Translucent: A Divergent FanF...

Von LovingBooksAndMusic

3.4K 105 25

15 year old Kara had completely forgotten about the day of the aptitude test, and when the times comes she is... Mehr

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 1

469 10 1
Von LovingBooksAndMusic

I pulled the face again, and Hartly burst out laughing once more, rolling around on her bed and almost falling off. Well actually- yeah she fell off.

Stop it Kara, stop it!" She giggled. "I'm going to wet myself!"

At this point I started to laugh, and we ended up making such a racket Sully came in to see what was wrong. He stuck his head round the door, and looked surprised to see the two of us rolling on the worn black carpet.
"Uh......" He stumbled over his words. "Ma says you've got to come to the canteen. Now." He turned and we could hear his footsteps retreating down the hall.
Hartly stood up and brushed her black t-shirt down, I did the same and we made our way down the hallway and I tithe main corridors of the compound.
Passing by the chasm we began to play our usual game of seeing who dares to lean over the railing, but then we were cut off by a sharp shout.
"White! Sonnos!"
Hartly and I whirled round, to see the 'canteen monitor' glaring at us and beckoning us. It was Janson. We used to be friends, but he was a year above and had passed Dauntless initiation. After that he began to bully us whenever he saw us around the compound. I scowled at him.
"Kara, don't." Hartly said gently. She wasn't cut out to be Dauntless. She was too gentle, shy and peaceful. More of an Amity.
Me? I didn't know. Which faction did I belong to? I wasn't peaceful, selfless, truthful, clever of brave. Eh, I suppose I must be one of those things, but I was just hiding it. Very well.

"What?" I snapped back at Janson, savouring the look of discomfort that passed across his face.
"You're wanted." He snapped back, but without the usual malice, and disappeared. Hartly gave a weird look, I shrugged. Maybe it was because today was a special day for me? I thought to myself. Forgetting about it, we set off for the canteen.
Ma was sitting in the far corner of the room, with Sully on one side and Pa on the other. They were deeply engrossed in an animated coversarion, and Hartly sniggered as I imitated Pa, crossing my eyes and making wild hand actions. Sully caught sight of us and waved us over, beaming, while Ma and Pa took on a more serious expression, grave eyes and no smiles.
As we sat down together, laughing as she fought over the seat not next to Pa (I won), Ma and Pa eyed each other and Pa nodded.
"Uh....Kara? Hartly? So you know what it is today?" He asked. I nodded.
"The second of March." I said, grinning at Hartly as she rolled her eyes.
"Duh, that's obvious." She joked, pointing to the large clock on the wall which had 'Monday, 2nd March' written over the top. Sully laughed.
"Yes, but that wasn't the answer I wanted." Pa sighed.
"It's my birthday!" I said cheerfully, and Ma gave me a small smile, but it only flickered across her face for a second.
Pa sighed again.

"It's aptitude test day."


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