Candle Flame (Touhou X Male R...

By unrelatedapterix

74.7K 1.7K 825

there once was a child born in a odd world called Gensokyo with powers that had yet to awaken but one day the... More

1. A train to Gensokyo
2. Trouble in the village
4. Fairies in the mountains
5. A lesson in lies
6. Nameless mist Incident
7. Hermit of the mountain
8. Moriya tournament
9. Dangers from the past
10. Dreams & Reality
11. Celestial misfortune
12. A new half
13. Bamboo Forest of the Lost
14. Bad to Worse
15. Scarlet calamity
16. Midnight Visitor
17. Moriya weather Incident (Part 1)
18. Moriya weather Incident (Part 2)
19. River of spirits
20. Moon Festival
21. Lunar prisoner
22. Depths of space
23. Land of the Backdoors
24. Unresolved emotions
25. Undetermined actions
26. Masked motives
27. Passive beliefs
28. Prelude to trouble
29. Final hours
30. Candle Flame

3. Old & New faces

4.8K 84 60
By unrelatedapterix

"I KNOW YOU, YOU'RE-!" the three of us yell in perfect unison as we point at each other unable to finish the sentence because there were simply no words that could describe the current situation and I could tell that they must have also remembered me and Before I knew it I was being hugged tightly by both of them as they were on the verge of crying.

"I missed you both too." I assured them as they finally back away a little after nearly hugging all the wind out of me.

"Where were you all this time Y/N, ze." Marisa asked as she wiped tears from her eyes.

"Its a long story but all I can say is I'm back for good." I said unsure of how I could explain the whole thing to them.

"Back for good?" Reimu asked as both of them gave me a confused look.

"Like I said it's a long story." I replied still thinking how I could explain it to them.

"Well we certainly don't have time for that right now." A voice spoke out from the hallway as a woman with a strange hat that resembled a building of sorts walked into the room.

"So you must be the one responsible for taking down the youkai, correct?" the voice asked expecting an answer as she stood by the door.

"Uhhh yes?" I replied still unsure if what I did was a good idea.

"Well if you don't mind, I have a couple of questions that need answers." The woman said in a serious tone and I could tell that she won't take no for an answer.

"Oh c'mon Keine, give em a break already, they just survived a youkai attack so what's there to ask." Marisa quickly interrupted before I could say anything but the look on the woman's face didn't change in the slightest from that response.

"Sorry but I can't do that, it's my responsibility that anyone involved in such disasters are to be questioned to avoid any unwanted "accidents" from occurring again." The woman explained to which Marisa turned her head away knowing that the woman was probably in the right. 

"Now if the two of you could cooperate with me on this and leave us for a moment, that would be appreciated." The woman spoke out to Reimu and Marisa and they seemed annoyed from the looks on their face but they ended up leaving the room along with the guard as the door closed shut behind them while the woman turned her attention back to me.

Keine:"Before we start I might as well introduce myself, my name is Keine Kamishiwara and I'm the guardian of this village." 

Y/N:"Nice to meet you... I think... My name Y/N."

"You're not from around here, are you Y/N?" Keine quickly asked as soon as I introduced myself and I could tell that she was referring to my appearance.

"Well I was born in Gensokyo but I moved out and I moved back recently." I explained hoping she would understand but it doesn't seem like it, just why does everyone treat what I say as if I came from space?

"So he's from the outside world... Does she have anything to do with this..." Keine mumbled to herself making some of what she was saying hard to hear. 

"So do you know why you're here, Y/N?" Keine asked as soon as she finished mumbling.

"I'm guessing it's something to do with that thing that attacked the village earlier?"

"Correst and that bring me to another question I have which is how exactly did you beat Rumia." Keine quickly spoke up 

"Well yes but I'm not sure what happened exactly, all I can say is she tried eating a child, I intervened, she attacked me, I fought back and then she started shooting something and I ended up beating her and that's the whole story in a nut shell." I answered leaving out the part with me shooting whatever those orbs were since it made the story sound far fetched besides who would buy into youkai and magic bullets for an explanation. 

Keine:"Interesting... Though I must inquire on why you decided to fight her instead of running away? Most would have ran away after seeing youkai, even some of the guards sadly."

