Camera Shy

By Melswritingmadness

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Jamie is just an ordinary girl, stumbling through life with her best friend Amy by her side. Nick, TJ, Stu a... More

C-1 - I prefer being invisible.
C-2 - When opportunity knocks, pretend you're not in.
C-3 - Blurred lines.
C-4 The average dark side has four exits; you just need to want to use them.
C-5 - I did not ask for wings because I would prefer not to fly.
C-6 - Fire exits located
C-7 - The choices you make daily, change the worlds' view...
C-8 The camera doesn't lie
C- 9 - And the bubble bursts....
C-10 - Sealed with a kiss
C-11 Webs of lies.
C-12 - The past stays hidden for a reason.
C-13 - The battle between the heart and mind.
C-14 She blinds him with a fake reflection.
C-15- Do you see what I see....
C-16 - Three hundred seconds of crowd pleasing.
C- 17 Crash- Boom- BANG
C- 18 There's no smoke without fire.
C-19 - Knocking down the wall and knowing nothing changes
C-20 The secrets we keep
C-22 The morning after the night before.
C- 23 Life behind the lens isn't always so pretty.
C- 24 His smile is all it takes to bring down my walls. One brick at a time.
C- 25 - Once you see into their soul, both hearts shine brighter.
C- 26 - Something worth fighting for.
C- 27 - Bye, bye, bitc....
C- 28 - I spy with my little eye.
C-29 The wicked games she plays.
C-30 - lets play hide and seek.
C- 31 - When you're gone....
C- 32 - The secret thoughts we keep.
C - 33 - The complications of a beating heart.
C- 34 - The more I know, the more I love you.
C- 35- speaking the wrong language.
C- 36 - Fresh off the press....
C- 37- 5..4..3..2..1..Welcome back Deadly sins.
C-38 - Pulled from the darkness.....
C- 39- Jamie crazy fan-girl Fuller
C-40 - over exposure.

C-21 Some things you just don't see coming.

64 13 10
By Melswritingmadness


The words shoot out of my mouth and other than a highly amused Reece, who's grin is annoyingly wide as he enjoys my reaction, the others stare at me a little confused.

"What? Come on this is ridiculous. You banned her from the house and now you want him to ...." I can't finish the sentence. Luckily, I don't have to because David jumps in.

"I appreciate that this is a little unorthodox, but we don't have many options. If Reece could find out if Chloe sent that email, it could get your contract renewed."

"Surely there is a better way?" I question, but I see the determined look in David's eye, and I sigh, looking away.

"I have been going through every option in my head and this is the only viable one. She's here, right now and not planning on leaving. Let's play her at her own game." David says as he stares in Chloe's direction.

"Does anyone care what I think?" Reece asks, drying his sweaty forehead off with the bottom of his t–shirt, revealing some rather yummy, tanned skin.

"Absolutely, what are your thoughts?" David asks.

"I hate it. I don't want to spend any extra time with her, and I don't want to mislead her into thinking that we will get back together. But if there's a chance she is involved and finding that out could somehow get Jamie's job back, then it's a no brainer, right?"

The rest of the guys all nod.

"Great, can I finally eat?" Stu asks with a grin, then he takes Amy's hand and heads over to Joey and Hazel. Nick and TJ follow, leaving David, Reece and me still awkwardly standing in silence.

"I still don't like it." I grumble.

"David, go ahead and join the others. We will catch up." Reece insists and David nods and leaves.

"So, neither of us like it but we don't have a better idea either. I'm not letting you lose your job because of whatever game she is playing. I understand why you hate the idea, but I don't want to be with her. Jamie, please look at me."

I look up at him.

"You wanted me to work through the lingering feelings, so I will use this as the opportunity to do that, but I need you to know that I...." He stops midsentence and just stares at me. It's the look I know so well, the look that makes me wake up with a smile, the look that belongs to ME.

"Ok, I'll try and get on board with the plan."

He gives me his annoyingly sexy grin and I let out a low laugh and bite my bottom lip. Reece steps forward and there's a heat in his eyes I haven't seen before and his gently pushes some loose hair from my face.

"You are so beautiful."

His eyes wander to my lips and I all I want to do is step forward and kiss him, show him how much I miss his kisses. But I can't. So, with a heavy sigh we both step back and walk back to the others.

