Appreciate Yourself - You're...

By Cold_JD

13 0 0

During the Promotion period, Park Jimin tends to focus on only practice and work, totally forgetting his need... More

Appreciate Yourself - You're Important to Me

13 0 0
By Cold_JD

The tour was coming to an end and it was afternoon when they were walking through the airport to get to their vans. Jin hyung was with Jungkook and Tae at the back. Namjoon and Hobi were walking beside each other eating ears out by constant whispering. Having glasses on his eyes and a mask on his mouth, he couldn't keep his cool at the whisper whisper.

Just let me get to the dorm and I'll sit you both down and make you hear me out. He turned around and glared at them, but as usual, both of them weren't paying attention to him. Gritting his teeth, he turned his head back and tried to cool his mind.

Why do I have to be at the front and listen to these two idiots all the time? What punishment is this hyuuuung?

He could almost hear the smirk in Jin hyung voice in his head want me to give you a list? You don't deserve just PUNISHMENT. You, my dear Yoongi, my lil meow meow, my grumpy cat; you deserve PUNISHMENTS.

Well, there you have it. Yoongi regretting his whole existence right now. Why are these guys acting like three years olds? Why can't they be quite like Tae or Jimin? Even Jin Hyung is not loud enough to buzz me in the ear then why? Hang on he turned his head back again.

Jimin had sunglasses on and from such a small distance, he could see his eyes looking down. They came to a stop and a crowd of reporters hovered over them. Jin was in front of Tae and Jungkook, Namjoon beside Yoongi and Hobi behind him. Yoongi on instinct pulled his hand in front of Jimin and he backed off without much thinking.

They stayed there for almost half an hour and during that time Yoongi's attention was on Jimin. More quiet than usual. He side-eyed him and Jimin had kept his head high, smiling a little and waving his small hand to the reporters.

Definitely more quiet than usual.

When entering the van Jimin was with Tae and Jungkook. Always maknae line. Yoongi frowned and closed his eyes. It's not like he hates being with other members with him, it's just- you see, our grandpa likes Jimin's company more. And he will never admit it. So you all have to crush your dreams where he is soft as fur and fluffy. Rest in peace our precious dreams of Yoongi being a nice Hyung for once.

He was almost sleeping when some words entered his ears and he groaned. Which part of my posture you guys don't understand that I need silence for heaven's sake. BE QUITE FOR ONCE OR I'LL.....''....he was upset. Didn't even come to dinner last night. I hope he's okay.''

Talking about Jimin again. What am I gonna do with that kid? Shuffling in his seat had caught others' attention and silence fell over the van. Jimin's blank expressions swimming in the back of his head, Yoongi is on another adventure.

Here we go.

Ready or not, we are going.





''YOONGI!!!!!!!!!!!'' the door to his room drummed with continuous thumping and his mind woke up with a haze.

''Sleepy Slug. Grumpy Grandpa. Get up. Practice in the morning at eight. Breakfast in five, come now or go starve till twelve in the noon.'' Oh, well. What a splendid way to start a brand new day. Filled with the echoing noise of Jin hyung's voice as background music.

Just Perfect.

He got up cursing the whole universe for creating day and rubbed his eyes. Practice in the morning was never his favorite but who is even listening to him.

Actually, when does someone listen to his cries? Who even cares for.....hang on, he's ranting. He blinked a few times to wake his sleeping brain. At this rate, he won't be able to have any progress through the day.

''Morning Hyung!'' Namjoon raised his cup at him and nodded. Yoongi paid no mind to him, went straight ahead in the kitchen, and started his morning caffeine. Jin glanced at him and had a lecture at the tip of his tongue when Tae came stumbling. Dropped himself on the couch and closed his eyes again.