Y/N:"I'm not sure. My body just acted on its own and I ended up getting the youkai's full attention though I didn't mean to fight it."

Keine:"That's certainly a rather unique situation to find yourself in. I'm not gonna keep you're friends waiting any longer though I still have 1 question left. Do you know how to use magic."

Y/N:"Magic? Nope, never did."

Keine:"Strange, Rumia mentioned that you fought her in a danmaku battle. I suppose that you might have no idea on that as well"

Y/N:"Not really, no."

Keine:" Very well then those were all the questions I had so you free to leave but before you do, You're always welcome in the village as long as you stay out of trouble and let the guards handle youkai attacks though I must apologize for them abandoning their duties and running away during the attack."


I got up off the chair and headed towards the door, somewhat relieved that all this is finally over but I was mainly looking forward to my reunion with Reimu and Marisa.

Keine:"Hold on, before you go I have a piece of important advice. Don't try to play the hero, it will only lead you to your grave early."

her voice sounded threatening and serious but she does have a point so taking her advice will definitely be best to follow after what I experienced.

Upon leaving the room the first thing I was greeted with was Marisa and Reimu waiting for me in the hallway.

Marisa:"Ya done chatting with Keine?"


Reimu:"Then let's get going, I know a good place for us to talk in without getting disturbed."

I nodded as the 3 of us continued walking and talking, catching up on everything.

Y/N:"So just what exactly is a youkai."

Marisa:"Oh it's simple, youkai are creatures different from humans like monsters, fairies, oni, gods in some cases and the list goes on and on, nothing special."

Y/N:"Sounds like you know a lot about youkai... wait did you say gods?"

Marisa"Well yeah me and Reimu exterminated a couple, surprised?"


Reimu:"It's nothing worth looking into, most gods are self absorbed and pray on people's misfortune and guide them to become a believer of theirs and are drained of faith as a result."

Y/N:"So basically a con artist?"

Reimu:"Kind of."

right after that we arrived at the bottom of a long set of stairs and after climbing them we reached a shrine of sorts."We're here." Reimu stated as we continued to approach the shrine until we were standing that the stairs to the shrine.

"So Y/N... where were you all these years?" Reimu asked as the 3 of us sat down on the stairs of the shrine.

"I'm not sure how to explain it so let me think, I lived in a city a good distance away from Gensokyo with my family but they never talked about it until now..."

--- Flash back ---

"wait what!" I asked in shock from what I just heard.

"I said that this was a perfect opportunity for you to start living alone." My mom repeated to which I wasn't sure how to feel about it.

"But I'm not even an adult yet and I'm suppose to move out? Where should I even go?" I asked with worry to which at that point my dad entered the room.

"You wont have to worry about that son, we already got it covered." My dad said joining in on the conversation.

"Do you remember Gensokyo?" My mom asked soon after.

"Well yeah but you never wanna talk about it..." I said as my voice slowly went silent from the realization of where this was going.

"Well we've been thinking and we decided that its best that you get to live on your in our old family home if it's still one one piece that is." My dad said as he started chuckling to which I nervously laughed along with him.

Dad:"We know that you can take care of yourself but this could be a great kickstart into becoming fully independent." 

Y/N:"I understand but how am I suppose to find a job?"

Mom:"There's a village not too far away from our- your home, just head onto the main path near your home and you will eventually reach the village and there should we a lot of available jobs there."

Y/N:"Ok but I got 1 more question, how am I even suppose to get to Gensokyo let alone find the house."

Dad:"There's an old train station in the corner of the city, we already have you booked in for a trip to Gensokyo so you won't have to worry about getting any tickets and as for finding the house, we packed your bag with things you will need including a photo of how the house looks like so once you get off the train, just head straight forward until you reach a forest close to a place called the "youkai mountain" and the rest shouldn't be an issue." 

And with that all my questions were answered, I never had a problem living alone since my parents came home late at night from work so I usually had to clean the house, look after my siblings and cook while they were gone so being independent wasn't much of problem for me but as for getting around to finding my house was a whole other story which I guess I will have to deal with on my own once I get around to it and the following day I would grab my bag and say my goodbyes before heading off to the train station.

