LEILA {ongoing}

By KarsynJLaw

77.5K 1.1K 703

Aussie girl, Leila, moves to America. Repeating her senior year brings much more drama than she bargained for... More

Character Aesthetic & Authors Note
Leila Playlist - avail on spotify
31. H O M E
32. Surprise Kisses
33. Highschool cuties
34. Temper Temper
35. Go For It
36. Finally
37. Better than dessert
38. My Choice
39. His Choice
40. His Question
41. Her Answer
Thank you for your patience


3.2K 42 16
By KarsynJLaw

Thank fuck for lunch.

I couldn't take another minute pretending like I gave a damn. I'm sure nearly every kid here is bored at school, but when you literally know what's going on and nothing is new, it's a whole new version of bored. 'Is this how smart people always feel like all the time?'

Following the masses I realise everyone is heading to the cafeteria. Yep, nope. I'm not going in there until I know atleast one person. Pulling away from the crowd I exit out a side door and am met with gorgeous heat.

October in Texas feels like a beautiful winters day in Australia. Raising my face to the sky I gently smile to myself as the sun warms me. The grounds of the school are surprisingly very tidy. The grass is manicured, the red brick walkway, clean but even out here most the tables and benches are strewn with bodies. 'Bleachers it is.'

By the time I make my way up and sit on the cold metal bench, I'm feeling very toasty. Removing my leather jacket, I lay my head down on my bag, continuing my date with the sun. A slight sinking feeling meets my stomach when I remember how the days are only going to get colder. Summer is my favourite season and this one was going to top them all.

Feeling the ache of homesickness I sigh, lifting my head to reach around into my bag, feeling for my apple. Mum had given me cash for lunch today but no way was I going in there. My snacks will have to do.

Who would have thought I would be happy that I wasn't listening to music while basking in the warmth of the sun. My breathing had slowed and I was on my way to an amazing nap when I hear "WATCHOUT!!"

Sitting up abruptly, I only have a moment to react, catching the footy that almost smacked me in the head. Feeling the jolt through my wrists and elbows, I am instantly frustrated. 'Who the fuck ruined my oncoming nap.'  Lowering my hands, I see a guy running across the field, smiling wide and looking straight at me. Clearly too dense to realise the scowl on my face should be a warning to stay away.

"Hey, sorry about that pretty girl, wanna pass me the ball." He calls up to me from sidelines of the field. Hands open, chest height, he waits for me to toss it to him.

Slowly righting myself, I make my way down the stairs onto the grass, walking towards him.

"What, can't throw a ball." He teases on a chuckle. An annoying smirk playing on his lips. As I get closer he hold his arms out further for me, still waiting. Taking the last few steps towards him with a quick one-two, I drop the ball and kick. Hard.

Following the ball with my eyes as it clears the goal posts, I face him. "Go fetch, big boy."

Turning away, I stroll back up to my seat and lay back down. 'Now, where was I.' I snuggle back into a comfortable position only for the warning bell to chime obnoxiously. "Ugh! I don't wanna." I whine to no one but myself.

I think I'm going to have to sit my parents down and just tell them that I'm not doing a repeat of my senior year. I'll go work, somewhere. It has to be better than coming to school and not being taught anything new.

I lied before, I can be taught something new. Patience, lots and lots of patience. Mr Heckles, the music teacher, decided that I arrived too late in the semester so I wouldn't be any help to the class except to be his assistant. No, lets dismiss the fact that I can actually play the piano, know how to read sheet music and can sing if I have to.

My molars hurt from how hard I was clenching my jaw by the end of the class. Thank all that is holy that this was the last class of the day. It's not my peers fault that he can't keep rhythm and chose the most boring songs in history. They sounded terrible.

'Think happy thoughts. Happy, relaxing thoughts. You WILL be in your pj's soon. You WILL be watching The Witcher and drooling over a rugged Henry Cavill. All is well."

This time when the bell chimes, its not obnoxious but heavenly. Hurrying out of class, I decide to try and find my locker. Who knows when I might need it to store...stuff. Clothes? Snacks? I seriously have to ask someone how they use theirs.

Surprisingly my locker is quite large and on the end of the row. It's bigger than I thought. I'll be able to stuff my jackets and helmet in here. Definitely good for those rainy days and winter months.

I send a quick text to both mum and dad, letting them know that we need to talk later and asking them what time they will be getting home. By the time I get out of the school I expected the car park to be mostly free of students but that's not what I'm met with. 'Ugh, street youths.' 