"KIM TAEHYUNG!!!!!!" Well, at least it's not me again. Yoongi gulped coffee and viewed the room. Namjoon and Hobi were sitting behind the counter, grinning at Tae being scolded. Jin waving spatula was a true form of his mom, waking them up. Jungkook on the other hand was sleepwalking toward Jin. Throwing his arms around his shoulders, he tried to get comfortable.

"Yah, Jungkook-ah. Yah, get up! Will you?" death grip of the youngest was more than enough to breakthrough.

All in all, a normal morning in the dorm to start a brand new day. What am I gonna do without all these dorks? Smiling at his friends, he put the empty cup in the sink and went to tidy up.

"Yoongi. Call Jimin for me.....JEON JUNGKOOK, get off me. Yah Yoongi, call him and ask him to have breakfast with us." Jin was still struggling with kook and now Tae had come into the mix. Good luck with it Hyung.

"Will he come back though? You know how he is!" saying that, he still took the phone from his pocket and dialed Jimin.

"Yeah, I know. But tell him that five hours of practice is enough on empty stomach. Otherwise, he'll be grounded for practicing over time. And both of you, wake up or else....." Waving the jug of water at them, he warned the two younger ones. Tae pouted but back hugged Jungkook when he was going back to wash up.

"He isn't picking up. I'm going now. I'll send him back when I get there. And Hobi, meet me when you're done with your business."

He was almost inside his room when something flashed in his mind and he peeked out. "Hyung, did Jimin have dinner last night?" Jin had turned his head to him. Spatula in hand still moving in the pan while with the other he was keeping the pot in place.

"Nope. That's why I asked you to call him. He came pretty late last night and today he went at 3 in the morning. That boy is insane. I'm telling you guys, he's gonna give me a heart attack someday because of his madness." Jin was pretty amazing at talking and working at the same time. Placing eggs and fruits in plates, he kept telling him.

Yoongi gazed at the ceiling, thinking and then he went back into the room. After ten minutes, he had a black hood on, headphones around his neck, and a bag slung on the shoulder. A notebook in hand, while with the other he was pocketing his phone.

"I'll be off Hyung. See you guys later." He tied the laces of his sneakers and turned the handle of the door.

"TAEHYUNG, I swear, if I find you guys sleeping again, NO FOOD FOR TODAY." And there we have it.

A very normal day at the dorm.


He entered the building and forgot to see Jimin. The next thing he knew, it was past four in the evening. Hoseok had texted him about something to do with the dance instructor asking if they could work later. Till then he took ten cups of black coffee and inked lyrics on four pages of his notebook. Not to mention, his addiction to perfecting the beats and producing in short INSANITY in the language of Jimin. He took a break to go down and walk a bit to wake his sleeping legs when something passed his ears.

"......see it one more time, please?"

"But Jimin-ah, it's already perfect. You do it one more time and you're gonna pass out." Yoongi clicked his phone, turning it off, and pushed the door to their practice room. Grey T-shirt drenched in sweat, bangs wet sticking to forehead and chest heaving hard. Jimin was breathing slowly, trying to talk more sense with their dance instructor. Yoongi instantly knew the thing going on and before Jimin could plead more, he walked to him.

"It's alright. I'll take care of it. You can go." Gazing at his little Jiminie, Yoongi politely said to the instructor. He nodded and bowed before leaving.

"But....hyu....hyung. I....sti....still..." he was starting again but got ignored. Jimin helplessly glanced at his Hyung who had bent down to take a water bottle for him. Eyes were welling up again, biting his lips, he turned to the mirrored wall and got into position. Music was still blasting in the background and before he could start the first move, the music stopped.

" can't...." Yoongi stuffed his mouth with the water bottle and flicked his eyebrows for him to drink. Jimin stood still for a moment but then finished the whole bottle in one go.

"Want more?" He asked tenderly and Jimin answered in no.

"Did you eat anything?"

"Hyung I need to perfect these steps or...."

"I ASKED IF YOU ATE ANYTHING? PARK JIMIN!" he didn't raise his voice but it silenced Jimin right away.