"This is it." I said to myself as I stood at the entrance to the train station tunnel and upon entering I could already see that this place must have either been around for longer than me or it survived a battle since the walls were all cracked and the stairs seemed somewhat shattered as I walked down the tunnel but I wasn't aware of how bad of a condition the station was in until I reached the main area where people would usually wait for the train to arrive and once I got there the first thing that struck out to me was that there wasn't even a single person here, it felt abandoned which is the best way to describe the state this place was in since most if not all of the benches seemed to have been destroyed to some extent and most of the lights didn't work and the ones that did only flickered. As I worried that I may have entered the wrong train station, 1 of the cracked screens that was attached to a wall turned on with something written on it.

'Next stop : Gensokyo'

And before I knew it a train drove in through the train passage before immediately stopping to open its door and after entering I noticed the terrible condition of the train, the windows were nearly fully boarded up, the lights didn't seem to be working and the train itself was just a mess that didn't seem to have been cleaned up in months. I sat down on the cleanest seat and as soon as I did the train door closed and I could hear the train starting to move as I took off my bag and opened it taking out 2 photos, 1 of my family and another of the house that I'm suppose to look for.

"This is gonna be a long ride..." I uttered out in silence knowing nobody will answer.

--- end of flash back ---

"And I guess that's all there was to it." I said while looking into the sky.

"So you got dropped off by a train? Does yuk-" Reimu said before getting rudely cut off mid sentence by Marisa.

"The real question that should be answered is how you beat Rumia, you didn't mentioned it in detail yet, ze." Marisa asked. 

"I'm not sure, it just happened during my fight with that thing... I just kept on running while she was chasing me and crashing into things and she eventually gave up allowing me to use that opportunity to catch her off guard and tie her up." I said mixing a little lie into it which didn't make it sound all that convincing but I was only doing this because I wasn't sure what I did exactly in the village and if I can even explain the real reason on how I beat her so for now I want to make sure for myself if I'm actually capable of doing it before announcing it publicly.

"That's the first time I heard something like this happening." Reimu commented though she didn't catch on to me lying.

"I got a question of my own, just what is a danmaku battle, that child that attacked the village mentioned it but they never explained what it was." I asked feeling like its something worth learning about.

"Oh right, well a danmaku battle is a non-lethal battle where a person would shoot large patterns of projectiles at once, in order to overwhelm the target by the sheer number of shots. It's a great way to balance out fights giving everyone equal chances of winning though you could still get damaged from it so it's best to dodge during a danmaku battle though you won't have to worry about it since I handle most youkai exterminations." Reimu explained to which it sounded pretty straight forward and understandable.

"huh, That explains it all then." I replied with ease knowing that things aren't as grim as I expected them to be though I'm still having some trouble grasping the fact that magic and youkai are more than just myths.

"You know what would be fun, ze." Marisa said changing the subject.

"What?" both me and Reimu asked.

"If the three of us visited the scarlet devil mansion!" Marisa suggested with a glint in her eyes.

"This doesn't sound like a good idea, that place is way too dangerous for Y/N and I'm guessing the only reason you want us to go there is so you can steal more books." Reimu argued and hearing didn't seem to shock me much since I remember Marisa being called a thief by other kids when we were little. 

"No I won't! At best I'm only borrowing them until I'm gone, ze." Marisa replied but Reimu still didn't seem pleased with that answer.

"Besides Y/N will be under our watch so whats the worst that could happen." Marisa said determined to win this argument and Reimu knew this, eventually giving in knowing full well that Marisa won't give up.

"Fine but Y/N, try not getting into trouble like a certain person here." Reimu said turning to me while point at Marisa.

"With friends like these...." Marisa said with a sarcastic tone towards Reimu.

"That's my line." Reimu replied which Marisa just smirked at before we set out and as we did I tossed a coin in the donation box and though nobody saw it, I could see Reimu put on a small smile as soon as the coin bounced inside of the box.

While walking, the three of us started chatting about our childhood as well as major events that happened after I left Gensokyo and before we knew it the sun was already setting we reached the front of a mansion.

"This is it." Reimu said while looking up at the front of the mansion as we walked past a guard who was dead asleep and the gate as we stood at the front of the mansion door and before we could knock the doors swung open and peering inside I could see a maid with silver white hair standing on top of the stairs in the hallway looking down at us.

"What business do you have with the scarlet devil mansion?" The maid asked with a somewhat emotionless face as her eyes were dead set on Marisa and Reimu.