Looks like at this school, socialising in the parking lot is the place to be. Groups are huddled around and on car bonnets. Couple's are making out like each of them are suffocating. Giggles and chatter fill the air.

Passing them all, keeping my head up, I strut my way through the groups, earning a few glances here and there. It's not that I don't want to get to know these people, but I honestly don't plan on being around for long. Why try and shimmy my way into these cliques.

As I make my way over to my ride, I realise I can't see it. I can't see it because where I parked is being crowded by 6"something guys, all turned inward where my ride sits. Pushing my way through a couple of them, I am not happy with what I see.

"Get the fuck off my ride or I'll make sure to drive over your foot as I leave." I growl. Heads snap in my direction. The guys that were close to me, back up a little.

The athletic looking blonde quickly gets off, looking between his friends and me. "This your ride?" He asks rubbing his neck, looking very sheepish. I find this extremely amusing, considering he towers over me.

Walking next to my bike I glare at him, "Well, it's definitely not yours, so in future, I advise not straddling something without consent." I hear a few snickers from the crowd and feel a few glares.

"No way this is your ride!" the jock tests. "You're tiny! You couldn't handle this thing." Cocky much.

I scoff at him as I put my key in the ignition. "Well, considering how small your dick is," I retort, straddling my bike, "I'm not surprised you think this is too big." Giving him an innocent smile I continue, "don't worry little boy, I know how to handle myself."

"Oooooooo's" are hollered and his mate is laughing at him behind his hand. He looks familiar. You would think that that would be the end of it. Despite my clear disdain for him, it only seems to egg him on, if his big ass grin is anything to go by.

"I'm Mica, and you are..."

"Leaving." I reply as I flick my hair behind me so that I can put my helmet on. As I'm fixing the straps his mate leans past him, "Wanna take me on a ride, pretty girl? I'd love to be behind you any day of the week." Yep, it's definitely the guy from lunch.

Are they both dimwits? Roaring my ride to life, everyone backs up, giving my a clear run out of the space. Answering the jock with my middle finger I take off in the direction of home. Well I think it's the direction of home. I forgot to enter my address into the GPS. I'll pull over once I'm clear of the school.

I was totally going in the wrong direction but the drive home was actually really nice. I took my time and rode down a few streets that google maps didn't tell me to go. The town we live in is nothing like home. Where Australia feels young/old, Austin feels old/old. The architecture is so colonial. Big everything. Big Buildings, wide streets, manicured gardens. And flags. Flags everywhere.

As Aussies, we love Australia, but as a nation erecting a flag in your front yard just isn't normal. In the town I lived in, there was this one older gentleman that had the Australian flag flying everyday. Sometimes I'd ride past in the evening and see him folding it up gently. I use to picture him taking it inside and placing the material in a wooden box that was made just for it.

I also knew when he passed away. No flag was flown in his front yard again.

By the time I get home, the sun is at its beautiful golden hour. The street my parents chose to buy on is everything I pictured when I thought of the burbs in America. The one thing I can't really get over though is the lack fences separating the properties.

If we still had Molly, our American Staffy, no way would she have been able to contain herself. Everyone must have some pretty well behaved pups.

"Hey sweetie, how was your first day at school?" Mum sounds so chirpy.

"It was ok. I guess."

"Oh come on. Tell me what was bad about it."

"Nothing bad about it mum but...ok, fine. I was bored shitless." This gets her giggling. "Seriously mum! They're reading The Great Gatsby. Bore. Math, is the worst, everything is imperial and not metric and Mr Heckles won't let me touch an instrument or even put me with the singers. Apparently, I arrived to late in the semester. Please, please, please can I just get a job instead!" At this point I'm literally on my knees pleading with my mum while she looks down on me with an amused face.

"Leila, although I love your dramatics, you know you can't work in the US until you get citizenship." Ugh! Mum and her practical logic. Sighing, I take her hand as she helps me up off the floor. "Did you make any friends atleast?"

Sending her a 'what do you think' look she places a kiss on my cheek letting me know that dinner will be ready soon and teasing me that she's surprised I made it home without getting totally lost.

Little does she know I did get lost, but labelled it as an adventure instead.


1772 words later, that's chapter 2. What do you all think? Do you like Leila's internal monologue? ;)

Thanks for reading xx


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