"I....uh...I" There was one person he could never lie to and that person was glaring at him.

"So, that's a Big, Fat, and Ugly NO?" He jabbed his finger gently on Jimin's forehead with every word. He literally pouted and Yoongi cursed himself for forgetting to see him in the morning.

Without further delay, he held his wrist in one hand, and with the other, he took his phone out.

"Hyung, I need to change..." One side glare from Yoongi and his lips sealed for good.

Good, Now keep quiet like that and be a good child.

"Yeah....Hyung, are you out?" Pushing the door with his foot, he didn't let go of Jimin's wrist. Still pouting and making faces, he was slowly walking behind him.

"Okay, then make a meal for two please." At that, Jimin tried to break the hold and Yoongi glanced at him. Eyes ready to tie him up, he mouthed wanna die? And the younger boy shivered. Tightening the hold, he averted his attention to the phone.

"No, a real meal Hyung for a guy like...." Hiding the smile and looking at Jimin, he coughed. "23 years old. So yeah, a real meal to make up for two days of hunger and practice without a break between. Make it quick."

Jimin gulped at hearing that because if Yoongi is going to feed him then even Jin Hyung can't say no.

This is bad. I'll get fat again and I can't. No, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening now. Not when he is trying to shape up. He would have to work extra to lose all the fat.

"Um....Hyung. I....I think...." Yoongi gazed at him after pocketing his phone. Giving him full attention, his work and beats long gone from his mind after watching Jimin in this state.

"Hmm?" his eyes glanced behind Jimin. A girl was coming towards them and after seeing them, she bowed and was moving ahead when Yoongi stopped her. "Noona....can you....can you please bring his bag from the practice room, please?" speaking with female staff was still hard for him after working with them for five years.

She nodded and strode beside them. Jimin kept biting his lips and fidgeting. Trying hard to form a sentence in his mind that would persuade Yoongi.

"What?" they were waiting for the van to drop them off at the dorm. When the vehicle came in sight, Yoongi raised his hand a little.

"Hyung....I think...I think I'm feeling better than before. I'll come home at six. Only one and a half an hour later. Promise!" fidgeting with the sleeves, he chewed his lips. Yoongi kept looking at him for a few moments and then pulled him mercilessly toward the van. Pushing him inside, he glared at the surprised male.

"Dorm, please." Sitting at the front, he just growled. Jimin tried again.

"Hyung. Seriously, I'm fine. See, I'm not even heaving. I'll come in the evening, really!"

"I said, DORM, PLEASE." When the driver hesitated to start the van, Yoongi tightly smiled and grated his teeth in annoyance. The poor man nodded hurriedly and stepped on it.


On that day, Yoongi had sat beside Jimin and fed him a whole meal to make up for the past hunger strike. Jin had thanked Yoongi for his temper for once as it had helped in keeping Jimin control.

After that, a month had passed with Yoongi staying in the hole, forgetting to eat or sleep. Namjoon and Hobi were on duty to make him leave the studio. And as the promotions were coming near, all of the members had been on eggshells. It seemed even Jin was unaware of the people around him for once.

Promotions are like that.

Their Fake Love MV had been released and finally, all of them took a breath of peace. The whole year had taken a toll on them causing depression, anxiety, and despair in the whole group. Especially the leader had dark eye bags which made them aware, how hard this year was for them.

They had gathered at the couch and turned the TV on. Months of hard work had resulted in keeping the views for the MV higher than before. They had re-watched it more than 5 times and when their hearts came to a normal pace, they began to catch up to everything they had missed during this period.

"Of course not. I took better care of myself than before. Even the directors praised me." When the conversation turned to their health, each eye turned to Jimin and his small frame. Getting nervous from their gaze, he explained.

"Yeah. Better care!" Yoongi folded his arms and smirked. Lifting the corner of his lips, he directed his eyes to Jimin. Who had surprise and questions plastered on his whole face.