"We just came to talk to Remilia, is she here?" Reimu asked to which the maid looked away for a moment to think.

"Yes, Ojou-sama is here but she is busy at the moment." The maid replied and as soon she said that another voice could be heard approaching from 1 of the corridors.

"Who is it, sakuya?" A voice called out and soon after a child with bat wings walked out from the right corridor and onto the main hall. 

"Its the shrine maiden and her friends, Ojou-sama." The maid responded to the child before the she looked at us.

"Ah Reimu, what brings you to the scarlet devil mansion at this time of day?" The child asked as she started walking down the stairs with the maid following close.

"Come in, we can talk in the library but before we do may I ask who this is." The child said before any of us could answer to her earlier question, and she pointed towards me.

"That's Y/N, he came to Gensokyo recently and we wanted to show him around, ze." Marisa answered.

"I see, well it'd be best I introduce myself then, my name is Remilia Scarlet, the owner of this mansion." Remilia exclaimed "And this here is my elegant head maid, Sakuya Izayoi." As soon as she said that the maid bowed her head slightly.

"It is an honor to meet you miss Remilia, miss Sakuya." I replied as I bowed my head down to which child seemed surprised to hear that while the maid blushed and turned her head away to hide it. Knowing how people who live in mansions usually are, the best way to really talk to them is with manners.

"My, at least someone from your bunch has manners Reimu." Remilia joked.

"Well shall we get a move on then?" Remilia asked as both she and sakuya began walking away with us following and as we walked I could hear Remilia whisper something to her maid until they stopped whispering to each other once we were standing in the entrance to what I'm guessing is the library and once we entered we found ourselves in a large maze of book shelfs filled completely with books and someone sitting and reading in an open space and another person with wings on their head putting books on a bookshelf.

"That's Patchouli Knowledge, shes the mansion's librarian and the person putting books away is Koakuma, Patchy's servant." After the brief introduction Remilia seated herself at a table before requesting that our trio also take a seat.

"Sakuya could you bring us tea?" Remilia requested to which the maid nodded before walking off.

Remilia then started chatting to Reimu as Marisa slowly got up and snuck away into the library before getting stopped by Patchouli.

"Don't you even think about stealing any of my books." Patchouli protested as she blocked Marisa, preventing her from going any further into the library.

"This is gonna end badly." Reimu sighed as she looked away as if she was expecting this to happen.

"Oh c'mon I was just planning on having a quick look and I don't steal books, I just borrow them until I'm dead, see that means I will eventually return them so you can't call that stealing now can you, ze." Marisa replied with pride in her logic to which I cant even describe why that's wrong on so many levels.

"Yes, it is stealing so don't you even dare think about taking a book." Patchouli threated Marisa to which Marisa didn't seem to care and I could already tell where this was heading.

"If it's a danmaku battle you're looking for then your in luck! Let's take this higher up so the audience doesn't get hurt, ze." Marisa said as she got onto her broom and began flying up along with patchouli and the next thing I knew, a bunch of magic bullet begun flying in every direction along with stars to somewhat accompany them and I gotta say the sight looks beautiful at least until you remember their purpose and what will happen if one hits you and the battle kept escalating from there with most attacks flying off course and hitting bookshelves and other things in the liberary.


Patchouli:"ROYAL FLARE!"

Those words echoed through the library as they were followed by a massive blast occurring in the sky and even then that didn't seem to be the end of the battle as they continued barraging each other with large amounts of projectiles to which I was speechless at what I was witnessing.

"Uhhh, Shouldn't we try to stop them?" I asked with growing concern of the battle spiraling out of control.

Reimu:"You can try but there's no point Y/N, it's best to ignore it."

Remilia:"I must ask Reimu. How long have you known Y/N for, I certainly can't recall you ever mentioning him."

Reimu:"I knew Y/N since I was a kid, he was 1 of the earliest friends I had but I guess there was never a need for me to mention him."

Remilia:"Interesting, and I must guess that you two are dating?"

Reimu:"W-W-WHAT? NO!"

Remilia:"Awww, you two would look so good as a couple. Oh well I guess Y/N is just too cute for you, Reimu."