Just like that, a new plan was set. Reece would spend time with Chloe to find out if she sent the email or someone else did. To everyone else the plan was simple, and nobody would really get hurt, but my gut instinct tells me that I will lose him for good this time, to the girl who has the strongest pull of all to his heart. Chloe.

Over the next three days I mainly focused on the upcoming gig to make sure everything was ordered and booked for the date picked. David's job was the permit for the concert and the noise permit. The guys are 100% invested in helping with the organising, which was super helpful. When they weren't writing or performing, they were with me designing things and making decisions.

Unfortunately, due to the new 'plan' that also meant wherever Reece was, she wasn't far behind.

"Ok, we have five t-shirt designs, and we need it down to three, well four if we can't fully decide. But one has to go." I say as I place the t-shirt designs on the table.

"Well, that's easy, we already agreed on these three. (Pointing to the designs). So, we just need to pick out of these two. I choose the second one." Stu says with a smile.

TJ and I also pick the second one. Nick picks the first.

Chloe wanders in from outside and picks the designs up and stares at them, crunching her witches' nose. I mean seriously, all she's missing is a giant wart on the end.

"I vote for the first design. Its colourful and simple."

Feeling particularly annoyed by her frequent presence, my voice comes out a little bitchier than I'd planned, "I didn't ask your opinion because I didn't want it."

Then, of course, she had to run to Reece. "Rude! Reece what do you think baby? Number one like me, right?"

Reece sits there speechless and his eyes flick between Chloe and me as he struggles to answer. "I actually really like both, I think we should just have all five."

The guys all start chuckling behind him, making the atmosphere tense.

"That's a cop out. Just pick one." I demand.

Reece closes his eyes and sighs.

"Fine, design one." He says solemnly.

Annoyance rises in me as Chloe smiles at me, fully satisfied.

I gather up the designs and smile.

"Great, now that's sorted I'll order the other three and design number two."

"Hang on! The vote is equal!" Chloe shrieks.

With pure pleasure I turn to face her with the most genuine smile I've probably ever given.

"The vote was two for t-shirt one and three for t-shirt two. Like I said before I didn't ask for your opinion, which includes your vote." I leave the room and head upstairs to the sound of her huffing and complaining to Reece about me.

Later that day, after the bands rehearsals and song writing sessions, I sit with Stu and TJ going through some recent photos from the day at the farm.

The sound of Reece and Chloe laughing in the pool captures my attention.

"Knew it wouldn't be long until the 'plan' became reality." TJ says.

"What makes you think that?" I ask. Does he see something I don't or, at least, that I am trying not to.

"Look at the way he smiles at her, his subtle touches.... They won't be avoiding the bedroom for long..." TJ laughs.

"TJ!" I say shocked.

"I say what I see." He shrugs.

"Nah, he isn't getting sucked in this time." Stu says with a reassuring smile.

But if I'm honest, it's been days since Reece has spent any time with me. He barely glances at me and the look I adored so much, disappeared in her presence.

By dinner time Amy had arrived and was keeping me nicely distracted by helping me design posters for the farm to post online. We are just waiting on the farm's approval, and they are ready to upload.

David turned up with a load of pizzas and the permits for the gig, so excitement is in the air and celebrations are needed.

Whilst filling up on pizza, Chloe nearly causes me to choke to death when she randomly and bloody embarrassingly, tries to interfere with my life.

"So, Jamie, I think we should find you a guy. Someone more like you."

Whilst choking I try and speak, "More like me?" I glare.

"You know what I mean, not famous, normal. You've been stuck in a house with these guys for months, surely you must crave a hot, sweaty man between your legs? And it's not like any of these guys could ever actually be attracted to you...."

"Are you kidding me? Even if I was craving anything, which I'm not! I wouldn't be sharing it with you!" I bite back as my blush practically sets fire to my face.

The atmosphere in the room instantly changes, Reece covers his eyes as he rubs his forehead, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation. "Is this topic really necessary?" he says looking Chloe.

Chloe giggles and shrugs. "I'm just putting it out there. My needs will be well met tonight, why don't you come out with us, and we can find someone to fill your needs." she says smiling at me.

Her needs will be well met tonight, will they? I look up at Reece who deliberately avoids my gaze.

"Where are you going?" I ask challengingly.