"Hyung......." He mumbled, unable to say anything else.

"Now, now. We'll feed Jimin way too much, he would be bursting. Right, Hyung?" Tae being Tae, wrapped arms around his friend and blinked at Jin. Trying to convey some message through telepathy.

"Of course. We will. We are going grocery shopping right now." Jin got up and flickered his eyes at Namjoon and Jungkook.

Jimin peeked through his wet lashes with his head hung low. Yoongi was moving his mouth like he had chewed a bitter pill. He felt the gaze on him and turned his head to Jimin slowly. Eyes locked, Jimin trembled at the hard glare on him.

"Jimiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiieeeeeee. Are you coming?" Holding the arm of Jungkook, Tae tilted himself questioning him.

"No. I'll stay." He gave him a small smile and waved at them when Tae gave him his boxy smile.

"Can't even walk a small distance. What a pathetic way to keep yourself healthy." Jimin turned to him shocked and awestruck. Even Hoseok who had gone to get water stilled for a moment.


"How can you say something like this, Yoongi?" Before Jimin could say a word, Hoseok clanked the glass on the counter and narrowed his eyes.

"Like, what?" And now, it's the starting of a quarrel over him between his Hyung and friend. Jimin's eyes started welling up.

"He has been stressed this whole time and instead of comforting him, you have to say something horrible to hurt him more. How can you?"

"O, please. Like I don't know him. He had been eating less and less this whole time, Hoseok. You won't understand me." Jimin's heart sank.

"Well, I didn't know people could show their care and worry by passing sarcastic remarks on their loved ones. That's new to me."

"Update your Knowing People sense then. Don't argue with me over this guy." Pointing his thumb at Jimin, he deadpanned at Hoseok. The dancer's face was reddening with each moment.

"Hobi Hyung. It's okay. Please, I'll talk with Hyung. You can go to others, please."

"But Jimin-ah..." The pleading in his eyes stopped Hoseok to further say anymore. He slumped and walked towards the shoe rack, squinting and glaring at Yoongi, who still had been sitting on the couch. Arms folded and leg over the other. still chewing something.

After the door clicked shut, Yoongi got up and moved to his room when his arm came into a warm grip. He kept moving his mouth as to stop what his mind was trying to blast. Please, not now. I don't want to shout at you.

"Hyung....." the younger came in front of him. "Look at me. Please!"

The wind flew by outside the building, some silent moments went by, and then the older raised his eyes slowly at the person standing against him. Small and thin frame, face pale without the makeup and empty eyes, sunk way inside.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Do I have the right to?"

"I'm sorry. Please."

"Is that, my body suffering? No food for 48 hours straight. Dance practice for over 12 hours a day. Not to mention you're avoidance of the members when they tried to make you eat something. Please, Jimin, you're not bound to answer me." He freed his wrist from the grasp and put distance between them.

One thing about the people around you is that they care about you a lot but it's only one person who observes you even when you're not around them. And it takes a whole lot for them to speak about you by themselves. And Yoongi was one of them. He wouldn't ask to help you, instead, take your hand and make you take care of yourself. With Jimin, all other members were nice and kind enough to scold him and try to take care of him but when it came to Yoongi, it was a new case.

He wouldn't scold or yell at him, he would look at him, pass sarcastic remarks and then speak casually like discussing the weather. Jimin's eyes turned pink and he bit his bottom lip.

"I....I was....stressed and..."

"Then? Did eating nothing lowered your stress?"


"SHUT UP. Just shut up PARK JIMIN. Don't you dare say that." Here came the yelling. Jimin flinched and shut his eyes tightly. Breath heavy, chest rising and falling with each inhale and exhale, Yoongi went through different emotions.

"Did it ever....Did it ever matter to you what I say for once? Huh? Did you.....for once thought about how I feel when I see you laying down on the floor drained out. Do you ever look at yourself when you try to walk by placing your hand on the wall?" At this, a whimper fell out of the younger mouth, and then a sob came. Tears trailing down his cheeks, falling on the fabric on his shirt.