Remilia's teasing got to a point where Reimu's face was redder than a tomato either from embarrassment or from anger and Remilia just kept teasing her further until Reimu got close enough to her to whisper something to her but I could still hear them clear as day.

Reimu:"I swear I'm gonna kill you after this!"

Remilia:"Very well I'll stop because you asked so nicely. Now then, Y/N I must ask, just what kind of magic are you capable of?"

Y/N:"Magic? N-Nope don't have any I'm just an ordinary human..."

I could tell she was onto me from the look in her eyes so I doubt that making blatant lies for much longer will work but I don't think an honest answer will be any more believable.

Remilia:"An ordinary human you say? Well that's to be expected since you were in the outside world so you wouldn't know much about magic then. Now, I wonder what's taking Sakuya so long... oh I got an idea! How about a short tour around the mansion, Sakuya will find us when the tea is ready." 

The idea sounded like a perfect excuse to leave the library to avoid getting shot by 1 of the projectiles going off course so me and Reimu agreed to go with her.

 After leaving the library which now had become somewhat of a battle field, we walked from hallway to hallway which felt as if we were in a maze as we passed paintings and statues with Remilia pridefully discussing her past and how she was the strongest vampire to have ever existed for over 500 years which explained her wings but I still had some doubts about her and what she was saying, she also went on talking about some her battles and how she never shown any mercy to those she defeated which felt far fetched but still somewhat unnerving nonetheless though I tried not showing it since I could tell that this is what she wants from the growing smirk on her face that kept growing each time I shown myself feeling uncomfortable.

Remilia:"so Y/N what do you think?"

Y/N:"Sounds like you sure had an interesting past..."

Remilia:"Well yes that would be obvious for someone who holds the Scarlet title in their name."

Reimu:"And yet you went off and starting causing an incident the moment you arrived in Gensokyo."

Remilia seemed somewhat annoyed the moment Reimu mentioned that, stopping in the middle of the corridor.

Remilia:"Ah yes how could I forget about that little misunderstanding."

Remilia sighed without looking back at us as she continued walking with us following.

Reimu:"Hey, don't downplay it to just being a misunderstanding!"

Y/N:"Just what did happen back then?"

Reimu:"well in short, they covered Gensokyo in scarlet colored mist which led to the sun being blocked and I along with Marisa, managed to put a stop to it."

Remilia:"Yes, that about covers the whole story. Now then, Reimu may I speak to you in private, I have an important proposition for you."

Reimu:"What about Y/N? who knows what will happen if we leave him behind."

"Oh don't worry, the fairy maids will bring him back to the library once the battle is over." Remilia assured Reimu and though Reimu looked somewhat skeptical, she ended up sighing in as both her and Remilia continued walking down the hallway before they turned the corner and out of my sight and with that I ended up being alone in a mansion that belongs to a blood thirsty vampire, in a world filled with youkai and magic, just what could go wrong?

"A new playmate!" A voice screams in enthusiasm as the candles that were attached to chandeliers in the hallway began to flicker and weaken dimming the hallway which made things unsettling as I looked behind me to the other side of the hallway just to be met by a girl with blonde hair and a strange pair of wooden wings (?) with colored crystals attached onto them that look like a strange fashion choice rather then something used for flying.

???:"Sis didn't say that she was bringing a new human!"

Y/N:"uhh... hi?"

???:"Do you wanna play with me!?"

Y/N:"Wait, hold on. I don't even know who you are."

???:"OK, I'll introduce myself then! my name is Flandre Scarlet, now let's play!"

Y/N:"Scarlet huh? Remilia never mentioned that she had a sister... hmmm, I guess I got some free time on my hands so exactly do you want to play-"

Before I could even finish, a sphere shot out towards me missing only by an inch from my face and I didn't need an answer from her to understand what she wanted to play.

Y/N:"Yeah no, I just remembered that I didn't sign up for baby sitting let alone this!"

If she is Remilia's sister from what her name suggests then fighting her head on is a suicide mission so I started running as bullets began passing by me though none of them seemed to be directly aimed at me either because she wants me to run or her aim is just that bad and whichever it was, this definitely didn't seem like a danmaku battle so I am definitely not gonna stick around to play.

I continued fleeing for my life running from hallway to hallway with Flandre chasing after me and no matter how much I ran she would always catch up to me eventually just for me to turn the corner at the last second and the cycle would repeat itself.