"Clubbing, you interested?" She challenges back.

"No, we aren't going out tonight." Reece insists as he looks at Chloe.

"I'd love to, Amy you in?" I ask and Amy looks at me shocked but the guys, other than Reece, are smiling.

Amy looks at me confused and signals me to leave the room with her, much to Chloe's amusement.

"Jamie, what are you doing? You hate clubbing! Let's just stay in, please"? Amy begs.

I stare at Amy for a few minutes and smile.

"I'll let you choose my whole package."

Amy freezes, "You mean hair, make up, clothes and shoes?"

I nod and Amy smiles and shouts back into the other room, "WE'RE IN!"

And just like that Amy is pulling me upstairs and giving me an 'Amy special' make over.

"I don't get it; I gave you free reign and you've barely changed anything." I say surprised as I look into the mirror after an hour of mostly sitting here whilst she gets herself ready.

"That's because you are already perfect, I just wanted to add to it. Put this on and we are ready." She says with a smile.

"Are the guys ready?" I ask as I slip into the sequined black dress.

"Yes, patiently waiting at the bottom of the stairs."

I slip on my heels, and we head to the stairs. Before I turn the corner, my insecurities and panic hit me. I take a deep breath and Amy steps in front of me and starts walking down the steps.

"Follow me." She smiles.

Just as I prepare to turn the corner, I hear Reece's door open. I turn to see him in jeans and a partly opened shirt, his eyes firmly on me.

"You look .........." He stands there speechless, struggling to find the words. (Hopefully, that's a good thing)

I blush and try to hide my smile and start walking down the steps. The guys start cheering and wolf whistling and I burst into laughter.

"Oh, shut up! Haven't you seen a girl in a dress before?" I jokingly curtsey.

We all head to the club and, after a short drive, we arrive. It's still quiet but there's a few recognisable celebrities already here and the guys and their cling-on, Chloe, head off to greet them, so Amy and I head to the bar.

"So, how drunk are we getting to tonight?" She asks.

"I need to go full Jamie. It's been a shitty few days." I say downing my first shot.

"So, no limits?" She says holding a second shot.

"None." I smile.

And I meant every word. We are here for fun. We drink, dance, sing and just laugh. It was exactly what I needed. I danced with the guys and with random strangers and I just let go. I knew Reece wasn't far, he was with her and not making any effort to be a part of our evening, so I carried on without him.

As the night goes on my feet are killing me, my vision is impaired, and I start slowing down.

"Amy, I miss him. I want him. But I can't have him." I shout over the loud music.

"HUH? You can have anyone your heart wants. You want him, tell him. In fact, he's coming over to dance so now's your chance!" Amy smiles.

"What?" Shit ok, I can do this.

I take a deep breath and feel him behind me. I close my eyes as I turn and press my lips to his. At first my lips are a little misplaced, but then they are exactly where they should be, and I kiss him. I feel his reluctance and my heart sinks. But suddenly, he leans into the kiss and his hands are in my hair pulling me closer. This kiss feels different to our previous ones, but why?

Without warning we are pulled apart and something covers my face. I hear a voice shout, "What's your problem" Then an arm tugs me through the crowd and suddenly the cool air hits my arms, and my face is uncovered.

I see Reece standing there angry.

"For someone who is trying to hide her identity from the world, what made you think kissing a member of the band in public was a good idea?" He shouts.

Before I can answer TJ speaks out, "I covered her face with her hair, nobody would have seen her."

"But why even kiss her?" Reece snaps.

I flicker between the two slowly piecing it all together and my hand moves to my just kissed lips.

"Well, she's Jamie. She's hot and, you know, it would have been rude not to, right?"

"TJ get inside. Get the others." Reece demands.

TJ does as he asks, leaving us alone. Reece leans against the wall.

"Why TJ?" He asks, hurt.

"I thought..." I start to say.

"You thought what?"

Chloe bursts through the doors laughing.

"Maybe you do know how to have fun. Reece, take me home baby. But to mine."

Reece nods while still glaring at me.

"I guess what I thought doesn't matter now." I finally answer.

Chloe pulls Reece into the street, and they flag down a taxi. He opens the door for her and she flirts with him, kissing his cheek as her hand roams over his bottom. They drive off and he doesn't even look back. 

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