"LOOK AT ME WHEN I AM TALKING, PARK JIMIN." This time the words were filled with pain but still, Yoongi's voice echoed through the apartment. Jimin slowly opened his glassy eyes and blinked to see his Hyung.

A lump formed in his throat by watching his Hyung's face. Contoured with pain, stress, anxiety. His trembling hand tried to hold Yoongi's arm to stand firm. His whole body was shaking from inside.

"Stop crying." He just ordered, didn't wipe the tears away like before. A month ago he had held Jimin's hand to have a meal. And now, he was yelling at him for not taking care. Jimin knew that it was the care and Yoongi was not good with words when it came to giving sympathy or comfort. But it hurt a lot and it's nice being scolded for once.

"Please. Hyungie.....I'm sorry. I didn't...." he wiped his face by the back of his hand and tried again to get a hold of Yoongi. This time Yoongi saw his action and backed a bit. Something tugged at Jimin's heart.

"I'm going." Almost running away from Jimin, he went into his room. Picked up his notebook, pocketed the phone, and put the snapback on his head. Bangs coming in his eyes and the front of his hat hiding his face. With the speed of light, he didn't wait to look at Jimin who had frozen at the spot and just kept looking at him going out from his room to the main door and heard it shut.

When the other members returned, they found Jimin being a mess. Crying out loud enough for them to hear, face red and pink veins in the eyes. Yoongi nowhere to be found.


Three days, three whole days that Yoongi didn't step into the dorm. He even locked his studio. Namjoon and Hobi had kept knocking and banging at the door for way too long each day but the door remained shut. Jin and Tae had called him a hundred times but no success. His stubbornness was at its peak, not even allowing his friends to break it.

He was clicking the mouse with too much noise but since he had headphones on, he couldn't hear it. Screen reflecting the colors on his face as the beats played on repeat. His iced americano cup wrapped in the droplets of water. Ice melting and clanking in it. He sipped from it and then again replayed the whole song. It was at final touches and after finishing it today, he would hand it to Namjoon so he could finalize it with the producers.

He was so much immersed in the work, he didn't notice the door opening as someone entered. The person stood there for some time and then went to sit on the couch, placing the lunch bag on the table. He sat there gazing at the back of the chair and the mop of hair that appeared above it. The clicking sound getting faster and higher with each passing minute.

Maybe it was just a moment of repentance or maybe Yoongi felt a tug in his heart that the actions slowed down coming to an end. The chair squeaked as he bent his head, placing it on the folded arms on the table.

The person sitting at the back just kept his lips tight, not to let a sob out. Face turning into pain watching the hunched form.

"What the hell, Park Jimin." He threw the headphones on the table and picked his phone. He dialed his number and brought the phone to the ear. Something rang behind him as he waited for Jimin to pick up.

"Pick up the Phone you dummy." He mumbled and the person on the couch finally let out a sob. Yoongi's eyes widen at the sound and he whipped around to come in face to face with the person he was calling. The phone was long forgotten, he stood up and kept looking at the boy crying. Jimin was holding his phone, eyes at the standing man, tears staining his face.

"Ji....Jiminie...How did you.....when did you?" Words stuck in the throat. He couldn't face him right now, of course, he missed him but that didn't mean he was ready enough to face him at the moment.

"The door was did you?" finger limply pointing at the door, his eyes fixed on the crying boy. He knew his eyes were welling up as well and yes he didn't want to yell at him.

He shouldn't have.

But at this moment nothing could compare to the relief that they were both here. Crying and messy. Jimin threw his phone on the couch. Took a big step and then his arms were wrapped tight around Yoongi's waist. Cheek pressed into his chest, warm tears damping his Tee. Yoongi instantly hugged him close. Arms getting tight after every sob that escaped Jimin's mouth. The pain slowly fading away and comfort approaching them.