I can't repeat whatever I did from when I fought that youkai in the village either since it's not something I can control let alone explain and trying to rely on it somehow happening now will definitely get me killed so my next best option is to hide and gladly for me, I had the perfect spot behind one of the hallway pillars but first I would need to loose Flandre so she can't find out where I will hide and I had the perfect plan on loosing her.

The moment I turned the corner once again I stopped running and surely enough Flandre wasn't expecting that I would stop running so suddenly, this trick always worked on my siblings when we played tag and sure enough, Flandre ended up flying past me giving me the time needed to get back to the previous hallway to hide behind one of the many pillars and soon after I did I could hear what I'm guessing is Flandre slowly approach the hallway I was hiding in.

Flandre:"Come out, come out wherever you are."

I could hear her voice though I wasn't sure if she was getting tired of looking for me or not but 1 thing was for certain and it was that she is close to me and it was hard to tell if she figured out where I was hiding but I held my breath either way so she couldn't hear me but I wouldn't be surprised if she still found me since my heart was racing with fear and while that was happening I started feeling unusual, just like in the human village.

I looked down at my hand to witness a glow of a fire like energy ball forming above it and that's when I decided to use it as the perfect opportunity to retaliate rather than wait for her to find me. jumping out from behind the pillar I shot the energy ball before shouting.


The energy ball ended up being a direct hit on her back creating a small puff of smoke though the effects of my surprise attack were short lived however as the smoke quickly vanished revealing that she received little to no damage as she looked back at me with a devilish yet playful grin plastered on her face as she began firing waves of pellets and differently colored spheres at me to which I started avoided them while trying to not get overwhelmed with the amount of bullets flying everywhere.

This was becoming too much for me to handle and I quickly started to loose my balance from the little amount of space I had to move around in and as whatever I felt moments ago vanished once again and the bullets started to getting closer and closer to hitting me but then a voice interrupts the fight and as I look back I could see the maid that assisted Remilia earlier.

Sakuya:"That is enough imouto-sama!"

Flandre:"Huh? Why, I'm just playing with my new playmate."

sakuya:"He's a guest not your toy now please return back to your room, I'll bring you a proper set of toys as soon as I can"

As soon as Sakuya said that the hallway was filled with nothing but piercing silence from how serious she was and the quiet yet protesting stare Flandre was giving her.

flandre:"Fine, your no fun Sakuya.... Lets play again another time!"

And with that she flew away while grumble something about the maid.

Sakuya:"I'm sorry for Imouto-sama's actions, she tends to overreact with excitement when we have visitors in the mansion, she's usually very docile at least once you get to know her."

Y/N:"O-oh, it's fine though I sincerely thank you for saving me."

Sakuya:"Now then, it would be best to return to everyone else."

I shook my head in agreement as both of us began walking through the maze like hallways which were now somewhat damaged from Flandre's attacks.

Y/N:"Miss Sakuya, If  you don't mind me asking but why does Flandre act this way?"

I wasn't sure why I asked this but it just felt right to ask whether it was to make some small talk or just genuine curiosity for her actions.

Sakuya:"Imouto-sama spends most of her time locked in her room, but I have no clue how she managed to escape."

Y/N:"Locked...? Don't you think that's the reason why she could be acting this way? Because she wants to use her freedom in whatever way she can before she is forced back to being locked away. Who's idea was this in the first place to have her locked away rather then seeing a therapist or something."

Sakuya:"I have no knowledge of what a therapist is but as for Imouto-sama being locked, we do that for the sole reason to keep everyone safe from her destructive nature, perhaps someday when she grows up, she will be given the freedom to do whatever she desires but for now this is the best course of action to prevent chaos from occurring."

I felt sorry for Flandre after what Sakuya said even if Flandre was a vampire that was out to kill for the sole reason of enjoying it but it still sounded like she is be held captive by her own family unable to interact with others let alone gain any proper social skills and to top it off I can't even imagine her mental state right now but for my own safety I best not get emotional over it, after all she didn't seem to have too much of an issue with being told to go back.

As we were about to start looking for Reimu and Remilia we heard a voice complain and another one getting annoyed and I could instantly tell who the voices belonged to.

???:"This isn't fair! You didn't even give it a moment to think through!"

