurt due to how much he had smiled. Once he had collected his thoughts, he reached out and took one of Jungkooks hands in his own before slipping the wedding ring on his ring finger.

Jungkook weaved their hands together once more, remaining silent yet their eyes spoke levels of their own.

"By the authority vested in me by the City of Seoul, I now pronounce you husband and husband. May you forever live a prosperous and enraptured life" He smiled at the two "You may now kiss the groom"

Jungkook smirked mischievously, before abruptly pulling Jimin into his chest and clashing their lips together in a searingly passionate kiss. He allowed himself to nibble the plump flesh of Jimins lips, sucking it into his mouth as his hand remained on the small of Jimins back, keeping him right up and against his body.

The loud cheering and applause from their guests was only heard once they pulled away, as both were too immersed in each other to recall others in their company.

This was their moment, and theirs alone.

"You're finally mine...." Jungkook whispered against his lips, his breath fanning against Jimins own.

"I was always yours..." Jimin corrected, giggling lightly as his fingers played with the ruffles of Jungkooks suit.

The cheering and applause did not cease, even as the grooms walked down the aisle and towards the wedding ceremony where they took their assigned seating at the front.

(Where Jikook sat)

Their six tier wedding cake was set up behind them, whilst the dance floor was in front of them. Seating for the guests e.g friends and family was set up around the dance floor, so that it would remain in the centre.

(View of the wedding hall)

(View of the seating arrangements)

(View of the Dance floor)

(Close-up of the flower arrangements)

Friends and family -the Namjin couple + their parents, Yoonseok couple + their parents, Taegum couple + their parents, Markson couple + their parents, Jungkooks parents and Jimins parents-, were made to be seated the closest to Jungkook and Jimin.

When Jungkook had sat down after helping Jimin take his seat, he pulled him in closer and allowed him to rest his head on his shoulder.

Jimin smiled at the caring gesture, relaxing his body in his husbands hold.

"How you feelin, Jeon Jimin" Jungkook grinned proudly, whispering the words and enjoying the way they sounded.

Jimin couldn't help but grin widely, his eyes turning into miniature crescents "The best I've ever been, Jeon Jungkook. How about you?..."

"Never been better" he replied, his hand caressing his husbands side "I couldn't sleep this past week. I'm too dependant on having you in my arms baby. How in the world did I live without you in the past?"

"Because you never knew I existed back then you silly goose"

Jungkook laughed at his remark, his chest vibrating with the sound "It's been so damn long since I've heard you say that..."

"That's because you're not always a silly goose. You're pretty smart y'know?"

Jungkook raised an amused brow "Really"

"Yep. Really"

"You're too cute for fucking words" Jungkook chuckled, peppering Jimins head with kisses "Speaking of fucking though..."

"K-kook!..." Jimin gasped, his breath hitching as Jungkooks hand made its way to his ass.

Jungkook leaned his head down, his lips brushing past the shell of Jimins ear as his deep baritone caressed his senses "Although you look drop dead gorgeous baby, I can't help but imagine just how much more stunning you'd be with all that clothing discarded. Seeing you in nothing but your bare skin has always been my favourite sight"

Jimin bit his lip, his fingers gripping his trousers as he felt Jungkooks heated breath fan his rosy skin "K-kook, people-

"Oh baby, since when were people an issue for us?" Jungkook chuckled deviously, nipping the shell of Jimins ear, further teasing him as he ran his tongue along the subtle flesh.

Jungkook could feel the tremors racking his little lovers body, the smell of his arousal turning him on like no other, but he knew they couldn't -more like shouldn't- do anything more.

It's been an entire week since he's laid his hands on Jimins luscious skin, since he's pressed his bare body against Jimin's own let alone laid eyes on his angelic physique.

The built up anticipation and longing had built up so much so that he faced difficulty holding reigns on his control. And with Jimin in his arms, looking every bit the mouthwatering delicacy that he is, only added fuel to the searing fire.

Before Jungkook could indulge himself in his utmost desires, he pulled away, winking sultrily at Jimins dazed expression before turning his focus to the dance floor.

He could still feel Jimins body trembling, and the needy aura that had encased his petite frame. Yet Jungkook kept his eyes and focus glued on the guests and the dance floor particularly.

Some were dancing whilst others were either eating, conversing, or both. He had thought about asking Jimin to dance, but considering the state that both of them were in, it didn't seem like the best idea.


"Yes baby?"

"When's our flight?"

"It's at 12 kitten" Jungkook replied, glancing at his watch before continuing "We've about three hours before we have to leave. It's our jet though, so it shouldn't matter as much but I'd rather we get to the island before it gets dark over there"

"Yeah me too..." Jimin nodded, his gaze landing on Namjins newborn triplets, who were seated on their parents laps. Two boys and one girl.

Namjoon was holding one of his boys and his baby girl, whilst Jin was carrying their other son.

The sight warmed Jimins heart, his hand unconsciously moving towards his stomach. Jungkook caught the action from the corner of his eye, his chest clenching slightly at the image.

He knew how much having children meant to Jimin, but all he could do was hope and pray that they'd be blessed with little angels of their own.

Everything takes time, and if it was meant to be, it'll be.

Y'all, we did it, we surpassed 100k reads 😭... We're currently on 101k reads, and omg, when I tell you my heart is literally beating so fast rn... I can never thank you enough ♥️....

Hey babesss!! This was suppose to be two separate chapters, but I personally didn't want to split the wedding into two. It should have its own chapter so that's why it's twice as long 😂....

I love you guys more than you'll ever possibly know, I sincerely do. I hope you're all keeping happy and healthy, living each day as it goes to the fullest!! Please stay safe and thriving Queens/Kings/Majesties xxx BORAHAEEE 💜💜💜


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