"I'm so sorry.....I'm so sorry Jiminie. I'm so sorry." He patted his head and backed a little but didn't break the hold. Jimin smiled a little and snuggled close, hold firm and warmth spreading through him after 72 hours.

In the group with six guys, he had the producer as a special one. Of course, Tae and JK were his age fellow but then Yoongi would be there calling for him. And now he was with him, finally, he could hug him. Three days prior, he couldn't even hold his arm for support but now, he willingly let Jimin near him. Going as far as hugging him close and holding him for comfort. Of course, the dynamic of the group was like this, friends in need. Even when he would cry over small things. Clumsy when sitting. Falling off chair laughing, giggling, and then laying on the floor. Whining with his whole body.

Of course, the group members were very nice to him, but sometimes comfort from silence was nice.

"Jiminie....." Yoongi soothed him by drawing circles in his back. The younger boy hummed but didn't back off.

"Yah. Park Jimin." This time, he softened his grip and nudged him by the shoulder. Amusement in tone and smile in words.

"Yes, Hyungie.....I'm listening." Yoongi titled his head back and caught the soft grin plastered on Jimin's face.

"Did you bring food for me?" He wanted to tease him but the words came as a question. At the question, Jimin moved to hold him a little and looked at the pack on the table. Humming in answer he glanced at the melted Ice Americano beside the computer screen.

"You didn't come home. I couldn't eat much without you scolding me." Yoongi chuckled and knocked his forehead.

"I don't scold you."

"Hmm, hmm. Go wash hands, I'll take out the boxes." He finally let go and smiled at him. Yoongi stayed there for a moment and then squished his mochi cheeks, cooing at him placing an apologizing kiss on his forehead.


When the door closed behind him, Jimin giggled. It had been forever since he felt this much happy. Opening the lunch boxes he placed the chopsticks for Yoongi, Jin's firm voice behind his head.

Make up with that Idiot. We all know, he will be embarrassed and guilty but won't come out. Just go to him Jimin-ah.

The silent studio felt warm for some reason and when Yoongi came in shaking his wet hands, Jimin sat straight.

"Don't you know that paper towels placed at the restroom are for some purpose?" biting his lip to hide the smile, he mused.

Yoongi snickered, nudging him to make place for himself on the couch. "Well, Thank you Jimin-ssi. I didn't know before." Picking up a bite from the box he held it in front of Jimin. He looked at the elder face and then opened his mouth to take the food.

"Don't skip meals again Jiminie, please." He murmured with head hung low and chewing food. Jimin's moving mouth came to a stop and his eyes welled up.

"I'm sorry. I was just stressed a lot, not because of promotions but....." he said but was cut off by the elder. He held the kimbap to him. Jimin closed his mouth around the chopsticks and held it when Yoongi tried to take it back. A grin appeared in the eyes of younger and Yoongi chuckled at his action.

The dinner went well and they chatted a lot.

"Jin Hyung literally sat in front of the door waiting for you. Broom in his one hand and wiper in the other. You're lucky you didn't come or else, we'll have been burying your beaten corpse by now."

"Where have your manners ran off to?" Tugging lightly at Jimin's ear, he couldn't stop smiling.

"Tae screamed last night so high and we all got scared but when I and Jin Hyung went to check, it was just a stupid game that he scored first before Jungkook. When Jin Hyung went to slap him, Jungkook got between them. And you know it took one hour for JK to persuade Hyung that this won't happen again." The elder laughed lowly at the story.

"I'm pretty sure afterward Tae would be pouting at JK for not letting him cuddle to him." Squeezing the sauce, he commented.

"Of course he did. When I came, he was still clinging to kook." He snorted at the memory and heard a small laugh beside him.

"Did you finish any.....?" he motioned his hand at the computer screen when Yoongi raised his head in confusion. Eyes moving with the hand motion, he raised an eyebrow.