???:"I said no, now let go of my leg!"

As we walk around the corner we could see Reimu trying to walk while Remilia was clinging onto her leg and getting dragged around on the floor in the process and seeing all this take place made me want to burst out laughing for many reasons with the main one being that despite Remilia having a lot of pride in the things she did in the past, she still acts like a child.

Reimu:"You kept me waiting for 20 minutes just so you could return to ask me to work for you, what's there to think about, the answer is no now let go!"

Remilia was about to continue whining until she noticed both me and Sakuya watching the whole thing unfold to which she quickly reacted by standing up and dusting herself off.

remilia:"Very well Reimu, you win but just so you know your making a big mistake for passing up this opportunity.

Reimu:"Yeah sure, whatever. Let's go Y/N there's no point in staying here any longer.

As we started walking we ended up bumping into Marisa who was holding a couple of books.

Marisa:"Where'd you guys go, ze."

Reimu:"A little tour around this maze of a mansion and wasting alot of time."

marisa:"Should have stayed and watch me beat patchy then, ze."

Reimu:"Let's just go now that we've done everything we needed to."

With that we ended up leaving the mansion and we said our goodbyes to each other as both Reimu and Marisa flew away in separate direction which will take me a bit to get used to but I was more tired than anything to care right now so I started making my way home.

--- Remilia POV ---

After the trio had left the mansion all I could do was let out a sigh as I looked back at Sakuya who was standing behind me.

Remilia:"Is Flandre back in her room?"

Sakuya:"Yes Ojou-sama but may I ask why you wanted to release your sister in the first place?"

Remilia:"well I guess it won't hurt to explain now that they are gone, Sakuya do you know what fate is."

Sakuya:"I do believe so."

Remilia:"Good, there are many methods to predict fate but the best way is through battle so I needed you to let out Flandre and so she would go look for anyone to play with in the mansion in hopes that she would end up finding him while I dropped off the shrine maiden in a room so I could observe their interaction without her intervening though I myself wasn't fond of using my sister as a pawn in all this but you could say my curiosity got the better of me and from what I saw, that human... what was his name again?"


Remilia:" Ah yes, Y/N. There's more to him than he let's on and something about him... no, his fate seemed to be clouded in mystery and if what he shown in battle was truly everything he's capable of then he is bound to meet a grim ending the next six days but now we know that he is capable of magic despite the lie he told me earlier but even so it also marks him as nothing for us to worry about if we were to go against him in battle but even then it felt like I was missing something important about him so it's best we keep an eye on him our self just in case... Now then let's check up on patchy."

sakuya:"Right, Ojou-sama."

we started to make our way down the hallway before I stopped.

remilia:"Oh and before I forget, Sakuya."

sakuya:"yes Ojou-sama?"

remilia:"I was only pretending to want Reimu to accept my offer so I could buy us time to let Flandre leave without anyone noticing since who knows what would happen if that shrine maiden found out what happened here."

With that said I resumed my walk to the library with Sakuya following me somewhat relieved that I wasn't actually gonna hire that shrine maiden though I may have taken that miko's blunt rejection too seriously and lost control which I couldn't bring myself to admit to but that's behind me now.

--- ??? pov ---

???:"It would appear that all the pawns have been set into motion just as planned."

???:"Indeed but why are you going through all this just for 1 human? It feels out of character for you to be doing all this."

???:"Come now, helping them is only a small role in the benefits I could receive if the end results are as I expect them to be so don't let their appearance fool you, though he might seem helpless right now but that human is certainly not what you might take him for being and with time the thing that makes him unique right now will certainly make a spectacular debut soon."

???:"Very well though I still don't understand something..."

???:"Oh and what may that be?"

???:"Why go through all this trouble of bringing them here on a train, clearing their path home from any youkai and getting a youkai to attack the human village. Doesn't all that seem complicated compared to meeting to them directly and explaining everything to them and saving the hassle setting up all these complicated obstacles?"

???:"Perhaps but I don't want to reveal myself as the puppet master just yet instead I'll continue to orchestrate this from the shadows because well... It's fun to watch. Now then I need to set up 1 more chess piece for that human later but for now I will let him have some time to adjust to Gensokyo."

???:"If you say so, Yukari-sama." 

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