"Yep. Mmsh mo nm nm no to." Now, who would discipline his Hyung? Jimin gave him a pointed look.

" least finish that first and then talk." He waved his hand in front of Yoongi's face. Listening to the scolding, Yoongi's eyes crinkled with laughter.


They were walking back to the dorm, hands jammed in sweats pocket and snapback covering his face. Jimin had the lunch pack in one hand and with the other, he was checking his phone.

Yoongi glanced at him a few times and figured that the fights they had and will have in the future will bring them close to each other. And honestly, I think that people need to fight with each other, it allows them to have a light and free heart. Share emotions with the one you surround yourself with, not waste them.

And he didn't dwell on the fact that yes, he is going to have a lot to say to Jimin in the future as well but that doesn't remove the fact that they would always come back to make up.

"Your face became a new meme Hyung." Shoving the phone in his face, Jimin had half-crescent eyes, twinkling with joy and giddiness.

He took the phone from his hand and instantly chuckled. Almost ten slides of his face with different captions and O God can ARMY get any better at things like these.

"Your mochi cheeks!" he pinched his pink cheek and turned the screen to him.

"You grumpy grandpa." The bickering had just started.

"You shorty."

"You lazy slug."


"Boiled Dumpling." The night sky was shimmering with stars and on the street of the city, two boys were huddled together shaking heads and bending in laughter.


It was two weeks after their makeup that Yoongi noticed again.

Jimin's eating disorder.

And this time he almost had a pretty good idea what was the trigger for this phase. He walked to him, slouched on the couch with the bowl of salad in his lap and mouth moving at the speed of a snail. Like he was punishing himself for eating something good for once.

"Minnie." Jimin looked up at him in confusion.

"Your phone!" spreading his palm at him, he ordered. The younger blinked at him and then at his hand. Taking the phone from his pocket and handing it to Yoongi, his surprise and confusion increased. Suddenly it dawned on him and he abruptly stood up.


"I knew something was fishy." He threw an accusatory look at him who had averted the gaze, looking everywhere except Yoongi.

"So this is the reason, you......our mochi, stops eating healthy food."

"Salad is healthy."

"Not the point."

Jimin pouted literally pouted and slumped into the couch. Chewing on lettuce leaves and making grumbling noises. Yoongi sighed and wiped his face in frustration. Nudging his foot to move, he sat beside Jimin.

"Why do you believe such stuff?" He knew that Minnie was sensitive to the topic of his weight gain and fans or anti-fans, whatever they are; had to just say one word for Jimin to throw his self-esteem and confidence out of the window.

Jimin's fatty cheeks.

He's gaining weight again.

He should think of other members too.

He is fat.

He is ugly and fat.

"Because they think I'm getting fat....."


"And I think that they are right about that...."


"And I need to get into shape or else I'll disturb the whole group and their hard work....."


"And I don't want that to happen just because I can't control my eating habits...."


"Hyuuuunnngggg." He whined and almost threw the bowl on the table.

"You don't believe me when I say that you look pretty amazing and are in good shape compared to me or Namjoon or Jin Hyung." He pressured the word YOU and ME.

"You....." the younger pursed his lips because of the glare that was forming in the cat eyes of his Hyung. After few beats, his shoulders slumped and he jut his bottom lip out.

"Your ways of comforting don't help at all, you know that?"

"I just know one thing and that is a good meal and we are getting one right now." Ignoring his excuses of weight gain and more practice, Yoongi pulled him towards the kitchen and took out his phone to order something.

That's how we care about the people we love and cherish. Sometimes, just talking doesn't solve all, and not all the time actions do good to others. But when you pressure someone nicely and help them out without them asking, it gives happiness and blooms love more.

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1.9M 83.6K 127
Maddison Sloan starts her residency at Seattle Grace Hospital and runs into old faces and new friends. "Ugh, men are idiots." OC x OC